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The pulsed field gradient (pfg)-NMR method for measurements of translational diffusion of molecules in macroscopically aligned lipid bilayers is described. This technique is proposed to have an appreciable potential for investigations in the field of lipid and membrane biology. Transport of molecules in the plane of the bilayer can be successfully studied, as well as lateral phase separation of lipids and their dynamics within the bilayer organizations. Lateral diffusion coefficients depend on lipid packing and acyl chain ordering and investigations of order parameters of perdeuterated acyl chains, using (2)H NMR quadrupole splittings, are useful complements. In this review we summarize some of our recent achievements obtained on lipid membranes. In particular, bilayers exhibiting two-phase coexistence of liquid disordered (l(d)) and liquid ordered (l(o)) phases are considered in detail. Methods for obtaining good oriented lipid bilayers, necessary for the pfg-NMR method to be efficiently used, are also briefly described. Among our major results, besides determinations of l(d) and l(o) phases, belongs the finding that the lateral diffusion is the same for all components, independent of the molecular structure (including cholesterol (CHOL)), if they reside in the same domain or phase in the membrane. Furthermore, quite unexpectedly CHOL seems to partition into the l(d)and l(o) phases to roughly the same extent, indicating that CHOL has no strong preference for any of these phases, i.e. CHOL seems to have similar interactions with all of the lipids. We propose that the lateral phase separation in bilayers containing one high-T(m) and one low-T(m) lipid together with CHOL is driven by the increasing difficulty of incorporating an unsaturated or prenyl lipid into the highly ordered bilayer formed by a saturated lipid and CHOL, i.e. the phase transition is entropy driven to keep the disorder of the hydrocarbon chains of the unsaturated lipid.  相似文献   

The pulsed field gradient (pfg)-NMR method for measurements of translational diffusion of molecules in macroscopically aligned lipid bilayers is described. This technique is proposed to have an appreciable potential for investigations in the field of lipid and membrane biology. Transport of molecules in the plane of the bilayer can be successfully studied, as well as lateral phase separation of lipids and their dynamics within the bilayer organizations. Lateral diffusion coefficients depend on lipid packing and acyl chain ordering and investigations of order parameters of perdeuterated acyl chains, using 2H NMR quadrupole splittings, are useful complements. In this review we summarize some of our recent achievements obtained on lipid membranes. In particular, bilayers exhibiting two-phase coexistence of liquid disordered (ld) and liquid ordered (lo) phases are considered in detail. Methods for obtaining good oriented lipid bilayers, necessary for the pfg-NMR method to be efficiently used, are also briefly described. Among our major results, besides determinations of ld and lo phases, belongs the finding that the lateral diffusion is the same for all components, independent of the molecular structure (including cholesterol (CHOL)), if they reside in the same domain or phase in the membrane. Furthermore, quite unexpectedly CHOL seems to partition into the ldand lo phases to roughly the same extent, indicating that CHOL has no strong preference for any of these phases, i.e. CHOL seems to have similar interactions with all of the lipids. We propose that the lateral phase separation in bilayers containing one high-Tm and one low-Tm lipid together with CHOL is driven by the increasing difficulty of incorporating an unsaturated or prenyl lipid into the highly ordered bilayer formed by a saturated lipid and CHOL, i.e. the phase transition is entropy driven to keep the disorder of the hydrocarbon chains of the unsaturated lipid.  相似文献   

Lipid lateral diffusion and membrane organization   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
It is shown that investigating the lateral motion of lipids in biological membranes can provide useful information on membrane lateral organization. After labeling membranes with extrinsic or intrinsic lipophilic fluorescent probes, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments strongly suggests that specialized cells like spermatozoa, eggs and epithelia exhibit surface membrane regionalization or macrocompartmentation and that lateral microheterogeneities or lipid microdomains exist in the plasma membrane of many cellular systems.  相似文献   

The rate of lipid lateral diffusion has been investigated by computer simulation of electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of spin-labelled dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) vesicles. An optimization method has been developed to fit the experimental spectra to the theoretical ones calculated from the modified Bloch-equations in order to determine frequencies of probe-probe collisions and the lipid lateral diffusion coefficients. The main results of this study are: (i) Due to the sensitivity of our method to the extent of the overlapping of hyperfine spectral lines it is possible to determine the spin exchange contribution to linebroadening. (ii) It is obvious from these computer analyses that over a wide range of temperatures well above the phase transition both static dipolar interaction and dynamic spin exchange make significant contributions to the linebroadening. (iii) Lipid lateral diffusion coefficient in DMPC bilayers at 36 degrees C was (2.3 +/- 0.2) x 10(-11) m2 s-1.  相似文献   

