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Herpesvirus sylvilagus was propagated in juvenile cotton tail rabbit kidney cells and purified from the cytoplasmic fraction of the infected cells. The purification procedure included zonal centrifugation through a 5 to 30% dextran t-10 gradient, followed by equilibrium centrifugation in a 5 to 50% potassium tartrate gradient. H. sylvilagus formed one band after centrifugation through the tartrate gradient at a density of 1.22 g/cm3. Contamination of the purified virus preparation by cellular proteins was less than 0.2% as determined by the removal of radioactivity from an artificially mixed sample containing [35S]methionine-labeled control cells and nonlabeled infected cells. H. sylvilagus nucleocapsids were isolated from infected cell nuclei and purified by sedimentation through a 36% sucrose cushion, followed by equilibrium centrifugation in 5 to 50% tartrate gradient. Forty-four polypeptides ranging in molecular weight from 18,000 to 230,00 were resolved when [35S]methionine-labeled enveloped H. sylvilagus was analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Seventeen polypeptides found within the enveloped virus were also identified with the nucleocapsid. Six additional nucleocapsid polypeptides han no counterparts within the enveloped virus. The major polypeptide within both the virus and the nucleocapsid had a molecular weight of 150,000.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of Herpesvirus sylvilagus infection in wild cottontail rabbits was studied in a defined, natural cottontail population over a period of 13 months. Spread of this virus showed significant correlation with seasonal variation as well as with the sex and age of the host. The highest rate of infection occurred during the winter and spring seasons with males over the age of 4 months sustaining a significantly greater percentage of infections than younger males or females of all age groups.  相似文献   

Cloning and physical mapping of Herpesvirus sylvilagus DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
H Rouhandeh  R Cohrs 《Gene》1987,61(1):31-39
The physical map positions for the EcoRI restriction fragments of Herpesvirus sylvilagus DNA were determined using cloned virus DNA fragments as probes for hybridization. Approximately 75% of the virus genome was cloned. The internal location of the repeated nucleotide sequences and the lack of isomeric forms suggested that the virus genome belongs to the class C herpesvirus DNA.  相似文献   

Immunologic changes produced by Herpesvirus sylvilagus infection of cottontail rabbits were investigated to evaluate this virus infection system as an animal model for EBV infection in humans. H. sylvilagus neutralizing antibodies appeared as early as 7 days after infection, peaked 2 to 4 wk postinfection and decreased to low levels by 8 to 10 wk postinfection. Complement-dependent antibodies mediating the protection of in vitro infection of monocytes and Con A-stimulated lymphoblasts with H. sylvilagus were observed as were complement-dependent cytotoxic antibodies against H. sylvilagus-infected cells. No cytolytic activity was present in sera taken either before or 3 days after infection; cytolysis was first observed 7 days after infection. The development of cytolytic antibodies appeared to be biphasic during an infection course of 12 to 16 wk. In vivo induction of a primary cytotoxic lymphocyte response to H. sylvilagus was also investigated. Splenic lymphocytes from infected animals lysed H. sylvilagus-infected skin fibroblasts; however, similar activity was not observed when PBMC or mesenteric lymph node lymphocytes were used as effector cells. H. sylvilagus-infected autologous skin fibroblasts were preferentially lysed as compared to heterologous skin fibroblasts. This virus-specific cytotoxic activity appeared 5 days postinfection and peaked 7 days postinfection. By 28 days postinfection, only low levels of cytotoxic activity were detected in spleen cells. Herpesvirus sylvilagus infection of cottontail rabbits provides an animal model for the study of lymphoproliferative disorders induced by herpesviruses.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus sylvilagus was inoculated into five cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) at various stages of pregnancy; they subsequently had litters in the laboratory. Three other cottontails chronically infected with the virus were bred and bore young in large outdoor pens. Thirty-four living neonates and dead fetuses were weighed, measured and aseptically necropsied. A total of 31 liver, spleen and kidney samples, 16 lymph node, 28 heart and 10 brain samples were collected and processed for inoculation into rabbit kidney cell cultures to attempt virus isolation. Virus was not detected in the 147 tissue samples tested. Pre-conception viremias ranged from 10-21 plaque-forming units per 0.5 ml. Virus isolation was attempted from 26 oral and lacrymal, 23 genital, nine urine and fecal, and four milk and male ejaculate samples from eight infected rabbits. Virus was recovered from two salivary samples from the same rabbit. Triamcinolone acetonide administered daily for four days to five rabbits did not stimulate excretion of virus.  相似文献   

