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Monika Hilker 《Oecologia》1992,92(1):71-75
Summary Larvae and eggs of the leaf beetle Pyrrhalta viburni were investigated for protective devices against predators. The eggs are covered with faeces, which appeared to have no feeding deterrent activity against the ant Myrmica sabuleti. Chemical analyses of the material covering the eggs by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) showed the triterpenes -amyrin and -amyrin as main components. Both compounds are also present in the hostplant Viburnum lantana. GC-MS analyses of eggs and larvae showed that 1,8-dihydroxy-3-methylanthraquinone (=chrysophanol) was present in both developmental stages. In the larvae, 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone (=chrysazin) and 1,8,9-trihydroxyanthracene (dithranol) were also detected. Neither hydroxylated anthraquinones nor dithranol were found in bark and leaf extracts of the hostplant. After assessing the total amounts of these compounds in a single larva, their ecological significance was studied in feeding bioassays with M. sabuleti. Both P. viburni larvae and equivalent amounts of anthraquinones and dithranol deterred feeding by the ants. The role of anthraquinones and triterpenes in P. viburni is discussed.  相似文献   

The developmental competence of cat oocytes matured in vitro is relatively poor when compared with that of in vivo oocytes. The study aimed to investigate the effect of roscovitine on the developmental competence of cat Felis catus oocytes matured in vitro. Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were classified as Grade I and II to III. Groups of COCs were cultured in 0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, and 200 μM roscovitine for 24 h and were either fixed to assess the stages of nuclear maturation (Experiment 1) or additionally matured in vitro for 24 h before fixation (Experiment 2). In Experiment 3, cumulus cells from the COCs treated with roscovitine were examined for apoptosis. Experiment 4 examined the developmental competence of cat oocytes after roscovitine treatment and in vitro fertilization in terms of cleavage and morula and blastocyst formation rates. Roscovitine reversibly arrested cat oocytes at an immature stage in a dose-dependent manner. Roscovitine at 12.5 and 25 μM demonstrated less efficiency compared with that of other doses. However, higher doses of roscovitine induced cumulus cell apoptosis and resulted in a high number of degenerated oocytes after in vitro maturation. Roscovitine at 12.5 and 25 μM were therefore used to evaluate their effect on embryo development. Pretreatment with 12.5 and 25 μM roscovitine prior to in vitro maturation decreased the developmental competence of cat oocytes compared with that of non-roscovitine-treated controls. In conclusion, roscovitine reversibly maintained cat oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage without detrimental effect on nuclear maturation. However, it negatively affected cumulus cell viability and developmental competence.  相似文献   

Studies examining the effects of invasive species have focussed traditionally on the direct/lethal effects of the invasive on the native community but there is a growing recognition that invasive species may also have non-lethal effects. In terrestrial systems, non-lethal effects of invasive species can disrupt early life-history phases (such as fertilisation, dispersal and subsequent establishment) of native species, but in the marine environment most studies focus on adult rather than early life-history stages. Here, we examine the potential for an introduced sessile marine invertebrate (Styela plicata) to exert both lethal and non-lethal effects on a native species (Microcosmus squamiger) across multiple early life-history stages. We determined whether sperm from the invasive species interfered with the fertilisation of eggs from the native species and found no effect. However, we did find strong effects of the invasive species on the post-fertilisation performance of the native species. The invasive species inhibited the settlement of native larvae and, in the field, the presence of the invasive species was associated with a ten-fold increase in the post-settlement mortality of the native species, as well as an initial reduction of growth in the native. Our results suggest that larvae of the native species avoid settling near the invasive species due to reduced post-settlement survival in its presence. Overall, we found that invasive species can have complex and pervasive effects (both lethal and non-lethal) across the early life-history stages of the native species, which are likely to result in its displacement and to facilitate further invasion.  相似文献   

