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The relationships between leaf and kernel carbon isotope discriminations (Δ) and several leaf structural parameters that are indicators of photosynthetic capacity were studied in durum wheat grown in the field under three water regimens. A set of 144 genotypes were cultivated in two rain-fed trials, and 125 of these were grown under supplementary irrigation before heading. Total chlorophyll and nitrogen (N) contents, the dry mass per unit leaf area (LDM, the reciprocal of specific leaf area) and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) were measured in penultimate leaves and Δ of mature kernels was also analysed. Both LDM and N per unit area showed significant (P≤ 0.001) negative correlation (r=–0.60 and r=–0.36, respectively) with leaf Δ in the wettest trial. Little or no correlation was found for any structural parameter and leaf Δ in the rain-fed trials. In contrast, in the two rain-fed trials LDM was the parameter with the strongest positive correlation (P≤ 0.001) with kernel Δ (r= 0.47 and 0.30) and grain yield (r= 0.43 and 0.29), whereas no correlation was found in the irrigation trial. These correlations, rather than representing a causal link between the amount of photosynthetic tissue and Δ, were probably indirect associations caused by a parallel effect of water status and phenology on leaf structure, grain Δ and yield. Correlations across trials (i.e. environments) between leaf structure and either Δ and yield were very high, although also spurious. Our results suggest that LDM should be used to cull segregating population differences in leaf Δ based on the internal photosynthetic capacity only in the absence of drought. Selecting for kernel Δ and grain yield on the basis of LDM is worthwhile for rain-fed trials.  相似文献   

The ear, together with the flag leaf, is believed to play a major role as a source of assimilates during grain filling in C3cereals. However, the intrusive nature of most of the available methodologies prevents reaching conclusive results in this regard. This study compares the carbon isotope composition(d13C) in its natural abundance in the water‐soluble fractions of the flag leaf blade and the ear with the d13C of mature kernels to assess the relative contribution of both organs to grain filling in durum wheat(Triticum turgidum L. var.durum). The relative contribution of the ear was higher in landraces compared to modern cultivars, as well as in response to nitrogen fertilization and water stress. Such genotypic and environmentally driven differences were associated with changes in harvest index(HI), with the relative contribution of the ear being negatively associated with HI. In the case of the genotypic differences, the lower relative contribution of the ear in modern cultivars compared with landraces is probably associated with the appearance in the former of a certain amount of source limitation driven by a higher HI. In fact, the relative contribution of the ear was far more responsive to changes in HI in modern cultivars compared with landraces.  相似文献   

The ear, together with the flag leaf, is believed to play a major role as a source of assimilates during grain filling in C3cereals. However, the intrusive nature of most of the available methodologies prevents reaching conclusive results in this regard. This study compares the carbon isotope composition(d13C) in its natural abundance in the water‐soluble fractions of the flag leaf blade and the ear with the d13C of mature kernels to assess the relative contribution of both organs to grain filling in durum wheat(Triticum turgidum L. var.durum). The relative contribution of the ear was higher in landraces compared to modern cultivars, as well as in response to nitrogen fertilization and water stress. Such genotypic and environmentally driven differences were associated with changes in harvest index(HI), with the relative contribution of the ear being negatively associated with HI. In the case of the genotypic differences, the lower relative contribution of the ear in modern cultivars compared with landraces is probably associated with the appearance in the former of a certain amount of source limitation driven by a higher HI. In fact, the relative contribution of the ear was far more responsive to changes in HI in modern cultivars compared with landraces.  相似文献   

