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The competition between protein aggregation and folding has been investigated using rhodanese (thiosulfate:cyanide sulfurtransferase, EC as a model. During folding from a urea-denatured state, rhodanese rapidly forms associated species or intermediates, some of which are large and/or sticky. The early removal of such particles by filtration results in a decreased refolding yield. With time, a portion of the smaller aggregates can partition back first to intermediates and then to refolded protein, while a fraction of these irreversibly form unproductive higher aggregates. Dynamic light scattering measurements indicate that the average sizes of the aggregates formed during rhodanese folding increase from 225 to 325 nm over 45 min and they become increasingly heterogeneous. Glycerol addition or the application of high hydrostatic pressure improved the final refolding yields by stabilizing smaller particles. Although addition of glycerol into the refolding mixture blocks the formation of unproductive aggregates, it cannot dissociate them back to productive intermediates. The presence of 3.9 M urea keeps the aggregates small, and they can be dissociated to monomers by high hydrostatic pressure even after 1 h of incubation. These studies suggest that early associated intermediates formed during folding can be reversed to give active species.  相似文献   

The chaperonin protein cpn60 from Escherichia coli protects the monomeric, mitochondrial enzyme rhodanese (thiosulfate:cyanide sulfurtransferase, EC against heat inactivation. The thermal inactivation of rhodanese was studied for four different states of the enzyme: native, refolded, bound to cpn60 in the form of a binary complex formed from unfolded rhodanese, and a thermally perturbed state. Thermal stabilization is observed in a range of temperatures from 25 to 48 degrees C. Rhodanese that had been inactivated by incubation at 48 degrees C, in the presence of cpn60 can be reactivated at 25 degrees C, upon addition of cpn10, K+, and MgATP. A recovery of about 80% was achieved after 1 h of the addition of those components. Thus, the enzyme is protected against heat inactivation and kept in a reactivable form if inactivation is attempted using the binary complex formed between rhodanese folding intermediate(s) and cpn60. The chaperonin-assisted refolding of urea-denatured rhodanese is dependent on the temperature of the refolding reaction. However, optimal chaperonin assisted refolding of rhodanese observed at 25 degrees C, which is achieved upon addition of cpn10 and ATP to the cpn60-rhodanese complex, is independent of the temperature of preincubation of the complex, that was formed previously at low temperature. The results are in agreement with a model in which the chaperonin cpn60 interacts with partly folded intermediates by forming a binary complex which is stable to elevated temperatures. In addition, it appears that native rhodanese can be thermally perturbed to produce a state different from that achieved by denaturation that can interact with cpn60.  相似文献   

Interaction of rhodanese with mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
NADH dehydrogenase is an iron-sulfur flavoprotein which is isolated and purified from Complex I (mitochondrial NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase) by resolution with NaClO4. The activity of the enzyme (followed as NADH: 2-methylnaphthoquinone oxidoreductase) increases linearly with protein concentration (in the range between 0.2 and 1.0 mg/ml) and decreases with aging upon incubation on ice. In the present work a good correlation was found between enzymic activity and labile sulfide content, at least within the limits of sensitivity of the assays employed. Rhodanese (thiosulfate: cyanide sulfurtransferase (EC purified from bovine liver mitochondria was shown to restore, in the presence of thiosulfate, the activity of the partly inactivated NADH dehydrogenase. Concomitantly, sulfur was transferred from thiosulfate to the flavoprotein and incorporated as acid-labile sulfide. Rhodanese-mediated sulfide transfer was directly demonstrated when the reactivation of NADH dehydrogenase was performed in the presence of radioactive thiosulfate (labeled in the outer sulfur) and the 35S-loaded flavoprotein was re-isolated by gel filtration chromatography. The results indicated that the [35S]sulfide was inserted in NADH dehydrogenase and appeared to constitute the structural basis for the increase in enzymic activity.  相似文献   

