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The reproductive biology of most species of Rafflesiaceae is unknown. We studied several aspects of that of Bdallophyton bambusarum Liebm. (Rafflesiaceae) in a subdeciduous tropical forest. Flowering of B. bambusarum is during the driest time of the year. Male flowers are more numerous, larger, and with more nectar than female flowers, but the nectar from female flowers has a higher sugar concentration. Flies ( Peckia spp., Perckiamya spp.; Diptera: Sarcophagidae) are the pollinators. They make frequent visits, spending more time in the male flowers. Fluorescent dyes applied to track movement indicated extensive pollen flow within populations, and pollen flow could also be occurring between populations. The latter is reflected in the higher genetic variability within, and the great similarity between, populations than previously recorded for the species. Secondary characteristics of dioecious species fit B. bambusarum , but not the trade-off of reproductive resource allocation. Parasitic plants may damage the host, but the mechanism and extent are still unknown.  相似文献   

Taxonomists find some plant genera challenging because of the few morphological differences or unclear characters among closely related species, which leads to the misidentification of taxa. DNA barcoding is an approach to identify species by using short orthologous DNA sequences, known as ‘DNA barcodes’. Concatenated rbcL and matK sequences are considered DNA barcodes for seagrasses. However, these markers are not applicable to all members of seagrasses at the species level, especially within the genus Halophila. Our previous studies indicated that the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) showed higher species resolution than the concatenated rbcL and matK sequences in the case of Halophila ovalis and closely related species. In this study, 26 ITS, two rbcL and two matK consensus sequences from 18 seagrass taxa belonging to four families collected in India, Vietnam, Germany, Croatia and Egypt were processed. Molecular ITS analysis resolved five clades. The results also indicate that the Cymodoceaceae family might be a non-monophyletic group. In conclusion, ITS could be applied as a DNA barcode for seagrasses instead of the rbcL/matK system previously proposed.  相似文献   

Many events in the history of eastern Eurasia, including the process of domestication itself, the initial spread of domestic horses and subsequent movements, are believed to have affected the genetic structure of domestic horse populations in this area. We investigated levels of within‐ and between‐population genetic diversity in ‘non‐breed horses’ (working horses sampled in remote areas) from 17 locations in Asia and parts of Eastern Europe, using 26 autosomal microsatellite loci. Non‐breed horses have not been subject to the same intensity of artificial selection and closed breeding as have most breed animals and are thus expected to better reflect the population history of domestic horses. Despite geographic distances of between 300 and 7000 km between sampling locations, pairwise F ST was very low (range: <0.001 to ?0.033), suggesting historically high levels of gene flow. Our analyses of non‐breed horses revealed a pattern of isolation by distance and a significant decline in genetic diversity (expected heterozygosity and allelic richness) from east to west, consistent with a westward expansion of horses out of East Asia. Although the timing of this putative expansion is unclear, our results highlight the benefit of studying animals that do not belong to particular breeds when investigating aspects of a population's history.  相似文献   

New insights into the biology of preeclampsia   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Despite recent research progress, the biology of preeclampsia is still poorly understood and neither effective prediction nor causal therapy have yet emerged. Nevertheless, recent studies have documented new and exciting pathophysiological mechanisms for the origin and development of preeclampsia. These studies provide a more differentiated view on alterations of particular peptide systems with strong impact on angiogenesis and cardiovascular regulation in this pregnancy disorder. With the identification of the antiangiogenic factor soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 and the agonistic autoantibody to the angiotensin II type 1 receptor, two factors have been described with a clear linkage to the development of the disease. This review focuses on the most recent and relevant insights into the biology of preeclampsia and develops hypotheses regarding possible links between the reported aspects of preeclampsia.  相似文献   

曲纹紫灰蝶的生物学特性和发生动态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来 ,曲纹紫灰蝶Chiladespandava在广东省苏铁上大量发生 ,一些苏铁园 ,苏铁的受害株率为 2 0 %~ 3 0 % ,有的高达 5 0 %~ 60 %。调查研究了曲纹紫灰蝶的生物学特性及种群发生动态 ,结果如下。 ( 1 )幼虫分 4龄。据广州 9~ 1 0月的观察 ,卵的平均历期为 ( 1 5 2± 0 1 1 )d ,幼虫期为 ( 5 96± 0 1 9)d,蛹期为 ( 5 1 4± 0 3 8)d。成虫卵散产于苏铁嫩芽上。幼虫危害苏铁嫩芯 ,严重时苏铁的叶片、叶柄全部被吃光。 ( 2 )成虫在上午 9:3 0~ 1 0 :3 0活动数量最多。 ( 3 )曲纹紫灰蝶全年都能发生。成虫、卵、幼虫、蛹分别在 5月和 1 0月出现发生高峰 ,前峰高于后峰。其发生高峰期与苏铁的抽芯盛期相吻合。 ( 4 )防治策略 :合理采取措施压基数 ,综合防治控为害 ,即全年曲纹紫灰蝶防治的关键是掌握每年苏铁的第 1个抽芯高峰期 ,采取合理措施 ,压低曲纹紫灰蝶数量 ,持续监控发生动态 ,在第 2个发生高峰的卵孵化盛期用药防治。  相似文献   