The process of apoptosis, often coined programmed cell death, involves cell injury induced by a variety of stimuli including xenobiotics and is morphologically, biochemically, and physiologically distinct from necrosis. Apoptotic death is characterized by cellular changes such as cytoplasm shrinkage, chromatin condensation, and plasma membrane asymmetry. This form of cell suicide is appealing as a general biomarker of response in that it is expressed in multiple cell systems (e.g. immune, neuronal, hepatal, intestinal, dermal, reproductive), is conserved phylogenetically (e.g. fish, rodents, birds, sheep, amphibians, roundworms, plants, humans), is modulated by environmentally relevant levels of chemical contaminants, and indicates a state of stress of the organism. Further, apoptosis is useful as a biomarker as it serves as a molecular control point and hence may provide mechanistic information on xenobiotic stress. Studies reviewed here suggest that apoptosis is a sensitive and early indicator of acute and chronic chemical stress, loss of cellular function and structure, and organismal health. Examples are provided of the application of this methodology in studies of health of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in the Laurentian Great Lakes.  相似文献   

The process of apoptosis, often coined programmed cell death, involves cell injury induced by a variety of stimuli including xenobiotics and is morphologically, biochemically, and physiologically distinct from necrosis. Apoptotic death is characterized by cellular changes such as cytoplasm shrinkage, chromatin condensation, and plasma membrane asymmetry. This form of cell suicide is appealing as a general biomarker of response in that it is expressed in multiple cell systems (e.g. immune, neuronal, hepatal, intestinal, dermal, reproductive), is conserved phylogenetically (e.g. fish, rodents, birds, sheep, amphibians, roundworms, plants, humans), is modulated by environmentally relevant levels of chemical contaminants, and indicates a state of stress of the organism. Further, apoptosis is useful as a biomarker as it serves as a molecular control point and hence may provide mechanistic information on xenobiotic stress. Studies reviewed here suggest that apoptosis is a sensitive and early indicator of acute and chronic chemical stress, loss of cellular function and structure, and organismal health. Examples are provided of the application of this methodology in studies of health of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in the Laurentian Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) has spread into the East Frisian Wadden Sea (Germany). This invasion provided an opportunity to study the population dynamics and the patterns of spread during the initial bioinvasion process. With its source area in The Netherlands, the bioinvasion continues in an eastward direction, as documented by a gradient of high abundances in the west and low abundances in the east during the first study year. One year later, abundances of the Pacific oyster were more heterogenic and differed between adjacent tidal basins. The increase in population sizes at all study sites was very high, reaching levels similar to native occurrence populations. The growth constant (K) varied between 0.300 and 0.990 year−1. The mussel bed with the highest densities had a mean abundance of >300 ind. m−2, and a maximum of 1,460 ind. m−2. Furthermore, the bioinvasion was facilitated by a low mortality (Z) found for populations between 0.5 and 1.5 years old (Z = 0.03–0.13 year−1). At present, Pacific oysters are well established at several locations in the East Frisian Wadden Sea and may become with these reproductive potential self-sustaining populations.  相似文献   

Numerous genetically engineered rat strains have been produced via genome editing. Although freezing of embryos is helpful for the production and storage of these valuable strains, the tolerance to freezing of embryos varies at each developmental stage of the embryo. This study examined the tolerance to freezing of rat embryos at various developmental stages, particularly at the pronuclear stage. Embryos that had developed to the pronuclear, 2-cell, and morula stages were frozen via vitrification using ethylene glycol- and propylene glycol-based solutions. More than 90% of the embryos at all developmental stages survived after warming. The developmental rates to offspring of thawed embryos at the pronuclear, 2-cell, and morula stages were 19%, 41%, and 52%, respectively. Pronuclear stage embryos between the early and late developmental stages were then vitrified. The developmental rates to offspring of the thawed pronuclear stage embryos collected at 24, 28, and 31 h after the induction of ovulation were 17%, 21%, and 23%, respectively. These results indicated that the tolerance to vitrification of rat embryos increased with the development of embryos. The establishment of vitrification method of rat embryos at various developmental stages is helpful for improving the production and storage of valuable rat strains used for biomedical science.  相似文献   

Synopsis Small numbers of mitochondria-rich (chloride) cells were found in the yolksac epithelium of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) embryos just before hatching and in eleuthero-embryos up to 14 days after hatching. This suggests that the yolksac epithelium may play a limited ionoregulatory role in this species.Mitochondria-rich cells were also present in small numbers in the branchial epithelium of embryos just before hatching and in increasing numbers in eleutheroembryos during the first two weeks after hatching. The cells in the branchial epithelium showed marked variations in appearance, particularly in the fine structure of the tubular (smooth) endoplasmic reticulum. Few of the mitochondria-rich cells examined here had the pitted apex which is characteristic of homologous cells in other species.There appeared to be no differences in the numbers or appearance of mitochondria-rich cells in embryos and eleutheroembryos reared in different ambient salinities (distilled water, 110/00 and 130/00 sea water), possibly indicating that the genesis of the ionoregulatory function of the gills has not occurred at that interval of development.  相似文献   