Reversible folding of rhodanese. Presence of intermediate(s) at equilibrium   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
For the first time completely reversible unfolding was achieved for guanidinium chloride-denatured rhodanese using a systematically defined protocol. These conditions included beta-mercaptoethanol, lauryl maltoside, and sodium thiosulfate. All components were required to get more than the previous best reactivation with lauryl maltoside of 17% (Tandon, S., and Horowitz, P. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 15615-15681). Non-coincidental transition curves were obtained by monitoring different parameters including: (i) variation in the activity, (ii) shifts of the fluorescence wavelength maximum, and (iii) variation in ellipticity at 220 nm. The transition followed by the fluorescence wavelength maximum was asymmetric and resolvable into two separate transitions. A thermodynamic analysis was used to define the energetics of the two processes. Studies with the fluorescent "apolar" probe 1,8ANS are consistent with the appearance of organized hydrophobic surfaces following the first transition. Near UV CD measurements indicated that the first transition is associated with a loss of dyssymmetry around at least some of the tryptophans. Thus, the unfolding of rhodanese is complex, and there are detectable intermediate(s) during the process. These results suggest that reversible unfolding occurs in two discrete stages: 1) loss of tertiary interactions and activity, with retention of secondary structure, and 2) loss of secondary structure. The available x-ray structure suggests that the first transition can be associated with changes in the domain interactions, which may modulate the effectiveness of helix dipoles in lowering the pKa of the active site sulfhydryl.  相似文献   

Protein folding in vitro.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
It is becoming increasingly evident that intermediates observed in protein folding in vitro may be closely related to conformational states that are important in various intracellular processes. This review focuses on recent advances in in vitro protein-folding studies with particular reference to the molten globule state, which is purported to be a common and distinct intermediate of protein folding.  相似文献   

To determine the conformational properties of the C-terminal region of the insulin B-chain relative to the helical core of the molecule, we have investigated the fluorescence properties of an insulin analog in which amino acids B28 and B29 have been substituted with a tryptophan and proline residue respectively, ([WB28,PB29]insulin). The biological properties and far-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the molecule indicate that the conformation is similar to that of native human insulin. Guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl)-induced equilibrium denaturation of the analog as monitored by CD intensity at 224 nm indicates a single cooperative transition with a midpoint of 4.9 M GdnHCl. In contrast, when the equilibrium denaturation is observed by steady-state fluorescence emission intensity at 350 nm, two distinct transitions are observed. The first transition accounts for 60% of the observed signal and has a midpoint of 1.5 M GdnHCl. The second transition roughly parallels that observed by CD measurements with an approximate midpoint of 4.5 M GdnHCl. The near-UV CD spectrum, size-exclusion, and ultracentrifugation properties of [WB28,PB29]insulin indicate that this analog does not self-associate in a concentration-dependent manner as does human insulin. Thus, the observed fluorescence changes must be due to specific conformational transitions which occur upon unfolding of the insulin monomer with the product of the first transition representing a stable folding intermediate of this molecule.  相似文献   

Archaea are abundant in permanently cold environments. The Antarctic methanogen, Methanococcoides burtonii, has proven an excellent model for studying molecular mechanisms of cold adaptation. Methanococcoides burtonii contains three group II chaperonins that diverged prior to its closest orthologues from mesophilic Methanosarcina spp. The relative abundance of the three chaperonins shows little dependence on organism growth temperature, except at the highest temperatures, where the most thermally stable chaperonin increases in abundance. In vitro and in vivo, the M. burtonii chaperonins are predominantly monomeric, with only 23-33% oligomeric, thereby differing from other archaea where an oligomeric ring form is dominant. The crystal structure of an N-terminally truncated chaperonin reveals a monomeric protein with a fully open nucleotide binding site. When compared with closed state group II chaperonin structures, a large-scale ≈ 30° rotation between the equatorial and intermediate domains is observed resulting in an open nucleotide binding site. This is analogous to the transition observed between open and closed states of group I chaperonins but contrasts with recent archaeal group II chaperonin open state ring structures. The predominance of monomeric form and the ability to adopt a fully open nucleotide site appear to be unique features of the M. burtonii group II chaperonins.  相似文献   