Studying the movement of individuals in the wild has always been a challenge in ecology. However, estimating such movement is essential in life sciences as it is the base-line for evaluating connectivity, a major component in developing management and conservation plans. Furthermore, movement, or migration, is an essential parameter in population genetics, as it directly affects genetic differentiation. The development of highly variable markers has allowed genetic discrimination between individuals within populations and at larger scales, and the availability of high-throughput technologies means that many samples and hence many individuals can be screened. These advances mean that we can now use genetic identification for tracking individuals, and hence follow both survival and reproductive output through the life cycle. The paper by Morrissey & Ferguson (2011, this issue) is a demonstration of this new capability, as authors were able to infer the movement of salmonid fish initially captured as juveniles, and later as reproductively mature adults.  相似文献   

New insights into the biology of cytokinin degradation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A survey of recent results is presented concerning the role of cytokinin degradation in plants, which is catalyzed by cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase (CKX) enzymes. An overview of Arabidopsis CKX gene expression suggests that their differential regulation by biotic and abiotic factors contributes significantly to functional specification. Here, we show using reporter gene and semiquantitative RT-PCR analyses regulation of individual CKX genes by cytokinin, auxin, ABA, and phosphate starvation. Partially overlapping expression domains of CKX genes and cytokinin-synthesizing IPT genes in meristematic tissues and endo-reduplicating cells lend support for a locally restricted function of cytokinin. On the other hand, their expression in vascular tissue suggests a function in controlling transported cytokinin. Recent studies led to a model for the biochemical reaction mechanism of CKX-mediated catalysis, which was refined on the basis of the three-dimensional enzyme structure. Last but not least, the developmental functions of CKX enzymes are addressed. The recent identification of the rice OSCKX2 gene as an important novel breeding tool is highlighted. Together the results corroborate the relevance of metabolic control in determining cytokinin activity.  相似文献   

The pollination biology, mating system, and population genetic structure of Kandelia candel were investigated. Field observations on its pollination and reproductive biology suggested that this species is pollinator dependent for fruit set, and bee activities can lead to substantial geitonogamous selfing. Quantitative analysis of the mating system parameters was performed using progeny arrays assayed for allozyme markers. Multilocus outcrossing rates (t(m)) were estimated to be 0.697 ± 0.091 and 0.797 ± 0.062 in two populations. In comparison to other plant species with mixed-mating system, the level of allozyme variation was very low in the 13 populations sampled along the coastlines of Hong Kong. At the species level, the proportion of polymorphic loci was 20%, number of alleles per locus was 1.2, and heterozygosity was 0.0362. The total gene diversity was primarily distributed within populations (H(S )= 0.0339), and the coefficient of genetic differentiation among populations was low (G(ST )= 0.064). This pattern of population genetic structure suggests that gene flow, primarily in the form of water-dispersed seedlings in viviparous mangrove species, is not as limited as previously thought. However, microgeographic pattern in allele frequency at the marker loci could still be detected between the western and eastern coastal populations.  相似文献   

Fates and growth of Rafflesia patma buds and insect visitation to the flowers were monitored in an evergreen tropical rain forest in the Pangandaran Nature Reserve, Java, Indonesia, Of 59 buds marked in December 1985, 44 percent died before flowering, 7 percent flowered, and 49 percent were still in bud in May 1986. Mammals and birds caused the deaths of buds before they reached maturity. Only four buds flowered between December 1985 and May 1986; all were male. Rate of increase in diameter (cm/d) was much faster in large than in small buds. Once opening began, the flower opened fully in 24 to 48 hours; the flower remained open for three to five days before rotting. Only two genera of insects visited a male flower of R. patma: Lucilia and Sarcophaga (Diptera). Insect visitation was highest in the afternoon (1300–1700 h) and on the second or third day after flower opening. The increased number of flies visiting the flower coincided with the increasing odor emitted from it. Results of the present study were combined with information from the literature to construct a life cycle diagram of R. patma.  相似文献   

