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The effect of the neutrophil-activating peptide NAP-1/IL-8 on the expression of complement receptor type 1 (CR1) in human neutrophils was studied. NAP-1/IL-8 enhanced CR1 expression at concentrations between 10(-10) and 10(-8) M. The maximum increase with respect to unstimulated control cells was on average 2.3 fold. The effect was rapid: Half-maximum enhancement was obtained in 4 min and the plateau was reached in 15 min. The chemotactic peptide fMLP, tested for comparison, was effective between 10(-9) and 10(-7) M, showed a similar time course and a somewhat higher maximum effect (2.8 fold increase). The effect of NAP-1/IL-8 was prevented by pretreatment of the cells with B.pertussis toxin and desensitization was observed following restimulation. Stimulus combination experiments suggested that NAP-1/IL-8 mobilizes the same or a similar intracellular pool of CR1 receptors as fMLP or C5a.  相似文献   

A Rot 《Cytokine》1991,3(1):21-27
In order to establish the species cross-reactivity of the human neutrophil attractant/activation protein-1 (interleukin-8, NAP-1/IL-8) and find which experimental species are responsive to the human cytokine, blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PNMLs) were isolated from chicken, dog, goat, guinea-pig, monkey, mouse, pig, rabbit, and rat and their in vitro migration in response to this cytokine was investigated. PMNLs from all of the tested species migrated in response to recombinant human NAP-1/IL-8 (rhNAP-1/IL-8). The potency of rhNAP-1/IL-8 for the PMNLs of different species varied and was considerably lower than its potency for human cells. The morphological study combined with the leukocyte enumeration in the intradermal rhNAP-1/IL-8 injection sites established an in vivo proinflammatory potency of rhNAP-1/IL-8 for rabbit and rat that was comparable to the observed in vitro chemotactic potency of rhNAP-1/IL-8 for neutrophils of these species.  相似文献   

1,2-Diacylglycerols (DAGs) can prime polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) for enhanced release of arachidonic acid (AA) and generation of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) products upon subsequent agonist stimulation. Here, we demonstrate that in isolated human PMNL, 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol (OAG) functions as a direct agonist stimulating 5-LO product formation (up to 42-fold). OAG caused no release of endogenous AA, but in the presence of exogenous AA, the magnitude of 5-LO product synthesis induced by OAG was comparable to that obtained with the Ca(2+)-ionophore A23187. Interestingly, OAG-induced 5-LO product synthesis was not connected with increased 5-LO nuclear membrane association. Examination of diverse glycerides revealed that the sn-2-acetyl-group is important, thus, also 1-O-hexadecyl-2-acetylglycerol (EAG) stimulated 5-LO product formation (up to 8-fold).Treatment of PMNL with OAG did not alter the mobilization of Ca(2+) but removal of intracellular Ca(2+) abolished the upregulatory OAG effects. Notably, the PKC activator phorbol-myristate-acetate hardly increased 5-LO product synthesis and PKC inhibitors failed to suppress the effects of OAG. Although OAG rapidly activated p38 MAPK and p42/44(MAPK), which can stimulate 5-LO for product synthesis, specific inhibitors of these kinases could not prevent 5-LO activation by OAG. Together, OAG acts as a direct agonist for 5-LO product synthesis in PMNL stimulating 5-LO by novel undefined mechanisms.  相似文献   

Human dermal fibroblasts in culture secrete three protein-like neutrophil chemotactic factors, when stimulated either with human rIL-1 alpha or IL-1 beta; not, however, after incubation with LPS. These three fibroblast-derived neutrophil-activating proteins (FINAP) could be purified by subsequently performed reversed phase and size exclusion HPLC. By high resolution SDS-PAGE, all the proteins were shown to migrate with an Mr of 6,700 (alpha-FINAP), 3,600 (beta-FINAP), and 5,300 (gamma-FINAP). All purified cytokine preparations were found to be chemotactic for human neutrophils. In addition, all FINAP induced release of lysosomal enzymes in neutrophils. Deactivation of chemotaxin-elicitable enzyme release showed cross-desensitization of all FINAP with NAP-1/IL-8. Western blot analysis of alpha-FINAP by using mAb against neutrophil-activating protein (NAP)-1/IL-8 reveals immunologic cross-reactivity with NAP-1/IL-8. By amino-terminal amino acid sequence analysis alpha-FINAP could be identified as the 77-residue extended form of NAP-1/IL-8 containing the 79-residue form as a minor contaminant. Whereas beta-FINAP has been found to be a truncation product of alpha-FINAP, gamma-FINAP shows identity with authentic melanoma growth stimulatory activity with respect to retention time upon reversed phase HPLC, high resolution SDS-PAGE, and biologic properties, as well as amino-terminal amino acid sequence. These data show that human dermal fibroblasts may actively participate in inflammatory reactions by secretion of proinflammatory cytokines.  相似文献   