The vector potential of the rabbit flea (Cediopsylla simplex) and a mosquito (Aedes triseriatus) was investigated for Herpesvirus sylvilagus transmission among cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus). Twelve groups of 12-50 fleas were fed on three viremic cottontails for 2-21 days before transfer to 12 susceptible rabbits. Standard interrupted feeding trials employed five groups of 6-12 mosquitoes, two viremic donor cottontails anf five healthy recipients. No evidence of virus was detected from recipients' blood nor did they develop specific antibody. Virus acquisition and persistence in the insects was evaluated by attempting to recover the virus from 19 pools of mosquitoes engorged on viremic blood and 36 pools of engorged fleas or those living on viremic hosts for 1-21 days. Results were negative.  相似文献   

Cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) were infected with Herpesvirus sylvilagus, and spleen cells were analyzed for the presence of virus-specific, covalently closed circular, and linear DNA molecules by a simple electrophoretic technique, followed by transfer to nitrocellulose filters and hybridization with cloned viral DNA (Gardella et al., J. Virol. 50:248-254, 1984). Approximately 0.2 copies per cell of circular DNA and 0.2 copies per cell of linear DNA were detected by hybridization with a cloned viral DNA fragment. The size of the viral DNA was estimated at ca. 158 kilobase pairs. Restriction endonuclease patterns suggested structural similarities to cottontail herpesvirus DNA.  相似文献   

A serologic survey of a wild cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus) population in southern Wisconsin was conducted from November-March, 1971-72 and November-April, 1972-73, to determine prevalence of antibody against Herpesvirus sylvilagus. Flea burdens on each live-trapped cottontail were quantified by species. All but six of the 5029 fleas collected were Cediopsylla simplex. No correlation was found between flea infestation and viral antibody. Of 101 cottontail rabbits trapped, only six had specific antibody as determined by plaque neutralization in rabbit kidney cell culture. Three of the six developed antibody between January and March of the trapping season. Blood samples from 46 captured rabbits were negative for virus.  相似文献   

Histones and non-histone chromosomal proteins were characterized in B and T human lymphocytes by means of polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. It was found that while histones do not present appreciable differences in the two examined populations, non-histone chromosomal proteins exhibit distinct electrophoretic profiles. Low molecular weight proteins predominate in B lymphocytes whereas high and intermediate proteins are largely represented in T lymphocytes. The latter proteins may be related to the capability of these resting cells to proliferate under appropriate antigenic stimuli.  相似文献   

Attenuated and highly neurovirulent rabies virus strains have distinct cellular tropisms. Highly neurovirulent strains such as the challenge virus standard (CVS) are highly neurotropic, whereas the attenuated strain ERA also infects nonneuronal cells. We report that both rabies virus strains infect activated murine lymphocytes and the human lymphoblastoid Jurkat T-cell line in vitro. The lymphocytes are more permissive to the attenuated ERA rabies virus strain than to the CVS strain in both cases. We also report that in contrast to that of the CVS strain, ERA viral replication induces apoptosis of infected Jurkat T cells, and cell death is concomitant with viral glycoprotein expression, suggesting that this protein has a role in the induction of apoptosis. Our data indicate that (i) rabies virus infects lymphocytes, (ii) lymphocyte infection with the attenuated rabies virus strain causes apoptosis, and (iii) apoptosis does not hinder rabies virus production. In contrast to CVS, ERA rabies virus and other attenuated rabies virus vaccines stimulate a strong immune response and are efficient live vaccines. The paradoxical finding that a rabies virus triggers a strong immune response despite the fact that it infects lymphocytes and induces apoptosis is discussed in terms of the function of apoptosis in the immune response.  相似文献   

