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为考察体外受精、操作及培养环境对体外受精的小鼠植入前胚胎全基因组DNA甲基化模式的影响,本研究以体内受精的植入前胚胎作为对照,采用间接免疫荧光法检测小鼠体内外受精植入前胚胎基因组DNA甲基化模式.实验结果表明,体外受精各期植入前胚胎呈现出与之相应时期的体内受精植入前胚胎不同的DNA甲基化模式和水平,原核期甲基化水平较高,2-4-、8-细胞期明显降低,而桑葚胚和囊胚期又略有升高.各期体外受精植入前胚胎的基因组DNA甲基化水平都比同时期体内受精胚胎的甲基化水平低.本实验结果部分显示了体外受精、操作及培养环境可能对正常的DNA甲基化模式产生影响,造成体外受精植入前胚胎甲基化模式异常.  相似文献   

This work compares the ability of rat zygotes fertilized in vitro or in vivo to develop into viable embryos. All oocytes were from adult cyclic females. After the first cleavage, the zygotes were transferred to oviducts of pseudopregnant recipients. Their fate was examined on day 13 at laparotomy and again on day 20. Ninety-five of 146 in vivo fertilized zygotes developed into normal sized 13-day fetuses and 72 (55%) to apparently normal near-term fetuses. Forty-six of 135 in vitro fertilized zygotes developed up to day 13, and 30 (24%) developed to term. It appears that the probability that in vitro fertilized rat zygotes will develop into viable embryos is about half the chance of in vivo fertilized zygotes. Since the two types of zygotes were morphologically identical, the morphological appearance of the two-cell stage is not an adequate criterion for judging developmental potential.  相似文献   

目的探讨小鼠电激活孤雌胚胎的早期体内、外发育能力。方法 利用不同电脉冲参数和激活液对小鼠卵母细胞进行活化,观察激活后的小鼠孤雌胚体外发育状况和移植后的发育能力。结果非电解质激活液优于电解质液,脉冲强度、脉冲宽度和脉冲次数3个参数各自处于某一范围内时,他们之间存在某种相关性,降低其中1个参数可通过升高另外2个参数得到补偿,经筛选较适宜的电脉冲参数为:1.0 kV/cm、40μs、2 p,或者1.5kV/cm、30/μs、2 p,分别为74.65%和71.19%,体外囊胚发育率分别为43.40%和47.62%。电激活孤雌胚体外发育时序比正常胚胎慢,但囊胚细胞数与对照组差异不显著。它们经胚胎移植后,其中的一部分能够着床,但着床率仅为3.6%,极显著低于对照组(67%,P〈0.01)。结论电刺激能够较好地模拟正常受精过程激活小鼠卵母细胞,但激活后的多数小鼠孤雌胚胎着床能力较低,不能够顺利着床。  相似文献   

A limiting factor in the development of new technologies and transport of rats worldwide has been the inability to robustly culture preimplantation embryos. Previously, culture in vitro to the blastocyst stage from one-cell embryos was successful only if the one-cell embryos were isolated near the time of the first cleavage and from only a few strains. Here we report the use of commonly available, chemically defined culture media to overcome these limitations. In vitro culture of young one-cell embryos using common embryo media (KSOM, BMOC, or HTF) for 18-22 h followed by culture in mR1ECM medium allows the successful in vitro development of blastocysts from one-cell embryos after 5 days from both outbred (SD) and inbred strains of rat (WF, LEW, F344, and PVG). This system allows the parthenogenetic development of chemically activated, unfertilized oocytes to the blastocyst stage. Embryos cultured in this system develop to term and are live-born following transfer to surrogate mothers.  相似文献   

朱屹然  张美玲  翟志超  赵云蛟  马馨 《遗传》2016,38(2):103-108
基因组印记是一种区别父母等位基因的表观遗传过程,可导致父源和母源基因特异性表达。印记是在配子发生过程中全基因组表观重编程时获得的,且在早期胚胎发育过程中得以维持。因此,在全基因组重编程过程中,对印记的识别和维持十分重要。本文概述了原始生殖细胞的印记清除、双亲原始生殖细胞的印记获得以及早期胚胎发育过程中印记维持的相关过程,并对在印记区域内保护印记基因免受全基因组DNA去甲基化的表观遗传因子的相关作用机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

