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Gelatinous zooplankton are a large component of the animal biomass in all marine environments, but are considered to be uncommon in the diet of most marine top predators. However, the diets of key predator groups like seabirds have conventionally been assessed from stomach content analyses, which cannot detect most gelatinous prey. As marine top predators are used to identify changes in the overall species composition of marine ecosystems, such biases in dietary assessment may impact our detection of important ecosystem regime shifts. We investigated albatross diet using DNA metabarcoding of scats to assess the prevalence of gelatinous zooplankton consumption by two albatross species, one of which is used as an indicator species for ecosystem monitoring. Black‐browed and Campbell albatross scats were collected from eight breeding colonies covering the circumpolar range of these birds over two consecutive breeding seasons. Fish was the main dietary item at most sites; however, cnidarian DNA, primarily from scyphozoan jellyfish, was present in 42% of samples overall and up to 80% of samples at some sites. Jellyfish was detected during all breeding stages and consumed by adults and chicks. Trawl fishery catches of jellyfish near the Falkland Islands indicate a similar frequency of jellyfish occurrence in albatross diets in years of high and low jellyfish availability, suggesting jellyfish consumption may be selective rather than opportunistic. Warmer oceans and overfishing of finfish are predicted to favour jellyfish population increases, and we demonstrate here that dietary DNA metabarcoding enables measurements of the contribution of gelatinous zooplankton to the diet of marine predators.  相似文献   

Despite extensive work carried out on leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in the North Atlantic and Indo-Pacific, very little is known of the at-sea distribution of this species in the South Atlantic, where the world's largest population nests in Gabon (central Africa). This paucity of data is of marked concern given the pace of industrialization in fisheries with demonstrable marine turtle bycatch in African/Latin American waters. We tracked the movements of 25 adult female leatherback turtles obtaining a range of fundamental and applied insights, including indications for methodological advancement. Individuals could be assigned to one of three dispersal strategies, moving to (i) habitats of the equatorial Atlantic, (ii) temperate habitats off South America or (iii) temperate habitats off southern Africa. While occupying regions with high surface chlorophyll concentrations, these strategies exposed turtles to some of the world's highest levels of longline fishing effort, in addition to areas with coastal gillnet fisheries. Satellite tracking highlighted that at least 11 nations should be involved in the conservation of this species in addition to those with distant fishing fleets. The majority of tracking days were, however, spent in the high seas, where effective implementation of conservation efforts is complex to achieve.  相似文献   

While the long-distance movements of pelagic vertebrates are becoming known thanks to satellite telemetry, the factors determining their courses have hardly been investigated. We have analysed the effects of oceanographic factors on the post-nesting movements of three satellite-tracked leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) moving in the southwest Indian Ocean. By superimposing the turtle tracks on contemporaneous images of sea-surface temperatures and sea height anomalies, we show that currentrelated features dominate the shape of the reconstructed routes. After an initial offshore movement, turtles moved along straight routes when in the core of the current, or executed loops within eddies. Large parts of the routes were strikingly similar to those of surface drifters tracked in the same region. These findings document that long-lasting oceanic movements of marine turtles may be shaped by oceanic currents.  相似文献   

