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Natural pox infection occurred in a free-living, immature common murre (Uria aalge) in northern California. Cutaneous and diphtheritic lesions were present. Death of the bird was attributed to respiratory insufficiency and starvation resulting from impairment of breathing and feeding, respectively.  相似文献   

This study investigated how total corticosterone concentrations, chick-feeding rates, and adult body mass changed with food availability from 1998 to 2000 in the same individually marked common murres (Uria aalge). Capelin, the main prey species, arrived inshore by the onset of murre chick hatching in 1998 and 1999 (prey match years); whereas in 2000, hatching began approximately 1 week before the capelin arrived inshore to spawn (prey mismatch year). Serum corticosterone concentrations were higher in the same individuals in the prey mismatch year than they were in either of the match years. Birds sampled before peak capelin spawning in the mismatch year had higher corticosterone levels than murres sampled after peak spawning. Murres with higher corticosterone levels had higher chick-feeding rates and less mass loss in the mismatch year (compared to the match year 1999) than birds with lower levels. Corticosterone levels did not differ between birds that had not foraged for at least 12 h (brooded chick overnight) and those that had, suggesting that short-term food deprivation did not affect corticosterone concentrations. Taken together, these findings suggest that the difference between years reflects a baseline shift in corticosterone levels, particularly in the high-quality birds that were able to increase both corticosterone concentrations and foraging effort.  相似文献   

1. Total body lipogenesis was similar in the murre and the chicken. 2. The liver contributes 10.4% to whole body lipogenesis in fed murres when measured in vivo using 3H2O. 3. The liver contributes 28.0% to whole body lipogenesis in the fed chicken. 4. The lower contribution of the liver in the murre may be a consequence of the high fat diet of the murre relative to the chicken.  相似文献   

Population differentiation and evolution in the common guillemot Uria aalge   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Common (Uria aalge) and Brünnich's guillemots (U. Iomvia) are colonial seabirds that nest in temperate to arctic oceans throughout the Northern hemisphere. They are very similar in the characteristics of ecology, demography and life history that are thought to determine the extent of differentiation among populations, yet geographic variation in morphology is notably greater in common guillemots. Despite evidence of strong natal philopatry, previous analyses of allozymes and the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene revealed little genetic differentiation among North Atlantic colonies of Brünnich's guillemots. To determine if the more extensive morphological variability in common guillemots reflects greater genetic variability, we sequenced part of the cytochrome b gene for 160 common guillemots from 10 colonies distributed throughout the Northern hemisphere. Genotype frequencies and phylogenetic relationships among genotypes both indicated that Atlantic and Pacific populations are genetically distinct. Genetic divergence among genotypes suggested that differentiation of these populations has resulted from separation by Pleistocene glaciers and the Bering Landbridge, as well as by currently unsuitable breeding habitat in the Arctic Ocean. Cytochrome b genotype frequencies also differed among Atlantic colonies, and appeared to define a cline similar to that described for morphological characters. Analyses of sequence variation suggested that this variation probably results from secondary contact between two refugial populations from the Pleistocene glaciations, rather than from isolation by distance or selection. In contrast, the Atlantic population of Brünnich's guillemots appears to have arisen through recent expansion of a single homogeneous refugial population.  相似文献   

In dense breeding colonies, and despite having no nest structure, common murres (or guillemots: Uria aalge) are still able to identify their own eggs. Each female murre''s egg is thought to be recognized individually by the shell''s avian‐perceivable traits. This is because the eggshells’ visible traits conform to expectations of the identity‐signaling hypothesis in that they show both high intraindividual repeatability and high interindividual variability. Identity signaling also predicts a lack of correlation between each of the putative multicomponent recognition traits, yielding no significant relationships between those eggshell traits that are generated by mutually exclusive physiological factors. Using a multivariate analysis across eggshell size and shape, avian‐perceivable background coloration, spot (maculation) shape, and spot density, we detected no unexpected statistical correlations between Icelandic common murre egg traits lacking known physiological or mathematical relationships with one another. These results biologically replicate the conclusions of a recent eggshell trait study of Canadian common murres using similar methodology. We also demonstrate the use of static correlations to infer identity signaling function without direct behavioral observations, which in turn may also be applied to rare or extinct species and provide valuable insight into otherwise unknown communicative and behavioral functions.  相似文献   