This paper describes a sensitive, reproducible, and automated procedure to measure DNA synthesis in preimplantation mouse embryos. Conditions for the DNA synthesis assay have been optimized as follows: (1) 4 μCi/ml3H-thymidine (sp. act. 20 Ci/immole); (2) a labeling period from 2 to 7 hours; (3) a 3-hour preincubation period for blastocysts and from 0 to 7 hours preincubation for 8-cell embryos; and (4) from 1 to 64 embryos per assay. The amount of DNA synthesis per embryo was found to be directly proportional to the number of cells (nuclei) per embryo. The described assay should be useful for future studies on the effect of synthetic and natural compounds on the development of preimplantation mouse embryos, as measured by perturbations in embryonic DNA synthetic activity.  相似文献   

Precise recapitulation of methylation change in early cloned embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Change of DNA methylation during preimplantation development is very dynamic, which brings this term to the most attractive experimental target for measuring the capability of cloned embryo to reprogram its somatic genome. However, one weak point is that the preimplantation stage carries little information on genomic sequences showing a site-specific re-methylation after global demethylation; these sequences, if any, may serve as an advanced subject to test how exactly the reprogramming/programming process is recapitulated in early cloned embryos. Here, we report a unique DNA methylation change occurring at bovine neuropeptide galanin gene sequence. The galanin gene sequence in early bovine embryos derived by in vitro fertilization (IVF) maintained a undermethylated status till the morula stage. By the blastocyst, certain CpG sites became methylated specifically, which may be an epigenetic sign for the galanin gene to start a differentiation programme. The same sequence was moderately methylated in somatic donor cell and, after transplanted into an enucleated oocyte by nuclear transfer (NT), came rapidly demethylated to a completion, and then, at the blastocyst stage, re-methylated at exactly the same CpG sites, as observed so in normal blastocysts. The precise recapitulation of normal methylation reprogramming and programming at the galanin gene sequence in bovine cloned embryos gives a cue for the potential of cloned embryo to superintend the epigenetic states of foreign genome, even after global demethylation.  相似文献   

This study attempts to assess the developmental importance of cell surface glycoconjugates of preimplantation mouse embryos. This was done by incubating early embryos in various lectins and analyzing subsequent development. If specific cell surface glycoconjugates (lectin receptors) are linked to specific developmental processes, such as cell division, compaction, and blastocyst formation, then different lectins should block these different developmental processes. The results show that wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA; N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-specific) at 50 μg/ml prevents the cell division of four-cell embryos. However, this effect of WGA occurs only in embryos with intact zonae pellucidae. Concanavalin A (Con A; α-D-glucose and α-D-mannose-specific) treatment, 20 μg/ml, of four-cell or early eight-cell embryos prevents compaction, the first major change in cell shape in early mouse embryogenesis. Divalent succinly Con A does not affect development, suggesting that the Con A effect is due to crosslinking of cell surface glycoconjugates. Exposure of four-cell or early eight-cell embryos to 10 μg/ml Lotus Tetragonolobus puprureas agglutinin (LTA; α-L-fucose-specific) or 25 μg/ml Limulus polyphemus agglutinin (LPA; sialic acid-specific) allows compaction or development to the morula stage, but blocks blastocyst formation. All lectins tested retard cell division to some extent. Late morulae and early blastocysts are more resistant than earlier stages to all of the lectins studied. This study demonstrates that very low concentrations of these lectins affect different developmental processes, presumably based upon their sugar specificities.  相似文献   

