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After proposing the organizational hypothesis from research in prenatally androgenized guinea pigs (Phoenix, C.H., Goy, R.W., Gerall, A.A., Young, W.C., 1959. Organizational action of prenatally administered testosterone propionate on the tissues mediating mating behavior in the female guinea pig. Endocrinology 65, 369–382.), the same authors almost immediately extended the hypothesis to a nonhuman primate model, the rhesus monkey. Studies over the last 50 years have verified that prenatal androgens have permanent effects in rhesus monkeys on the neural circuits that underlie sexually dimorphic behaviors. These behaviors include both sexual and social behaviors, all of which are also influenced by social experience. Many juvenile behaviors such as play, mounting, and vocal behaviors are masculinized and/or defeminized, and aspects of adult sexual behavior are both masculinized (e.g. approaches, sex contacts, and mounts) and defeminized (e.g. sexual solicits). Different behavioral endpoints have different periods of maximal susceptibility to the organizing actions of prenatal androgens. Aromatization is not important, as both testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are equally effective in rhesus monkeys. Although the full story of the effects of prenatal androgens on sexual and social behaviors in the rhesus monkey has not yet completely unfolded, much progress has been made. Amazingly, a large number of the inferences drawn from the original 1959 study have proved applicable to this nonhuman primate model.  相似文献   

Newborn female hamsters were treated with 0.1 or 1.0 ng of estradiol benzoate (EB), with 1.0 ng–2.0 μg of the synthetic estrogen RU-2858, or with 0.1 or 0.5 μg of the antiestrogen nafoxidine. When adult the animals were treated with EB and progesterone and tested for the display of lordosis and with testosterone propionate and tested for the display of mounting behavior. The EB doses used failed to alter sexual differentiation. RU-2858 masculinized and defeminized in a dose-dependent manner being most effective when given neonatally as two divided doses. Nafoxidine inhibited lordosis without enhancing mounting behavior. The findings support the hypothesis that estrogens may be involved in the normal sexual differentiation process.  相似文献   

The sexual behavior of five male rhesus monkeys was observed before, during, and after administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) sufficient to induce increases in serum testosterone. Each male was given 12 half-hour pair tests with an estrogen-implanted ovariectomized female during each of the three phases of the study (Pretreatment, Treatment, Post-treatment). Summaries of selected categories of sexual and other social behaviors were tabulated for each phase of the study. Grooming, mount latency, and ejaculation frequency, as well as other behavioral measures, were unaffected by hormone treatment. However, latency to ejaculation decreased by 40% (P < 0.01) and mount rate increased by 71% (P < 0.05) during hormone administration. Sexual presentations by the female decreased by 38% (P < 0.05). Limb shaking decreased 55% during HCG treatment (P < 0.05). These findings demonstrate that increases in testosterone secretion subsequent to gonadotrophin injection in intact male rhesus monkeys can produce significant alterations in male and female sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Testosterone, deoxycorticosterone, or vehicle was administered neonatally to female Long-Evans rats. Parameters expressing the reproductive physiology and behavior of the adult animals were studied. It was found that neonatal administration of testosterone produced the expected "defeminization" and "masculinization" of the brain, affecting both the reproductive behavior and cyclicity of these females. In contrast, neonatal administration of the adrenal steroid did not affect cyclicity although it "defeminized" and "masculinized" sexual behavior, albeit to a lesser degree than testosterone. The results suggest a dichotomy in the neuroregulation of reproductive physiology and sexual behavior.  相似文献   

In this work, we provide evidence based on direct observation of behavior in encounters of opposite-sexed strangers, that women initiate and “control” the outcome. In the first minute of these videotaped 10-min interactions, neither female “solicitation” behavior nor “negative” behavior is strongly related to professed interest in the man, while female “affirmative” behavior at this stage modulates male verbal output in later stages (4–10 min). Although the rate of female courtship-like behavior is significantly higher in the first minute, it is only in the fourth to tenth minute that the rate of female courtship-like behavior is correlated with professed female interest. We hypothesize that this serves as a strategic dynamic reflecting sexual asymmetry in parental investment and the potential cost of male deception to women. Ambiguous protean behavioral strategies veil individuals' intentions and make their future actions unpredictable. These behavioral strategies may result in men's overestimation of female sexual interest.  相似文献   