IL-8 is a novel chemotactic cytokine, produced by a variety of blood and tissue cells, that has marked activating effects on polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). We report that IL-8 is produced and released by human PMN after stimulation with the chemotactic agonist FMLP. Release of IL-8 in response to FMLP was transient and not influenced by PMN adherence or by the absence of serum in the medium. Maximum yields were usually obtained with 10 nM FMLP within 2 h of stimulation (0.5-3.5 ng/ml/7 x 10(6) cells, range of 17 different donors). IL-8 release was dependent on FMLP-induced de novo protein synthesis because it was inhibited by cycloheximide, was paralleled by enhanced expression of IL-8 mRNA and was potentiated from two- to sixfold after preincubation of PMN with cytochalasin B. The FMLP effect was direct and not dependent on LPS or on contaminating monocytes, which showed only low responsiveness to FMLP. Pretreatment of PMN with pertussis toxin prevented FMLP-dependent IL-8 production, the effect being evident both at the level of mRNA expression and protein secretion. In addition, two other chemoattractans, platelet-activating factor and C5a, were found capable to induce release of IL-8 by PMN. The results of this study suggest that chemotactically stimulated PMN may be able to amplify the recruitment process of PMN to the inflammatory site by releasing IL-8. As a long-lived cytokine, IL-8 could markedly prolong the attractant effect.  相似文献   

The C5a receptor has been extracted in an active state from the membranes of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes with the detergents digitonin and beta-dodecyl maltoside. The solubilized receptor exhibits a single class of high affinity binding sites with a Kd = 90 pM, a value similar to that found with intact membranes. Physical studies with the soluble receptor demonstrate that it exists in two forms which differ in molecular mass. Gel filtration experiments with receptor to which C5a has been bound give an apparent molecular mass for the complex of 150-200 kDa. When the experiments were repeated with nonliganded receptor, most of the C5a binding activity eluted with an apparent mass of 150-200 kDa. However, the peak had a pronounced trailing shoulder indicating that, in the nonliganded state, a portion of the receptor population exists in a smaller form, which may be converted to the larger form on binding C5a. The molecular mass of the smaller form, estimated to be 30-70 kDa, is consistent with that of the binding subunit of the receptor. These data imply that the larger form, and therefore the bulk of the solubilized receptor, is oligomeric, a conclusion which is supported by cross-linking studies. When C5a was cross-linked to the soluble receptor two specific complexes with molecular masses of 52 and 95 kDa were formed. The former is the covalent adduct of C5a and the binding subunit of the receptor and the latter appears to be a complex between the 52-kDa species and an additional polypeptide.  相似文献   

Fluorescein conjugates of C5a (FL-C5a) and formyl methionine-leucine-phenylalanine-lysine (FL-FMLPL) have been used to determine how the expression of receptors for these peptides is regulated on human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). Video intensification microscopy showed that receptors for FL-C5a were homogeneously distributed on the surface of the PMN, but within minutes were mobilized into patches and internalized by the PMN. Internalization of C5a receptors was confirmed in studies in which external FL-C5a fluorescence was quenched by reducing the pH. A similar rapid internalization was observed with FL-FMLPL. This process was inhibited for both fluorescent ligands by monensin. Reexpression of C5a and formyl peptide receptors after internalization occurred with both receptors. By comparison, the rate of reexpression of formyl peptide receptors was much faster than that observed with C5a receptors with the half maximal reexpression time for each being 5 to 10 min and 18 to 60 min, respectively. C5a receptor reexpression was completely blocked by monensin suggesting receptor recycling, whereas monensin had little effect on FMLPL receptor reexpression. The reexpression of both receptors occurred in the presence of cycloheximide indicating that this process occurred independent of protein synthesis. Additional studies on formyl peptide receptor showed that when PMN were treated with ionomycin to fully mobilize the intracellular pool of FMLPL receptors, receptor reexpression failed to occur. These studies show that both C5a and formyl peptide receptors are internalized after binding ligand, but that their reexpression occurs through different mechanisms. C5a receptors appear to be recycled to the cell surface whereas formyl peptide receptors are reexpressed predominantly by translocation from an intracellular pool.  相似文献   

