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Cholesterol and hepatic lipoprotein assembly and secretion   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

We studied the biogenesis of apolipoprotein B (apoB) in primary hepatocytes isolated from hamster liver, an animal model with striking resemblance to humans in lipoprotein metabolism. Hamster hepatocytes were found to assemble and secrete apoB-containing lipoproteins at a density of VLDL. Intracellular mechanisms of apoB biogenesis were investigated in both intact and permeabilized hamster hepatocytes. Translocational status of hamster apoB-100 was examined using trypsin protection assays in permeabilized cells as well as isolated microsomes which revealed that 27-42% of newly synthesized apoB was trypsin accessible as opposed to a control protein, transferrin, which was found to be essentially insensitive to exogenous trypsin. Subcellular fractionation of membrane and lumenal apoB pools indicated, however, that only a minor fraction of hamster apoB was associated with the microsomal membrane. Approximately 40% of newly synthesized apoB was found to be degraded post-translationally in a process sensitive to MG132. Immunoblotting analysis of apoB immunoprecipitates revealed ubiquitination of hamster apoB suggesting the involvement of the proteasome in its intracellular turnover. In addition to MG132, o-phenanthroline, a metalloprotease inhibitor, was also effective in stabilizing hamster apoB. Experiments in permeabilized hamster hepatocytes further confirmed post-translational instability of hamster apoB which was degraded over a 3-h chase generating proteolytic fragments including 167, 70, 57, and 46 kDa intermediates. Of these only the 70 kDa fragment was ALLN sensitive. Oleate treatment of hamster hepatocytes provided protection against intracellular apoB degradation, but did not stimulate its extracellular secretion. ApoB was assembled in the microsomal lumen into lipoprotein particles with densities of LDL and VLDL which were subsequently secreted as VLDL with a minor fraction forming HDL-like particles. In summary, hamster hepatocytes appear to efficiently assemble and secrete apoB-containing VLDL, although a significant pool of newly synthesized apoB is retained intracellularly and becomes sensitive to proteasome-mediated degradation as well as other proteases in the secretory pathway, generating specific degradative intermediates.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The assembly of intestinal lipoproteins is critical for the transport of fat and fat-soluble vitamins. In this review we propose a nomenclature for these lipoproteins and have summarized recent data about their intracellular assembly and factors that modulate their secretion. RECENT FINDINGS: The assembly and secretion of intestinal lipoproteins increases with the augmented synthesis of apoB, apoAIV and lipids. Chylomicron assembly begins with the formation of primordial, phospholipid-rich particles in the membrane, and their conversion to large chylomicrons occurs in the lumen of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Chylomicrons are transported from the endoplasmic reticulum via specialized vesicles to the Golgi for secretion. The identification of genetic mutations in chylomicron retention disease indicates that Sar1b may play a critical role in this process. In addition to chylomicron assembly, intestinal cells have been shown to transport dietary cholesterol via apoB-independent pathways, such as efflux. SUMMARY: Understanding the mechanisms involved in the intracellular transport of chylomicrons and chylomicron-independent secretion pathways are expected to be the next frontiers in the field of intestinal lipoprotein assembly and secretion.  相似文献   