The Balkan donkey (Equus asinus L.) is commonly regarded as a large‐sized, unselected, unstructured and traditionally managed donkey breed. We assessed the current genetic status of the three largest E. asinus populations in the central Balkans (Serbia) by analysing the variability of nuclear microsatellites and the mitochondrial (mtDNA) control region of 77 and 49 individuals respectively. We further analysed our mtDNA dataset along with 209 published mtDNA sequences of ancient and modern individuals from 19 European and African populations to provide new insights into the origin and the history of the Balkan donkey. Serbian donkey populations are highly genetically diverse at both the nuclear and mtDNA levels despite severe population decline. Traditional Balkan donkeys in Serbia are rather heterogeneous; we found two groups of individuals with similar phenotypic features, somewhat distinct nuclear backgrounds and different proportions of mtDNA haplotypes belonging to matrilineal Clades 1 and 2. Another group, characterized by larger body size, different coat colour, distinct nuclear gene pool and predominantly Clade 2 haplotypes, was delineated as the Banat donkey breed. The maternal landscape of the large Balkan donkey population is highly heterogeneous and more complex than previously thought. Given the two independent domestication events in donkeys, multiple waves of introductions into the Balkans from Greece are hypothesized. Clade 2 donkeys probably appeared in Greece prior to those belonging to Clade 1, whereas expansion and diversification of Clade 1 donkeys within the Balkans predated that of Clade 2 donkeys.  相似文献   

Past breeding strategies for dairy cattle have been very effective in producing rapid genetic gain to achieve industry targets and raise profitability. Such gains have been largely facilitated by intense selection of sires combined with the use of artificial insemination. However, this practice can potentially limit the level of genetic diversity through inbreeding and selection plateaus. The rate of inbreeding in Australia is increasing, primarily as a result of semen importation from a small number of prominent bulls from the USA. The effect of this genetic influx in the Australian dairy cattle population is poorly understood both in terms of diversity and local adaptation/divergence. This study uses 845 genome-wide SNP genetic markers and 431 bulls to characterize the level of genetic diversity and genetic divergence within the Australian and international Holstein Friesian dairy population. No significant differences in genetic diversity (as measured by heterozygosity [H(o)] and allelic richness [A]) were observed over the 25-year time period (1975-1999) for bulls used in Australia. The importation of foreign semen into Australia has increased the effective population size until it was in effect a sub-sample of the global population. Our data indicate that most individuals are equally closely related to one another, regardless of country of origin and year of birth. In effect, the global population can be considered as one single population unit. These results indicate that inbreeding, genetic drift and selection has had little effect at reducing genetic diversity and differentiating the Australian Holstein Friesian population at a genome-wide level.  相似文献   

Autochthonous Basques are thought to be a trace from the human population contraction that occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum, based mainly on the salient frequencies and coalescence ages registered for haplogroups V, H1, and H3 of mitochondrial DNA in current Basque populations. However, variability of the maternal lineages still remains relatively unexplored in an important fraction of the Iberian Basque community. In this study, mitochondrial DNA diversity in Navarre (North Spain) was addressed for the first time. To that end, HVS-I and HVS-II sequences from 110 individuals were examined to identify the most relevant lineages, including analysis of coding region SNPs for the refinement of haplogroup assignment. We found a prominent frequency of subhaplogroup J1c (11.8%) in Navarre, coinciding with previous studies on Basques. Subhaplogroup H2a5, a putative autochthonous Basque lineage, was also observed in Navarre, pointing to a common origin of current Basque geographical groups. In contrast to other Basque subpopulations, comparative analyses at Iberian and European scales revealed a relevant frequency of subhaplogroup H3 (10.9%) and a frequency peak for U5b (15.5%) in Navarre. Furthermore, we observed low frequencies for maternal lineages HV0 and H1 in Navarre relative to other northern Iberian populations. All these findings might be indicative of intense genetic drift episodes generated by population fragmentation in the area of the Franco-Cantabrian refuge until recent times, which could have promoted genetic microdifferentiation between the different Basque subpopulations.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work is to present a general framework for the notion of the strong Allee effect in population models, including competition, mutualistic, and predator–prey models. The study is restricted to the strong Allee effect caused by an inter-specific interaction. The main feature of the strong Allee effect is that the extinction equilibrium is an attractor. We show how a ‘phase space core’ of three or four equilibria is sufficient to describe the essential dynamics of the interaction between two species that are prone to the Allee effect. We will introduce the notion of semistability in planar systems. Finally, we show how the presence of semistable equilibria increases the number of possible Allee effect cores.  相似文献   