Elucidation of the interactions between C5a and granulocytes is central to understanding the role of C5a in inflammation. In this study, interactions between C5a and PMN have been studied at two levels. Binding of human C5a to intact human cells has been characterized by using the radiolabeled ligand 125I-C5a. Binding is shown to be reversible, saturable, and to reach equilibrium in 60 to 90 min at 0 degrees C. Results show high affinity C5a binding sites with Kd = 2 X 10(-9) M and a range of 50,000 to 113,000 binding sites per PMN. These values for C5a receptors are comparable with the number of fMLP and LTB4 receptors on PMN. Binding of C5a to PMN fails to reach equilibrium at 37 degrees C because there is an irreversible loss of available surface receptors caused by an active internalization of the ligand-receptor complex. Interactions between C5a and human PMN were characterized further by cross-linking experiments, with the use of ethylene glycol bis succinimidylsuccinate (EGS). Cross-linking of 125I-C5a to intact PMN followed by subcellular fractionation revealed a single radioactive band present only in the plasma membrane fraction and visualized by autoradiography. Similar experiments resulted in a covalent linkage between 125I-C5a and a component in the isolated plasma membrane of PMN. The covalent complex containing C5a and a putative receptor has been visualized by autoradiography as a single 60,000 Mr complex on SDS-PAGE. The complex is not present when experiments are performed in the presence of excess unlabeled C5a or in the absence of EGS. Therefore, the putative receptor for C5a on human neutrophils is estimated to be approximately 48,000 Mr, assuming contribution of 12,000 to 13,000 daltons by the ligand 125I-C5a.  相似文献   

Human members of a family of structurally related cytokines, which play a role as effectors of inflammation, were analyzed for their expression and regulation in T lymphocytes. Members of this gene family include Platelet Basic Protein (PBP); Platelet Factor 4 (PF-4); IL-8/NAP-1; IP-10, a gamma interferon induced protein; GRO; pAT 464 and pAT 744. In resting T lymphocytes the RNAs of the individual genes could not be detected, but all genes were induced upon stimulation with PHA or with PHA/PMA. The induction of five genes was blocked by the immunosuppresive drug cyclosporin A (CSA), which appears to affect initial events in T cell activation. This expression in T lymphocytes, especially the sensitivity to CSA, indicates a common immunmodulatory role of these structural related proteins.  相似文献   

In early studies we found that IL-1 stimulated endothelial cells (EC) to produce platelet-activating factor (PAF, 1-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine). Inasmuch as this phospholipid has a wide range of biologic activities, including polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) aggregation and chemotaxis, we investigated whether EC-associated PAF could contribute to IL-1-induced PMN adhesion to EC. When four selective PAF antagonists were added to IL-1-stimulated EC during the PMN adhesion assay, adhesion was reduced in a concentration-related way. Similarly, pre-treatment of PMN with PAF before the adhesion assay to induce desensitization to this phospholipid reduced PMN adhesion to IL-1-treated EC. However, comparing the time course and the concentration response curve of IL-1-induced EC adhesivity and PAF synthesis, we found that increased EC adhesivity to PMN required a shorter incubation time and lower concentration of IL-1 to become apparent than PAF production. When acetyl-coenzyme A was added to EC cultures at a concentration that raised PAF synthesis by 60%, no significant increase in PMN adhesion was observed. In addition, after 9 to 10 doublings, the EC ability to synthesize PAF decreased by 85 to 90%, whereas IL-1-induced EC adhesivity to PMN was only slightly diminished. When IL-1-alpha and -beta were tested on EC, we observed that both were equally active in promoting PMN adhesion to EC but only the alpha-form was able to stimulate PAF production. When PMN were seeded on IL-1-treated EC, increased amounts of PAF were detected even when EC were fixed; in addition, the inhibitory effect of a PAF antagonist was evident also in these conditions. Overall these results indicate that IL-1-induced PAF production by EC does not significantly contribute to PMN adhesion to them. We hypothesize that the observed inhibitory effect of PAF antagonists and PAF desensitization of PMN might be directed at PAF produced by PMN themselves during adhesion to IL-1-treated EC.  相似文献   

