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HS (heparan sulfate) has been shown to be an important mediator of Plasmodium sporozoite homing and invasion of the liver, but the role of this glycosaminoglycan in mosquito vector host-sporozoite interactions is unknown. We have biochemically characterized the function of AgOXT1 (Anopheles gambiae peptide-O-xylosyltransferase 1) and confirmed that AgOXT1 can modify peptides representing model HS and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans in vitro. Moreover, we also demonstrated that the mosquito salivary gland basal lamina proteoglycans are modified by HS. We used RNA interference-mediated knockdown of HS biosynthesis in A. gambiae salivary glands to determine whether Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites that are released from mosquito midgut oocysts use salivary gland HS as a receptor for tissue invasion. Our results suggest that salivary gland basal lamina HS glycosaminoglycans only partially mediate midgut sporozoite invasion of this tissue, and that in the absence of HS, the presence of other surface co-receptors is sufficient to facilitate parasite entry.  相似文献   

Malaria transmission depends on infective stages in the mosquito salivary glands. Plasmodium sporozoites that mature in midgut oocysts must traverse the hemocoel and invade the mosquito salivary glands in a process thought to be mediated by parasite ligands. MAEBL, a homologue of the transmembrane EBP ligands essential in merozoite invasion, is expressed abundantly in midgut sporozoites. Alternative splicing generates different MAEBL isoforms and so it is unclear what form is functionally essential. To identify the MAEBL isoform required for P. falciparum (NF54) sporozoite invasion of salivary glands, we created knockout and allelic replacements each carrying CDS of a single MAEBL isoform. Only the transmembrane form of MAEBL is essential and is the first P. falciparum ligand validated as essential for invasion of Anopheles salivary glands. MAEBL is the first P. falciparum ligand experimentally determined to be essential for this important step in the life cycle where the vector becomes infectious for transmitting sporozoites to people. With an increasing emphasis on advancing vector-based transgenic methods for suppression of malaria, it is important that this type of study, using modern molecular genetic tools, is done with the agent of the human disease. Understanding what P. falciparum sporozoite ligands are critical for mosquito transmission will help validate targets for vector-based transmission-blocking strategies.  相似文献   

Actin is one of the most conserved and ubiquitous proteins in eukaryotes. Its sequence has been highly conserved for its monomers to self-assemble into filaments that mediate essential cell functions such as trafficking, cell shape and motility. The malaria-causing parasite, Plasmodium, expresses a highly sequence divergent actin that is critical for its rapid motility at different stages within its mammalian and mosquito hosts. Each of Plasmodium actin’s four subdomains have divergent regions compared to canonical vertebrate actins. We previously identified subdomains 2 and 3 as providing critical contributions for parasite actin function as these regions could not be replaced by subdomains of vertebrate actins. Here we probed the contributions of individual divergent amino acid residues in these subdomains on parasite motility and progression. Non-lethal changes in these subdomains did not affect parasite development in the mammalian host but strongly affected progression through the mosquito with striking differences in transmission to and through the insect. Live visualization of actin filaments showed that divergent amino acid residues in subdomains 2 and 4 enhanced localization associated with filaments, while those in subdomain 3 negatively affected actin filaments. This suggests that finely tuned actin dynamics are essential for efficient organ entry in the mosquito vector affecting malaria transmission. This work provides residue level insight on the fundamental requirements of actin in highly motile cells.  相似文献   

