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  1. 1. Both amounts of lipid phosphorus and acid-insoluble nitrogen in the mitochondrial fraction from chilling-injured sweet potatoes (var. Okinawa 100) were larger than in the fraction from healthy sweet potatoes. The N-amount appeared to be increased more by chilling-injury than the P-amount.

  2. 2. Sweet potato, a tropical plant, showed lower value of the degree of unsaturation of fatty acids in mitochondrial fraction than white potato, a temperate-zone plant.

  3. 3. The amount of unsaturated fatty acids of C16, C18 and C20 as percentage of the total fatty acids was higher in mitochondrial fractions from chilling-injured sweet potatoes (var. Okinawa 100 and var. Norin 1) than in mitochondrial fractions from healthy sweet potatoes. However, in the case of white potato mitochondrial fraction no detectable difference was observed between storage at 0~1°C and at 10~14°C.


Studies on the Isolation of Mitochondria from Potato Tuber Tissue   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:3  

The large subunit (mol wt: 65,000) of sweet potato succinatedehydrogenase was isolated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisof a succinate dehydrogenase preparation, which had been partiallypurified from root mitochondria by solubilizing the enzyme withEmulgen 810, DEAE-cellulose column chromatography, and polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis. Antibody to the purified large subunitwas produced in a rabbit, and the antiserum obtained was judgedto be specific to the large subunit based on the results ofdouble immunodiffusion tests and immunoelectrophoresis. Rocketimmunoelectrophoresis with the antiserum showed that the increasein succinate dehydrogenase activity during the ageing of sliced,sweet potato root tissue was due to an increase in the amountof enzyme protein. Both the increases in the activity of succinatedehydrogenase and in the amount of the large subunit proteinwere inhibited by cycloheximide or chloramphenicol. We proposethat synthesis of the large subunit of succinate dehydrogenaseon cytoplasmic ribosomes is controlled by a mitochondrial translationproduct(s). 1 This work was supported in part by a research fund from TheIshida Foundation, Nagoya, Japan. (Received November 28, 1981; Accepted February 17, 1982)  相似文献   

Arrhenius plots of the respiration rates of mitochondria isolated from chilling sensitive plant tissues (tomato and cucumber fruit, and sweet potato roots) showed a linear decrease from 25 C to about 9 to 12 C (with Q(10) values of 1.3 to 1.6), at which point there was a marked deviation with an increased slope as temperatures were reduced to 1.5 C (Q(10) of 2.2 to 6.3). The log of the respiration rate of mitochondria from chilling resistant tissues (cauliflower buds, potato tubers, and beet roots) showed a linear decrease over the entire temperature range from 25 to 1.5 C with Q(10) values of 1.7 to 1.8. Phosphorylative efficiency of mitochondria from all the tissues, as measured by ADP:O and respiratory control ratios, was not influenced by temperatures from 25 to 1.5 C. These results indicate that an immediate response of sensitive plant tissues to temperatures in the chilling range (0 to 10 C) is to depress mitochondrial respiration to an extent greater than that predicted from Q(10) values measured above 10 C. The results are also consistent with the hypothesis that a phase change occurs in the mitochondrial membrane as the result of a physical effect of temperature on some membrane component such as membrane lipids.  相似文献   

A reliable and efficient protocol is given for the isolation of mRNA from the periderm of potato tubers and sweet potato storage roots. The method relies on a urea-based lysis buffer and lithium chloride to concentrate total RNA away from most of the cytoplasmic components and to prevent oxidation of phenolic complexes. To enhance the physical separation of the RNA from other macromolecular components, the RNA fraction was incubated in the presence of the cationic surfactant Catrimox-14. Poly(A)+ mRNA was separated from total RNA and other contaminants by using Promega's MagneSphere technology. The mRNA was suitable for cDNA library construction and RNA fingerprinting.  相似文献   