The reduction in apoptosis caused by short-term exposure of CEM x174 cells infected with SIVmac239 to morphine was investigated. Eeffects of morphine on the viability of normal and infected CEM x174 cells were determined by MTS assay. Apoptosis induced by SIVmac239 and the effects of morphine were analyzed by flow cytometry. cAMP levels, PKA activity, and the resulting histone H3 phosphorylation levels were measured. The results show a pronounced decrease in numbers of infected SIVmac239 cells compared to controls. Morphine elevated cell viability in the infected groups. Annexin V binding assays showed that 1 microM l(-1) morphine increased the percentage of viable cells and decreased apoptotic cells. Morphine also downregulated cAMP and PKA activity in both groups, but more markedly in the infected group. Histone H3 phosphorylation was elevated after virus infection and decreased in the presence of morphine. The results indicate that the cAMP-PKA signal transduction cascade is involved in morphine regulation of early SIVmac239-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Embryo specific (emb) mutants exhibit aberrant embryo development without deleterious effects on endosperm development. We have analyzed five emb mutants of maize, which, based on their developmental profiles can be divided into two groups: mutants arrested at early stages and mutants with novel phenotypes. The members of the first group resemble wild-type proembryos and never reach other developmental stages. In the second group the tube-shaped mutants emb*-8522 and emb*-8535 completely lack apical-basal differentiation, while in mutant emb*-8516 a second embryo-like structure arises from the suspensor. The five emb mutations analyzed are non-allelic and two of the mutations are very likely caused by insertion of the transposon mutator, opening the door for their molecular analysis. Received: 10 February 1999 / Accepted: 7 July 1999  相似文献   

Procaspase-9 is the zymogen form of one of the apoptosis initiators, caspase-9. Its cellular location may differ depending on the cell type; it is found throughout the cytosol, although some of it may be associated with the mitochondria. Procaspase-9 relocates from the cytosol to the mitochondria shortly after the triggering of apoptosis in rat hepatocytes. We investigated whether the mitochondrial protein import machineries import procaspase-9. The combined results of protein import analyses, mitochondrial fractionation and protease treatments of intact and swollen mitochondria imply that procaspase-9 attaches to the outer surface of the mitochondrial outer membrane.  相似文献   

Joneson S  Armaleo D  Lutzoni F 《Mycologia》2011,103(2):291-306
How plants and microbes recognize each other and interact to form long-lasting relationships remains one of the central questions in cellular communication. The symbiosis between the filamentous fungus Cladonia grayi and the single-celled green alga Asterochloris sp. was used to determine fungal and algal genes upregulated in vitro in early lichen development. cDNA libraries of upregulated genes were created with suppression subtractive hybridization in the first two stages of lichen development. Quantitative PCR subsequently was used to verify the expression level of 41 and 33 candidate fungal and algal genes respectively. Induced fungal genes showed significant matches to genes putatively encoding proteins involved in self and non-self recognition, lipid metabolism, and negative regulation of glucose repressible genes, as well as to a putative d-arabitol reductase and two dioxygenases. Upregulated algal genes included a chitinase-like protein, an amino acid metabolism protein, a dynein-related protein and a protein arginine methyltransferase. These results also provided the first evidence that extracellular communication without cellular contact can occur between lichen symbionts. Many genes showing slight variation in expression appear to direct the development of the lichen symbiosis. The results of this study highlight future avenues of investigation into the molecular biology of lichen symbiosis.  相似文献   