We analyzed 22 clinical isolates of Plasmodium vivax from Thailand and 17 from Brazil to investigate the extent of sequence variation in the thrombospondin-related adhesive protein of Plasmodium vivax (PvTRAP), a homologue of P. falciparum TRAP (PfTRAP) which has been considered to be a promising vaccine candidate. In total 54 haplotypes were identified from 73 distinct gene clones. Coexistence of different PvTRAP in circulation occurred in 10 and 13 isolates from Thailand and Brazil, respectively. Forty out of 48 substituted nucleotides are non-synonymous changes. Most of the substituted residues reside in the von Willebrand factor type A-domain (region II), a sulfated glycosaminoglycan-binding domain (region III) and a proline-rich region (region IV). All nucleotide substitutions are dimorphic. Two haplotypes from Thailand contain an inserted sequence encoding aspartic acid-serine-proline in the proline-rich region. Sequence analysis has revealed that nucleotide diversity in PvTRAP is low although Brazilian isolates display a higher degree of variation than those from Thailand. Phylogenetic construction using the neighbor joining method has shown that most of the Thai and the Brazilian isolates appear to be mainly clustered into distinct groups. Significantly greater than expected values of the mean number of non-synonymous (d(n)) than synonymous (d(s)) nucleotide substitutions per site were observed in regions II and III of PvTRAP. Analysis of the published PfTRAP sequences has shown a similar finding in regions II and IV suggesting that positive selection operates on the regions. Hence, different regions in PvTRAP and PfTRAP could be under different pressures in terms of immune selection, structural and/or functional constraints.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of the TRAP gene of Plasmodium falciparum   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Natural sequence variation of the thrombospondin related anonymous protein (TRAP) gene of Plasmodium falciparum has been investigated by DNA analysis following the polymerase chain reaction amplification, and this shows the gene to be highly polymorphic. The region containing the sequence motif Trp-Ser-Pro-Cys-Ser-Val-Thr-Cys-Gly (WSPCSVTCG), common to TRAP, the circumsporozoite protein, properdin, and thrombospondin, was invariant. Elsewhere in the molecule, over 50 amino acid substitutions are described including the insertion of an in-frame, small-variable tandemly repeating motif between amino acid residues 352 and 353. Only one silent mutation was observed. Most nucleotide changes that occur in the first two codon positions result in conservative amino acid changes. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was used to examine inheritance of TRAP in a cross between the HB3 and 3D7 clones of P. falciparum. Out of nine progeny examined, four possessed the HB3 gene and five the 3D7 gene. The TRAP gene hybridized to chromosome 13. Previous work has shown that a subtelomeric region of chromosome 13 from the 3D7 parent (marked by the HRP-III gene) was favoured strongly in this cross. The TRAP gene, however, is over 1 Mb away from this subtelomeric region and exhibits no such linkage because of chromosome crossovers. Five geographically separate isolates shared the same TRAP sequence as well as the same variant of the Th2R/Th3R region from the circumsporozoite protein. The correlation between independent markers in these isolates suggests that they have a common provenance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine the infectivity to mosquitoes of genetically diverse Plasmodium falciparum clones seen in natural infections in the Gambia. Two principal questions were addressed: (i) how infectious are gametocytes of sub-patent infections, particularly at the end of the dry season; and (ii) are all clones in multiclonal infections equally capable of infecting mosquitoes? The work was carried out with two cohorts of infected individuals. Firstly, a group of 31 P. falciparum-infected people were recruited in the middle of the dry season (May, 2003), then examined for P. falciparum at the beginning (August 2003) and middle (October, 2003) of the transmission season. On each occasion, we examined the genotypes of asexual forms and gametocytes by PCR and RT-PCR, as well as their infectivity to Anopheles gambiae using membrane feeds. One individual gave rise to infected mosquitoes in May, and two in August. Different gametocyte genotypes co-existed in the same infection and fluctuated over time. The mean multiplicity of infection was 1.4, 1.7 and 1.5 clones in May, August and October, respectively. Second, a group of patients undergoing drug-treatment during August 2003 was tested for asexual and gametocyte genotypes and their infectivity to mosquitoes. Forty-three out of 100 feeds produced infections. The genetic complexity of the parasites in mosquitoes was sometimes greater than that detectable in the blood on which the mosquitoes had fed. This suggested that gametocytes of clones existing in the blood below PCR detection limits at the time of the feed were at least as infectious to the mosquitoes as the more abundant clones. These findings emphasise the crucial role of gametocyte complexity and infectivity in generating the remarkable diversity of P. falciparum genotypes seen in infected people, even in an area of seasonal transmission.  相似文献   

We previously selected a line of the malaria vector mosquito Anopheles stephensi refractory (resistant) to the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum , using in vitro infections with P. falciparum gametocytes. This report presents data on the genetic background of refractoriness. The results of F1-crosses and backcrosses show that refractoriness to P. falciparum in our A. stephensi line is autosomal and semi-dominant to susceptibility. The expression of refractoriness is apparently affected by a cytoplasmic factor. Interpretation of data from the crosses by quantitative trait locus analysis shows that one gene or two unlinked interacting autosomal genes, or groups of closely linked genes, are involved.  相似文献   