Water scarcity and nitrogen shortage are the main constraints on durum wheat productivity. This paper examines the combined effects of a constant water deficit and nitrogen supply (NS) on growth, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration, instantaneous and time‐integrated water use efficiency (WUE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) in durum wheat genotypes grown in pots under greenhouse conditions. Three water levels (40%, 70% and 100% container capacity), two nitrogen doses (high and low N) and four genotypes were assayed in a total of 24 experimental treatments. Water and nitrogen treatments were imposed 2 weeks after plant emergence. The growth, nitrogen content and Δ13C of the shoot and the gas exchange in the flag leaf were determined about 2 weeks after anthesis. As expected, both water and NS had a strong positive effect on growth. However, a reduction in water supply had low effect decreasing photosynthesis and transpiration, Δ13C and NUE and increasing WUE. On the contrary, increasing the level of nitrogen supplied had a significant negative effect on gs, which decreased significantly the ratio of intercellular to ambient CO2 concentrations and Δ13C, and increased both instantaneous and time‐integrated WUE. In addition, a higher N level also negatively affected the instantaneous and time‐integrated NUE. The Δ13C of shoots correlated significantly and negatively with either instantaneous or time‐integrated measurements of WUE. Moreover, within each NS, Δ13C also correlated negatively with the integrated NUE. We concluded that under our experimental conditions, Δ13C gives information about the efficiency with which not just water but also nitrogen are used by the plant. In addition, this study illustrates that a steady water limitation may strongly affect biomass without consistent changes in WUE. The lack of effect of the different water regimes on gas exchange, WUE and Δ13C illustrate the importance of how stress is imposed during growth.  相似文献   

Abstract. Epidermal (non-stomatally-controlled) conductance from the fourth leaf, first node leaf, flag leaf and ear of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var durum L.) grown under Mediterranean field conditions has been measured, along with leaf stomatal frequency and the amount and distribution of epicuticular waxes. Measurements were carried out on varieties and land-races from the Middle East, North Africa, ‘Institut National de la Recherche Agricole’ (INRA) and ‘Centra Internacional de Mejora de Maiz y Trigo’ (CIMMYT). Significant differences were observed among genotypes in the epidermal conductances (ge) of the four organs. For each of the four organs tested, genotypes from the Middle East and CIMMYT showed higher ge. values than those from North Africa and INRA. Ears showed epidermal conductances that were more than four times higher than those of leaves when ge. values were expressed per unit dry weight. The amount of epicuticular waxes was higher in the fourth leaves, intermediate in the first node and flag leaves and lower in the ears. For each organ, ge differences among genotypes were unrelated with the amount of epicuticular waxes. Removal of epicuticular waxes by dipping the organs into chloroform significantly increased the epidermal conductance for the fourth and first node leaves and the ear. However, this did not occur for the flag leaf. For the fourth leaf, ge of intact leaves and ge of leaves in which epicuticular waxes were removed were unrelated (r = -0.265). The regression coefficient of this relation for the first node and flag leaves showed values of 0.666 and 0.650 (P > 0.05), respectively, and values were even higher in the ear (r > m 0.892, P > 0.01). Scanning electron microscope analysis showed that wax bloom decreased from the fourth leaf to the flag leaf, whereas the extent of amorphous wax increased. Wax bloom in leaves consisted mainly of deposits of thin wax plates. In the ears and the adaxial surface of flag leaves, fibrillar waxes predominated. In the first node and flag leaves, the wax deposits on the adaxial side cover the surface of the leaf more densely and uniformly than those on the abaxial side. There was no significant correlation between ge and total stomatal density, or between ge and either adaxial or abaxial stomatal density for any sample of the three different leaves. The contribution of epicuticular waxes plus total stomatal frequency only explained 42.4, 11.8, 28.3 and 16% of ge (per unit leaf area) variations for the fourth leaf, first node leaf, flag leaf and the combined variation of the three leaves together, respectively. From these results, it is concluded that complex interrelationship between different morphophysiological characteristics probably control ge differences among genotypes and that these interrelationships differ for each different plant part.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope discrimination has been proposed as a criterion for the indirect selection to improve transpiration efficiency and grain yield in bread wheat and barley. Less attention has been devoted to durumwheat (Triticum durumDesf.) despite its economic importance in the Mediterranean basin. The Δ genetic variation and its relationships to dry matter production and harvest index in durum wheat were investigated in this study. For this purpose, field experiments were conducted on 144 durum wheat accessions under Mediterranean conditions (South of France) during three consecutive years with contrasting climatic conditions. Grain yield, above-ground biomass, harvest index, and carbon isotope discrimination of flag leaf and kernel were measured. Differences between years, noted for both leaf and kernel carbon isotope discrimination, were probably related to the variation in water availability from year to year. A large genotypic variation was also noticed for both leaf and kernel carbon isotope discrimination. The two traits were found to be positively correlated with grain yield within and across years, which confirms the interest in carbon isotope discrimination for selection for grain yield improvement under Mediterranean conditions. Both kernel and leaf carbon isotope discrimination correlated better with harvest index than with grain yield, suggesting that carbon isotope discrimination could reflect the efficiency of carbon partitioning to the kernel. The lack of correlation between leaf carbon isotope discrimination and both harvest index and grain yield in favourable water conditions (1996) was probably due to the difference in water availability between the period until flag leaves sampling (favourable conditions) and the strong water stress which accompanied the grain filling. Kernel carbon isotope discrimination correlated better with both harvest index and grain yield than did leaf carbon isotope discrimination. Moreover, a higher broad-sense heritability was obtained for kernel carbon isotope discrimination than for leaf carbon isotope discrimination. As a result, kernel carbon isotope discrimination appeared to be a better predictive criterion for efficiency of the carbon partitioning to the kernel (harvest index), and hence for grain yield, than did flag leaf carbon isotope discrimination.  相似文献   