Liquid-disordered/liquid-ordered two-phase coexistence regions in hydrated bilayers have been investigated for sphingomyelins (SMs) of three different origins: egg, brain, and milk with the pulsed-field gradient NMR technique for lateral diffusion measurement. It is found that the three SMs have the same diffusional behavior in bilayers of SM alone, but in the multicomponent systems of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine/SM/cholesterol, the ability to form domains differs for the three SMs. The two-phase area is more extended for egg SM than for brain SM, and no two-phase coexistence is found for milk SM. The differences in behavior are correlated with the homogeneity of the SM hydrocarbon chain compositions, in which egg SM has the most homogeneous and milk SM has the most heterogeneous composition. The results indicate that a crucial element in the domain-forming process is the formation of highly packed bilayers of SM and cholesterol rather than specific interactions between SM and cholesterol.  相似文献   

The partition coefficients (K(P)) of a series of single-chain and double-chain fluorescent amphiphiles, between solid ordered (P(beta') and L(beta)) and liquid disordered (L(alpha) of the type l(d)) lipid phases coexisting in the same lipid bilayer, was studied using steady-state fluorescence emission anisotropy. The single-chain amphiphiles were N-(7-nitrobenzoxa-2, 3-diazol-4-yl)-alkylamines, and the double-chain amphiphiles were N-(7-nitrobenzoxa-2, 3-diazol-4-yl)-phosphatidylethanolamines with chain lengths of 12-18 carbon atoms. Saturated 18-carbon alkyl/acyl chain compounds were also compared with Delta(9)-cis unsaturated chains of the same chain length. The fluorescence anisotropy of the probes was examined in lipid bilayers (multilamellar vesicles) prepared from an equimolar mixture of dilauroylphosphatidylcholine and distearoylphosphatidylcholine and studied as a function of temperature through the entire temperature range of coexistence of ordered gel phases and a disordered fluid phase in this system. The unsaturated chain amphiphiles partitioned exclusively into the fluid phase whenever this phase was present, as did the saturated chain amphiphiles with the shortest chains (C(12:0)), while K(P) ranges between 1 and 2, in favor of the L(beta) solid phase, for the amphiphiles with long saturated (C(18:0)) alkyl/acyl chains, with intermediate behavior for the intermediate chain lengths. All probes appeared to be totally excluded from P(beta') solid (gel) phases. The technique was also used to determine partitioning of some of the probes between coexisting liquid ordered (cholesterol-containing) (l(o)) and liquid disordered (l(d)) L(alpha) phases. In this case the ratio of signal amplitude to noise allowed us to obtain a qualitative, but not quantitative, measure of the phase partitioning of the probes. We conclude that the partitioning behavior of the probes examined between coexisting l(o) and l(d) phases is qualitatively similar to that observed between solid ordered and liquid disordered phases.  相似文献   

Takeda M 《Uirusu》2004,54(1):9-15
Lipid molecules of the plasma membrane are not distributed homogeneously, but form a lateral organization resulting from preferential packaging of sphingolipid and cholesterol into lipid microdomain rafts, in which specific membrane proteins become incorporated. Evidence has accumulated that a variety of viruses including influenza virus use the raft during some steps of their replication cycles. Influenza virus glycoproteins, hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase, associate intrinsically with the rafts. The HA protein is distributed in clusters at the plasma membrane and concentrated in the small area by interacting with the raft. A mutant influenza virus, whose HA protein lacks the ability to associate with the raft, contains reduced amounts of the HA proteins and exhibits a decreased virus to cell fusion activity, resulting in greatly reduced infectivity. Thus, the raft may play an important role in virus production by acting as a concentrating devise or an efficient carrier to transport the HA protein to the site of virus budding.  相似文献   