Synergistic Effects of Climate and Fishing in a Marine Ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Current climate change and overfishing are affecting the productivity and structure of marine ecosystems. This situation is unprecedented for the marine biosphere and it is essential to understand the mechanisms and pathways by which ecosystems respond. We report that climate change and overfishing are likely to be responsible for a rapid restructuring of a highly productive marine ecosystem with effects throughout the pelagos and the benthos. In the mid-1980s, climate change, consequent modifications in the North Sea plankton, and fishing, all reduced North Sea cod recruitment. In this region, production of many benthic species respond positively and immediately to temperature. Analysis of a long-term, spatially extensive biological (plankton and cod) and physical (sea surface temperature) dataset suggests that synchronous changes in cod numbers and sea temperature have established an extensive trophic cascade favoring lower trophic level groups over economic fisheries. A proliferation of jellyfish that we detect may signal the climax of these changes. This modified North Sea ecology may provide a clear indication of the synergistic consequences of coincident climate change and overfishing. The extent of the ecosystem restructuring that has occurred in the North Sea suggests we are unlikely to reverse current climate and human-induced effects through ecosystem resource management in the short term. Rather, we should understand and adapt to new ecological regimes. This implies that fisheries management policies will have to be fully integrated with the ecological consequences of climate change to prevent a similar collapse in an exploited marine ecosystem elsewhere. Author Contributions  RRK conceived the project and GB analysed the data. RRK, GB and JAL co-wrote the paper.  相似文献   

Reaching movements towards an object are continuously guided by visual information about the target and the arm. Such guidance increases precision and allows one to adjust the movement if the target unexpectedly moves. On-going arm movements are also influenced by motion in the surrounding. Fast responses to motion in the surrounding could help cope with moving obstacles and with the consequences of changes in one’s eye orientation and vantage point. To further evaluate how motion in the surrounding influences interceptive movements we asked subjects to tap a moving target when it reached a second, static target. We varied the direction and location of motion in the surrounding, as well as details of the stimuli that are known to influence eye movements. Subjects were most sensitive to motion in the background when such motion was near the targets. Whether or not the eyes were moving, and the direction of the background motion in relation to the direction in which the eyes were moving, had very little influence on the response to the background motion. We conclude that the responses to background motion are driven by motion near the target rather than by a global analysis of the optic flow and its relation with other information about self-motion.  相似文献   

Jellyfish belong to one of the oldest extant animal phyla, the Cnidaria. The first Cnidaria appear in the fossil record 600 million years ago, preceeding the Cambrian explosion. They are an extremely successful group present in all marine environments and some freshwater environments. In contrast to many animal phyla in which vision is a primary sense Cnidarians do not, generally, employ image forming eyes. One small class stands alone: the Cubozoa. Cubomedusae are commonly known as box jellyfish. They possess image forming eyes (Coates et al., 2001) which certainly evolved independently from other metazoans. Cubomedusae therefore offer a unique perspective on the evolution of image forming eyes. This literature review collects, into one place, what is known about: the multiple eye types of box jellyfish, cubomedusan life history and ecology, and the sensory and neural systems of box jellyfish. Here I discuss how these features set cubomedusae apart from scyphomedusae and hydromedusae. Knowledge in these areas is sparse; the work done to date inspires increased efforts.  相似文献   

During maturation, oocytes must undergo a process of nuclear disassembly, or "germinal vesicle breakdown" (GVBD), that is regulated by signaling pathways involving cyclic AMP (cAMP). In vertebrate and starfish oocytes, cAMP elevation typically prevents GVBD. Alternatively, increased concentrations of intra-oocytic cAMP trigger, rather than inhibit, GVBD in several groups of marine invertebrates. To integrate what is known about the stimulation of GVBD by intra-oocytic cAMP, this article reviews published data for ascidian, bivalve, brittle star, jellyfish, and nemertean oocytes. The bulk of the review concentrates on the three most intensively analyzed groups known to display cAMP-induced GVBD-nemerteans, ascidians, and jellyfish. In addition, this synopsis also presents some previously unpublished findings regarding the stimulatory effects of intra-oocytic cAMP on GVBD in jellyfish and the annelid worm Pseudopotamilla occelata. Finally, factors that may account for the currently known distribution of cAMP-induced GVBD across animal groups are discussed.  相似文献   

