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Recent studies provide further support for the hypothesis that spatial representations of limb position, target locations, and potential motor actions are expressed in the neuronal activity in parietal cortex. In contrast, precentral cortical activity more strongly expresses processes involved in the selection and execution of motor actions. As a general conceptual framework, these processes may be interpreted in terms of such formalisms as sensorimotor transformation and ‘internal models’.  相似文献   

The supplementary motor area, although traditionally defined as a single motor area, is not viewed as including at least three different areas that can be distinguished anatomically and physiologically. The differential use of these three areas for various motor behaviors has been the subject of recent studies that are beginning to provide novel concepts of the functional differentiation of each area.  相似文献   

Humans and non-human primates have several motor areas. Exactly how many is a matter of current debate. A proper parcellation of motor areas must be based on correlated structural and functional differences. Recent studies indicate that the primary motor cortex may be, in reality, two areas (4a and 4p). Similarly, there are undoubtedly two or more cingulate motor areas and perhaps two supplementary motor areas. The homologies between human and monkey brains are striking in some cases, making monkey models of human motor cortices attractive. The doctrine of a strict ‘homuncular’ somatotopical organization of motor areas will have to be abandoned. The engagement of motor areas in different types of voluntary seems merely a matter of degree of activation rather than exclusive specific contributions.  相似文献   

Brain-machine interfaces are being developed to assist paralyzed patients by enabling them to operate machines with recordings of their own neural activity. Recent studies show that motor parameters, such as hand trajectory, and cognitive parameters, such as the goal and predicted value of an action, can be decoded from the recorded activity to provide control signals. Neural prosthetics that use simultaneously a variety of cognitive and motor signals can maximize the ability of patients to communicate and interact with the outside world. Although most studies have recorded electroencephalograms or spike activity, recent research shows that local field potentials (LFPs) offer a promising additional signal. The decode performances of LFPs and spike signals are comparable and, because LFP recordings are more long lasting, they might help to increase the lifetime of the prosthetics.  相似文献   

For many years, it has been postulated that interactions between motor commands and somatic perception in the sensorimotor cortices exist, but they have been difficult to demonstrate. Recent studies have made demonstration of this interaction easier and suggest that cortical activity related to somatic sensation and perception is modified by movement-generating mechanism. Corollary discharge and efference copy may also play a role in motor behavior.  相似文献   

Distributions of corticospinal and corticobulbar neurons were revealed by tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) processing after injections of wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA:HRP) into the cervical or lumbar enlargements of the spinal cord, or medullary or pontine levels of the brain stem. Sections reacted for cytochrome oxidase (CO) allowed patterns of labeled neurons to be related to the details of the body surface map in the first somatosensory cortical area (SI). The results indicate that a number of cortical areas project to these subcortical levels: (1) Projection neurons in granular SI formed a clear somatotopic pattern. The hindpaw region projected to the lumbar enlargement, the forepaw region to the cervical enlargement, the whisker pad field to the lower medulla, and the more rostral face region to more rostral brain stem levels. (2) Each zone of labeled neurons in SI extended into adjacent dysgranular somatosensory cortex, forming a second somatotopic pattern of projection neurons. (3) A somatotopic pattern of projection neurons in primary motor cortex (MI) paralleled SI in mediolateral sequence corresponding to the hindlimb, forelimb, and face. (4) A weak somatotopic pattern of projection neurons was suggested in medial agranular cortex (Agm), indicating a premotor field with a rostromedial-to-caudolateral representation of hindlimb, forelimb, and face. (5) A somatotopic pattern of projection neurons representing the foot to face in a mediolateral sequence was observed in medial parietal cortex (PM) located between SI and area 17. (6) In the second somatosensory cortical area (SII), neurons projecting to the brain stem were immediately adjacent caudolaterally to the barrel field of SI, whereas neurons projecting to the upper spinal cord were more lateral. No projection neurons in this region were labeled by the injections in the lower spinal cord. (7) Other foci of projection neurons for the face and forelimb were located rostral to SII, providing evidence for a parietal ventral area (PV) in perirhinal cortex (PR) lateral to SI, and in cortex between SII and PM. None of these regions, which may be higher-order somatosensory areas, contained labeled neurons after injections in the lower spinal cord. Thus, more cortical fields directly influence brain stem and spinal cord levels related to sensory and motor functions of the face and forepaw than the hindlimb.