本文研究了升高环境温度对小粉虫(Alphitobiusdiaperinus,鞘翅目拟步行虫总科)末龄幼虫、蛹以及成虫的失水和热敏性(临界热极值,Criticalthermalmaximum,CTmax)的影响。小粉虫成虫和蛹的CTmax值显著低于末龄幼虫(末龄幼虫:CTmax=48.5±0.5℃;蛹:CTmax=48.0±0.9℃;成虫:CTmax=47.8±1.1℃)。此外,成虫的适应性对其CTmax没有显著的影响。在20至60℃连续记录失水值中,三个龄期之间存在显著差异。随着超过临界点温度(约为40℃)的快速升高,末龄幼虫与成虫的失水程度相近。蛹具有明显低的失水速率,即使在温度高于40℃的情况下。当温度升高10℃时(25-35℃),会造成小粉虫蛹和成虫失水增加2.0倍和2.6倍,分别为:Q10=2.05±0.70和2.49±1.31,而幼虫则为3.52±1.27。当高于35-45℃时,幼虫和成虫失水增加甚快(Q10=6.85±1.90和8.51±2.32)。而蛹在高于35-45℃时失水也增加(Q10=3.76±1.83),但低于幼虫和成虫。小粉虫的蛹处于静止和不取食状态,代谢速率较低,其具有特殊结构的气孔能较好地保持关闭状态,且蛹的表皮由脂肪和蛋白质组成,以上诸因素可解释其失水减少的原因  相似文献   

为掌握刀鲚(Coilia nasus)胚胎及胚后发育早期的脂肪酸变化规律,采用生化分析手段对刀鲚的胚胎(原肠期,受精后7~9 h)、0日龄仔鱼(初孵仔鱼)、3日龄仔鱼和5日龄仔鱼(开口前)的脂肪酸组成和含量进行了检测分析。结果显示,刀鲚发育早期的总脂占干物质的相对含量均较高(53.10%~60.97%),干物质的总脂相对含量随个体发育显著降低,单个个体的总脂含量随个体发育呈现剧烈下降趋势,数值从胚胎的43.62μg/ind剧烈下降到5日龄仔鱼的16.27μg/ind;水分含量随个体发育而升高。刀鲚发育早期上述4个时期的干样中检出6种饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、4种单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)和8种多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)。4个发育时期脂肪酸相对含量,C18:1n9c占绝对优势(50.39%~57.00%),C16:1丰富且稳定(13.77%~14.24%),C16:0也较丰富(7.45%~9.15%)。单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)比例占绝对优势(65.14%~72.26%),n-3与n-6系列多不饱和脂肪酸含量的比值(∑n3PUFA/∑n6PUFA)较小(1.78~2.38)。刀鲚胚胎孵化出膜期间,单个个体单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)实际减少程度较高,尤其是C18:1n9c(减少量为13.21μg/ind,减少比例达到55.49%)和C16:1(减少量和比例分别为3.30μg/ind和53.12%),而二十碳五烯酸(EPA)加二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)的减少程度较低(1.44μg/ind和38.41%),尤其是DHA(0.95μg/ind和36.52%)。然而,出膜后,仔鱼对单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)的利用相对较低(1.94μg/ind和14.17%),尤其是C18:1n9c(13.21μg/ind和12.41%)和C16:1(0.63μg/ind和21.81%);而对EPA+DHA利用相对较高(1.04μg/ind和45.10%),尤其是DHA(0.71μg/ind和42.61%)。研究表明,刀鲚胚胎优先蓄留EPA和DHA,仔鱼在摄食前大量利用EPA+DHA(特别是DHA),呈现出海水鱼类脂肪酸的利用特点。因此,建议在刀鲚亲本强化培育及产后培育中,增加投喂富含单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)(特别是C18:1和C16:1)的饵料,以加强刀鲚亲本的营养积累和产卵后亲本生理机能的恢复;在刀鲚育苗前期,要及时补充富含DHA和EPA的饵料,如,单胞藻、蛋黄等,以提高刀鲚仔鱼开口期间的成活率。  相似文献   

Metamorphosis, a critical stage in the development of toads and frogs, involves rapid levels of morphological change. In the current study, we have used microarray analysis to identify shifts in gene expression between tadpole and toadlet stages of the cane toad, Bufo (Chaunus) marinus. Here, we report on nine genes that show the greatest induction during metamorphosis; the gut-associated gastrokine and trefoil factor, blood components haemoglobins alpha/beta, apolipoprotein and serum albumin, a nasal gene olfactomedin, a lens gene gamma-crystallin, and a novel gene with low homology to frog harderin. We present both temporal and spatial expression patterns of these genes identified in developing and adult cane toads. This study extends our knowledge of the molecular basis of toad metamorphosis, and not only offers insights to the genes induced during the general remodelling that occurs but also reveals possible targets for control and manipulation of amphibian pest species, for example, the cane toad in Australia.  相似文献   