Over-fishing may lead to a decrease in fish abundance and a proliferation of jellyfish. Active movements and prey search might be thought to provide a competitive advantage for fish, but here we use data-loggers to show that the frequently occurring coastal jellyfish (Rhizostoma octopus) does not simply passively drift to encounter prey. Jellyfish (327 days of data from 25 jellyfish with depth collected every 1 min) showed very dynamic vertical movements, with their integrated vertical movement averaging 619.2 m d(-1), more than 60 times the water depth where they were tagged. The majority of movement patterns were best approximated by exponential models describing normal random walks. However, jellyfish also showed switching behaviour from exponential patterns to patterns best fitted by a truncated Lévy distribution with exponents (mean μ=1.96, range 1.2-2.9) close to the theoretical optimum for searching for sparse prey (μopt≈2.0). Complex movements in these 'simple' animals may help jellyfish to compete effectively with fish for plankton prey, which may enhance their ability to increase in dominance in perturbed ocean systems.  相似文献   

Jellyfish (medusae) are sometimes the most noticeable and abundant members of coastal planktonic communities, yet ironically, this high conspicuousness is not reflected in our overall understanding of their spatial distributions across large expanses of water. Here, we set out to elucidate the spatial (and temporal) patterns for five jellyfish species (Phylum Cnidaria, Orders Rhizostomeae and Semaeostomeae) across the Irish & Celtic Seas, an extensive shelf-sea area at Europe’s northwesterly margin encompassing several thousand square kilometers. Data were gathered using two independent methods: (1) surface-counts of jellyfish from ships of opportunity, and (2) regular shoreline surveys for stranding events over three consecutive years. Jellyfish species displayed distinct species-specific distributions, with an apparent segregation of some species. Furthermore, a different species composition was noticeable between the northern and southern parts of the study area. Most importantly, our data suggests that jellyfish distributions broadly reflect the major hydrographic regimes (and associated physical discontinuities) of the study area, with mixed water masses possibly acting as a trophic barrier or non-favourable environment for the successful growth and reproduction of jellyfish species. Handling Editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Maps of the spatial distribution of stable isotope ratios across wide geographic areas (isoscapes) are increasingly used to study mechanisms of nutrient flux, movements of animals, and to improve trophic information derived from stable isotope analyses. Isoscapes are usually constructed from reference samples collected from known geographic positions, a time consuming and costly process. In this study, we test the temporal stability of isoscapes of carbon and nitrogen isotopes across the North Sea over a ten-year period. Using jellyfish tissues as reference organisms, we show that hydrodynamic and biogeochemical processes controlling the distribution of carbon and nitrogen isotope values, and thus that the underlying isoscapes, are temporally stable. Remarkably, broad geographic variations in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope distributions across the North Sea are consistent with previously published variations seen in archaeological cod bones from the ninth to seventeenth centuries, despite dramatic changes in land use in the past 1,000 years. Stable isotope-based studies of trophic interactions or movements in animals with lifespans of a year or more in shelf ecosystems can consequently be referenced to previously published isoscape models, and do not require construction of temporally explicit isotope baseline corrections. Scyphomedusan jellyfish are excellent reference organisms for ecological stable isotope analyses in pelagic ecosystems, due to their widespread distributions, well-defined life histories, and fast tissue growth.  相似文献   

It has been well documented that animals (and machines) swimming or flying near a solid boundary get a boost in performance. This ground effect is often modelled as an interaction between a mirrored pair of vortices represented by a true vortex and an opposite sign ‘virtual vortex’ on the other side of the wall. However, most animals do not swim near solid surfaces and thus near body vortex–vortex interactions in open-water swimmers have been poorly investigated. In this study, we examine the most energetically efficient metazoan swimmer known to date, the jellyfish Aurelia aurita, to elucidate the role that vortex interactions can play in animals that swim away from solid boundaries. We used high-speed video tracking, laser-based digital particle image velocimetry (dPIV) and an algorithm for extracting pressure fields from flow velocity vectors to quantify swimming performance and the effect of near body vortex–vortex interactions. Here, we show that a vortex ring (stopping vortex), created underneath the animal during the previous swim cycle, is critical for increasing propulsive performance. This well-positioned stopping vortex acts in the same way as a virtual vortex during wall-effect performance enhancement, by helping converge fluid at the underside of the propulsive surface and generating significantly higher pressures which result in greater thrust. These findings advocate that jellyfish can generate a wall-effect boost in open water by creating what amounts to a ‘virtual wall’ between two real, opposite sign vortex rings. This explains the significant propulsive advantage jellyfish possess over other metazoans and represents important implications for bio-engineered propulsion systems.  相似文献   