The termination patterns of corticospinal and corticobulbar projections were studied in other rats with injections of WGA:HRP in SI. Injections in lateral SI representing the face produced dense terminal label in the contralateral trigeminal complex. Injections in cortex devoted to the forelimb and forepaw labeled the contralateral cuneate nucleus and parts of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. The cortical injections also demonstrated interconnections of parts of SI with some of the other regions of cortex with projections to the spinal cord, and provided further evidence for the existence of PV in rats.  相似文献   

Shen LM  Chen YC 《生理学报》2000,52(2):109-114
用胞外单位放电记录的方法,研究了猕猴在执行记忆引导的空间有序运动(MSS)时,大脑皮层弓形沟距背侧F2及腹侧F4区的放电活动。对于以绿色为暗示信号的MSS-G任务,在暗示期,F2(78.2%)比F4区(41.5%)有更多的细胞发生放电变化(χ^2=15.2,P<0.005);在图形期,F4(67.9%)比F2区(45.4%)有更多的细胞发生放电变化(χ^2=5.5,P<0.05);在触摸反应期,F  相似文献   

Zeki S  Stutters J 《Open biology》2012,2(2):120001
We here address the question of whether there is any correlation between subjective preference for simple configurations within a specific visual domain such as motion and strength of activity in visual areas in which that domain is emphasized. We prepared several distinctive patterns of dots in motion with various characteristics and asked humans to rate them according to their preference, before and while scanning the activity in their brains with functional magnetic resonance imaging. For simplicity, we restricted ourselves to motion in the fronto-parallel plane. Moving patterns produced activity in areas V1, V2, the V3 complex (V3, V3A, V3B) and V5, but only in areas V5, V3A/B and parietal cortex did the preferred kinetic patterns produce stronger activity when compared with the non-preferred ones. In addition, preferred patterns produced activity within field A1 of medial orbito-frontal cortex (mOFC), which is not otherwise activated by kinetic stimuli. Hence, for these areas, stronger neural activity correlated with subjective preference. We conclude that configurations of kinetic stimuli that are subjectively preferred correlate with stronger activity within early visual areas and within mOFC. This opens up the possibility of more detailed studies to relate subjective preferences to strength of activity in early visual areas and to relate activity in them to areas whose activity correlates with the subjective experience of beauty.  相似文献   

Although individual neurons can be intrinsically oscillatory and can be network pacemakers, motor patterns are often generated in a more distributed manner. Synaptic connections with other neurons are important because they either modify the rhythm of the pacemaker cell or are essential for pattern generation in the first place. Computational studies of half-center oscillators have made much progress in describing how neurons make transitions between active and inactive phases in these simple networks. In addition to characterizing phase transitions, recent studies have described the synaptic mechanisms that are important for the initiation and maintenance of activity in half-center oscillators.  相似文献   

Many individual behavioral acts are produced by the combined activity of large populations of broadly tuned neurons, and the neuronal populations for different behaviors can overlap. Recent experiments monitoring and manipulating neuronal activity during behavioral decisions have begun to shed light on the mechanisms that enable overlapping populations of neurons to generate choices between categorically distinct behaviors.  相似文献   

The essential elements controlling trigeminal motoneurons during feeding lie between the trigeminal and facial motor nuclei. These include populations of neurons in the medial reticular formation and pre-motoneurons in the lateral brainstem that reorganize to generate various patterns. Orofacial sensory feedback, antidromic firing in spindle afferents and intrinsic properties of motoneurons also contribute to the final masticatory motor output.  相似文献   

The activity of brain serotonergic neurons in both the pontine-mesencephalic and medullary groups is positively correlated with the level of behavioral arousal and/or the behavioral state. This, in turn, appears to be related to the level of tonic motor activity, especially as manifested in antigravity muscles and other muscle groups associated with gross motor activity. In addition, a subset of serotonergic neurons displaysa further increase in activity in association with repetitive, central pattern generator mediated responses. Accumulating evidence indicates that this relation to motor activity is related both to the co-activation of the sympathetic nervous system and to the modulation of afferent inputs.  相似文献   

The past year has seen significant advances in the reduction to practice of inkjet dispensing technology in drug discovery applications. Although much of the work in this area has been done by relatively few ‘early innovators’, broader acceptance of the feasibility of the use of inkjet dispensing is on the rise. Of the three main areas of drug discovery — genomics, high-throughput screening, and combinatorial chemistry — high-throughput screening has had the most applications to date. The burgeoning field of genomics has seen rapid incorporation of technologies that enable miniaturization of gene expression experiments. Inkjet dispensing has a clear role in this effort. Finally, as the miniaturization needs of combinatorial chemistry become more clear, inkjet dispensing technology will potentially play a role.  相似文献   