Rising levels of atmospheric CO2 will have profound, direct effects on plant carbon metabolism. In this study we used gas exchange measurements, models describing the instantaneous response of leaf net CO2 assimilation rate (A) to intercellular CO2 partial pressure (Ci), in vitro enzyme activity assay, and carbohydrate assay in order to investigate the photosynthetic responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Wembley) to growth under elevated partial pressures of atmospheric CO2 (Ca). At flag leaf ligule emergence, the modelled, in vivo, maximum carboxylation velocity for RuBisCO was significantly lower in plants grown at elevated Ca than in plants grown at ambient Ca (70 Pa compared with 40 Pa). By 12 d after ligule emergence, no significant difference in this parameter was detectable. At ligule emergence, plants grown at elevated Ca exhibited reduced in vitro initial activities and activation states of RuBisCO. At their respective growth Ci values, the photosynthesis of 40-Pa-grown plants was sensitive to p(O2) and to p(CO2) whereas that of 70-Pa-grown plants was insensitive. Both sucrose and starch accumulated more rapidly in the leaves of plants grown at 70 Pa. At flag leaf ligule emergence, modelled non-photorespiratory respiration in the light (Rd) was significantly higher in 70-Pa-grown plants than in 40-Pa-grown plants. By 12 d after ligule emergence no significant differences in Rd were detectable.  相似文献   


δ, C isotope composition relative to Pee Dee Belemnite
WSC, water-soluble carbohydrates
N, nitrogen
C, carbon
cv, cultivar
ME, efficiency of mobilized pre-anthesis C utilization in grain filling (g C g–1C)