Preparations enriched in human blood B lymphocytes are able to take up polyamines efficiently. Uptake by T cells is barely detectable. Human non-circulating B cells (from tonsils) have a much lower ability to take up polyamines, as do mixed populations of bovine lymph nodes. B cells contain a higher amount of endogenous polyamines and show higher ornithine decarboxylase activity than T cells.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Id and anti-Id T and B cells as measured by their reactivities with two human mAb, one antiacetylcholine receptor mAb and one anti-Id mAb, was studied in 38 patients with myasthenia gravis and in 27 healthy individuals. Id and anti-Id T cells were estimated by enumerating the numbers of cells secreting IFN-gamma in response to 10 pg/ml of the human mAb. T cell stimulation, measured as numbers of IFN-gamma-secreting cells that exceeded the mean + 2 SD of controls, was induced by the Id mAb in 78.9% of the patients and in 7.4% of the controls, whereas the anti-Id mAb-stimulated T cells in 55.3% of the patients and in 3.7% of the controls. The mean value of the Id and anti-Id-reactive T cells in the patients was 18.3/10(5) and 10.1/10(5) PBMC, respectively. B cells secreting IgM antibodies binding to the human mAb were increased in patients with myasthenia gravis compared to healthy controls. Seventy-five percent of the patients and 12% of the controls had B cells secreting IgM antibodies binding to the Id mAb, although 89% of the patients and 16% of the controls had B cells secreting IgM antibodies binding to the anti-Id mAb. The mean value of B cells secreting IgM antibodies binding to Id or anti-Id mAb in the patients were 7.4 cells/10(6) and 5.5 cells/10(6) PBMC, respectively. We conclude that Id and anti-Id T and B cells are present in myasthenia gravis. These methods allow a quantitative estimation of T and B cells with defined specificities and thus a way of mapping the repertoire of lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is the etiological agent of Kaposi's sarcoma, primary effusion lymphoma, and some forms of multicentric Castleman's disease. Although latent HHV-8 DNA can be detected in B cells from persons with these cancers, there is little information on the replication of HHV-8 in B cells. Indeed, B cells are relatively resistant to HHV-8 infection in vitro. We have recently shown that DC-SIGN, a C-type lectin first identified on dendritic cells (DC), is an entry receptor for HHV-8 on DC and macrophages. We have also demonstrated previously that B lymphocytes from peripheral blood and tonsils express DC-SIGN and that this expression increases after B-cell activation. Here we show that activated blood and tonsillar B cells can be productively infected with HHV-8, as measured by an increase in viral DNA, the expression of viral lytic and latency proteins, and the production of infectious virus. The infection of B cells with HHV-8 was blocked by the pretreatment of the cells with antibody specific for DC-SIGN or with mannan but not antibody specific for xCT, a cystine/glutamate exchange transporter that has been implicated in HHV-8 fusion to cells. The infection of B cells with HHV-8 resulted in increased expression of DC-SIGN and a decrease in the expression of CD20 and major histocompatibility complex class I. HHV-8 could also infect and replicate in B-cell lines transduced to express full-length DC-SIGN but not in B-cell lines transduced to express DC-SIGN lacking the transmembrane domain, demonstrating that the entry of HHV-8 into B cells is related to DC-SIGN-mediated endocytosis. The role of endocytosis in viral entry into activated B cells was confirmed by blocking HHV-8 infection with endocytic pathway inhibitors. Thus, the expression of DC-SIGN is essential for productive HHV-8 infection of and replication in B cells.  相似文献   

Unstimulated human T lymphocytes are more readily killed by ultraviolet light (UV) than are B lymphocytes. The greater UV sensitivity of T cells can be explained by a less efficient process of excision repair; this was measured by following the restitution of DNA supercoiling in preparations of nucleoids obtained from purified and irradiated B and T lymphocytes after various periods of incubation. Differences in the sedimentation behaviour of irradiated B and T nucleoids in sucrose gradients are not attributable to differences in the degree of DNA supercoiling. The return to normal supercoiling for both B and T nucleoids is inhibited by hydroxyurea.  相似文献   