Cells subjected to the events occurring before, during, and after freezing and thawing are exposed to major changes in the osmotic pressure of the surrounding medium; i.e., the osmolalities can exceed 30. An important question in understanding the mechanisms of injury is whether cells respond as ideal osmometers to these strongly anisotonic solutions. Mouse and bovine embryos from eight-cell to blastocyst stage were used to investigate the question. They were found to behave as ideal osmometers at room temperature over a wide range of tonicities; i.e., from four times isotonic to almost 1/3 times isotonic, ideality being defined by a Boyle-van't Hoff equation. Embryo volumes increased from 40 to 200% of isotonic over this range and survivals of mouse embryos were unaffected. However, outside this range the membrane apparently becomes leaky and the survival of mouse embryos drops sharply. Osmolalities rise to high values during freezing and the paper develops the thermodynamic equations to show how computed cell volumes as a function of subzero temperature can be translated into the Boyle-van't Hoff format of cell volume as a function of the reciprocal of osmolality.  相似文献   

Summary Mouse embryos were collected at the 2-cell stage, cultured in vitro in the presence of3H deoxyuridine or uridine for 6 or 4 h and autoradiographed.Deoxyuridine is actively incorporated into the DNA of cleaving mouse embryos indicating the existence of thymidylate synthetase activity at least at the 4-cell stage and presumably already before this.RNAase treatment of embryos squashed on slides shows a weak but obvious incorporation of uridine into DNA of cleaving mouse embryos, from the 4-cell stage onwards; this incorporation is totally inhibited by hydroxyurea. The reduction of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides is a metabolic pathway already required for cleavage, as shown by hydroxyurea experiments.The second polar pody, known to incorporate thymidine, is unable to incorporate either deoxyuridine or uridine.  相似文献   

Epigenetic regulation of gene expression is critical for oogenesis in mammals. In this study, a simple and efficient method was used to obtain the oocytes from cultured fetal mouse ovaries of 12.5 dpc. The methylation pattern of these oocytes was examined. The results showed that the establishment of imprinting of Igf2r and Peg3 in oocytes derived from cultured fetal mouse germ cells in vitro follows a slower time course than that of oocytes in vivo. However, oocytes in vitro and in vivo share similar methylation patterns. Igf2r was gradually de novo methylated, and the methylation covers 80% CpG sites in oocytes cultured for 28 days. However, only 45% of the CpG sites is methylated in Peg3 at the same stage. Furthermore, it demonstrated that the degree of DNA methylation is positively correlated with the size of oocytes in vitro and in vivo, indicating a progressive methylation process during oocyte growth.  相似文献   

Since we previously proved that the fertilized rat eggs in early developmental stage have antigen(s) cross-reacting to spermatozoa, the effect of antibody to spermatozoa on the cleavage of fertilized rat eggs was examined in vitro. Fertilized eggs from Fisher rats in the morula stage were cultured in vitro for 15 to 39 hr in the medium containing antibody to rat spermatozoa and rabit complement, and the developmental rates of morulae to blastocysts were compared with those cultured in the presence of either antibody or the complement alone. When rat morulae were cultured in the medium containing rabbit complement and IgG from rabbit antiserum to rat spermatozoa (heteroantibody) or from rat antiserum to rat spermatozoa (isoantibody), the development of moralae to blastocysts was markedly suppressed, whereas those cultured in the medum containing rabbit complement and IgG from the control rabbit serum or rabbit antibody IgG to rat spermatozoa alone without complement normally developed to the blastocysts. These results indicate that the antibody to spermatozoa in presence of complement can impair the in vitro development of fertilized rat eggs.  相似文献   

The toxic effect of uranium in cultured preimplantation embryos of the mouse is presented. Embryos were obtained from hybrid females CBA×C57 BL following induction of superovulation and were incubated in M16 cultured medium. Two different experiments were performed. In one, embryos in a one-cell stage were placed in culture media with final concentrations of uranyl nitrate of 104 and 208 μg/mL during 120 h in the same dish. In the other experiment, embryos in a one-cell stage were placed in culture medium with uranyl nitrate with final U concentrations of 26, 52, 104, and 208 μg/mL. At 24 h, those embryos which had reached the two-cell stage were transferred to another culture dish to which fresh solutions with uranyl nitrate were added. The percentage of embryos in two-cell stage, morula, early blastocyst, expanded blastocyst, and hatched blastocyst were recorded at 24, 72, 96 and 120 h of culture. The results obtained showed that concentrations as from 26 μg U/mL induced the delay of embryo development and the impairment of blastomere proliferation. The toxic effect of uranium increased in those experiments in which the embryos were transferred to a new medium. This embryo-culture system appears to be appropriate to evaluate the toxic effect of uranium on embryos removed from maternal influences and represents a suitable test system for environmental pollutants.  相似文献   