Lipid and water diffusion coefficients in bicontinuous cubic liquid crystalline phases have been determined with the NMR pulsed magnetic field gradient technique. In the monoolein-water system, a discontinuity in the variation of the water diffusion coefficient with water content is observed, which coincides with the two-phase region between the two cubic phases in this system. The degree of water association to the lipid has been determined, considering the obstruction factor for diffusion in the cubic phases. The lipid diffusion coefficient increases with increased unsaturation of the lipid, and decreases when larger amphiphile molecules like cholesterol, gramicidin-A, and lyso-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine are solubilized in the cubic phase. In a cubic liquid crystal of monoolein (MO), dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC), and water, the individual lipid diffusion coefficients have been determined simultaneously in the same sample. The diffusion coefficients of MO and DOPC differ by a factor of two, and both decrease with increasing DOPC content. The results are discussed in relation to probe techniques for measurements of lipid diffusion.  相似文献   

Lipid rafts are specialized structures on the plasma membrane that have an altered lipid composition as well as links to the cytoskeleton. It has been proposed that these structures are membrane domains in which neurotransmitter signalling might occur through a clustering of receptors and components of receptor-activated signalling cascades. The localization of these proteins in lipid rafts, which is affected by the cytoskeleton, also influences the potency and efficacy of neurotransmitter receptors and transporters. The effect of lipid rafts on neurotransmitter signalling has also been implicated in neurological and psychiatric diseases.  相似文献   

We measured lipid lateral diffusion rates for a series of teratocarcinoma-derived and embryo-derived cell lines, using the technique of fluorescence photo-bleaching recovery with a fluorescent lipid probe, C16dil. The probe diffuses more rapidly in plasma membranes of embryonal carcinoma cells than in plasma membranes of teratocarcinoma-derived endodermal cell lines. When embryonal carcinoma cells are induced to differentiate by treatment with retinoic acid, diffusion constants of C16dil are reduced to levels typical of endoderm. These changes are paralleled by differences in membrane cholesterol content; membrane free cholesterol levels in embyronal carcinoma lines are approximately half those found in endodermal lines, and are markedly increased upon retinoic-acid-induced differentiation.  相似文献   

We review the relationship between molecular interactions and the properties of lipid environments. A specific focus is given on bilayers which contain sphingomyelin (SM) and sterols due to their essential role for the formation of lipid rafts. The discussion is based on recent atom-scale molecular dynamics simulations, complemented by extensive comparison to experimental data. The discussion is divided into four sections. The first part investigates the properties of one-component SM bilayers and compares them to bilayers with phosphatidylcholine (PC), the focus being on a detailed analysis of the hydrogen bonding network in the two bilayers. The second part deals with binary mixtures of sterols with either SM or PC. The results show how the membrane properties may vary substantially depending on the sterol and SM type available, the membrane order and interdigitation being just two of the many examples of this issue. The third part concentrates on the specificity of intermolecular interactions in three-component mixtures of SM, PC and cholesterol (CHOL) under conditions where the concentrations of SM and CHOL are dilute with respect to that of PC. The results show how SM and CHOL favor one another, thus acting as nucleation sites for the formation of highly ordered nanosized domains. Finally, the fourth part discusses the large-scale properties of raft-like membrane environments and compares them to the properties of non-raft membranes. The differences turn out to be substantial. As a particularly intriguing example of this, the lateral pressure profiles of raft-like and non-raft systems indicate that the lipid composition of membrane domains may have a major impact on membrane protein activation.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations of a solvent-free coarse-grained lipid model are used to characterize the mechanisms by which lipid-bilayer hemifusion diaphragm (HD) intermediates relax, across a range of global compositions of negative intrinsic curvature (NIC) lipids and neutral-curvature lipids. At low concentrations of NIC lipids, rapid fission produces a double bilayer end state through a lateral diffusion-based mechanism enabled by spontaneous rim-pore defects. At moderately higher NIC lipid concentrations, rim pores are absent and stable leaflet three-junctions persist, revealing an HD relaxation mechanism entirely reliant on lipid flip-flop, and end states that are either stable fusion pores or stable HD's. These fusogenic systems exhibit dynamics highly dependent on NIC lipid concentration via an underlying sensitivity of flip-flop rates for neutral lipids on NIC lipid concentration. This work illustrates that HD dynamics may be altered through regulation of lipid composition in the immediate three-junction region. This work further highlights the potential role of flippases in biological fusion and the importance of lipid composition on fusion dynamics.  相似文献   

