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Fishes are famous for their ability to position themselves accurately even in turbulent flows. This ability is the result of the coordinated movement of fins which extend from the body. We have embarked on a research program designed to develop an agile and high efficient biologically inspired robotic fish based on the performance of hybrid mechanical fms. To accomplish this goal, a mechanical ray-like fin actuated by Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) is developed, which can realize both oscillatory locomotion and undulatory locomotion. We first give a brief introduction on the mechanical structure of our fin and then carry out theoretic analysis on force generation. Detailed information of these theoretical results is later revealed by Computational Huid Dynamic (CFD), and is final validated by experiments. This robotic fin has potential application as a propulsor for future underwater vehicles in addition to being a valuable scientific instrument.  相似文献   

The unsteady hydrodynamics of a biomimetic fin attached to a cylindrical body has been studied numerically using a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulator based on an in-house solver of the Navier-Stokes equations, combined with a recently developed multi-block, overset grid method. The fin-body CFD model is based on a mechanical pectoral fin device, which consists of a cylindrical body and an asymmetric fin and can mimic flapping, rowing and feathering motions of the pectoral fins in fishes. First the multi-block, overset grid method incorporated into the NS solver was verified through an extensive study of unsteady flows past a single fin undergoing rowing and feathering motion. Then unsteady flows past the biomimetic fin-body model undergoing the same motions were computed and compared with the measurements of forces of the mechanical pectoral fin, which shows good agreement in both time-varying and time-averaged hydrodynamic forces. The relationship between force generation and vortex dynamics points to the importance of the match in fin kinematics between power and recovery strokes and implies that an optimal selection of parameters of phase lags between and amplitudes of rowing and feathering motions can improve the performance of labriform propulsion in terms of either maximum force generation or minimum mechanical power.  相似文献   

Undulation fishes, whose propulsion is mainly achieved by undulating ribbon fins, are good at maneuvering or stabilizing at low speeds. This paper suggests and proposes a two-dimensional approximate computational model, which is used to conduct an initial analysis on undulation propulsion scheme. It is believed that this undulating mode has a better potential for exploitation in artificial underwater systems. Hydrodynamics of two-dimensional undulating fins under a series of kinematical parameter sets is explored via numerical simulation. The periodicity of undulation forces and moments is studied. The effects of inlet velocity, wavelength, undulation frequency, and undulation amplitude are investigated. Furthermore, a dimensionless two-parameter model for undulation surge force is established with a given wavelength (in terms of, a single wavelength or a dual wavelength) using statistical method. The work in this paper is able to provide studies on bionic undulation mode. It has also formed a meaningful basis for three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamics and corresponding control methods in bionic un-dulation robots.  相似文献   

<正> The use of oscillating flexible fins in propulsion has been the subject of several studies in recent years, but attention israrely paid to the specific role of stiffness profile in thrust production.Stiffness profile is defined as the variation in localchordwise bending stiffness (EI) of a fin, from leading to trailing edge.In this study, flexible fins with a standard NACA0012shape were tested alongside fins with a stiffness profile mimicking that of a Pumpkinseed Sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus).The finswere oscillated with a pitching sinusoidal motion over a range of frequencies and amplitudes, while torque, lateral force andstatic thrust were measured.Over the range of oscillation parameters tested, it was shown that the fin with a biomimetic stiffness profile offered a significantimprovement in static thrust, compared to a fin of similar dimensions with a standard NACA0012 aerofoil profile.Thebiomimetic fin also produced thrust more consistently over each oscillation cycle.A comparison of fin materials of different stiffness showed that the improvement was due to the stiffness profile itself, andwas not simply an effect of altering the overall stiffness of the fin.Fins of the same stiffness profile were observed to follow thesame thrust-power curve, independent of the stiffness of the moulding material.Biomimetic fins were shown to produce up to26% greater thrust per watt of input power, within the experimental range.  相似文献   

In this study, the braking performance of the undulating fin propulsion system of a biomimetic squid-like underwater robot was investigated through free run experiment and simulation of the quasi-steady mathematical model. The quasi-steady equations of motion were solved using the measured and calculated hydrodynamic forces and compared with free-run test results. Various braking strategies were tested and discussed in terms of stopping ability and the forces acting on the stopping stage. The stopping performance of the undulating fin propulsion system turned out to be excellent considering the short stopping time and short stopping distance. This is because of the large negative thrust produced by progressive wave in opposite direction. It was confirmed that the undulating fin propulsion system can effectively perform braking even in complex underwater explorations.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the design of a biomimetic fish robot actuated by piezoeeramic actuators and the effect of artificial caudal fins on the fish robot's performance. The limited bending displacement produced by a lightweight piezocomposite actuator was amplified and transformed into a large tail beat motion by means of a linkage system. Caudal fins that mimic the shape of a mackerel fin were fabricated for the purpose of examining the effect of caudal fm characteristics on thrust production at an operating frequency range. The thickness distribution of a real mackerel's fin was measured and used to design artificial caudal fins. The thrust performance of the biomimetic fish robot propelled by fins of various thicknesses was examined in terms of the Strouhal number, the Froude number, the Reynolds number, and the power consumption. For the same fm area and aspect ratio, an artificial caudal fin with a distributed thickness shows the best forward speed and the least power consumption.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish has an ability to generate a low-frequency electric field actively to locate the surrounding object in complete darkness by sensing the change of the electric field.This ability is called active electrolocation.In this paper,we designed a two-dimensional (2D) experimental platform of underwater active electrolocation system by simulating weakly electric fish.On the platform,location characteristics based on frequency domain were investigated.Results indicated that surface shape of 3D location characteristic curves for the 2D underwater active electrolocation positioning system was convex upwards or concave down which was influenced by the material of probed objects and the frequency of the electric field excitation signal.Experiments also confirmed that the amplitude of the electric field excitation signal and the size of the probed object will only influence the amplitude corresponding to 3D location characteristic curves.Based on above location characteristics,we present three location algorithms including Cross Location Algorithm (CLA),Stochastic Location Algorithm (SLA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) location algorithm in frequency domain and achieved the task of the underwater positioning system.Our work may have reference value for underwater detection study.  相似文献   

以不同产量籼稻品种中旱22(ZH,高产品种)和禾盛10号(HS,低产品种)为材料,采用根际培养箱(三室)--速冻切片技术研究了红壤水稻土种植条件下,水稻苗期生长、氮素积累和氮素利用率(NUE)、根孔隙度(POR)、根际土壤矿质态氮含量和硝化强度.结果表明,ZH苗期生长、氮素吸收及NUE均显著优于HS,且ZH单株不定根数量及根系通气组织发育程度(用POR表示)均显著高于HS.ZH根际和土体土壤中铵(NH+4)含量始终低于HS,而硝(NO-3)含量则始终高于HS,但二者根表土壤NH+4和NO-3含量均无显著差异.ZH和HS硝化强度最大发生部位均是在距根表2 mm的根际土壤,分别为:0.48 μmol kg-1h-1和0.31 μmol kg-1h-1.随着距根表越远,硝化强度就越弱,直至距根表10~20 mm处土壤硝化强度就接近于土体土壤.ZH根际土壤硝化强度始终显著高于HS,但二者根表和土体土壤硝化强度均无显著差异.与不种水稻的CK相比,根际土壤硝化强度提高了约2~3.5倍.尽管红壤水稻土硝化作用很弱,但红壤区水稻根际硝化作用与水稻苗期生长和氮素营养密切相关.  相似文献   

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