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Fat globule membranes have been isolated from bovine colostrum and bovine milk by the dispersion of the fat in sucrose solutions at 4 degrees C and fractionation by centrifugation through discontinuous sucrose gradients. The morphology and enzymic characteristics of the separated fractions were examined. Fractions comprising a large proportion of the total extracted membrane were thus obtained having high levels of the Golgi marker enzymes UDP-galactose N-acetylglucosamine beta-4-galactosyltransferase and thiamine pyrophosphatase. A membrane-derived form of the galactosyltransferase has been solubilized from fat and purified to homogeneity. This enzyme is larger in molecular weight than previously studied soluble galactosyltransferases, but resembles in size the galactosyltransferase of lactating mammary Golgi membranes. In contrast, when fat globule membranes were prepared by traditional procedures, which involved washing the fat at higher temperatures, before extraction, galactosyltransferase was not present in the membranes, having been released into supernatant fractions, When the enzyme released by this procedure was partially purified and examined by gel filtration, it was found to be of a degraded form resembling in size the soluble galactosyltransferase of milk. The release is therefore attributed to the action of proteolytic enzymes. Our observations contrast with previous biochemical studies which suggested that Golgi membranes do not contribute to the milk fat globule membrane. They are, however, consistent with electron microscope studies of the fat secretion process, which indicate that secretory vesicle membranes, derived from the Golgi apparatus, may provide a large proportion of the fat globule membrane.  相似文献   

Milk fat globule membrane was shown to contain sialic acid, all of which could be released without disruption of the fat globule. Sialoglycopeptides were cleaved from the surface of intact fat globules by Pronase and fractionated on Sephadex G-50. Further fractionation of the major sialoglycopeptide peak on DEAE-Sephadex gave two groups of sialoglycopeptides eluted with 0.1 M NaCl (Group A) and 0.5 M NaCl (Group B), respectively. Refractionation gave a major sialoglycopeptide from each of the two groups together with a total of three minor sialoglycopeptides. All five sialoglycopeptides eluted as single peaks using shallow salt gradients on DEAE-Sephadex and contained a hydrophilic peptide chain together with galactose, mannose, N-acetylgalactosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, and sialic acid. Glycopeptides of Group A but not Group B contained fucose. The major sialoglycopeptide of Group B released 35% of its hexose and hexosamine on treatment with alkaline borohydride leaving a sialoglycopeptide which had reduced serine and threonine and elevated alanine levels and in addition contained 2-aminobutyric acid. An oligosaccharide fraction containing N-acetylgalactosaminitol, galactose and sialic acid in a molar ratio of 1:1:2 was partially characterised from the clevage mixture. The major sialoglycopeptide of Group A had a more complex carbohydrate structure and showed no released carbohydrate on treatment with alkaline borohydride. The sialoglycopeptides of milk fat globule membrane show many similarities with those of erythrocyte membrane and have a potential use in comparative and structural studies.  相似文献   

Milk fat globule membrane was shown to contain sialic acid, all of which could be released without disruption of the fat globule. Sialoglycopeptides were cleaved from the surface of intact fat globules by Pronase and fractionated on Sephadex G-50. Further fractionation of the major sialoglycopeptide peak on DEAE-Sephadex gave two groups of sialoglycopeptides eluted with 0.1 M NaCI (Group A) and 0.5 M NaCI (Group B), respectively. Refractionation gave a major sialoglycopeptide from each of the two groups together with a total of three minor sialoglycopeptides. All five sialoglycopeptides eluted as single peaks using shallow salt gradients on DEAE-Sephadex and contained a hydrophilic peptide chain together with galactose, mannose, N-acetylgalactosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, and sialic acid. Glycopeptides of Group A but not Group B contained fucose.The major sialoglycopeptide of Group B released 35 % of its hexose and hexosamine on treatment with alkaline borohydride leaving a sialoglycopeptide which had reduced serine and threonine and elevated alanine levels and in addition contained 2-aminobutyric acid. An oligosaccharide fraction containing N-acetylgalactosaminitol galactose and sialic acid in a molar ratio of 1 : 1 : 2 was partially characterised from the cleavage mixture.The major sialoglycopeptide of Group A had a more complex carbohydrate structure and showed no released carbohydrate on treatment with alkaline borohydride.The sialoglycopeptides of milk fat globule membrane show many similarities with those of erythrocyte membrane and have a potential use in comparative and structural studies.  相似文献   

