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  • 1.1. Resting metabolic rates (RMR) below thermoneutrality in adult hyrax acclimated to 26, 15 and 10°C remained unchanged, i.e. thermal conductance (K) remained constant.
  • 2.2. Conductance in juveniles decreased with acclimation to lower ambient temperatures (Ta).
  • 3.3. Body temperature (Tb) dropped by 3.8°C in adults exposed to Ta of 30 – 5°C. The decrease was constant.
  • 4.4. Body temperature fell by 1.5°C in juveniles exposed to Ta of 30 – 20°C but stabilized between 20 and 5°C.
  • 5.5. The labile Tb, associated with behavioural strategies and lower than predicted RMR, can be seen as an energy-conserving mechanism of particular importance during winter conditions.

In pregnant rock hyraxes isolated leucocytes metabolise both [3H]pregnenolone and [3H]progesterone while whole blood, erythrocytes and an erythrocyte/leucocyte mixture only metabolised [3H]progesterone. Plasma displayed no tendency to metabolically convert any one of these two steroids. In whole blood [3H]progesterone appears to be converted to 5alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione and a compound with chromatographic properties similar to that of 5alpha-pregnan-3alpha-ol-20-one. 5Alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione exhibited a high relative binding affinity for the uterine progesterone eceptor (94%), but 5alpha-pregnan-3alpha-ol-20-one displayed very little affinity for the same receptor (0.4%). 5Alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione may therefore aid in the maintenance of pregnancy. Corpora lutea metabolised progesterone to 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, a compound exhibiting no progestational function because of its low relative binding affinity for the uterine progesterone receptor (2%). Progesterone appears to be the main product of the corpus luteum. However, 5alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione circulated at concentrations approximately 8.5 times higher than progesterone, probably due to the metabolic conversion of progesterone to 5alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione by the blood. We conclude that in the hyrax progesterone, produced by the corpora lutea, enters the circulation, where it is reduced to 5alpha-pregnanes. 5Alpha-pregane-3,20-dione may then be transported to the uterus where it binds to the progesterone receptor to assist in the maintenance of pregnancy. This mechanism appears to be analogous to that of the African elephant which is phylogenetically related to the hyrax, except that in the elephant the 5alpha-reduced metabolites are produced by luteal tissue and not the blood.  相似文献   

Restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used to evaluate geographic population genetic structure in the rock hyrax, Procavia capensis, a species which occurs widely, though restricted to rocky habitat, throughout South Africa. Ten restriction endonucleases were employed to assay mtDNAs from 55 specimens representing 10 localities. Haplotypes showed strong geographic patterning, and estimates of nucleotide sequence divergence indicate two major clades thought to be dispersing along separate routes. The divergence time of approximately 2 Myr between clades is relatively high for intraspecific variation. We speculate that the marked genetic break distinguishing the northwestern populations from those constituting the south/central clade may be indicative of two species in what has conventionally been regarded as P. capensis.  相似文献   

Size variation of the skull of the rock hyrax, Procavia capensis , in southern Africa was related to several temperature parameters. All the four skull parameters examined were significantly correlated with temperature. The highest correlation was with the mean maximal temperature and the lowest with temperatures of the coldest month (July). These results are interpreted that the rock hyrax adapted morphologically to high temperatures, but avoids exposure to low temperatures by behavioural mechanisms such as hiding in caves.  相似文献   

Daníile  Steyn  J. Hanks 《Journal of Zoology》1983,201(2):247-257
The use of eye lens weight, tooth eruption and tooth attrition has been investigated as a method for age determination in the hyrax. Illustrations are presented on the stages of eruption to reduce subjectivity of eruption criteria and to aid age determination. All teeth are fully erupted and in wear by five years of age, from which point age determination can be based on attrition of M3. Growth with age is described by means of the von Bertalanffy equation. Asymptotic weight is reached by 60 months, asymptotic body length and body girth by 40 months, and hindfoot length by 35 months. The asymptotes and the coefficient of catabolism (K) are compared with values obtained in other studies.  相似文献   