The release of circumsporozoite (CS) protein by Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites was investigated to identify factors regulating this process within infected Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes. The potential for sporozoites to release CS protein in vitro was not dependent upon their site-specific developmental stage (i.e., mature oocysts, hemolymph, salivary glands), their duration in the vector, or their exposure to mosquito-derived components such as salivary glands or hemolymph. The capacity of sporozoites to release CS protein was depressed by mosquito blood feeding during periods of sporozoite migration to the salivary glands, but the effect was only temporary and those sporozoites already in the glands were not affected. Free CS protein in the salivary glands was present in 93.3% of 45 infective mosquitoes. Sporozoites from these same, individual mosquitoes were also tested in vitro for CS protein release. In both cases, the amount of soluble CS protein increased as a function of sporozoite density but the total amount of CS protein per sporozoite became progressively less with increasing numbers of sporozoites. Further experiments showed that sporozoite contact with increasing amounts of soluble CS protein caused a down-regulation of CS protein release. Thus, a primary factor regulating the production and release of CS protein by sporozoites is their contact with soluble CS protein within the mosquito.  相似文献   

The fine structure of invasion of human erythrocytes by merozoites of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum was observed in vitro. The invasion process is similar to that described for P. knowlesi. Merozoites enter apical end first by invagination of the erythrocyte membrane. At the rim of the invagination, where merozoite and erythrocyte are in closest contact, the erythrocyte membrane is thickened. The brushy cell coat of the P. falciparum merozoite appears to be lost at this attachment zone. The part of the merozoite within the erythrocyte invagination has no visible coat. The coat on the portion outside is unaltered. Merozoites can successfully invade erythrocytes after 3 hr in the presence of a concentration of chloroquine harmful to feeding stages.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum is the most virulent causative agent of malaria in man accounting for 80% of all malarial infections and 90% of the one million annual deaths attributed to malaria. P. falciparum is a unicellular, Apicomplexan parasite, that spends part of its lifecycle in the mosquito and part in man and it has evolved a special form of motility that enables it to burrow into animal cells, a process termed “host cell invasion”. The acute, life threatening, phase of malarial infection arises when the merozoite form of the parasite undergoes multiple cycles of red blood cell invasion and rapid proliferation. Here, we discuss the molecular machinery that enables malarial parasites to invade red blood cells and we focus particularly on the ATP-driven acto-myosin motor that powers invasion.  相似文献   

We compared the volumes of fluid expelled from the salivary stylets of mosquitoes having ducts transected at different levels. An oil-filled apparatus was devised to measure salivary output. About 110 of normal salivary volume was produced by mosquitoes when ducts were transected and externalized just anterior to the salivary glands. Such mosquitoes ejected more saliva than could be contained within the walls of the ducts. Transection posterior to the pump prevented salivation entirely. Skin reactive antigen was not detected (as a wheal) when mosquitoes with transected ducts fed on man. We conclude that fluid is transported across the walls of the ducts that drain the salivary glands of a mosquito.  相似文献   