The 5′-nucleotidase (5′-ribonucleoside phosphohydrolase, EC from bovine milk fat globule membranes was partially purified. Two separate peaks of activity were obtained from a Sepharose column and the two fractions, designated V and VI in order of elution, were collected and characterized separately. Both V and VI exhibited pH optima between 7.0 and 7.5 for AMP, GMP and CMP in the absence of metal ions. In the presence of Mg2+, a second pH optimum at 10.0 was observed with both fractions. Low concentrations of MnCl2 activated Fraction V but not Fraction VI. HgCl2 was a potent inhibitor of both fractions. The relative rates of hydrolysis of various 5′-mononucleotides differed comparing the two fractions. Optimum temperature for Pi release was 69 °C for both fractions. Activation energies were 10 400 cal/mole and 9600 cal/mole for Fractions V and VI, respectively. For V, calculated Km values for AMP, GMP and CMP were 0.94, 2.5 and 1.16 mM, respectively. Calculated Km values for Fraction VI for AMP, GMP and CMP were 5.0, 3.95 and 1.73 mM, respectively. ATP was a competitive inhibitor of AMP hydrolysis by Fraction V and a noncompetitive inhibitor of AMP hydrolysis by Fraction VI. Both fractions contained chloroform-methanol-extractable phospholipid. The phospholipid distribution pattern of Fraction VI was similar to that of milk fat globule membranes. Fraction V contained only sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine. It is proposed that milk fat globule membranes contain two separate 5′-nucleotidases.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharides from human and bovine milk fat globule membranes were analyzed by LC-MS and LC-MS/MS. Global release of N-linked and O-linked oligosaccharides showed both to be highly sialylated, with bovine peak-lactating milk O-linked oligosaccharides presenting as mono- and disialylated core 1 oligosaccharides (Galbeta1-3GalNAcol), while human milk had core type 2 oligosaccharides (Galbeta1-3(GlcNAcbeta1-6)GalNAcol) with sialylation on the C-3 branch. The C-6 branch of these structures was extended with branched and unbranched N-acetyllactosamine units terminating in blood group H and Lewis type epitopes. These epitopes were also presented on the reducing terminus of the human, but not the bovine, N-linked oligosaccharides. The O-linked structures were found to be attached to the high molecular mass mucins isolated by agarose-polyacrylamide composite gel electrophoresis, where MUC1 and MUC4 were present. Analysis of bovine colostrum showed that O-linked core 2 oligosaccharides are present at the early stage (3 days after birth) but are down-regulated as lactation develops. This data indicates that human milk may provide different innate immune protection against pathogens compared to bovine milk, as evidenced by the presence of Lewis b epitope, a target for the Helicobacter pylori bacteria, on human, but not bovine, milk fat globule membrane mucins. In addition, non-mucin-type O-linked fucosylated oligosaccharides were found (NeuAc-Gal-GlcNAc1-3Fuc-ol in bovine milk and Gal-GlcNAc1-3Fuc-ol in human milk). The O-linked fucose structure in human milk is the first to our knowledge to be found on high molecular mass mucin-type molecules.  相似文献   

Phenol extraction of bovine milk fat globule membrane gave a glycoprotein fraction which, in sodium dodecyl sulphate electrophoresis, showed three major bands, all staining for both protein and carbohydrate. Alkaline borohydride treatment and desialylation of the glycoprotein fraction released the reduced disaccharide β-d-galactosyl(1 → 3)-N-acetyl-d-galactosamine (T-antigen), which was identified by gas chromatography using a standard. All of the disaccharide units in the native glycoprotein were shown to be substituted by sialic acid, and a tetrasaccharide containing the disaccharide plus two molecules of sialic acid was isolated following alkaline borohydride treatment of the glycoprotein and gel filtration. Periodate oxidation of native and desialylated glycoprotein, together with paper chromatography of alkali degraded oligosaccharide fragments, indicated that the major alkali-labile oligosaccharide of the glycoprotein fraction is a tetrasaccharide containing β-d-galactosyl(1 → 3)-N-acetyl-d-galactosamine substituted by sialic acid at position C3 of the galactosyl and position C6 of the N-acetyl-d-galactosamine residue. Evidence was also obtained for the presence of small amounts of unsubstituted alkali-labile N-acetyl-d-galactosamine linked directly to protein in the native glycoprotein.Serological evidence using agglutinins from Vicia graminea, Arachis hypogoea and human anti-T serum confirmed the presence in the native glycoprotein of a sialic acid substituted T-antigen. Similar evidence using agglutinins from Helix pomatia and Cepaea hortensis also confirmed the presence of terminal alkali-labile N-acetyl-d-galactosamine in the native glycoprotein.  相似文献   