Pulse-chase studies combined with subcellular fractionation indicated that LpB 100 (i.e. the apoprotein B (apoB) 100 containing lipoproteins) was released to the lumen of the secretory pathway in a subcellular fraction enriched in smooth vesicles, and referred to as SMF (the smooth membrane fraction). The migration of SMF during gradient ultracentrifugation as well as kinetic studies indicated that the fraction was derived from a pre-Golgi compartment, probably the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Only small amounts of LpB 100 could be detected during these pulse-chase experiments in the subcellular fractions derived from the rough endoplasmatic reticulum (RER). SMF contained the major amount of the diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity present in the ER, while the major amount of membrane bound apoB 100 was present in the RER. Pulse-chase studies of the intracellular transfer of apoB 100 demonstrated the formation of a large membrane-bound preassembly pool in the ER, while no significant amount of apoB 100 radioactivity was present in the membrane of the Golgi apparatus. The maximal radioactivity of LpB 100, recovered from the ER or the Golgi lumen, was small compared with the radioactivity recovered from the ER membrane, indicating that the assembled LpB 100 rapidly leaves the cells. This in turn indicates that the rate-limiting step in the secretion of apoB 100 was the transfer of the protein from the ER membrane to the LpB 100 in the lumen. A portion of the intracellular pool of apoB 100 was not secreted but underwent posttranslational degradation.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of high density lipophorin (HDLp) was studied in larvae and adults of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. In an in vitro system, fat bodies were incubated in a medium containing a mixture of tritiated amino acids. Using SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting, it was shown that larval and adult fat bodies secreted both HDLp apoproteins, apolipophorin I (apoLp-I) and apolipophorin II (apoLp-II). Radiolabel was recovered in both apoproteins, indicative of de novo synthesis. The density of the fractions containing the apoproteins synthesized and secreted by larval and adult fat bodies was determined by density gradient ultracentrifugation. A radiolabeled protein fraction was found at density 1.12 g/ml. Using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detecting apoLp-I and apoLp-II, it was demonstrated that both apoproteins were present in this fraction, which had a density identical to that of circulating HDLp in hemolymph. Lipid analysis revealed that it contained phospholipid, diacylglycerol, sterol, and hydrocarbons. From these results it is concluded that the fat body of the locust synthesizes both apoLp-I and apoLp-II, which are combined with lipids to a lipoprotein particle that is released into the medium as HDLp.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Apolipoprotein B-containing lipoprotein assembly and secretion is critical for lipid absorption and triglyceride homeostasis, and plays a role in atherogenesis and the pathobiology of type 2 diabetes and obesity. This review highlights recent insights into the evolutionary, structural, and cell biology of hepatic and intestinal pathways for lipid mobilization, and the mechanisms and regulation of lipoprotein assembly and secretion. RECENT FINDINGS: Until recently it was assumed that microsomal triglyceride transfer protein-dependent apolipoprotein B-containing lipoprotein assembly was a unique adaptation associated with vertebrate lipid homeostasis. However, it is now clear that microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) exists in species whose last common ancestor diverged over 550 million years ago. In its long evolutionary history, the MTP gene has given rise to a series of paralogous lipid transport proteins, all of which require MTP for their biogenesis. During its evolution, MTP has acquired new functions, enabling it to participate in a disparate array of lipid mobilization and transport pathways, ranging from primitive lipoprotein assembly to antigenic lipid presentation. In addition to the complex and multifunctional role of MTP in apolipoprotein B assembly, other factors responsible for the generation of secretion-coupled lipids and the modulation of apolipoprotein B production are emerging. SUMMARY: The phylogenic dissection of MTP and apolipoprotein B function, coupled with ongoing structural and biochemical analyses, provide significant insights into the mechanisms of lipid mobilization and secretion. Some of these factors and processes may be targeted therapeutically to modulate the quantitative and qualitative aspects of apolipoprotein B production.  相似文献   

Compounds of the general structure A and B were investigated for their activity as lipoprotein(a), [Lp(a)], assembly (coupling) inhibitors. SAR around the amino acid derivatives (structure A) gave compound 14-6 as a potent coupling inhibitor. Oral dosing of compound 14-6 to Lp(a) transgenic mice and cymologous monkeys resulted in a>30% decrease in plasma Lp(a) levels after 1-2 weeks of treatment at 100 mg/kg/day.  相似文献   

Bile salt-stimulated carboxyl ester lipase (CEL), also called cholesterol esterase, is one of the major proteins secreted by the pancreas. The physiological role of CEL was originally thought to be its mediation of dietary cholesterol absorption. However, recent studies showed no difference between wild type and CEL knockout mice in the total amount of cholesterol absorbed in a single meal. The current study tests the hypothesis that CEL in the intestinal lumen may influence the type of lipoproteins produced. A lipid emulsion containing 4 mm phospholipid, 13.33 mm [(3)H]triolein, and 2.6 mm [(14)C]cholesterol in 19 mm taurocholate was infused into the duodenum of lymph fistula CEL(+/+) and CEL(-/-) mice at a rate of 0.3 ml/h. Results showed no difference between CEL(+/+) and CEL(-/-) mice in the rate of cholesterol and triglyceride transport from the intestinal lumen to the lymph. However, CEL(-/-) mice produced predominantly smaller lipoproteins, whereas the CEL(+/+) mice produced primarily large chylomicrons and very low density lipoprotein. The proximal intestine of CEL(-/-) mice was also found to possess significantly less ceramide hydrolytic activity than that present in CEL(+/+) mice. By using Caco2 cells grown on Transwell membranes as a model, sphingomyelinase treatment inhibited the secretion of larger chylomicron-like lipoproteins without affecting total cholesterol secretion. In contrast, the addition of CEL to the apical medium increased the amount of large lipoproteins produced and alleviated the inhibition induced by sphingomyelinase. Taken together, this study identified a novel and physiologically significant role for CEL, namely the promotion of large chylomicron production in the intestine. The mechanism appears to be mediated through CEL hydrolysis of ceramide generated during the lipid absorption process.  相似文献   