In this study of common murre Uria aalge chicks, at Slora Karlsö in the Baltic Sea (Sweden), we used two data sets to investigate the post-fledging migration to learn more on potential threats from human activities. Firstly, we radio tracked 12 chicks on average 5.1 h during their first night at sea, after jumping from the breeding cliffs in early July. Their average speed was 1,9 km h-'and all chicks swam in a similar direction (SW) with a mean bearing of 235°. By searching an area of ca 400 km2 further off the island between two and six days after the radio tracking, we concluded that they did not stop, even temporarily, within 40 km off the island, but had continued the swimming migration. Our second data set was made up by 400 recoveries of ringed chicks. Only those recovered within eight months after fledging (until February) were included. Two birds recovered at the Polish coast in the beginning of August had moved on average 10.7 and 12.3 km day-'(i.e. 0.45-0.51 km h-). In August, all chicks, except one, were found south of Gotland > 70 km away. The average distance to the recovery sites in. August was 253.5 km (n = 11). The pattern of distribution of birds reported in September. October and during the winter period from November to February was about the same as in August. The average direction from the colony lo the recovery sites was S to SW. Important findings from nature management perspective are: 1) our data suggest that the route of the chicks at least partly coincide with ship routes with at least 42000 passages each year. Hence, there is a potential for a great part of the common murre population to get in contact with oil spillage at this stage, notably in the first half of July. 2) From the 400 reported recoveries of ringed chicks we concluded that the most important over wintering areas are around Bornholm and the Bay of Gdansk. Hence, these are the most likely areas for conflicts with the fishery and oil spillage during the winter.  相似文献   

Activities of digestive enzymes (proteases, carbohydrases, acid and alkaline phosphatases) are determined in intestinal mucosa of the thick-billed and common murres Comparative analysis of the obtained results is performed for non-infected and for birds infested by cestodes. It has been established that at invasion by cestode Alcataenia armillaris (Cestoda: Tetrabothriidae), activities of carbohydrase and alkaline phosphatase in intestinal mucosa of the thick-billed murre decreases. Parasitizing of cestodes Tetrabothrius jaegerskieldi (Cestoda: Tetrabothriidae) in intestine of the common murre induces a decrease of saccharase activity. There is studied kinetics of desorption of enzymes from digestive-transport surfaces of the bird intestine. Peculiarities of firmness of enzyme fixation are established on the surface of intestinal mucosa of invaded murres. According to the obtained data, a decrease of the carbohydrase activities in intestine of infested murres is likely to be due to absorption of a part of enzymes hydrolyzing carbohydrates on the surface of cestodes.  相似文献   

Common guillemot eggs were collected and analysed in two years on Skomer Island, Wales, to investigate the effects of environmental conditons during the pre-laying period on egg formation and composition. Pre-laying attendance at breeding colonies indicated more favourable environmental conditions in 1987 than in 1986. The size of eggs did not differ between years, but eggs were laid earlier in 1987 and the time taken for yolk deposition was also shorter in 1987. Two distinct effects of environmental conditons on yolk formation were indicated: first, on the timing of initiation of yolk deposition; and secondly, on the duration of the yolk deposition period. Egg composition also differed significantly between years with a higher proportion of albumen and a higher proportion of lipid and non-lipid solids in yolks in 1987. These results are discussed with respect to environmental conditions and the constraints on egg production.  相似文献   

Local differences in feeding conditions have been suggested as a cause of regional variation in seabird demography but multi‐colony comparisons of diet are rare. In UK waters the main fish eaten by seabirds during the breeding season belong to three families: Ammodytidae, Clupeidae and Gadidae. Climate change and fishing are affecting these fish stocks and so probably impact on predators such as seabirds. We used standardized observations of prey brought in for chicks to make the first integrated assessment of the diet of Common Guillemot Uria aalge chicks at a UK scale. Chick diet varied markedly among the 23 colonies sampled between 2006 and 2011. Sandeels (Ammodytidae), probably Lesser Sandeels Ammodytes marinus, were the commonest prey. Their contribution to the diet varied both latitudinally and among marine regions, with the proportion significantly higher for a given latitude on the west coast compared to the east. The non‐sandeel component of the diet showed latitudinal changes, with small clupeids, probably Sprats Sprattus sprattus, predominant at southern colonies whereas juvenile gadids were the main alternative to sandeels in the north. Comparison of our Guillemot chick diet with data collected 15–30 years earlier suggests that the proportion of sandeels in the diet has decreased at colonies bordering the North Sea. No significant change was apparent in Atlantic colonies but historical data were limited. The early years of our study coincided with a population explosion of Snake Pipefish Entelurus aequoreus in the Northeast Atlantic and North Sea. Pipefish were recorded in Guillemot chick diet at several northern and northwestern colonies in 2006 and 2007 but have been absent since 2009. Spatial and temporal variation in chick diet accorded broadly with patterns expected as a result of rising sea temperatures and impacts of fishing. Guillemot chick diet could potentially be a useful indicator of changes in the distribution and abundance of forage fish.  相似文献   

Within the Common guillemot Uria aalge colony, at the Gannet Clusters, Labrador, Canada, there was no evidence of heterogeneity in the proportion of bridled birds in different parts of the colony. Nor was there any evidence for assortative mating among bridled guillemots. Examination of the distribution of bridled birds in rows of guillemots however, showed a significant degree of clumping. Two hypotheses are presented to explain this distribution pattern: (a) the environmental hypothesis, which proposes that bridled birds preferentially select particular micro-habitats, or choose to breed where there are already bridled birds. (b) the return hypothesis, which proposes that one sex (probably female) returns to breed very close to where it was reared.  相似文献   

