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The ChIP-seq signal of histone modifications at promoters is a good predictor of gene expression in different cellular contexts, but whether this is also true at enhancers is not clear. To address this issue, we develop quantitative models to characterize the relationship of gene expression with histone modifications at enhancers or promoters. We use embryonic stem cells (ESCs), which contain a full spectrum of active and repressed (poised) enhancers, to train predictive models. As many poised enhancers in ESCs switch towards an active state during differentiation, predictive models can also be trained on poised enhancers throughout differentiation and in development. Remarkably, we determine that histone modifications at enhancers, as well as promoters, are predictive of gene expression in ESCs and throughout differentiation and development. Importantly, we demonstrate that their contribution to the predictive models varies depending on their location in enhancers or promoters. Moreover, we use a local regression (LOESS) to normalize sequencing data from different sources, which allows us to apply predictive models trained in a specific cellular context to a different one. We conclude that the relationship between gene expression and histone modifications at enhancers is universal and different from promoters. Our study provides new insight into how histone modifications relate to gene expression based on their location in enhancers or promoters.  相似文献   

Long non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) have recently been demonstrated to be expressed from a subset of enhancers and to be required for the distant regulation of gene expression. Several approaches to predict enhancers have been developed based on various chromatin marks and occupancy of enhancer-binding proteins. Despite the rapid advances in the field, no consensus how to define tissue specific enhancers yet exists. Here, we identify 2,695 long ncRNAs annotated by ENCODE (corresponding to 28% of all ENCODE annotated long ncRNAs) that overlap tissue-specific enhancers. We use a recently developed algorithm to predict tissue-specific enhancers, PreSTIGE, that is based on the H3K4me1 mark and tissue specific expression of mRNAs. The expression of the long ncRNAs overlapping enhancers is significantly higher when the enhancer is predicted as active in a specific cell line, suggesting a general interdependency of active enhancers and expression of long ncRNAs. This dependency is not identified using previous enhancer prediction algorithms that do not account for expression of their downstream targets. The predicted enhancers that overlap annotated long ncRNAs generally have a lower ratio of H3K4me1 to H3K4me3, suggesting that enhancers expressing long ncRNAs might be associated with specific epigenetic marks. In conclusion, we demonstrate the tissue-specific predictive power of PreSTIGE and provide evidence for thousands of long ncRNAs that are expressed from active tissue-specific enhancers, suggesting a particularly important functional relationship between long ncRNAs and enhancer activity in determining tissue-specific gene expression.  相似文献   

Long non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) have recently been demonstrated to be expressed from a subset of enhancers and to be required for the distant regulation of gene expression. Several approaches to predict enhancers have been developed based on various chromatin marks and occupancy of enhancer-binding proteins. Despite the rapid advances in the field, no consensus how to define tissue specific enhancers yet exists. Here, we identify 2,695 long ncRNAs annotated by ENCODE (corresponding to 28% of all ENCODE annotated long ncRNAs) that overlap tissue-specific enhancers. We use a recently developed algorithm to predict tissue-specific enhancers, PreSTIGE, that is based on the H3K4me1 mark and tissue specific expression of mRNAs. The expression of the long ncRNAs overlapping enhancers is significantly higher when the enhancer is predicted as active in a specific cell line, suggesting a general interdependency of active enhancers and expression of long ncRNAs. This dependency is not identified using previous enhancer prediction algorithms that do not account for expression of their downstream targets. The predicted enhancers that overlap annotated long ncRNAs generally have a lower ratio of H3K4me1 to H3K4me3, suggesting that enhancers expressing long ncRNAs might be associated with specific epigenetic marks. In conclusion, we demonstrate the tissue-specific predictive power of PreSTIGE and provide evidence for thousands of long ncRNAs that are expressed from active tissue-specific enhancers, suggesting a particularly important functional relationship between long ncRNAs and enhancer activity in determining tissue-specific gene expression.  相似文献   

Recently expanded knowledge of gene regulation clearly indicates that the regulatory sequences of a gene, usually identified as enhancers, are widely distributed in the gene locus, revising the classical view that they are clustered in the vicinity of genes. To identify regulatory sequences for Sox2 expression governing early neurogenesis, we scanned the 50-kb region of the chicken Sox2 locus for enhancer activity utilizing embryo electroporation, resulting in identification of a number of enhancers scattered throughout the analyzed genomic span. The 'pan-neural' Sox2 expression in early embryos is actually brought about by the composite activities of five separate enhancers with distinct spatio-temporal specificities. These and other functionally defined enhancers exactly correspond to extragenic sequence blocks that are conspicuously conserved between the chicken and mammalian genomes and that are embedded in sequences with a wide range of sequence conservation between humans and mice. The sequences conserved between amniotes and teleosts correspond to subregions of the enhancer subsets which presumably represent core motifs of the enhancers, and the limited conservation partly reflects divergent expression patterns of the gene. The phylogenic distance between the chicken and mammals appears optimal for identifying a battery of genetic regulatory elements as conserved sequence blocks, and chicken embryo electroporation facilitates functional characterization of these elements.  相似文献   

Bioinformatics methods have identified enhancers that mediate restricted expression in the Drosophila embryo. However, only a small fraction of the predicted enhancers actually work when tested in vivo. In the present study, co-regulated neurogenic enhancers that are activated by intermediate levels of the Dorsal regulatory gradient are shown to contain several shared sequence motifs. These motifs permitted the identification of new neurogenic enhancers with high precision: five out of seven predicted enhancers direct restricted expression within ventral regions of the neurogenic ectoderm. Mutations in some of the shared motifs disrupt enhancer function, and evidence is presented that the Twist and Su(H) regulatory proteins are essential for the specification of the ventral neurogenic ectoderm prior to gastrulation. The regulatory model of neurogenic gene expression defined in this study permitted the identification of a neurogenic enhancer in the distant Anopheles genome. We discuss the prospects for deciphering regulatory codes that link primary DNA sequence information with predicted patterns of gene expression.  相似文献   

Different cell types within a single organism are generally distinguished by strikingly different patterns of gene expression, which are dynamic throughout development and adult life. Distal enhancer elements are key drivers of spatiotemporal specificity in gene regulation. Often located tens of kilobases from their target promoters and functioning in an orientation-independent manner, the identification of bona fide enhancers has proved a formidable challenge. With the development of ChIP-seq, global cataloging of putative enhancers has become feasible. Here, we review the current understanding of the chromatin landscape at enhancers and how these chromatin features enable robust identification of tissue-specific enhancers.  相似文献   

Two distal enhancers that specify apolipoprotein (apo) E gene expression in isolated macrophages and adipose tissue were identified in transgenic mice that were generated with constructs of the human apoE/C-I/C-I'/C-IV/C-II gene cluster. One of these enhancers, multienhancer 1, consists of a 620-nucleotide sequence located 3.3 kilobases (kb) downstream of the apoE gene. The second enhancer, multienhancer 2, is a 619-nucleotide sequence located 15.9 kb downstream of the apoE gene and 5.9 kb downstream of the apoC-I gene. The two enhancers are 95% identical in sequence, and they are likely to have arisen as a consequence of the gene duplication event that yielded the apoC-I gene and the apoC-I' pseudogene. Both enhancer sequences appear to have equivalent activity in directing apoE gene expression in peritoneal macrophages and in adipocytes, suggesting that their activity in specific cell types may be determined by common regulatory elements.  相似文献   

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