Milk oligosaccharides have been proposed to play an important role in newborn defense, blocking bacterial adhesion to the intestinal mucosa and preventing infections. Some studies have been performed on human milk oligosaccharides. Here we checked whether bovine milk oligosaccharides would achieve the same protective action against the most common calf enteric pathogens. Seven enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains, isolated from diarrheic calves, were selected. All strains managed to agglutinate horse erythrocytes, and we therefore used the inhibition of hemagglutination in the presence of oligosaccharides as an indicator of the union between oligosaccharide and bacterial adhesins. Oligosaccharides from different stages of bovine lactation and standard oligosaccharides were assayed. Midlactation milk, in particular that corresponding to the transition period, proved to be the most efficient at inhibiting hemagglutination. The standard oligosaccharides used pointed to the preference of several strains (K99-, F41-, and F17-fimbriated) for 2,6-linked sialic acid. By contrast, B23 fimbriae exhibited higher affinity for 2,3-sialylated isomers and B64 seemed to require N-acetylglucosamine for binding.Our results suggest a general trend for milk oligosaccharides. Probably they participate in the protection of newborn mammals from pathogens.  相似文献   

1. The effect of levamisole (LMS) on alkaline phosphatase (EC and 5'-nucleotidase (EC activities of bovine milk fat globule membranes (MFGM) was examined. 2. LMS inhibited MFGM alkaline phosphatase activity in a concentration-dependent manner with 50% inhibition produced by 49 +/- 23 microM LMS. 3. 5'-Nucleotidase was resistant to LMS inhibition with 30.9% inhibition produced by 10 mM LMS, the highest concentration tested. 4. LMS was an uncompetitive inhibitor of MFGM alkaline phosphatase with a Ki of 45 +/- 6 microM. 5. The extent of LMS inhibition of alkaline phosphatase was dependent on the substrate utilized in the assay. 6. The effect of LMS on bovine MFGM alkaline phosphatase was similar to LMS effects on other mammalian alkaline phosphatases of liver/kidney/bone/placental isoenzyme origin.  相似文献   

Phenol extraction of horse, sheep, cow, pig and human erythrocyte membranes and human milk fat globule membranes gave glycoprotein fractions, all of which were shown by gas chromatography to contain the reduced disaccharide β-d-galactosyl (1?3)-N-acetyl-d-galactosaminital after treatment with alkaline borohydride. Cow and pig erythrocyte membrane glycoproteins were found however to contain much lower amounts than the erythrocyte membrane glycoproteins of the other species tested. After gel filtration, a tetrasaccharide was isolated from horse and sheep glycoproteins containing the disaccharide plus two molecules of sialic acid. Periodate oxidation together with paper chromatography of alkaline degraded fragments showed these two molecules of sialic acid to be linked to positions C3 and C6 of the galactosyl and N-acetylgalactosamine residues respectively. Evidence was obtained for a similar structure from pig and cow erythrocyte glycoproteins and human milk fat globule membrane glycoproteins although the complete structure was not elucidated.In all native glycoprotein fractions, the unsubstituted disaccharide β-d-galactosyl (1?3)-N-acetyl-d-galactosamine was found to be present to different extents.Haemagglutination inhibition tests against human anti-T serum, Arachis hypogoea and Vicia graminea by desialylated glycoproteins showed the presence of the T-antigen, confirming the chemical findings. Inhibition was found to be proportional to the chemically detected amounts of disaccharide in each fraction. Evidence for a second carbohydrate chain in horse, sheep and human erythrocyte glycoproteins with a sialic acid substituted N-acetylgalactosamine residue as the terminal sequence was obtained using the agglutinin from Helix pomatia.  相似文献   

1. The effects of theophylline (1,3-dimethylxanthine) on alkaline phosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase activities of bovine milk fat globule membranes (MFGM) were examined. 2. Theophylline inhibited MFGM alkaline phosphatase in a concentration-dependent manner with 50% inhibition produced by 99 +/- 28 microM theophylline. 3. The 5'-nucleotidase activity was resistant to theophylline inhibition with 50% inhibition produced by 33.9 +/- 3.1 mM theophylline. 4. Theophylline was an uncompetitive inhibitor of MFGM alkaline phosphatase with a Ki of 126 +/- 15 microM. 5. The extent of theophylline inhibition of alkaline phosphatase activity was independent of the substrate utilized in the assay. 6. The effect of theophylline on bovine MFGM alkaline phosphatase was similar to theophylline effects on other mammalian alkaline phosphatases of liver/bone isoenzyme origin.  相似文献   