We previously proposed that the N-terminal 1000-residue betaalpha(1) domain of apolipoprotein B (apoB) forms a bulk lipid pocket homologous to that of lamprey lipovitellin. In support of this "lipid pocket" hypothesis, we demonstrated that apoB:1000 (residues 1-1000) is secreted by a stable transformant of McA-RH7777 cells as a monodisperse particle with high density lipoprotein 3 (HDL(3)) density. In contrast, apoB:931 (residues 1-931), missing only 69 residues of the sequence homologous to lipovitellin, was secreted as a particle considerably more dense than HDL(3). In the present study we have determined the stoichiometry of the lipid component of the apoB:931 and apoB:1000 particles. The secreted [(3)H]glycerol-labeled apoB:1000 particles, isolated by nondenaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, contained 50 phospholipid (PL) and 11 triacylglycerol (TAG) molecules/particle. In contrast, apoB:931 particles contained only a few molecules of PL and were devoid of TAG. The unlabeled apoB:1000 particles, isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography, contained 56 PL, 8 TAG, and 7 cholesteryl ester molecules/particle. The surface to core lipid ratio of apoB:1000-containing particles was approximately 4:1 and was not affected by oleate supplementation. Although very small amounts of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) were associated with apoB:1000 particles, it never approached a 1:1 molar ratio of MTP to apoB. These results support a model in which (i) the first 1000 amino acid residues of apoB are competent to complete the lipid pocket without a structural requirement for MTP; (ii) a portion, or perhaps all, of the amino acid residues between 931 and 1000 of apoB-100 are critical for the formation of a stable, bulk lipid-containing nascent lipoprotein particle, and (iii) the lipid pocket created by the first 1000 residues of apoB-100 is PL-rich, suggesting a small bilayer type organization and has a maximum capacity on the order of 50 molecules of phospholipid.  相似文献   

The assembly of beta-barrel proteins into membranes is a fundamental process that is essential in Gram-negative bacteria, mitochondria and plastids. Our understanding of the mechanism of beta-barrel assembly is progressing from studies carried out in Escherichia coli and Neisseria meningitidis. Comparative sequence analysis suggests that while many components mediating beta-barrel protein assembly are conserved in all groups of bacteria with outer membranes, some components are notably absent. The Alphaproteobacteria in particular seem prone to gene loss and show the presence or absence of specific components mediating the assembly of beta-barrels: some components of the pathway appear to be missing from whole groups of bacteria (e.g. Skp, YfgL and NlpB), other proteins are conserved but are missing characteristic domains (e.g. SurA). This comparative analysis is also revealing important structural signatures that are vague unless multiple members from a protein family are considered as a group (e.g. tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) motifs in YfiO, beta-propeller signatures in YfgL). Given that the process of the beta-barrel assembly is conserved, analysis of outer membrane biogenesis in Alphaproteobacteria, the bacterial group that gave rise to mitochondria, also promises insight into the assembly of beta-barrel proteins in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Changes of lipoprotein secretion and composition in response to CCl4 treatment were studied in monolayer cultures of rat primary hepatocytes. (1) CCl4 decreased secretion of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) by about 85%, while high density lipoprotein (HDL) secretion was less affected (about 40%). The effect was concentration-dependent. (2) CCl4 significantly inhibited secretion of VLDL- and HDL-associated triglycerides and cholesterol esters. VLDL- and HDL-associated cholesterol was not affected, while secretion of phospholipids was increased. (3) Hepatocytes secreted the apolipoproteins B48, B100, E, C, and A-I. CCl4 reduced secretion of apoproteins associated with VLDL by almost 20%, and by about 75% when associated with HDL. The de novo synthesis of apolipoproteins was attenuated by CCl4. (4) CCl4 caused variations in the apolipoprotein composition in VLDL and HDL. CCl4 intoxication of the liver affected the morphology and/or function of the lipoproteins, which drastically impaired their ability to act as transport vehicles for lipids from the liver to the circulation.  相似文献   

A potentially important source of cholesterol secreted in bile is cholesterol-rich lipoproteins. However, the fate of the cholesterol carried in these lipoproteins after hepatic uptake has not been investigated. We harvested an apoE- and cholesterol-rich lipoprotein fraction (d 1.02-1.06 g/ml) from hypercholesterolemic rats and examined the acute effects of these lipoproteins on hepatic cholesterol metabolism, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) secretion, and biliary lipid secretion. Administration of a lipoprotein bolus (20 mg of cholesterol) to rats resulted in a significant decrease in 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity and a significant increase in acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase activity over controls at 1 hr. Hepatic cholesteryl ester content increased 400% with no change in hepatic free cholesterol content or biliary cholesterol secretion. These cholesterol-rich lipoproteins delivered in the isolated perfused liver effected a fivefold increase in hepatic VLDL secretion with no change in composition. Therefore, cholesterol-rich lipoproteins do not acutely alter biliary cholesterol secretion. Rather, the majority of the cholesterol delivered to the liver in these lipoproteins is either esterified and stored as cholesteryl ester or resecreted as free and esterified cholesterol in hepatic VLDL.  相似文献   

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