The rhythmic mandible-generated close-open alternations of the mouth, responsible for the series of consonant-vowel alternations characteristic of babbling and of languages, is receiving increased attention as a possible manifestation of an ontogenetic and phylogenetic 'frame' underlying the serial organization of speech. The supplementary motor area appears important for production of this consonant-vowel frame in adults.  相似文献   

Visual perception is based on both incoming sensory signals and information about ongoing actions. Recordings from single neurons have shown that corollary discharge signals can influence visual representations in parietal, frontal and extrastriate visual cortex, as well as the superior colliculus (SC). In each of these areas, visual representations are remapped in conjunction with eye movements. Remapping provides a mechanism for creating a stable, eye-centred map of salient locations. Temporal and spatial aspects of remapping are highly variable from cell to cell and area to area. Most neurons in the lateral intraparietal area remap stimulus traces, as do many neurons in closely allied areas such as the frontal eye fields the SC and extrastriate area V3A. Remapping is not purely a cortical phenomenon. Stimulus traces are remapped from one hemifield to the other even when direct cortico-cortical connections are removed. The neural circuitry that produces remapping is distinguished by significant plasticity, suggesting that updating of salient stimuli is fundamental for spatial stability and visuospatial behaviour. These findings provide new evidence that a unified and stable representation of visual space is constructed by redundant circuitry, comprising cortical and subcortical pathways, with a remarkable capacity for reorganization.  相似文献   

Recent studies have provided new insights into the visuomotor functions of the dorsal and ventral regions of the lateral pre-motor cortex. Anatomical and physiological investigations in non-human primates have demonstrated that these regions have differing patterns of cortical connectivity and distinctive neuronal responses. Brain-imaging techniques and lesion studies have begun to probe the functions of homologous regions in humans.  相似文献   

“Set-related activity” has been defined as a significant alteration in neuronal discharge rate during an “instructed delay period,” a period when a previously instructed movement is being withheld. It has been argued that set-related activity in the primate premotor cortex, or at least a significant proportion of it, reflects motor preparation. In most previous investigations, however, in which visual stimuli have triggered the movement and simultaneously indicated its target, set-related activity might reflect either the anticipation of or attention to the trigger stimulus. The present report shows that set-related activity is robust and can be directionally selective when trigger stimuli do not indicate the target and when a trigger stimulus is absent. Another feature of previous studies has been the relatively brief intervals between the instruction and trigger stimuli (typically 3 sec or less). In the present study, we were able to observe the activity of a small number of cells during longer delay periods. Set-related activity persists, although it becomes less consistent, for as much as 7.5 sec after an instruction stimulus. These results support the hypothesis that set-related activity reflects the preparation for specific limb movements.  相似文献   

Rhythmically active neuronal networks give rise to rhythmic motor activities but also to seemingly non-rhythmic behaviors such as sleep, arousal, addiction, memory and cognition. Many of these networks contain pacemaker neurons. The ability of these neurons to generate bursts of activity intrinsically lies in voltage- and time-dependent ion fluxes resulting from a dynamic interplay among ion channels, second messenger pathways and intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, and is influenced by neuromodulators and synaptic inputs. This complex intrinsic and extrinsic modulation of pacemaker activity exerts a dynamic effect on network activity. The nonlinearity of bursting activity might enable pacemaker neurons to facilitate the onset of excitatory states or to synchronize neuronal ensembles--an interactive process that is intimately regulated by synaptic and modulatory processes.  相似文献   

Accepting, rejecting or modifying the many different theories of the cerebellum's role in the control of movement requires an understanding of the signals encoded in the discharge of cerebellar neurons and how those signals are transformed by the cerebellar circuitry. Particularly challenging is understanding the sensory and motor signals carried by the two types of action potentials generated by cerebellar Purkinje cells, the simple spikes and complex spikes. Advances have been made in understanding this signal processing in the context of voluntary arm movements. Recent evidence suggests that mossy fiber afferents to the cerebellar cortex are a source of kinematic signals, providing information about movement direction and speed. In turn, the simple spike discharge of Purkinje cells integrates this mossy fiber information to generate a movement velocity signal. Complex spikes may signal errors in movement velocity. It is proposed that the cerebellum uses the signals carried by the simple and complex spike discharges to control movement velocity for both step and tracking arm movements.  相似文献   

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