The process of sexual differentiation leaves genetically female individuals at risk of being masculinized by exogenous androgens. Previous research with sheep indicates that exposure to excess testosterone from Gestational Day (GD) 30 to GD 90 of the 147-day gestation masculinizes and defeminizes behavior as well as genitalia. Lower doses and shorter durations produce animals with varying degrees of genital virilization and alterations of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, but to our knowledge, the effects on complex behavior and its prediction by the amount of external virilization have not been explored. Previous research in rodents has suggested that sexual differentiation of the central nervous system and the external genitalia can be dissociated. Therefore, we hypothesized that the extent of virilization of external genitalia would not be predictive of the lack of female-typical, or the presence of male-typical, mating behavior. To test this hypothesis, we compared control females, females exposed to exogenous testosterone from GD 30 to GD 90 (T60 females) that have virilized genitalia, and females exposed to testosterone from GD 60 to GD 90 (T30 females) that have female-typical genitalia. Both natural behavioral estrus in the flock and hormonally controlled behavioral tests were used to explore reproductive behavior. The T60 and T30 females exhibited more masculinized reproductive behavior than the controls; however, the T30 females also exhibited feminine behavior. Neither testosterone-treated group was receptive or was mounted at rates comparable to those of controls. These data illustrate that variation in the timing or duration of exposure to prenatal testosterone during a critical period for masculinization can have variable effects on defeminization and that the effects of testosterone on genitalia are not entirely predictive of behavior.  相似文献   

Female zebra finches given estradiol benzoate (EB) as nestlings and testosterone propionate (TP) as adults show masculinized sexual partner preference, preferring females instead of males. This suggests an organizational effect of EB on sexual partner preference in a socially monogamous species that pairs for life. It is not known whether there is an activational hormone effect on sexual partner preference in this species, or whether adult testosterone treatment is necessary for masculinized preference to be expressed. In this experiment females were injected with EB daily for the first 2 weeks posthatching. As adults they were given TP filled or empty implants. Subjects were then given two-choice preference tests with male vs female stimuli, in which singing as well as proximity to the stimuli was recorded, followed by tests in a group aviary for social behavior and pairing preference. Females with TP implants sang more than females with empty implants and were more aggressive toward other females. They did not, however, differ from females with empty implants in any measure of sexual partner preference. Neither group showed a marked preference for males; instead both groups were equally interested in males and females. Thus adult testosterone treatment is not necessary for early estrogen treated females to show a shift in sexual partner preference in the male-typical direction.  相似文献   

The sexual interactions of 10 pairs of rhesus monkeys were observed during a control and an experimental menstrual cycle of each female. During the experimental cycle the females were treated with an antiandrogen, flutamide. Daily peripheral serum levels of estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone in each female were determined by radioimmunoassay. Sexual behavior did not correlate reliably with female serum concentrations of any hormone measured nor with the menstrual cycle stage. Administration of the antiandrogen to the females did not affect the sexual behavior of the pairs, although female serum levels of estradiol and testosterone were reduced. It was concluded that although female ovarian hormones may influence rhesus sexual interactions under some circumstances, the normal hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle need not regulate this behavior; a knowledge of an intact rhesus female's hormonal condition does not allow accurate predictions about behavior displayed during laboratory pair tests with a male.  相似文献   