Significant mobilization of protein and carbohydrates in vegetative plant parts of wheat regularly occurs during grain filling. While this suggests a contribution of reserves to grain filling, the actual efficiency of mobilized assimilate conversion into grain mass (ME) is unknown. In the present study the contribution of pre-anthesis C (C fixed prior to anthesis) to grain filling in main stem ears of two spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars was determined by 13C/12C steady-state labelling. Mobilization of pre-anthesis C in vegetative plant parts between anthesis and maturity, and the contributions of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and protein to pre-anthesis C mobilization were also assessed. Experiments were performed with two levels of N fertilizer supply in each of 2 years. Pre-anthesis reserves contributed 11–29% to the total mass of C in grains at maturity. Pre-anthesis C accumulation in grains was dependent on both the mass of pre-anthesis C mobilized in above-ground vegetative plant parts (r2 = 0·87) and ME (defined as g pre-anthesis C deposited in grains per g pre-anthesis C mobilized in above-ground vegetative plant parts; r2 = 0·40). ME varied between 0·48 and 0·75. The effects of years, N fertilizer treatments and cultivars on ME were all related to differences in the fractional contribution of WSC to pre-anthesis C mobilization. Multiple regression analysis indicated that C from mobilized pre-anthesis WSC may be used more efficiently in grain filling than C present in proteins at anthesis and mobilized during grain filling. Possible causes for variability of ME are discussed.  相似文献   

In this review, we will discuss physiological traits of C3 cereals related to water use efficiency (WUE) in Mediterranean environments, from leaf (WUEinstantaneous) to crop level (WUEyield or ‘water productivity’). First, we analyse the WUEinstantaneous and the possible trade‐off between improving this parameter and growth/yield performance. Ways to ameliorate WUE without penalties are discussed. We also analyse in what cases breeding by high or low WUEinstantaneous is a suitable criterion to maintain grain yield under drought (Mediterranean) conditions. This question is approached in the framework of carbon isotope discrimination, (Δ13C), the main indirect parameter used to integrate (at time and space scale) the WUEinstantaneous in C3 plants. A negative correlation between these two parameters has been confirmed by several studies. The relationship between Δ13C and grain yield, however, is more complex, and may differ from one environment to another. In Mediterranean conditions with moderate or no water stress, a positive correlation between Δ13C and grain yield is found in barley and wheat, whereas in ‘stored‐water’ crops (such as in some regions of Australia), lower Δ13C (i.e. higher WUEinstantaneous) is associated with higher grain yield, particularly in more stressful conditions. These apparent inconsistencies and their possible implications for plant breeding are discussed. One physiological trait that has received minor attention in attempts to improve WUEinstantaneous is the role of ear photosynthesis. Ears of barley and durum wheat have a higher WUEinstantaneous than the flag leaf, both in well‐watered and in drought conditions. The underlying causes of the higher WUEinstantaneous of ears are not fully understood, but their refixation capacity (i.e. the capacity to re‐assimilate respired carbon dioxide) could be important. Although the genotypic variability of this trait has not been extensively studied, some data support the idea that variation in refixation capacity may be attributable to genetic factors. At the crop level, decreasing soil evaporation is a crucial factor in efforts to improve the WUEyield in Mediterranean conditions, and fast initial growth of the crop (i.e. early vigour) seems to be relevant. In wheat, modern varieties with dwarfing genes (giberellic acid – insensitive) have higher yields but, concomitantly, they have lower initial growth performance. Recently, semi‐dwarf cultivars (giberellic acid – sensitive) with high grain yield and simultaneously high early vigour were found, opening new avenues to increase WUEyield in wheat. The negative effects of futile water loss by cuticular and nocturnal transpiration are also commented. Finally, we discuss some agronomic practices (in particular, ‘deficit irrigation’ systems) linked to physiological traits that confer higher WUEyield,, in particular, in the cases of Mediterranean regions.  相似文献   