M. P. HARRIS  D. J. HALLEY  S. WANLESS 《Ibis》1992,134(4):335-339
The post-fledging survival of a total of 1277 young Guillemots Uria aalge ringed in 6 years was assessed using sightings of 267 individuals back at the natal colony and recoveries of 46 ringed birds. In two years there was a significant decline in survival prospects with estimated hatching date, the first time such a trend has been demonstrated in the Alcidae. In these years pairs breeding early had a 2–3 times greater chance of having a young survive to return to the colony than pairs breeding three weeks later. Hatching date had no effect on survival prospects in the other four seasons and in none of the years did chick body condition have a demonstrable effect on post-fledging survival.  相似文献   

D. J. HALLEY  M. P. HARRIS 《Ibis》1993,135(3):264-270
A minimum of 61 Guillemots Uria aalge ringed as chicks at other colonies was recorded at the Isle of May between 1987 and 1991 (four prior to 1990, six in 1990, 51 in 1991). Two were adults and 59 were immatures. Most of the British and Irish colonies where many chicks had been ringed were represented. Higher proportions of birds ringed at colonies relatively close to the Isle of May were observed compared to birds ringed at more distant sites. Visitors ranged in age from 2 to 5 years, with single 10- and 14-year-olds. Relatively fewer 2- and 5- than 3- and 4-year-old birds were seen. Visiting birds were usually recorded once only, significantly less often than native immatures of the same age, except for 2-year-olds. The proportion of birds occupying sites on intertidal rocks as against sites in the colony appeared to be higher compared with native birds of the same age. Visiting birds formed a substantial proportion of the immature population. Ten immature birds from the Isle of May were recorded elsewhere. Four of these had been seen on the Isle of May previously, and four were seen there subsequently. A 6-year-old hatched at Sumburgh ( c. 420 km by sea) bred at the Isle of May in 1992.  相似文献   

M. P. HARRIS  S. WANLESS  T. R. BARTON 《Ibis》1996,138(3):399-404
The site fidelity of 470 colour-ringed Common Guillemots Uria aalge with at least 1 year of breeding experience was followed on the Isle of May from 1982 to 1993. On average, 85.7% of birds recorded breeding at a site in any year were present at the same site in the following season. Of those which did not retain their site, 35% had moved to another site, 25% were nonbreeders and 40% were not seen. Site- fidelity of birds which returned to the colony the next year was 91%. There were no significant age or sex effects, but there were significant (and unexplained) year and area effects. Most birds which changed sites moved less than 2 m. Some birds which obtained a new site improved their nesting success, but many others became nonbreeders; it is speculated that the former chose to move site, whilst the latter had been evicted.  相似文献   

Seabird chicks respond to food shortages by increasing corticosterone (cort) secretion, which is probably associated with fitness benefits and costs. To examine this, we experimentally increased levels of circulating cort in captive black-legged kittiwake chicks fed ad libitum. We found that cort-implanted chicks begged more frequently and were more aggressive compared to controls. These behavioral modifications must be beneficial to chicks as they facilitate acquisition of food from the parents and might trigger brood reduction and reduced competition for food. Cort-implanted chicks also increased food intake; however, their growth rates were similar to controls. To examine the costs of chronically increased circulating levels of cort, we removed cort implants and, after a 10-day recovery period, tested cognitive abilities of young kittiwakes. We found that the ability of kittiwakes to associate a visual cue with the presence of food in a choice situation was compromised by the experimental elevation of cort during development. To examine the long-term costs of increased levels of cort, 8 months later we tested the performance of the same individuals in a spatial task requiring them to make a detour around a barrier in order to escape from an enclosure. Individuals treated with cort during development took significantly more time to solve this task compared to controls. The results of this study suggest that the adrenocortical response of a developing bird to environmental stressors is associated with both benefits (increased food intake, foraging behavior, and aggression) and costs (low growth efficiency and compromised cognitive abilities later in life). This provides an evolutionary framework for relating juvenile physiological traits to fitness of birds in subsequent life-history stages.  相似文献   

Julie Riordan  Tim Birkhead 《Ibis》2018,160(2):470-474
This study documents long‐term changes in Common Guillemot Uria aalge chick diet on Skomer Island, Wales, from 1973 to 2017. Chick diet has remained broadly similar (mainly Clupeids) since 1973, although more recently there has been an increase in relatively low‐quality prey (Gadids), suggesting a shift in prey availability.  相似文献   

Guillemots, like other seabird species living in the North Sea, appear to be heavily contaminated by copper. Metallothioneins are present in both liver and kidney but, at least in the specimens stranded along the Belgian coast, fail to maintain constant the copper, zinc and cadmium load of the high molecular weight soluble proteins of both organs, stressing the potential toxic role of these metals, mainly copper.  相似文献   

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