The detailed movements of 32 acoustically tagged broadnose sevengill shark Notorynchus cepedianus were documented in and around north-east Pacific Ocean estuarine embayments from 2005 to 2007. Arrangements of passive acoustic receivers allowed analysis of movement at several spatial scales, with sex and size examined as possible factors influencing the pattern and timing of these movements. Notorynchus cepedianus exhibited a distinctly seasonal pattern of estuary use over three consecutive years, entering Willapa Bay in the spring, residing therein for extended periods of time during the summer and dispersing into nearshore coastal habitats and over the continental shelf during the autumn. Notorynchus cepedianus within Willapa Bay showed spatio-temporal patterns of segregation by size and sex, with males and small females using peripheral southern estuary channels early in the season before joining large females, who remained concentrated in central estuary channels for the entire season. Individuals displayed a high degree of fidelity not only to Willapa Bay (63% were documented returning over three consecutive seasons), but also to specific areas within the estuary, showing consistent patterns of site use from year to year. Cross-estuary movement was common during the summer, with most fish also moving into an adjacent estuarine embayment for some extent of time. Most winter and autumn coastal detections of N. cepedianus were made over the continental shelf near Oregon and Washington, U.S.A., but there were also examples of individuals moving into nearshore coastal habitats further south into California, suggesting the feasibility of broad-scale coastal movements to known birthing and nursery grounds for the species. These findings contribute to a better understanding of N. cepedianus movement ecology, which can be used to improve the holistic management of this highly mobile apex predator in regional ecosystems.  相似文献   

We describe the real-time movements of the last of the marine mega-vertebrate taxa to be satellite tracked - the giant manta ray (or devil fish, Manta birostris), the world's largest ray at over 6 m disc width. Almost nothing is known about manta ray movements and their environmental preferences, making them one of the least understood of the marine mega-vertebrates. Red listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature as 'Vulnerable' to extinction, manta rays are known to be subject to direct and incidental capture and some populations are declining. Satellite-tracked manta rays associated with seasonal upwelling events and thermal fronts off the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico, and made short-range shuttling movements, foraging along and between them. The majority of locations were received from waters shallower than 50 m deep, representing thermally dynamic and productive waters. Manta rays remained in the Mexican Exclusive Economic Zone for the duration of tracking but only 12% of tracking locations were received from within Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Our results on the spatio-temporal distribution of these enigmatic rays highlight opportunities and challenges to management efforts.  相似文献   

In June and July of 2012, the jellyfish catches in the northeastern portion of the surveyed Pacific waters off the Kuril Islands substantially exceeded those in the southwestern portion. This indicates that jellyfish disperse over the studied area predominantly from the southern Bering Sea and from the eastern coast of Kamchatka. Their strobilation probably takes place as well on the shelf and continental slope of eastern Kamchatka. The distribution of jellyfish with medium-sized bells does not show any geographic pattern; the aggregations that are formed are mixed regarding the original locality of individuals. Jellyfish occur within a broad range of surface water temperatures and their catches have declined significantly only in the southeast of the area of surveys near the Subarctic Front. As is seen from the data we compared, not only the abundance of jellyfish, but their feeding activity and, as a consequence, the amount of consumed food decreased by an order of magnitude during the cold season (in the spring 2011). However, irrespective of the season, the largest quantities of food were recorded in the largest and most numerous jellyfish (Phacellophora camtschatica, Chrysaora melanaster). The quantitative results of the studies on the diet of jellyfish may be somewhat underestimated, as fragile jellyfish bodies are easily damaged in trawl nets and evaluating the diet is possible only for intact individuals. Use of specialized catching gear in the future may help us to specify the feeding dynamics in jellyfish, as well they may provide an opportunity to observe their feeding behavior. At the same time, quantitative estimates of the daily-food intake in jellyfish can be obtained only by taking the rates of digestion and prey consumption found under laboratory conditions into account, with their subsequent verification in balance models.  相似文献   