Ananas comosus L. (Merr.) (pineapple) was grown at three day/night temperatures and 350 (ambient) and 700 (elevated) μ mol mol–1 CO2 to examine the interactive effects of these factors on leaf gas exchange and stable carbon isotope discrimination ( Δ ,‰). All data were collected on the youngest mature leaf for 24 h every 6 weeks. CO2 uptake (mmol m–2 d–1) at ambient and elevated CO2, respectively, were 306 and 352 at 30/20 °C, 175 and 346 at 30/25 °C and 187 and 343 at 35/25 °C. CO2 enrichment enhanced CO2 uptake substantially in the day in all environments. Uptake at night at elevated CO2, relative to that at ambient CO2, was unchanged at 30/20 °C, but was 80% higher at 30/25 °C and 44% higher at 35/25 °C suggesting that phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase was not CO2-saturated at ambient CO2 levels and a 25 °C night temperature. Photosynthetic water use efficiency (WUE) was higher at elevated than at ambient CO2. Leaf Δ -values were higher at elevated than at ambient CO2 due to relatively higher assimilation in the light. Leaf Δ was significantly and linearly related to the fraction of total CO2 assimilated at night. The data suggest that a simultaneous increase in CO2 level and temperature associated with global warming would enhance carbon assimilation, increase WUE, and reduce the temperature dependence of CO2 uptake by A. comosus .  相似文献   

The effects of elevated concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide and ozone on diurnal patterns of photosynthesis have been investigated in field-grown spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum ). Plants cultivated under realistic agronomic conditions, in open-top chambers, were exposed from emergence to harvest to reciprocal combinations of two carbon dioxide and two ozone treatments: [CO2] at ambient (380 μmol mol−1, seasonal mean) or elevated (692 μmol mol−1) levels, [O3] at ambient (27 nmol mol−1, 7 hr seasonal mean) or elevated (61 nmol mol−1) levels. After anthesis, diurnal measurements were made of flag-leaf gas-exchange and in vitro Rubisco activity and content. Elevated [CO2] resulted in an increase in photoassimilation rate and a loss of excess Rubisco activity. Elevated [O3] caused a loss of Rubisco and a decline in photoassimilation rate late in flag-leaf development. Elevated [CO2] ameliorated O3 damage. The mechanisms of amelioration included a protective stomatal restriction of O3 flux to the mesophyll, and a compensatory effect of increased substrate on photoassimilation and photosynthetic control. However, the degree of protection and compensation appeared to be affected by the natural seasonal and diurnal variations in light, temperature and water status.  相似文献   

Δ13C were determined for herbarium specimens of 12 C3 plants (trees, shrubs and herbs) collected during the last 240 years in Catalonia, an area with a Mediterranean climate. Values were 19.91 (S.E. = 0.32, n= 21) for 1750–1760, 19–86 (S.E. = 0.21, n= 49) for 1850–1890 and 19.95 (S.E. = 0.29, n= 25) for 1925–1950, and decreased significantly to 18.87 (S.E. = 0.31, n= 29) for 1982–1988. More irregular temporal changes were found in Δ13C of two C4 species, but they also suggest a decrease in discrimination in recent decades. These results suggest that either carbon assimilation rates have increased or stomatal conductance has decreased, and therefore, that there has been an increase in water use efficiency over the last few decades.  相似文献   

Anatomy and some physiological characteristics of the leaves in Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc., a dioecious clonal herb, were compared between two populations, one from a lowland in Shizuoka City (10 m above sea level), and another from a highland on Mt. Fuji (2500 m above sea level). Leaf mass per area (LMA) of the highland plants was about twice that of the lowland plants. The greater leaf thickness, thicker mesophyll cell walls and higher mesophyll cell density in the highland leaves contributed to the larger LMA. Although mesophyll area exposed to intercellular airspaces was greater in the highland leaves than in the lowland leaves by 30%, the surface area of chloroplasts facing intercellular airspaces was similar between these leaves. CO2 transfer conductance inside the leaf (gi) of the highland leaves (0·75 μmol m?2 s?1 Pa?1) is the lowest recorded for herbaceous plants and was only 40% of that in the lowland leaves. On the other hand, the difference in stomatal conductance was small. δ13C values in the leaf dry matter were greater in the highland leaves by 4‰. These data and the estimation of CO2 partial pressures in the intercellular air spaces and in the chloroplast suggested that the greater dry matter δ13C in the highland leaves, indicative of lower long‐term ratio of the chloroplast stroma to the ambient CO2 partial pressures, would be mainly attributed to their lower gi.  相似文献   

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