An increase in catalase activity accompanied by microbody developmentin wounded sweet potato root tissue was investigated with aspecific antibody against sweet potato catalase. The increasewas completely inhibited by cycloheximide. Analysis with singleradial immunodiffusion method showed that protein immunoprecipitatedby the antibody increased in wounded tissue, indicating theinvolvement of de novo synthesis of catalase protein in theactivity-increase. The activity-increase was, however, moreremarkable than the increase in immunoreactive protein and thisresults in an increase in specific catalase activity in woundedtissue, indicating the presence in intact tissue of an inertor less active protein, immunologically analogous to catalase.Actually, immunological analysis showed the presence in intacttissue of an immunoreactive protein which differed from activecatalase protein in the mobility on a polyacrylamide gel andprobably also in the molecular weight of subunit. The immunoreactiveprotein seemed to exist in a significant amount outside themicrobodies in intact tissue cells. Thus, there is a possibilitythat the increase in catalase activity in wounded tissue ispartly due to activation of the immunoreactive protein. (Received October 16, 1982; Accepted February 24, 1983)  相似文献   

The biochemical mechanism of cold injury occurring in sweet potatoes stored at 0°C was studied. Oxygen uptake and RC ratio of mitochondria from sweet potatoes kept at 0°C for about 15 days declined when succinate or malate was used as substrate. As sweet potatoes suffered slight cold injury, a decrease in the respiratory rate of state 3 of mitochondria was observed. This decrease could be restored approximately to the level of that of healthy sweet potato mitochondria by the addition of cytochrome c when succinate was used as substrate. When sweet potatoes suffered severe damage, only partial recovery was observed with cytochrome c. While it was found that the respiratory rate in state 3 of mitochondria from chilled sweet potatoes was less inhibited by cyanide than that of healthy sweet potato mitochondria, the inhibition could be restored to that of healthy sweet potato mitochondria by the addition of cytochrome c. When malate was used as substrate, no effect of cytochrome c and NADH2 was observed. There was no difference between chilled and healthy sweet potato mitochondria in enzyme activities of the electron transport system except for malate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Succinate dehydrogenase was partially purified from sweet potatoroot tissue by solubilization of the enzyme from the submitochondrialparticles, ammonium sulfate fractionation, and DEAE-cellulosecolumn chromatography. Sweet potato succinate dehydrogenaseexisted in two forms; these were separated by disc polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis or by hydroxyapatite column chromatography.There was a difference in the electric charge of the molecule,but not in the molecular weights of the two forms. No differencewas detected between the two forms of succinate dehydrogenasewith respect to their Km values for succinate, pH-optimums andsubunit compositions. The two subunits that make up the enzymehave molecular weights of about 26,000 and 65,000. 1 This work was supported in part by Grant-in-Aid 411308 forScientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Scienceand Culture of Japan. (Received November 28, 1981; Accepted February 17, 1982)  相似文献   

Over a range of concentrations from less than 0.1 mm to more than 70 mm, sweet potato root mitochondria display a bimodal substrate saturation isotherm for malate. The high affinity portion of the isotherm has an apparent Km for malate of 0.85 mm and fits a rectangular hyperbolic function. The low affinity portion of the isotherm is sigmoid in character and gives an apparent S(0.5) of 40.6 mm and a Hill number of 3.7.Extracts of sweet potato mitochondria contain both malate dehydrogenase and NAD malic enzyme. The malate dehydrogenase, assayed in the forward direction at pH 7.2, shows typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics with a Km for malate of 0.38 mm. The NAD malic enzyme shows pronounced sigmoidicity in response to malate with a Hill number of 3.5 and an S(0.5) of 41.6 mm.On the basis of the normal kinetics, the Km, and the fact that oxaloacetate production from malate by mitochondria appears most active at low malate concentrations, the high affinity portion of the malate isotherm with mitochondria is attributed to malate dehydrogenase. The low affinity portion of the malate isotherm with mitochondria is thought, on the basis of the similarity of S(0.5) values, the Hill numbers, and the greater production of pyruvate from malate at high malate concentrations, to represent the activity of the NAD malic enzyme.  相似文献   