Eight sexually experienced long-term ovariectomized female rhesus monkeys were given tests of sexual behavior following treatment with 19-hydroxytestosterone (19-OH-T, 1 mg/day for 13 days), and their performance was compared with that following treatment with estradiol benzoate (EB, 10 μg/day for 13 days). Each female was tested for 10 min with each of nine adult males. Blood samples were taken on the last day of treatment with EB, at the end of the intervening 3-month period of no treatment, and on the last day of treatment with 19-OH-T. Blood levels of testosterone and estradiol were quantified by radioimmunoassay. Mean rate of presenting at a distance (proceptive behavior) was significantly higher (P < 0.05) when they were treated with 19-OH-T, but the ratio of presents to male contacts (receptive behavior) was significantly higher (P <0.05) when they were treated with EB. All other components of female sexual behavior were the same. Males displayed fewer annoyance responses (rejecting jerk, P < 0.05) when the females were treated with 19-OH-T than when they were treated with EB. All other male responses occurred with the same frequencies under the two female treatment conditions. Injection of 19-OH-T and EB both resulted in plasma testosterone and estradiol levels higher than those found in the untreated condition. Testosterone levels did not differ under the two treatments (P > 0.05), but estradiol levels were higher under EB treatment than under 19-OH-T (P < 0.05). This study suggests that both testosterone and estradiol are essential for maximum sexual performance and that various components of sexual behavior may be differentially influenced by the ratio of testosterone to estradiol in plasma.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior in laboratory rats is influenced by a variety of factors in the perinatal environment. Male rats are masculinized and defeminized in response to circulating testosterone perinatally. Females undergo a process of feminization but in some cases are exposed to testosterone. Previous work has shown that during prenatal development female rats normally undergo a partial masculinization and defeminization of sexual behavior as reflected by altered responsiveness to gonadal hormones in adulthood. In the present study we investigated whether the maternal ovary influences adult females' responsiveness to gonadal hormones. Pregnant rats were ovariectomized on Day 10 of pregnancy and their offspring tested for sexual behavior in adulthood. Following ovariectomy pregnancies were maintained by administration of systemic progesterone. In addition the ovariectomized pregnant rats were given one of three daily treatments (Days 10-21): 0.2 microgram estradiol benzoate in sesame oil and 0.1 cc propylene glycol, 5 mg of the aromatase inhibitor 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD) in 0.1 cc propylene glycol, or 0.1 cc propylene glycol. A control group was generated from SHAM operated mothers given daily control injections of propylene glycol and sesame oil. Offspring were ovariectomized in adulthood and tested for display of feminine sexual behavior in response to estradiol benzoate and progesterone or estradiol benzoate alone. Masculine sexual behavior was measured in response to testosterone propionate (TP). Feminine sexual behavior was enhanced in offspring from ovariectomized mothers given only progesterone replacement during pregnancy. Offspring from mothers treated with ATD displayed the greatest elevations in feminine sexual behavior. Estradiol treatments of ovariectomized mothers prevented the increase in feminine potential seen in offspring in the other groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Endogenous testosterone levels were measured in association with sexual, aggressive, and social/affiliative behaviors in 11 outdoor-housed female rhesus monkeys over a ten-month period. Several behaviors (sex directed toward the male, sex received from the male, aggression directed toward the male, submission directed toward the male, submission directed toward the female, and groom another female) were significantly (p<0.05) positively correlated with testosterone in from one to five females. No trends were strong enough across all females to suggest that any of these correlations have species-wide significance. Factor analysis revealed clearcut clusters of behaviors, but elevations in testosterone were not strongly associated with any of these clusters. It is concluded that endogenous testosterone levels have little measurable effect on overt behavior in female rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

Gonadal hormones regulate the ability to copulate in most mammalian species, but not in primates because copulatory ability has been emancipated from hormonal control. Instead, gonadal hormones primarily influence sexual motivation. This separation of mating ability from hormonally modulated mating interest allows social experience and context to powerfully influence the expression of sexual behavior in nonhuman primates, both developmentally and in adulthood. For example, male rhesus monkeys mount males and females equally as juveniles, but mount females almost exclusively as adults. Having ejaculated with a female better predicted this transition to female mounting partners than did increased pubertal testosterone (T). It is proposed that increased pubertal T stimulates male sexual motivation, increasing the male's probability of sexual experience with females, ultimately producing a sexual preference for females. Eliminating T in adulthood reduces male sexual motivation in both humans and rhesus monkeys, but does not eliminate the capacity to engage in sex. In male rhesus monkeys the effects of reduced androgens on sexual behavior vary with social status and sexual experience. Human sexual behavior also varies with hormonal state, social context, and cultural conventions. Ovarian hormones influence female sexual desire, but the specific sexual behaviors engaged in are affected by perceived pregnancy risk, suggesting that cognition plays an important role in human sexual behavior. How the physical capacity to mate became emancipated from hormonal regulation in primates is not understood. This emancipation, however, increases the importance of motivational systems and results in primate sexual behavior being strongly influenced by social context.  相似文献   