The fluorescent probe N-(BODIPY(?)-FL-propionyl)-neuraminosyl-GM(1) (BODIPY-GM(1)) was used to detect lipid rafts in living red blood cells (RBCs) membranes. The probe was detected with fluorescence video microscopy and was found to be uniformly distributed along plasma membrane at room temperature (23°C). At 4°C some probe clearly phase-separated to yield detectable bright spots that were smaller than spatial resolution. As measured by spectrofluorometry, in addition to a major fluorescence peak caused by emissions from monomers, the probe exhibited a red-shifted peak that is characteristic of a BODIPY fluorophore at high local concentrations, indicating that some probe had clustered. Red-shifted fluorescence was the greatest at 4°C, intermediate at 23°C, and the smallest at 37°C. Treating the RBCs with methyl-β-cyclodextrin to remove cholesterol eliminated the red-shifted peak. This strongly indicates that the presence of cholesterol was essential for phase separation of the probe. Fluorometry experiments indicate that rafts exist at 23°C and at 37°C, even though the membrane appears to be uniform at the resolution of microscope. The distinct GM(1) patches distributed over entire membrane of the erythrocytes were observed at both 23°C and at 37°C in RBCs stained with Alexa FL 647 cholera toxin subunit B conjugate (CTB-A647 ). Based on both fluorometry and fluorescence microscopy, some rafts clearly exist at 37°C.  相似文献   

Biological membranes are supposed to contain functional domains (lipid rafts) made up in particular of sphingomyelin and cholesterol, glycolipids, and certain proteins. It is often assumed that the application of the detergent Triton at 4 degrees C allows the isolation of these rafts as a detergent-resistant membrane fraction. The current study aims to clarify whether and how Triton changes the domain properties. To this end, temperature-dependent transitions in vesicles of an equimolar mixture of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, egg sphingomyelin, and cholesterol were monitored at different Triton concentrations by differential scanning calorimetry and pressure perturbation calorimetry. Transitions initiated by the addition of Triton to the lipid mixture were studied by isothermal titration calorimetry, and the structure was investigated by (31)P-NMR. The results are discussed in terms of liquid-disordered (ld) and -ordered (lo) bilayer and micellar (mic) phases, and the typical sequence encountered with increasing Triton content or decreasing temperature is ld, ld + lo, ld + lo + mic, and lo + mic. That means that addition of Triton may create ordered domains in a homogeneous fluid membrane, which are, in turn, Triton resistant upon subsequent membrane solubilization. Hence, detergent-resistant membranes should not be assumed to resemble biological rafts in size, structure, composition, or even existence. Functional rafts may not be steady phenomena; they might form, grow, cluster or break up, shrink, and vanish according to functional requirements, regulated by rather subtle changes in the activity of membrane disordering or ordering compounds.  相似文献   

Pulsed field gradient (pfg)-NMR measurements of the lipid lateral diffusion coefficients in several macroscopically aligned bilayer systems were summarized from previous and new studies. The aim was to carry out a comparison of the translational dynamics for bilayers with various mixtures of l,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC), l,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) and chicken egg yolk sphingomyelin (eSM), with or without cholesterol. New useful information was obtained on the dynamics in these lipid bilayers that has not been previously appreciated. Thus, we were able to propose that the driving force behind the phase separation into l(d)and l(o)phases evolves from the increasing difficulty to incorpotate DOPC into a highly ordered phase. Our results suggest that DOPC has a preference to be located in a disordered phase, while DPPC and eSM prefer the ordered phase. Quite unexpectedly, CHOL seems to partition into both phases to roughly the same extent, indicating that CHOL has no particular preference for any of the l(d)or l(o) phases, and there are no specific interactions between CHOL and saturated lipids.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in mammalian cells is modulated by extrinsic and intrinsic signaling pathways through the formation of death receptor-mediated death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) and mitochondrial-derived apoptosome, respectively. We found by ultrastructural approaches that the antitumor drug edelfosine induced aggregates of lipid rafts containing Fas/CD95 receptor and Fas-associated death domain-containing protein in leukemic cells. Death receptors together with DISC and apoptosome constituents were recruited in rafts during edelfosine treatment in multiple myeloma cells. This apoptotic response involved caspases-8/-9/-10 that were translocated to rafts. Lipid raft disruption by cholesterol depletion inhibited loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential, caspase activation and apoptosis, whereas cholesterol replenishment restored these responses. Our data indicate that rafts act as scaffolds where extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathways concentrate, forming clusters of apoptotic signaling molecule-enriched rafts (CASMER), which function as novel supramolecular entities in the triggering of apoptosis, and play an important role in edelfosine-induced apoptosis in blood cancer cells.  相似文献   