Hyperacetylated histones facilitate chromatin assembly in vitro.   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We have examined the effect of histone acetylation on the in vitro assembly of nucleosomes with DNA and purified histones at physiological ionic strength in the presence of polyglutamic acid. We have found that hyperacetylated histones assemble nucleosomes with greater efficiency, and to a greater extent, than either control or hypoacetylated histones. Assembly reactions were performed over a range of histone to DNA ratios (0.25 to 3.0, w/w) and polyglutamic acid to histone ratios (0 to 1.6, w/w). Although polyglutamic acid may act as a sink to prevent nonspecific histone-DNA interactions, our data suggest that the polyanion primarily facilitates the assembly of nucleosomes by organizing histones into a form that is amenable to deposition.  相似文献   

Hen ovalbumin, the major secretory product of oviduct cells, is a 43 000-dalton glycoprotein. Many studies have led to controversy over the question of whether ovalbumin (OA) can be fully renatured after chemical denaturation. We have studied the renaturation of OA after denaturation with guanidinium chloride, urea or alkaline pH. Denatured OA displays an intrinsic viscosity consistent with nearly complete unfolding of the protein. Removal of the denaturant results in a complete reversal of the changes in intrinsic viscosity. However, closer examination of the renatured protein reveals major differences from the native form. Renatured OA (OAR) can be completely separated from the native form (OAN) by affinity chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose. OAR displays altered tryptophan fluorescence, u.v.-absorption and c.d. spectra. Only OAR binds anilinonaphthalenesulphonate (as measured by fluorescence enhancement). OAR, but not OAN, binds about 2 mol of the covalent hydrophobic affinity probe phenyl isothiocyanate/mol. Renaturation, and the production of OAR, occurs regardless of the oxidation state of the disulphide bonds, of phosphorylation of the protein, and of the presence or the absence of the single carbohydrate chain. OAR may be either monomeric or an irreversible aggregate. Which of these two states is formed depends on the protein concentration during renaturation. Monomeric and aggregated OAR can be distinguished on the basis of some spectroscopic characteristics, but they share the essential hydrophobic characteristics that distinguish them from OAN. OAN and OAR do not spontaneously interconvert. Antibodies raised to each can be made monospecific by immunoabsorption. Thus two stable forms of OA can be obtained, one of which, OAR, displays hydrophobic characteristics. OAN, but not OAR, is formed when OA is synthesized in vitro in a translation system.  相似文献   

Efficient formation of the cpn60-rhodanese complex can be achieved by mixing unfolded rhodanese with excess cpn60 at low temperature. By employing these conditions, a stable and highly reactivatable complex is formed. The complex is not formed when native enzyme is used. Concentrations of NaCl, as high as 0.75 M, do not have any effect on the formation or disruption of the binary complex. cpn60-bound rhodanese contains an exposed hydrophobic surface, as detected by the binding of the fluorescent reporter, 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid. The intrinsic fluorescence of cpn60-bound rhodanese reports that the average tryptophan is in an intermediate environment between that found in unfolded and native states. This form of rhodanese has an accessibility to quenching by acrylamide or iodide that is intermediate between the unfolded and native forms of the enzyme. Protease susceptibility studies show that rhodanese bound to cpn60 exhibits a trypsin digestion pattern similar to the native enzyme, although it is more rapidly proteolyzed. The results suggest that the conformation of cpn60-bound rhodanese resembles a native-like conformation, but with increased flexibility. Further, only intact rhodanese or enzyme lacking its N-terminal sequence can interact with cpn60 and form a stable binary complex. The protein fragment corresponding to the rhodanese N-terminal sequence did not form part of a stable complex with cpn60.  相似文献   