Submitochondrial particles from sweet potato root tissue retainedthe respiratory characteristics of the intact mitochondria withrespect to the sensitivity to cyanide and salicylhydroxamicacid. The activities of total, cyanide-insensitive, and salicylhydroxamate-sensitiverespiration of the submitochondrial particles yielded from adefinite weight of tissue slices incubated under aerobic conditions,particularly in ethylenecontaining air, were higher than thosefrom the same weight of intact tissue. The less phospholipidthe submitochondrial particles contained relative to protein,the higher the activities of cyanide-insensitive and salicylhydroxamate-sensitiverespiration tended to be relative to total respiratory activity.When the submitochondrial particles were incubated with phospholipidliposomes, the activities of cyanide-insensitive and salicylhydroxamate-sensitive,but not cyanide-sensitive, respiration became extremely low.All phospholipids showed this effect. Such incubation of thesubmitochondrial particles with phospholipid liposomes yieldedlighter particles, indicating close association of exogenouslyadded phospholipid with the particles. Phospholipid moleculesseemed to enter the membrane of the particles. We propose thatphospholipid deficiency in the mitochondrial inner membranefacilitates operation of the cyanide-insensitive electron transportpath. (Received March 30, 1984; Accepted June 15, 1984)  相似文献   

Ethylene (about 100 µl per liter) markedly stimulatedincreases in respiratory, Cyt c oxidase and succinate dehydrogenaseactivities of the crude mitochondrial fraction as well as mitochondrialmembrane protein during aging of sliced sweet potato root tissue,indicating that it stimulated mitochondrial development in woundedtissue. It had such an effect even when slices were pre-agedin its absence for 1 day and thereafter aged in its presence.The mitochondrial inner membrane from slices aged in ethylene-containingair was denser than that from fresh slices, while the membranefrom slices aged in ethylene-free air was lighter. Chloramphenicolcompletely inhibited the increase in Cyt c oxidase activitywhether slices were aged in the presence or absence of ethylene.Cycloheximide did not inhibit the increase in slices aged inethylene-free air, but did by 50% in those aged in ethylene-containingair. 1 This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid (No. 411308)for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Scienceand Culture, Japan. (Received April 4, 1981; Accepted July 7, 1981)  相似文献   

We determined the effects of yolk water-soluble protein (YSP) on bone resorption. YSP potently suppressed osteoclastogenesis from bone marrow-derived precursor cells driven by tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). YSP (200 μg/ml) abolished the formation of tartarate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-positive osteoclasts. Furthermore, TNF-α induced TRAP activity was greatly inhibited by YSP (100 μg/ml) treatment. Our results suggest that YSP has therapeutic potential for bone-erosive diseases.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence and peptide-carbohydrate linkage of GP–I–a and GP–I–b, which are two glycopeptides out of three obtained from the saccharogenic amylase of Rhizopus javanicus sp. 3–46, were investigated. By the dinitrophenylation and the subtractive Edman degradation the sequence of GP–I–a and GP–I–b was determined to be respectively.

A glycosylamine type linkage between asparagine and N-acetylglucosamine residue was proved for GP–I–a by the use of the enzyme, β-aspartylglycosylamine amide hydrolase. It seems likely that the peptide-carbohydrate linkage of GP–I–b is also a glycosylamine type linkage.  相似文献   

Thienodolin, a new plant growth-regulating substance, was isolated from the fermentation broth of a streptomycete strain identified as Streptomyces albogriseolus.