Milk fat globules of many species are characterized by a dense 10–50 nm thick layer sandwiched between the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) and the outer shell of the fat droplet. This coat material is tightly associated with the membrane and survives isolation and extensive washing of the isolated MFGM. We have prepared these MFGM-associated coat structures from bovine and human milk by removal of membrane and loosely associated material using extractions in low and high salt buffers, non-ionic detergents such as Triton X-100, and/or solutions of lithium diiodosalicylate. Residual fractions obtained after such treatments are devoid of identifiable membrane structures but are enriched in MFGM coat material which appears in the form of densely stained plaques of a finely filamentous texture. MFGM fractions are enriched in some polypeptide bands seen after electrophoresis two of which are especially prominent in both species (band 3, apparent mol. wt 155 000; band 12, apparent mol. wt 67 000). Human and bovine MFGM coat fractions and isolated bovine band 12 polypeptide material separated after dissociation in sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) by gel filtration, chromatography on hydroxylapatite or preparative electrophoresis in SDS-polyacrylamide gels are intimately associated with small amounts of phospholipids and gangliosides of a pattern different from that of total MFGM, contain carbohydrates (relatively high contents of mannose, glucosamine, galactose, and galactosamine; low levels of fucose and sialic acids) and show similar amino acid compositions. The relationship of band 12 polypeptide to components of MFGM coat preparations from various other species and to components present in other membrane fractions has been examined by immunodiffusion techniques and immunofluorescence microscopy using rabbit, mouse and guinea pig antibodies against purified band 12 polypeptide. Evidence is presented for the occurrence of related polypeptides in MFGM coat preparations from different species. The unusual structure and resistance of the MFGM coat material, especially the occurrence of glycopeptides in association with the cytoplasmic side of a membrane structure, are discussed in relation to the stabilization of the emulsified state of milk fat and the process of milk fat globule budding as well as a general model for local differentiation of membrane character.  相似文献   

Lacteous fat globules with their membranes from human milk and calostrum were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The first appear as spheroidal structures with some irregularities on the surface. Under the transmission electron microscope these irregularities are composed of islets from a material morphologically similar to cytoplasm, and with structures that resemble a fragment of rugose endoplasmic reticulum. The membranes in specimens fixed immediately after secretion are tri-layered, similar in appearance to those of a single membrane, but in samples fixed between two and four hours after secretion the details are unclear. Through freeze-etching, the laminar aspect of the fat globules is observed.  相似文献   

Summary Membranes isolated from mouse and human milk fat globules were found to contain the enzymes responsible for the synthesis of dolichol monophosphate mannose and dolichol monophosphate glucose as well as those involved in the transference of the glycosyl residues from the two dolichol derivatives to dolichol diphosphate oligosaccharides. The levels of most of the enzymes were comparable to those found in mouse mammary gland microsomes. The presence of enzymes involved in protein glycosylation via dolichol derivatives in the milk fat globule membrane provides evidence in favor of an outward flow of membrane components from the rough endoplasmic reticulum, where these enzymes are active in vivo, towards the cell surface.  相似文献   

Ganglioside in the membrane of erythrocytes and the fat globules of cow's milk were not degraded by neuraminidase treatment at pH 5.2 or 7.4. Removal of portions of the membrane protein by treatment with trypsin or by extraction with a solution of EDTA and 2-mercaptoethanol rendered these membrane-associated gangliosides accessible to neuraminidase attack. After trypsin treatment under conditions where the membranes are impermeant to this enzyme, gangliosides were exposed to neuraminidase. The results suggest that the carbohydrate groups of the gangliosides of bovine erythrocytes and milk fat globules are located primarily on the environmental face of the membrane and are shielded from neuraminidase attack by membrane proteins.  相似文献   

With the use of specific antibodies against a previously purified [Boehmer, F.-D., Lehmann, W., Schmidt, H., Lange, P., & Grosse, R. (1984) Exp. Cell Res. 150, 466-477] and sequenced mammary-derived growth inhibitor (MDGI) [Boehmer, F.-D., Kraft, R., Otto, A., Wernstedt, C., Hellmann, U., Kurtz, A., Mueller, T., Rohde, K., Etzold, G., Lehmann, W., Langen, P., Heldin, C.-H., & Grosse, R. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 15137-15143], the localization and relative amount of immunoreactive 13-kilodalton (kDa) antigen in different fractions of bovine milk were determined. The highest amount of antigen was found to be associated with the milk fat globule membranes (MFGM). As revealed by a dot immunobinding assay, the amount of immunoreactive bovine and human MFGM-associated antigen increased dramatically with the onset of lactation after delivery. This finding corresponds to earlier data obtained for MDGI and indicates a relationship between the proliferative state of mammary epithelial cells and the amount of immunoreactive antigen. The 13-kDa antigen has been purified from MFGM to homogeneity by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electroelution. The MFGM-derived 13-kDa polypeptide was found to be almost identical with MDGI as demonstrated by tryptic digestion and partial amino acid sequence analysis of tryptic fragments of both proteins. The results clearly show the presence of a membrane-bound MDGI-related 13-kDa protein, thus supporting the possible involvement of membrane-associated growth inhibitors in growth regulation of mammary epithelial cells.  相似文献   

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