Incubation of malate dehydrogenase with thiosulfate and rhodanese lead to an increase of dehydrogenasic activity. Selenosulfate, elemental sulfur and elemental selenium were shown similarly able to activate this protein. The activation is limited to the presence of SH groups on the protein. Experiments with 35S demonstrated the direct transfer of zero valence sulfur from rhodanese to malate dehydrogenase. It is proposed that this activation could be a mechanism of enzyme activity modulation in vivo.  相似文献   

The in vitro folding of rhodanese involves a competition between formation of properly folded enzyme and off-pathway inactive species. Co-solvents like glycerol or low temperature, e.g. refolding at 10 degrees C, successfully retard the off-pathway formation of large inactive aggregates, but the process does not yield 100% active enzyme. These data suggest that mis-folded species are formed from early folding intermediates. GroEL can capture early folding intermediates, and it loses the ability to capture and reactivate rhodanese if the enzyme is allowed first to spontaneously fold for longer times before it is presented to GroEL, a process that leads to the formation of unproductive intermediates. In addition, GroEL cannot reverse large aggregates once they are formed, but it could capture some folding intermediates and activate them, even though they are not capable of forming active enzyme if left to spontaneous refolding. The interaction between GroEL and rhodanese substantially but not completely inhibits intra-protein inactivation, which is responsible for incomplete activation during unassisted refolding. Thus, GroEL not only decreases aggregation, but it gives the highest reactivation of any method of assistance. The results are interpreted using a previously suggested model based on studies of the spontaneous folding of rhodanese (Gorovits, B. M., McGee, W. A., and Horowitz, P. M. (1998) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1382, 120--128 and Panda, M., Gorovits, B. M., and Horowitz, P. M. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 63--70).  相似文献   

The enzyme rhodanese contains two globular domains connected by a tether region and associated by strong hydrophobic interactions. The protein has proven to be very difficult to refold without assistance to prevent oxidation and aggregation. For this study, the active site cysteine 247, near the interdomain region, was modified with the environmentally sensitive fluorescent probe, 2-(4'-(iodoacetamido)anilino)naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid (IAANS), to yield a derivative that reversibly unfolds. Structural transitions during urea unfolding/refolding were complex and multiphasic. Increasing urea concentrations increased the IAANS fluorescence intensity and polarization. Both values reached maxima at approximately 4 m urea, where there is a concomitant large exposure of hydrophobic sites as reported by both IAANS and the noncovalent fluorescent probe, bis-ANS. The exposure of the hydrophobic sites arises from the decrease in strong interaction between the domain interfaces, which lead to their partial separation. This correlates with the loss of activity of the unlabeled enzyme. Above 4.5 m urea, there is progressive loss of rigid, hydrophobic surfaces, and both fluorescence and polarization of IAANS decrease, with accompanying loss of secondary structure. These results are consistent with a folding model in which there is an initial, rapid hydrophobic collapse of the denatured form to an intermediate with native like secondary structure, with exposed interdomain, hydrophobic surfaces. This step is followed by adjustment of the domain-domain interactions and the proper positioning of reduced cysteine 247 at the active site.  相似文献   