Expression patterns of intermediate filament proteins have been studied during early mouse embryo development. For this purpose, pre-implantation embryos at different stages of development after in vitro fertilization were studied using antibodies to cytokeratins, vimentin and lamins, using the indirect immunofluorescence assay. The levels of expression were quantitated and localization of the protein constituents was assessed by means of confocal scanning laser microscopy. Our studies showed that, although the embryos grew in culture, vimentin could not be detected in a filamentous organization. Immunofluorescence for cytokeratins was only positive from the 8-cell stage onwards. In the morula stage an increased level of cytokeratin expression was observed with a transitional staining pattern, combining a filamentous and a diffuse occurrence. In the blastocyst stages profound cytokeratin filaments were seen in trophoblast cells but not in the inner cell mass. When the cytokeratin subtypes were analysed separately, it became apparent that expression levels of cytokeratins 8 and 18 increased gradually up to a filamentous pattern in the blastocyst stage. Cytokeratins 7 and 19, although elevated in the latter stage and showing a filamentous distribution, were not found as prominently as cytokeratins 8 and 18. A-type as well as B-type lamins could be detected in all developmental stages examined, as a faintly reactive nuclear lamina. In blastocysts both lamin types were detected in trophoblast as well as in inner cell mass.  相似文献   

The impact of Dreissena fouling on unionids has hardly been studied in Europe, despite the fact that in some ecosystems (e.g. Lake Balaton, Hungary) infestations of several hundreds to a thousand individuals per unionid have been observed. At present, the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha is a dominant species in Lake Balaton and in the last decade three other invasive bivalves were introduced, potentially increasing the pressure on native unionid survival. We examined whether the fouling of dreissenids (zebra and quagga (D. rostriformis bugensis) mussels) has a negative impact on native (Anodonta anatina, Unio pictorum and U. tumidus) and invasive (Corbicula fluminea and Sinanodonta woodiana) bivalves and whether there are any interspecific and temporal variations in fouling intensity and physiological condition measured by standard condition index and glycogen content. A significant negative impact was detected on native unionids only in July and September (no impact was detected in May), when the fouling rate was high. For invasive species, a significant negative impact was detected on S. woodiana with a high level of dressenid infestation; whereas no significant impact was detected on C. fluminea. Overall, this study confirms that Dreissena may threaten unionid species including the invasive S. woodiana, although high interspecific and temporal variations were observed. This situation should be taken into account in future ecological and conservational assessments because species respond differently to Dreissena fouling and effects seem to be more pronounced in late summer/early autumn. In addition, this study provides the first evidence that the invasive C. fluminea appear to be less vulnerable to dressenid fouling.  相似文献   

In many marine invertebrates, a latitudinal cline in egg size is considered an adaptive response to a decrease in temperature, and enhances the energetic fitness of their larvae at hatching. However, the amount of energy carried over from the egg to the larval stage depends on the metabolic efficiency of egg development. In the present study, eggs of the brachyuran crab Cancer setosus were sampled for their dry mass (DM), carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and fatty acid (FA) content throughout development from blastula stage until hatching of zoea 1-larvae at Antofagasta (23°S) and Puerto Montt 41°S (Chile) under different temperature treatments (12, 16 and 19 °C). Hatching zoea 1 larvae contained 60 ± 3% of the initial blastula egg C content, regardless of site or temperature. However, the ontogenetic decrease in egg C content was to a significantly higher extend based on the utilization of energy-rich FA at 12 °C (− 1.16 µg/egg) compared to the 19 °C treatments in Antofagasta and Puerto Montt (− 0.63 to − 0.73 µg FA per egg). At 19 °C egg-metabolism was based to a substantial extend on protein, which allowed for the saving of energy-richer lipids. We conclude that the production of larger eggs with high FA content appears to be adaptive not only to fuel the larval development, but is also a response to the prolonged egg developmental times at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

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