A synthetic peptide, AVLPRSAKEL (LU10), the N-terminal amino acid sequence of chemotactic protein (LUCT/IL-8), showed chemotactic activity to polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) with an ED50 of 5 nM for comparable to that of LUCT. Native LUCT and LU10 specifically induced the phosphorylation of 64 kD protein of PMN, and serine residue in the 64 kD protein was major phosphorylated amino acid. Furthermore, native LUCT enhanced the release of myeloperoxidase and beta-glucuronidase from PMN in the presence of cytochalasin B and FMLP, but LU10 did not. These results strongly suggest that the active site for both chemotactic stimulation and 64 kD protein phosphorylation is localized on the sequence of N-terminal 10 amino acids of LUCT.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) isolated from rabbits after an i.v. injection of endotoxin exhibited decreased chemotactic migration in response to leukotriene B4 (LTB4) and C5a, but not N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP), after endotoxin treatment. The binding of radiolabeled LTB4, fMLP, and C5a to isolated PMNL was assessed in order to determine whether altered receptor expression could account for the observed functional changes. Control PMNL expressed binding sites for fMLP, LTB4, and C5a similar to those previously characterized from human PMNL. Control PMNL expressed a single class of 14,600 +/- 2700 receptors for fMLP with a mean dissociation constant (Kd) of 2.0 +/- 0.6 nM at 0 degrees C, whereas two subclasses of binding sites were expressed for LTB4: 10,300 +/- 6800 high-affinity and 85,600 +/- 53,000 low-affinity binding sites per PMNL with mean Kd for LTB4 of 0.75 +/- 0.43 nM and 70 +/- 58 nM (mean +/- SD, n = 5), respectively. Control PMNL bound [125I]-C5a in a dose-dependent and saturable manner at 24 degrees C. At saturating concentrations of C5a, PMNL obtained from control rabbits bound 270,000 +/- 50,000 molecules of [125I]-C5a with half-maximal binding occurring at [125I]-C5a concentrations of 5.5 +/- 1.9 nM. The binding of LTB4 and C5a to PMNL obtained 24 hr after an i.v. injection of endotoxin was markedly decreased compared with control PMNL. PMNL from endotoxin-treated rabbits exhibited 68% fewer high-affinity binding sites per PMNL for LTB4 and a 51% decrease in the amount of [125I]-C5a bound at saturating concentrations compared with control PMNL. There was no significant change in the Kd of the high-affinity binding sites for LTB4, no change in the Kd and number of the low-affinity binding sites for LTB4, and a small decrease in the apparent Kd for C5a to 3.3 +/- 1.1 nM. Even though the pretreatment with i.v. endotoxin did not alter chemotactic or degranulation responses elicited by fMLP, the endotoxin pretreatment induced an eightfold increase in the receptor density without altering the Kd for fMLP. Decreased receptor expression could account in large part for the decreased chemotactic responsiveness towards C5a and LTB4 induced by LPS. The finding that a substantial increase in receptors for fMLP need not be accompanied by a comparable functional change suggests that decreased efficiency in receptor coupling to intracellular biochemical events may also result from i.v. endotoxin.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that the complement activation product C5a positively or negatively regulates inflammatory functions. The studies presented here report that C5a exerts anti-inflammatory effects by altering production of the cytokines IL-17A and IL-23 during endotoxic shock in young adult male C57BL/6J mice and has similar effects on macrophages from the same mice. IL-17A and IL-23 both appeared in plasma during endotoxemia, and their neutralization improved survival. The relevant sources of IL-17A during endotoxemia were not CD4(+) cells, γδ T cells, or NK cells but CD11b(+)F4/80(+) macrophages. The addition in vitro of C5a to lipopolysaccharide-activated peritoneal macrophages dose dependently antagonized the production of IL-17A (IC(50), 50-100 nM C5a) and IL-23 (IC(50), 10 nM C5a). This suppression required the receptor C5aR, but was independent of the second C5a receptor, C5L2. Genetic absence of C5aR was associated with much higher levels of IL-17A and IL-23 during endotoxic shock. Mechanistically, C5a mediated its effects on the IL-17A/IL-23 axis in a 2-step process. C5a caused activation of the PI3K-Akt and MEK1/2-ERK1/2 pathways, resulting in induction of IL-10, which powerfully inhibited production of IL-17A and IL-23. These data identify previously unknown mechanisms by which the anaphylatoxin C5a limits acute inflammation and antagonizes the IL-17A/IL-23 axis.  相似文献   

Cathepsin BI1 was purified from rat liver lysosomal fraction by ammonium sulfate fractionation, followed by chromatography on Sephadex G-200 and DEAE-Sephadex. Formation of chemotactic factor for guinea pig polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes was demonstrated in vitro when guinea pig serum was incubated with cathepsin BI. This factor formation was dependent on SH-reagent dithiothreitol (DTT) and was maximal at pH 6.0. ZnSO4, an inhibitor of cathepsin BI, inhibited the chemotactic factor formation likewise.  相似文献   