Some slow-folding phases in the in vitro refolding of proteins originate from the isomerization of prolyl-peptide bonds, which can be accelerated by a class of enzymes called prolyl isomerases (PPIs). We used the in vitro folding of an antibody Fab fragment as a model system to study the effect of PPI on a folding reaction that is only partially reversible. We show here that members of both subclasses of PPIs, cyclophilin and FK 506 binding protein (FKBP), accelerate the refolding process and increase the yield of correctly folded molecules. An acceleration of folding was not observed in the presence of the specific inhibitor cyclosporin A, but still the yield of correctly folded molecules was increased. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) increased the yield comparable to cyclophilin but, in contrast, did not influence the rate of reactivation. These effects were observed only when cyclophilin or BSA were present during the first few seconds of refolding. However, the rate-limiting reactivation reaction is still accelerated when PPI is added several minutes after starting refolding. In contrast, the prokaryotic chaperone GroEL influences the refolding yield when added several minutes after initiating refolding. The results show that PPIs influence the folding of Fab in two different ways. (1) They act as true catalysts of protein folding by accelerating the rate-limiting isomerization of Xaa-Pro peptide bonds. Proline isomerization is obviously a late folding step and has no influence on the formation of aggregates within the first seconds of the refolding reaction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The study of membrane protein folding is a new and challenging research field. Consequently, there are few direct studies on the in vitro folding of membrane proteins. This review covers work aimed at understanding folding mechanisms and the intermolecular forces that drive the folding of integral membrane proteins. We discuss the kinetic and thermodynamic studies that have been undertaken. Our review also draws on closely related research, mainly from purification studies of functional membrane proteins, and gives an overview of some of the successful methods. A brief survey is also given of the large body of mutagenesis and fragment work on membrane proteins, as this too has relevance to the folding problem. It is noticeable that the choice of solubilizing detergents and lipids can determine the success of the method, and indeed it appears that particular lipid properties can be used to control the rate and efficiency of folding. This has important ramifications for much in vitro folding work in that it aids our understanding of how to obtain and handle folded, functional protein. With this in mind, we also cover some relevant properties of model, lipid-bilayer systems.  相似文献   

Although, several studies have been reported on the effects of oxidants on the structure and function of other molecular chaperones, no reports have been made so far for the chaperonin GroEL. The ability of GroEL to function under oxidative stress was investigated in this report by monitoring the effects of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) on the structure and refolding activity of this protein. Using fluorescence spectroscopy and light scattering, we observed that GroEL showed increases in exposed hydrophobic sites and changes in tertiary and quaternary structure. Differential sedimentation, gel electrophoresis, and circular dichroism showed that H(2)O(2) treated GroEL underwent irreversible dissociation into monomers with partial loss of secondary structure. Relative to other proteins, GroEL was found to be highly resistant to oxidative damage. Interestingly, GroEL monomers produced under these conditions can facilitate the reactivation of H(2)O(2)-inactivated rhodanese but not urea-denatured rhodanese. Recovery of approximately 84% active rhodanese was obtained with either native or oxidized GroEL in the absence of GroES or ATP. In comparison, urea-denatured GroEL, BSA and the refolding mixture in the absence of proteins resulted in the recovery of 72, 50, and 49% rhodanese activity, respectively. Previous studies have shown that GroEL monomers can reactivate rhodanese. Here, we show that oxidized monomeric GroEL can reactivate oxidized rhodanese suggesting that GroEL retains the ability to protect proteins during oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Precise information regarding the transmembrane topology of mitochondrial porin is essential for understanding the mechanisms by which this protein functions. Porin acts as a channel in the outer membrane and interacts with small solutes and proteins to regulate mitochondrial function. The acquisition of high-resolution structural data requires a method of maintaining high concentrations of unaggregated, properly folded porin. In the current studies, several mixed detergent systems were analyzed for their ability to fold Neurospora mitochondrial porin expressed in and isolated from Escherichia coli. A mixture of sodium dodecyl sulfate and dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside in a 1:6 molar ratio supports a β-strand-rich conformation. In this state, the two tryptophan residues in the protein reside in hydrophobic environments, and about half of the nine tyrosines are solvent exposed. Most importantly, heat-labile tertiary contacts, as detected by near-UV circular dichroism spectropolarimetry, in the sodium dodecyl sulfate/dodecyl-β-D-maltopyranoside-solubilized porin are very similar to those of the protein following functional reconstitution into liposomes. Similarly, both forms are protease resistant. Thus, a method has been identified with the potential to solubilize high concentrations of mitochondrial porin in a state virtually indistinguishable from the membrane-embedded form.  相似文献   

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