Semi-thin plastic sections reveal that the carotid baroreceptor region in the rock hyrax comprising the origin of the internal carotid artery has a preponderantly elastic structure and a thick tunica adventitia. In contrast, the common carotid artery has a musculoelastic structure, whereas the cranial segment of the internal carotid artery (immediately distal to the baroreceptor areas) shows the features of a muscular artery. Electron microscopy discloses the presence of sensory nerve endings within the parts of the tunica adventitia adjoining the preponderantly elastic zone of the internal carotid artery. These nerve endings are characterized by varicose regions containing a large quantity of mitochondria. Bundles of collagen fibers in the tunica adventitia form convolutions or whorls around the nerve terminals and often terminate on the surface of the elastic fibers or into the basement membranes of the neuronal profiles. The large content of elastic tissue in the tunica media of the baroreceptor region may render the vessel wall highly distensible to intraluminal pressure changes. This, in turn, would facilitate the transmission of the stimulus intensity to the sensory nerve terminals located in the tunica adventitia. It is suggested that the stretching of elastic fibers may form the main mechanical event leading to the distortion of the associated nerve terminals. However, a change in the geometrical configuration of the bundles of collagen under the influence of the elastic fibers may provide a better insight into the mechanisms of distortion of the baroreceptors related to and/or in contact with collagen fibers.  相似文献   

The male genitalia of the rock hyrax (Procavia and Heterohyrax) are described. Features of the gross anatomy and histology of the testes and male accessory organs are presented, and comparison is made between the sexually active and sexually quiescent animal.
Microscopical observations have revealed the main area of storage of spermatozoa in this mammal and partly on these grounds, a new nomenclature for different parts of the reproductive system is proposed. Seasonal variations in male sexual activity in these mammals are also discussed, in addition to anatomical considerations.  相似文献   

While anthropogenic land‐use changes threaten wildlife globally, some species take advantage of such changes and disperse into urban areas. The wildlife in urban areas often promotes conflicts with humans, notably when the animals are associated with the spread of zoonotic diseases. In Israel, current urban invasion of rock hyraxes (Procavia capensis) draws public attention, since the species is a reservoir host of cutaneous leishmaniasis, a serious skin disease. The rock hyrax, however, has seldom been studied in densely populated areas, and the drivers for its urban expansion, as well as its abilities to live and spread in core urban areas, are relatively unknown. Here, we explore the rock hyrax expansion to urban areas process by examining the availability, characteristics and use of shelter along an urban gradient. Our findings suggest that a series of factors determines shelter availability and quality for the rock hyrax, which facilitates its dispersion across the urban gradient. We found that rock hyraxes from the Judean Desert expand to the peri‐urban region of Jerusalem by colonizing new rocky shelters formed as by‐products of urban development. With their populations reaching extreme densities in this area and saturating the available shelters, there is some spill over to the adjacent core urban areas where they colonize littered sites, which are made available due to the local socio‐economic conditions and cultural norms of waste disposal and illegal placement of temporary structures. Our work emphasizes the significance of the urban gradient approach for studying the mechanisms promoting wildlife expansion to cities. Our findings suggest that changes in shelter availability and quality due to urban development, and cultural norms promote shifts of the hyrax population by pushing from the already established areas and pulling into new environment across the urban gradient.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Aspects of ruminant-like metabolism were examined in the hyrax Procavia capensis.
  • 2.2. High concentrations of volatile fatty acids occurred in the cardiac stomach with a predominance of acetic and lactic acids.
  • 3.3. Acetic (69%), propionic (22%) and butyric (8%) acids occurred in highest concentrations in the proximal caecum, with appreciable amounts in the proximal colon, distal caecum and appendices.
  • 4.4. The depot fat contained high proportions of unsaturated C18 (linoleic and linolenic) acids.
  • 5.5. The glucose level in the plasma was within the range established for non-ruminant herbivores.
  • 6.6. The possibility of silage-like fermentation occurring in the cardiac stomach is discussed.