Progesterone has two types of inhibitory effects on female sexual behavior that have been well-documented in the guinea pig. The first occurs when high levels of progesterone are present around the start of the estrogen-priming process (“concurrent inhibition”). The second occurs immediately after the display of an estrogen-progesterone-induced period of estrous behavior (“sequential inhibition”). In the present set of experiments, we show that the rat, like the guinea pig, is capable of exhibiting both of these inhibitory effects of progesterone. However, rats require higher doses of progesterone than guinea pigs, at least for concurrent inhibition to be evident. In addition, we show that the dose of progesterone required in a single injection to produce concurrent inhibition is higher than the dose required to produce sequential inhibition in rats. A theory of how progesterone may be accomplishing its inhibitory effects on female sexual behavior in rodents is presented.  相似文献   

The morphology and behavior of female rodents is partially masculinized as a result of residence near males in the same uterine horn (Clemens effect). Two hypothetical mechanisms have been proposed to account for this effect. In the first hypothesis (“contiguity”) androgens secreted by males in utero are proposed to diffuse across the amniotic membrane, reaching adjacent fetuses. In the second hypothesis (“caudal male”) androgens are transported via the cervical-to-ovarian blood flow and may diffuse directly between closely apposed uterine veins and arteries. This study was designed to test directly which of these mechanisms appears more influential in masculinizing the morphology of female rats. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were decapitated early on Day 22 of gestation and pups were Caesarean delivered. Their anogenital distance and body weight were recorded, location in utero coded by means of footpad tatooing, and each litter fostered to a maternal female. Measurements were taken again when the animals were weaned. Statistical analysis revealed that the presence of one or more males caudal to a female in the uterine horn has a more critical influence on that female's morphology than contiguity per se. Such a mechanism may result in partial masculinization of dimorphic behaviors later in life.  相似文献   

A three-phase experiment manipulated sexual experience and hormone exposure (perinatally and in adulthood) in female rats housed individually from weaning so as to limit peripubertal social and sexual experience. Noncontact partner preference for a male or estrous female rat was measured both before and after sexual experience, first while rats were under the influence of circulating testosterone propionate (TP) and later after priming them with ovarian hormones (estradiol benzoate and progesterone; EB & P). When implanted with TP capsules and tested while sexually naive, all groups of female rats preferred females to males without differing statistically. However, following three sexual experience sessions with estrous females, differences emerged between the masculinized and control groups in the magnitude of their female-directed preference, with masculinized females demonstrating a significantly greater preference for estrous females. Sexual experience with male rats under EB & P did not result in a significant shift in preference in any group. Histological assessment indicated that the volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (SDN-POA) was increased by exposure to TP postnatally, and SDN-POA volume correlated positively with partner preference scores but only when rats were both sexually experienced and exposed to circulating TP in adulthood. These results suggest that sexual experience interacts with steroid exposure to shape partner preference.  相似文献   

Newborn female hamsters were treated with 0.1 or 1.0 ng of estradiol benzoate (EB), with 1.0 ng–2.0 μg of the synthetic estrogen RU-2858, or with 0.1 or 0.5 μg of the antiestrogen nafoxidine. When adult the animals were treated with EB and progesterone and tested for the display of lordosis and with testosterone propionate and tested for the display of mounting behavior. The EB doses used failed to alter sexual differentiation. RU-2858 masculinized and defeminized in a dose-dependent manner being most effective when given neonatally as two divided doses. Nafoxidine inhibited lordosis without enhancing mounting behavior. The findings support the hypothesis that estrogens may be involved in the normal sexual differentiation process.  相似文献   