The contribution of B lymphocytes as APCs for CD4+ T cell priming remains controversial, based on findings that B cells cannot provide the requisite ligating and costimulatory signals for naive T cells to be activated. In the current study, we have examined Ag-specific T:B cell collaboration under circumstances in which B cells take up Ag through Ig receptors in vivo. This results in their activation and an ability to effectively stimulate naive CD4+ T cells both in vitro and in vivo. The aim of this work was to establish some of the key molecular interactions, as well as kinetics, between Ag-specific T and B cells that enable this priming to take place. Our approach was to amplify the starting pools of both Ag-specific T and B cell populations in vivo to track directly the events during initial T:B cell collaborations. We show that the induction of optimal levels of T cell priming to a protein Ag requires the involvement of Ag-specific B cells. The interaction that results between Ag-specific T and B cells prevents the down-modulation of B7 costimulatory molecules usually observed in the absence of appropriate T cells. Moreover, this prevention in down-modulation is independent of CD40:CD40 ligand contact. Finally, we present data suggesting that once Ag-specific T and B cells interact, there is a rapid (1-2-h) down-regulation of antigenic complexes on the surface of the B lymphocytes, possibly to prevent them from engaging other T cells in the vicinity and therefore focus the initial interaction.  相似文献   

Survival of human T and B lymphocytes after X-irradiation.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The survival of unstimulated human T and B lymphocytes after X-irradiation in vitro was measured by Trypan Blue dye exclusion over a period of four days. B cell numbers were observed to decline rapidly even after relatively low doses, but T cell numbers fell much more slowly. A comparison of the percentage survival 96 hours after irradiation shows that in this system T cells are between approximately 2 and 5 times more resistant than B cells. Data for interphase death after 48 hours are compared with cytogenetic data for interphase loss of PHA-stimulated human lymphocytes and are shown to be in broad agreement at radiation doses below 400 rad. It is suggested that at higher doses mitotic delay may be increasingly important leading to selection of non-irradiated cells at 48 hours.  相似文献   

Interleukin 2 (IL 2), which is well established to be a T cell growth factor, has more recently been shown to stimulate B lymphocyte growth and differentiation in vitro. Responsiveness of B and T cells to IL 2 has been associated with expression of a cell membrane IL 2 receptor (IL 2R). To investigate the role of IL 2 in B cell growth and differentiation in vivo, a system was used in which the injection of mice with a goat antibody to mouse IgD (GaM delta) induces polyclonal T-independent B cell proliferation first, and later induces polyclonal T-dependent B cell proliferation and IgG secretion. IL 2R expression by splenic B and T lymphocytes from GaM delta injected mice was studied by a dual label immunofluorescence technique. Although GaM delta was found to be a strong inducer of B cell IL 2R expression in vitro, even in serum-free medium, and stimulated up to 50% of splenic T cells to express considerable quantities of IL 2R in vivo, it failed to induce more than minimal B cell IL 2R expression in vivo. Concanavalin A and bacterial lipid A also induced B cells to express IL 2R to a much greater extent in vitro than in vivo. Although these agents and GaM delta acted synergistically to stimulate B cell IL 2R expression both in vitro and in vivo, a single agent induced B cell IL 2R expression to a considerably greater extent in vitro than did all three agents acting together in vivo. In vitro GaM delta-induced B cell IL 2R expression was not suppressed by inclusion of IL 2 in the culture medium but was suppressed by the presence of 10% normal mouse serum or plasma. These observations suggest that polyclonal T-dependent B cell proliferation and antibody secretion may not require an interaction between B cells and IL 2; the in vivo environment may downregulate IL 2R expression by B cells: and in vivo B cell IL 2R expression and consequently, induction of B cell responsiveness to IL 2, may require stimuli beyond those sufficient to induce B cell IL 2R expression and IL 2 responsiveness in vitro.  相似文献   

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