Formation of low-temperature ordered gel phases in several fully hydrated phosphatidylethanolamines (PEs) and phosphatidylcholines (PCs) with saturated chains as well as in dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) was observed by synchrotron x-ray diffraction, microcalorimetry, and densitometry. The diffraction patterns recorded during slow cooling show that the gel-phase chain reflection cooperatively splits into two reflections, signaling a transformation of the usual gel phase into a more ordered phase, with an orthorhombic chain packing (the Y-transition). This transition is associated with a small decrease (2-4 microl/g) or inflection of the partial specific volume. It is fully reversible with the temperature and displays in heating direction as a small (0.1-0.7 kcal/mol) endothermic event. We recorded a Y-transition in distearoyl PE, dipalmitoyl PE (DPPE), mono and dimethylated DPPE, distearoyl PC, dipalmitoyl PC, diC(15)PC, and DPPG. No such transition exists in dimyristoyl PE and dilauroyl PE where the gel L(beta) phase transforms directly into subgel L(c) phase, as well as in the unsaturated dielaidoyl PE. The PE and PC low-temperature phases denoted L(R1) and SGII, respectively, have different hydrocarbon chain packing. The SGII phase is with tilted chains, arranged in an orthorhombic lattice of two-nearest-neighbor type. Except for the PCs, it was also registered in ionized DPPG. In the L(R1) phase, the chains are perpendicular to the bilayer plane and arranged in an orthorhombic lattice of four-nearest-neighbor type. It was observed in PEs and in protonated DPPG. The L(R1) and SGII phases are metastable phases, which may only be formed by cooling the respective gel L(beta) and L(beta') phases, and not by heating the subgel L(c) phase. Whenever present, they appear to represent an indispensable intermediate step in the formation of the latter phase.  相似文献   

Polarized epithelial cells of multicellular organisms confront the environment with a highly specialized apical cell membrane that differs in composition and function from that facing the internal milieu. In the case of absorptive cells, such as the small intestinal enterocyte and the kidney proximal tubule cell, the apical cell membrane is formed as a brush border, composed of regular, dense arrays of microvilli. Hydrolytic ectoenzymes make up the bulk of the microvillar membrane proteins, endowing the brush border with a huge digestive capacity. Several of the major enzymes are localized in lipid rafts, which, for the enterocyte in particular, are organized in a unique fashion. Glycolipids, rather than cholesterol, together with the divalent lectin galectin-4, define these rafts, which are stable and probably quite large. The architecture of these rafts supports a digestive/absorptive strategy for nutrient assimilation, but also serves as a portal for a large number of pathogens. Caveolae are well-known vehicles for internalization of lipid rafts, but in the enterocyte brush border, binding of cholera toxin is followed by uptake via a clathrin-dependent mechanism. Recently, 'anti-glycosyl' antibodies were shown to be deposited in the enterocyte brush border. When the antibodies were removed from the membrane, other carbohydrate-binding proteins, including cholera toxin, increased their binding to the brush border. Thus, anti-glycosyl antibodies may serve as guardians of glycolipid-based rafts, protecting them from lumenal pathogens and in this way be part of an ongoing 'cross-talk' between indigenous bacteria and the host.  相似文献   

The enterocyte brush border of the small intestine is a highly specialized membrane designed to function both as a high capacity digestive/absorptive surface of dietary nutrients and a permeability barrier towards lumenal pathogens. It is characterized by an unusually high content of glycolipids (∼30% of the total microvillar membrane lipid), enabling the formation of liquid ordered microdomains, better known as lipid rafts. The glycolipid rafts are stabilized by galectin-4, a 36 kDa divalent lectin that cross-links galactosyl (and other carbohydrate) residues present on membrane lipids and several brush border proteins, including some of the major hydrolases. These supramolecular complexes are further stabilized by intelectin, a 35 kDa trimeric lectin that also functions as an intestinal lactoferrin receptor. As a result, brush border hydrolases, otherwise sensitive to pancreatic proteinases, are protected from untimely release into the gut lumen. Finally, anti-glycosyl antibodies, synthesized by plasma cells locally in the gut, are deposited on the brush border glycolipid rafts, protecting the epithelium from lumenal pathogens that exploit lipid rafts as portals for entry to the organism.  相似文献   

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