Daily administration over a period of 6 weeks of increasing doses of dexamethasone sodium phosphate (DEX) to seven long-term ovariectomized female stumptail monkeys significantly lowered circulating levels of testosterone without reducing any aspect of the females' sexual behavior or that of their male partners. Since treatment with DEX failed to suppress serum testosterone levels completely an additional experiment was performed in which the sexual behavior of five ovariectomized stumptails was compared before and after bilateral adrenalectomy, combined with chronic administration of both gluco- and mineralocorticoids. Serum levels of both testosterone and estradiol were reduced to very low levels in females after ovariectomy and adrenalectomy, yet no significant depression of females' sexual performance or that of their male partners occurred. Subsequent sc administration of estradiol or estradiol + testosterone in Silastic capsules to ovariectomized, adrenalectomized stumptails had little effect on sexual interaction. In a third experiment five ovariectomized stumptails which initially were relatively unreceptive and unattractive to males were given first testosterone and then testosterone + estradiol sc in Silastic capsules. One of the three indexes of females' receptivity increased significantly after testosterone; however, no other essential aspect of sexual interaction was affected. These findings suggest that sex steroids are normally not required in the female stumptail macaque for activation of preceptive and receptive sexual behaviors or for maintenance of sexual attractivity.  相似文献   

Implants of paraffin micropellets containing about 5 microgram 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) into the hypothalamus of 5-day-old female rats were without effect on the sexual differentiation of the brain. By contrast, approximately the same amount of testosterone propionate (TP) given as subcutaneous or intrahypothalamic micropellets masculinized the female brain. In the light of these results as well as the author's previous findings that an antiestrogen implanted into the hypothalamus of neonatal female rats failed to block masculinization by subcutaneous injection of TP, the possibility cannot be excluded that testosterone is capable of masculinizing the brain of neonatal females without being converted into estrogens.  相似文献   

Each of 16 feral-reared male rhesus monkeys was paired with an ovariectomized female (8 females) during daily 60-min behavior tests (16 pairs). Each male received 8 consecutive tests with an untreated female, 8 tests when the female received injections of estradiol, and finally 8 tests after estrogen was withdrawn (total, 384 tests). Of the 16 males, 11 threatened sufficiently often for numerical analysis (“aggressive” males). Two of these males showed no changes either in sexual activity or in agonistic behavior when the females were estrogenized. In the remaining 9 males, there was increased sexual activity when the females were estrogenized and this was associated with a significant decrease in direct aggression (P < 0.01) and an increase in redirected aggression (P < 0.05). The demonstration in the same males of an inverse relation between threats directed toward and away from the female supports the hypothesis that threats directed away from the sexual partner represent aggression aroused by the partner that is redirected onto the environment when sexual interest increases.  相似文献   

Synopsis FemaleGambusia affinis affinis were masculinized with the degraded products of 65% stigmastanol-30% B-sitosterol, a phytosterol. The masculinized females were paired with non-treated males, non-treated females, and other masculinized females. The pairs were analyzed for reproductive and aggressive behaviors exhibited. The behavioral patterns of these pairs were compared statistically to the behavior patterns of the following non-treated pairs: male with male, female with female, and male with female. The masculinized females behaved like males in that they followed, swung, and thrust their gonopodia at non-treated females and larger masculinized females. However, the male-like behavior of the masculinized females was not as intense as that of normal males. Also, the effect of masculinization on the behavior of the treated female was context-dependent as seen when placed with a male or a smaller masculinized female. Under these conditions the masculinized females behaved like typical females and exhibited no masculinized behaviors. The effects of anal spots and size differences are discussed as possible explanations for the variability in behaviors exhibited. The masculinized females displayed no change in aggressive behaviors.  相似文献   

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