On fertilisation, gametes undergo epigenetic reorganisation and re-establish totipotency. Here, we investigate links between chromatin remodelling and asymmetric maintenance of DNA methylation in the early mouse embryo. Using antibodies for lysine specific H3 methylation reveals that the male pronucleus is negative for di- and trimethyl H3-K9 yet the female is positive for these residues. However, the male is positive for monomethyl H3-K9 and H3-K27 and these signals increase during pronuclear maturation. Non-histone chromatin proteins of the Polycomb group are found in the paternal compartment as early as sperm decondensation. However, trimethyl H3-K27 is not observed in the male until the completion of DNA replication. Heterochromatin protein 1 beta (HP1beta) is abundant in the male pronucleus, despite the absence of di- and trimethyl H3-K9, and co-localises with monomethyl H3-K9. Recent evidence identifies monomethyl H3-K9 as the preferred substrate of Suvar39h, the histone methyl transferase (HMT) responsible for heterochromatic H3-K9 trimethylation. The association of HP1beta with monomethyl H3-K9 may assist in preventing further modification of H3-K9. Association of dimethylation but not trimethylation of H3-K9 with DNA methylation, in the female pronucleus, suggests a mechanistically significant link. These differences begin to provide a chromatin based explanation for paternal-specific active DNA demethylation and maternal specific protection in the mouse.  相似文献   

In mammals, preimplantation development primarily occurs in the oviduct (or fallopian tube) where fertilized oocytes migrate through, develop and divide as they prepare for implantation in the uterus. Studies of preimplantation development currently rely on ex vivo experiments with the embryos cultured outside of the oviduct, neglecting the native environment for embryonic growth. This prevents the understanding of the natural process of preimplantation development and the roles of the oviduct in early embryonic health. Here, we report an in vivo optical imaging approach enabling high‐resolution visualizations of developing embryos in the mouse oviduct. By combining optical coherence microscopy (OCM) and a dorsal imaging window, the subcellular structures and morphologies of unfertilized oocytes, zygotes and preimplantation embryos can be well resolved in vivo, allowing for the staging of development. We present the results together with bright‐field microscopy images to show the comparable imaging quality. As the mouse is a well‐established model with a variety of genetic engineering strategies available, the in vivo imaging approach opens great opportunities to investigate how the oviduct and early embryos interact to prepare for successful implantation. This knowledge could have beneficial impact on understanding infertility and improving in vitro fertilization. OCM through a dorsal imaging window enables high‐resolution imaging and staging of mouse preimplantation embryos in vivo in the oviduct.   相似文献   

不同品系小鼠的体外受精、胚胎冷冻及移植的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 探讨不同品系小鼠的体外受精、胚胎和精子的低温保存效果。方法 本实验分别在中国科学院上海实验动物中心 (SLAC)和日本熊本大学动物资源开发中心 (CARD)对 13个品系小鼠 (C57BL 6J、BALB c、C3H HeJ、ICR、KM、FVB、MRL、NOD、CBA、DBA 2、CD 1、BDF1、B6C3F1)的体外受精 (IVF)率、胚胎培养及移植成绩进行了比较研究。结果 各品系小鼠新鲜精子的IVF率 15 1%~ 87 9% ,冻融精子的IVF率 8%~ 80 % ;冷冻胚胎的复苏率4 2 6 %~ 83 9% ;冻融胚胎移植后的产仔率在 17 8%~ 5 1 8%。结论 遗传背景不同的小鼠体外受精率、冷冻胚胎复苏率和胚胎移植的产仔率差异有显著性。但同一品系两个实验室间的新鲜精子的IVF率、冷冻胚胎的复苏率及移植产仔率差异无显著性 (P >0 0 5 ) ;冻融精子的体外受精率CARD明显高于SLAC(P <0 0 1)。  相似文献   

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