Osteoblasts are mechanosensitive cells, which respond to biomechanical stimuli to regulate the bone structure through anabolic and catabolic gene regulation. To examine the effects of mechanical forces on the osteogenic responses through the SMAD signaling in osteoblasts, the cells were cultured in well-characterized mechanoresponsive 3-D scaffolds and exposed to 10% dynamic compressive strain (Cmp) at 1 Hz. Subsequently, SMAD phosphorylation and osteogenic gene induction was examined. Osteoblasts cultured in 3-D scaffolds exhibited increased constitutive SMAD 1/5/8 phosphorylation, as compared to monolayers cultures. This SMAD 1/5/8 phosphorylation was further upregulated after 10, 30 and 60 min in response to Cmp, exhibiting a peak activation at 30 min. No significant changes in SMAD2 phosphorylation were observed, suggesting signals generated by Cmp may not activate the Transforming Growth Factor-β signaling cascade. Subsequently, biomechanical stimulation-induced SMAD 1/5/8 phosphorylation upregulated the expression of osteogenic genes such as Osteoprotegrin, Msx2 and Runx2. Dorsomorphin, a selective inhibitor of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) receptor type 1 (BMPR1), blocked Cmp-induced SMAD 1/5/8 phosphorylation, as well as Osteoprotegrin, Msx2 and Runx2 gene expression. Collectively, the present findings demonstrate that biomechanical stimulation of osteoblasts activates SMAD 1/5/8 in the BMP signaling pathway through BMPR1 and may enhance osteogenesis by upregulating SMAD-dependent osteogenic genes.  相似文献   

Macrophage metalloelastase (MMP-12) is described to be involved in pulmonary inflammatory response. To determine the mechanisms linking MMP-12 and inflammation, we examined the effect of recombinant human MMP-12 (rhMMP-12) catalytic domain on IL-8/CXCL8 production in cultured human airway epithelial (A549) cells. Stimulation with rhMMP-12 resulted in a concentration-dependent IL-8/CXCL8 synthesis 6 h later. Similar results were also observed in cultured BEAS-2B bronchial epithelial cells. In A549 cells, synthetic matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitors prevented rhMMP-12-induced IL-8/CXCL8 release. We further demonstrated that in A549 cells, rhMMP-12 induced transient, peaking at 5 min, activation of ERK1/2. Selective MEK inhibitors (U0126 and PD-98059) blocked both IL-8/CXCL8 release and ERK1/2 phosphorylation. IL-8/CXCL8 induction and ERK1/2 activation were preceded by EGF receptor (EGFR) tyrosine phosphorylation, within 2 min, and reduced by selective EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (AG-1478 and PD168393) by a neutralizing EGFR antibody and by small interfering RNA oligonucleotides directed against EGFR, implicating EGFR activation. In addition, we observed an activation of c-Fos in A549 cells stimulated by rhMMP-12, dependent on ERK1/2. Using small interfering technique, we showed that c-Fos is involved in rhMMP-12-induced IL-8/CXCL8 production. From these results, we conclude that one mechanism, by which MMP-12 induces IL-8/CXCL8 release from the alveolar epithelium, is the EGFR/ERK1/2/activating protein-1 pathway.  相似文献   

Several hormones act at the cellular level to increase diacylglycerol via increased catabolism of phosphatidylinositol by phospholipase C. Diacylglycerol stimulates protein kinase C, leading to protein phosphorylation and hormone action. Since phospholipase C activity has not been well studied in man, we have established an assay for phospholipase C in human neutrophils. In this assay sonicates of neutrophils were incubated with L-3-phosphatidyl-[U 14C]-inositol and the incubation mixture extracted with chloroform/methanol. Following the additions of 2 mol/l KCl and chloroform, phospholipase C activity was determined by counting [14C] in the aqueous phase. The phospholipase C activity was linear with respect to time and the quantity of added enzyme. Optimum substrate concentration and pH were 2 mmol/l and 7.0, respectively. Optimal activity was dependent on Ca2+ (2 mmol/l) and deoxycholate (2 mmol/l). Naloxone, and PGD2, which affect various aspects of leucocyte function, had no significant effects on neutrophil PLC activity. The effects of various compounds with phospholipase A2 inhibitory activity were also tested on this enzyme. Of these, mepacrine, lidocaine and indomethacin inhibited the enzyme activity. The inhibition by indomethacin was of the noncompetitive type with an apparent Km of 0.17 X 10(-6) mol/l and apparent Ki of 3.6 X 10(-6) mol/l. From these data we conclude that indomethacin is capable of inhibiting phospholipase C activity in neutrophils at clinically significant levels and that this may be relevant in the therapeutic action of this drug.  相似文献   

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