The stomach of the rock hyrax (Procavia habessinica) is divided into a non glandular part with very slow movements, and a glandular part which rapidly mix the digesta. The large intestine has two fermentation chambers, the caecum, which rapidly mixes the digesta, and the colonie sac, which efficiently, but slowly, mixes digesta. Between these chambers runs the connecting colon. No retrograde transport is observed in any part of the large intestine.  相似文献   

Individuals select for habitats at different scales. Can a species’ response to different spatial and temporal heterogeneities be placed in a common currency? Is it possible to rank the relative importance of different habitat features on the organism's behavior and ecology? Do the effects of different spatial and temporal heterogeneities interact in predictable ways? To address these questions, we quantified hyrax habitat use at a series of rocky outcrops (koppies) and an isolated gorge in Augrabies Falls National Park, South Africa. We measured the hyraxes’ perceptions of feeding opportunities and costs using giving‐up densities (GUDs) within experimental food patches. At very small spatial scales (2–3 m), we tested whether hyraxes have lower GUDs under cover (shrubs or rocks) or 2–3 m away in the open. Hyraxes valued cover highly, consistently showing lower GUDs in cover microhabitats. This preference did not result from differences in energetic costs, as hyraxes did not track sun in winter or shade in summer. At moderate spatial scales (10–80 m), we tested whether hyraxes act as central place foragers with lower GUDs closer to their dens. GUDs increased with increasing distance to dens at four koppies, but not at the gorge. At larger spatial scales, preferences differed between colonies based on differences in habitat structure, with hyraxes on similar structures (koppies) behaving similarly. We evaluated how foraging costs varied with temporal heterogeneity within the day, among days, and among seasons. Hyraxes showed their lowest GUDs in the early mornings and late afternoons. Hyraxes shifted foraging locations among days, which may result from sentinels shifting location on consecutive days and/or hyraxes managing their food. Differences between GUDs during the various sample periods were not seasonally correlated. We conclude that spatial and temporal habitat utilization by hyraxes may be driven more by predation risk rather than other costs.  相似文献   

The chromatography of the hemoglobin of the rock hyrax (Procavia habessinica) gives two components (73% HbI and 27% HbII). The amino-acid analysis and the sequences of the globin chains elucidated with the phenylthiohydantoin method, did not show any differences between the alpha I and alpha II or beta I and beta II chains, respectively. The different chromatographical behaviour cannot be explained. After chain separation by chromatography on CM-52 cellulose, all four primary structures were elucidated automatically in a sequenator on the chains and the tryptic peptides. In 20% of the beta I chains the N-terminal valine was blocked by acetyl. The alignment was performed by homology with the chains of human adult hemoglobin. The alpha chain of the rock hyrax has 142 amino-acid residues, i.e. one residue more than normal mammalian alpha chains, caused by an insertion of glutamine in the GH region supposed between positions 115 and 116. A comparison of human and hyrax hemoglobins shows an exchange of 21 amino-acid residues in the alpha chains and of 24 in the beta chains. Some substitutions in alpha 1 beta 1 contacts and in the surrounding of the heme are not supposed to effect the function of the hemoglobin. The phylogenetic relationship between the rock hyrax and the Indian elephant (Elephas maximus) on the one hand and with some Perissodactyla on the other, is discussed. Up to now the exchanges of alpha 110(G17)Ala leads to Ser and beta 56(D7)Gly leads to His have only been found in hyrax and elephant. This indicates a certain relationship between Hyracoidea and Proboscidea.  相似文献   

The superfamily Cosmocercoidea comprises three families: Cosmocericidae, Kathlaniidae and Atractidae. Information on the nucleotide sequences of the Cosmocercoidea is quite limited, and the molecular classification of the whole superfamily has been slow to progress. The genus Grassenema of the family Atractidae is a parasitic nematode group that occurs in the digestive tract of hyraxes and includes three species: Grassenema procaviae, G. dendrohyraci, and G. hyracis. The type species of the genus, G. procaviae, was isolated from the digestive tract of Cape hyraxes (Procavia capensis) and has the potential to cause gastric ulcers. Although G. procaviae is a common parasite of Cape hyraxes, no genetic information for the parasite is currently available. In this study, we obtained the first genomic sequences of G. procaviae and performed detailed morphological observations. Furthermore, molecular phylogenetic analysis was performed, and the taxonomic position of the parasite was evaluated using 18S and 28S rDNA sequences. Those data will be useful for molecular identification of G. procaviae and future phylogenetic analysis within the Atractidae.  相似文献   

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