The active principle was extracted with ethyl acetate and purified by silica gel column chromatography and preparative HPLC. The substance showed growth promoting activity with 1.2 × 10?6–1.2 × 10?5 M treatment to rice seedlings, and inhibitory activity with 4.0 × 10?5 M treatment.  相似文献   

Mitochondria were isolated from `Fuerte' avocado fruit (Persea americana Mill.) at four different stages of the respiratory climacteric. Preclimacteric fruit had the highest rate of succinate oxidation and the postclimacteric mitochondria the lowest. Subsequently, successive additions of ADP increased the respiratory control ratio.  相似文献   

The acid-catalyzed rearrangement of 3-alkyl-3-phenylglycidic esters with ethyl, propyl or isopropyl substituents at 3-position (Ib, Ic and Id) gave substituted 2-hydroxy-3-butenoic esters (IIb, IIe and IId) and substituted pyruvic esters (IIIb, IIIc and IIId). The mechanism of their formation is thought to be the ring cleavage of the oxirane followed by competition of proton elimination at 4-position with hydride shift at 2-position. Prolonged treatment of IId gave a dienoic ester (IV) resulting from dehydration, whereas the same treatment of IIb and IIc gave the unchanged starting materials.  相似文献   

Asahi T  Honda Y  Uritani I 《Plant physiology》1966,41(7):1179-1184
The acid-insoluble nitrogen content, lipid content, and cytochrome oxidase activity in the mitochondrial fraction are found to increase during incubation of slices of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) root tissue. These increases appear to be related to an increase in the number of the mitochondrial particles. The increase in the mitochondrial fraction is not accompanied by an increase in cell number. The nitrogen content in the mitochondrial fraction increases prior to the changes in the activity of cytochrome oxidase and lipid content. The increase in the numbers of the mitochondrial particles lags behind the increase in the cytochrome oxidase activity. Such findings are also found in the tissue infected by Ceratocystis fimbriata.  相似文献   

Investigation of polyphenol production in cut-injured sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam. cv. Kokei 14) roots by histochemical and quantitative methods showed that polyphenols were produced in striking amounts in the proximal side of the tissue pieces (2 cm thick), but only in small amounts in cells of the distal side. In response to cut injury, formation of the enzymes related to polyphenol biosynthesis, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and trans-cinnamic acid 4-hydroxylase, was also pronounced in the proximal side of the tissue pieces and slight in the distal side. The similar polarity was observed in the development of activities of various enzymes, such as NADPH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase, acid invertase, peroxidase, o-diphenol oxidase, and cytochrome c-O2 oxidoreductase. Acropetal development of polyphenol contents and of various enzyme activities may be related to the acropetal movement of indoleacetic acid (IAA) in roots of various plants. Treatment of the distal surface of tissue pieces with IAA or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid caused polyphenol production but treatment with gibberellic acid, abscisic acid, kinetin, or ethylene had little effect. The results suggest that IAA may play a role in the metabolic response to cut injury.  相似文献   

目的:建立大鼠肠淤血再灌注动物模型,探讨淤血再灌注肠神经组织损伤的机制,为临床相关疾病的诊断、治疗提供理论依据.方法:成年Wistar大鼠60只,雌雄不限,随机分为正常组、对照组和实验组,每组20只.实验组采用阻断门静脉1h后开放的方法建立大鼠小肠淤血再灌注模型,对照组只进行同样腹部手术操作但不夹闭门静脉,正常组不手术.6小时后取各组下腔静脉血,测定血清中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和丙二醛(MDA)的含量,然后处死动物,取距回盲部15厘米处肠管1厘米,采用伊红-苏木素(HE)染色观察肠粘膜组织形态学变化;用免疫组织化学方法观察正常组、对照组和实验组小肠壁肠神经组织中微管相关蛋白2(MAP-2)的表达情况.结果:HE染色可见,正常组、对照组为正常肠道管壁结构,实验组肠壁各层有比较明显的淤血、出血,小肠绒毛固有层水肿,黏膜上皮有脱落、坏死;实验组MAP-2的表达明显低于正常组及对照组(P<0.05);与正常组及对照组相比较,实验组SOD活性明显降低(P<0.05),MDA的含量则明显升高(P<0.05).结论:肠淤血再灌注可能导致肠道神经元数量减少,其机制可能与肠淤血再灌注造成的自由基损伤和脂质过氧化有关.  相似文献   

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