In Plasmodium falciparum, the rhoptries involved in the invasion process are a pair of flask-shaped organelles located at the apical tip of invading stages. They, along with the more numerous micronemes and dense granules, constitute the apical complex in Plasmodium and other members of the phylum Apicomplexa. Several proteins of varying molecular weight have been identified in P. falciparum rhoptries. These include the 225-, 140/130/110-, 80/60/40-, RAP-1 80-, AMA-1 80-, QF3 80-, and 55-kDa proteins. Some of these proteins are lost during schizont rupture and release of merozoites. Others such as the 140/130/110-kDa complex are transferred to the erythrocyte membrane during invasion. The ring-infected surface antigen (RESA), a 155-kDa polypeptide located in dense granules also associates with the erythrocyte membrane during invasion. Erythrocyte-binding studies have demonstrated that both the 140/130/110-kDa rhoptry complex and RESA bind to inside-out-vesicles (IOVs) prepared from human erythrocytes. The 140/130/110-kDa complex also binds to erythrocyte membranes prepared by hypotonic lysis. These proteins, however, do not bind to intact human erythrocytes. In a heterologous erythrocyte model, both the 140/130/110-kDa complex and RESA are shown to bind directly to mouse erythrocytes. Other studies have shown that RESA associates with spectrin in the erythrocyte cytoskeleton. We have recently developed a liposome-binding assay to demonstrate the lipophilic binding properties of the P. falciparum rhoptry complex of 140/130/110 kDa. The rhoptry complex binds to liposomes containing neutrally, positively, and negatively charged phospholipids. However, liposomes containing phosphatidylethanolamine compete effectively for rhoptry protein binding to mouse erythrocytes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Plasmodium sporozoites that are transmitted by blood-feeding female Anopheles mosquitoes invade hepatocytes for an initial round of intracellular replication, leading to the release of merozoites that invade and multiply within red blood cells. Sporozoites and merozoites share a number of proteins that are expressed by both stages, including the Apical Membrane Antigen 1 (AMA1) and the Rhoptry Neck Proteins (RONs). Although AMA1 and RONs are essential for merozoite invasion of erythrocytes during asexual blood stage replication of the parasite, their function in sporozoites was still unclear. Here we show that AMA1 interacts with RONs in mature sporozoites. By using DiCre-mediated conditional gene deletion in P. berghei, we demonstrate that loss of AMA1, RON2 or RON4 in sporozoites impairs colonization of the mosquito salivary glands and invasion of mammalian hepatocytes, without affecting transcellular parasite migration. Three-dimensional electron microscopy data showed that sporozoites enter salivary gland cells through a ring-like structure and by forming a transient vacuole. The absence of a functional AMA1-RON complex led to an altered morphology of the entry junction, associated with epithelial cell damage. Our data establish that AMA1 and RONs facilitate host cell invasion across Plasmodium invasive stages, and suggest that sporozoites use the AMA1-RON complex to efficiently and safely enter the mosquito salivary glands to ensure successful parasite transmission. These results open up the possibility of targeting the AMA1-RON complex for transmission-blocking antimalarial strategies.  相似文献   



There have been resurgent efforts in Africa to estimate the public health impact of malaria control interventions such as insecticide treated nets (ITNs) following substantial investments in scaling-up coverage in the last five years. Little is known, however, on the effectiveness of ITN in areas of Africa that support low transmission. This hinders the accurate estimation of impact of ITN use on disease burden and its cost-effectiveness in low transmission settings.

Methods and Principal Findings

Using a stratified two-stage cluster sample design, four cross-sectional studies were undertaken between March-June 2007 across three livelihood groups in an area of low intensity malaria transmission in South Central Somalia. Information on bed net use; age; and sex of all participants were recorded. A finger prick blood sample was taken from participants to examine for parasitaemia. Mantel-Haenzel methods were used to measure the effect of net use on parasitaemia adjusting for livelihood; age; and sex. A total of 10,587 individuals of all ages were seen of which 10,359 provided full information. Overall net use and parasite prevalence were 12.4% and 15.7% respectively. Age-specific protective effectiveness (PE) of bed net ranged from 39% among <5 years to 72% among 5–14 years old. Overall PE of bed nets was 54% (95% confidence interval 44%–63%) after adjusting for livelihood; sex; and age.

Conclusions and Significance

Bed nets confer high protection against parasite infection in South Central Somalia. In such areas where baseline transmission is low, however, the absolute reductions in parasitaemia due to wide-scale net use will be relatively small raising questions on the cost-effectiveness of covering millions of people living in such settings in Africa with nets. Further understanding of the progress of disease upon infection against the cost of averting its consequent burden in low transmission areas of Africa is therefore required.  相似文献   

Invasion of human red blood cells by Plasmodium falciparum is inhibited by the protease inhibitors, leupeptin and chymostatin. The efficacy of chymostatin was reduced if the cells were first treated with chymotrypsin. On the other hand, exposure of fresh cells to the supernatant from a synchronous culture at the reinvasion stage showed no such effect. This suggests that a proteolytic step occurs in the course of invasion and may be confined to the region of contact between the invading parasite and the erythrocyte. To test this, leupeptin or chymostatin was introduced into lysed cells, which were then resealed. The intracellular inhibitor strongly reduced invasion. Leupeptin also caused a striking effect on the development of the trophozoite stage of the parasites: a massive vacuole, apparently containing undigested haemoglobin, developed within the parasite. This did not totally stop development and the vacuolated parasites could be recovered in relatively pure form by lysis of the parasitised host cells with saponin.  相似文献   

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