冷蒿种群在放牧干扰下遗传多样性的变化   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
王静  杨持  尹俊  王铁娟  刘朋涛 《生态学报》2004,24(11):2465-2471
通过随机扩增多态性 DNA(RAPD)方法检测了放牧干扰下冷蒿种群遗传多样性的变化。 17条 (组 )引物进行 RAPD分析 ,扩增共产生 2 5 4条带 ,其中 2 4 0条为多态性带 ,多态位点百分率达 94 .4 9%。随着放牧强度的增加 ,冷蒿种群多态位点百分数 ,Nei遗传多样性指数、Shannon信息指数均下降 ,种群内个体平均遗传一致度增加。放牧梯度上 4个冷蒿种群 H t=0 .2 116 ,Hs=0 .170 0 ,Dst=0 .0 4 16 ,种群间基因分化系数 Gst=0 .196 5 ,基因流 N*m=2 .0 4 5 1;同时随着放牧强度的增加 ,种群间的 Dst、Gst增加 ,N*m 降低。说明放牧限制了种群间的基因交流 ,使种群发生遗传分化。放牧梯度上的 4个冷蒿种群的遗传距离很小 ,但是随着放牧强度的增加 ,遗传距离在缓慢的增加 ,种群间的遗传一致度降低。根据遗传距离所构建的 U PGMA聚类图中冷蒿 4个种群随着牧压的增加 ,逐级聚在一起。这表明冷蒿种群的遗传分化与放牧强度的关系  相似文献   

Efforts are underway to return the American chestnut (Castanea dentata) to eastern forests of North America following its decline due to the introduction of the chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica). Approaches include developing blight‐resistant chestnut lines through breeding programs and via genetic engineering. Reestablishment of resistant chestnut to eastern forests would produce one of the most extensive ecological restoration transformations ever attempted. However, this undertaking is costly and optimization of reintroduction methods is needed. We used the computer program NEWGARDEN to model whether some patterns of founder placement (regular vs. random spacing at differing densities) produce more rapidly expanding populations across a range of gene dispersal distance conditions (via both offspring and pollen). For a simulated introduction project employing 169 founders, placing founders randomly in a square of side 0.85 km produced higher rates of predicted population growth compared with larger or smaller squares under near gene dispersal conditions; this side distance was 1.0 km under far gene dispersal conditions. After 100 population bouts of mating and under near gene dispersal conditions, the trial with founder placement producing the greatest population expansion rate exhibited a 314% increase in census size compared with the founder pattern yielding the slowest expansion. Neither loss of alleles nor inbreeding or subdivision was significantly increased under the founder placement patterns yielding the most descendants. Exploring different numerical and geometrical founding scenarios using NEWGARDEN can provide first estimates of founding patterns or stand manipulations that will return the most descendants produced per founder planted in restoration projects.  相似文献   

Topmouth culter (Culter alburnus) is an ecologically and economically important species belonging to the subfamily Culterinae that is native to and widespread in East Asia. Intraspecific variation of semi-buoyant and adhesive eggs in topmouth culter provides an ideal opportunity to investigate the genetic mechanisms of spawning habits underlying the adaptive radiation of cyprinids in East Asia. In this study, we present a chromosome-level genome assembly of topmouth culter and re-sequenced 158 individuals from six locations in China covering three geographical groups and two egg type variations. The topmouth culter genome size was 1.05 Gb, with a contig N50 length of 17.8 Mb and anchored onto 24 chromosomes. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the divergence time of the Culterinae was coinciding with the time of initiation of the Asian monsoon intensification. Gene family evolutionary analysis indicated that the expanded gene families in topmouth culter were associated with dietary adaptation. Population-level genetic analysis indicated clear differentiation among the six populations, which were clustered into three distinct clusters, consistent with their geographical divergence. The historical effective population size of topmouth culter correlated with the Tibetan Plateau uplifting according to the demographic history reconstruction. A selective sweep analysis between adhesive and semi-buoyant egg populations revealed the genes associated with the hydration and adhesiveness of eggs, indicating divergent selection towards different hydrological environments. This study offers a high-resolution genetic resource for further studies on evolutionary adaptation, genetic breeding and conservation of topmouth culter, providing insights into the molecular mechanisms for egg type variation of East Asian cyprinids.  相似文献   

plants found at this site were densely covered by flowers of the parasite on their stems indicating heavy development of cellular The holoparasite/host interaction of Pilostyles ingae (Karst.) Hook. f. (Rafflesiaceae) and Mimosa naguirei Barneby (Mimosaceae) was studied in the open campo rupestre vegetation of Serra do Cipó (State of Minas Gerais, Brazil). Infected M. naguirei threads of the parasite in the bark of the hosts. Cellular threads of the parasite are likely to be richer in lipids and hence depleted in 13C. This may explain the significantly more negative carbon isotope ratios (δ13C values) of the bark of infected host plants observed as compared to other tissues of infected and non-infected host plants. Photosynthetic parameters such as potential quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm), apparent photosynthetic electron transport rates (ETR) and effective quantum yield of photosystem II (A F/F'm) in light dependence curves, as well as δ13C values of leaves as a relative measure of average intercellular CO2 partial pressure during photosynthesis over the lifetime of the leaves, which is also related to average stomatal conductance via water use efficiency, were remarkably similar. This suggests a well balanced relation between the Mimosa host and the Pilostyles parasite, in contrast to other hemiparasitic angiosperm parasite/host interactions where the parasite (e.g. Striga) is known to have strong detrimental effects on host photosynthesis.  相似文献   

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