High levels of jellyfish biomass have been reported in marine ecosystems around the world, but understanding of their ecological role remains in its infancy. Jellyfish are generally thought to have indirect negative impacts on higher trophic-level predators, through changes in lower trophic pathways. However, high densities of jellyfish in the water column may affect the foraging behaviour of marine predators more directly, and the effects may not always be negative. Here, we present novel observations of a diving seabird, the thick-billed murre, feeding on fish aggregating among the long tentacles of large jellyfish, by using small video loggers attached to the birds. We show that the birds encountered large jellyfish, Chrysaora melanaster, during most of their dives, commonly fed on fish associated with jellyfish, and appeared to specifically target jellyfish with a high number of fish aggregating in their tentacles, suggesting the use of jellyfish may provide significant energetic benefits to foraging murres. We conclude that jellyfish provide feeding opportunities for diving seabirds by concentrating forage fish, and that the impacts of jellyfish on marine ecosystems are more complex than previously anticipated and may be beneficial to seabirds.  相似文献   

Behavioral responses by top marine predators to oceanographic features such as eddies, river plumes, storms, and coastal topography suggest that biophysical interactions in these zones affect predators'' prey, foraging behaviors, and potentially fitness. However, examining these pathways is challenged by the obstacles inherent in obtaining simultaneous observations of surface and subsurface environmental fields and predator behavior. In this study, migratory movements and, in some cases, diving behavior of 40 adult female northern fur seals (NFS; Callorhinus ursinus) were quantified across their range and compared to remotely-sensed environmental data in the Gulf of Alaska and California Current ecosystems, with a particular focus off the coast of Washington State (USA) – a known foraging ground for adult female NFS and where autonomous glider sampling allowed opportunistic comparison of seal behavior to subsurface biophysical measurements. The results show that in these ecosystems, adult female habitat utilization was concentrated near prominent coastal topographic, riverine, or inlet features and within 200 km of the continental shelf break. Seal dive depths, in most ecosystems, were moderated by surface light level (solar or lunar), mirroring known behaviors of diel vertically-migrating prey. However, seal dives differed in the California Current ecosystem due to a shift to more daytime diving concentrated at or below the surface mixed layer base. Seal movement models indicate behavioral responses to season, ecosystem, and surface wind speeds; individuals also responded to mesoscale eddies, jets, and the Columbia River plume. Foraging within small scale surface features is consistent with utilization of the inner coastal transition zone and habitats near coastal capes, which are known eddy and filament generation sites. These results contribute to our knowledge of NFS migratory patterns by demonstrating surface and subsurface behavioral responses to a spatially and temporally dynamic ocean environment, thus reflecting its influence on associated NFS prey species.  相似文献   

Summary Productivity studies in the Mackenzie estuary and Beaufort Sea have confirmed the existence of two food chains based either on autotrophic marine diatoms or on organic material derived from the river. From 13C and 15N isotope studies, it appears that autotrophic production, which reached surface values of 10 mgC/m3/h, was largely responsible for maintaining the herbivorous copepods and a number of important predators including jellyfish, chaetognaths, hyperiid amphipods and some marine fish. The heterotrophic food chain largely supported a population of gammarid amphipods and some anadromous fish. In the summer of 1987, bacterial populations of>106 cells/ml were encountered in the estuarine waters. These values were much higher than in 1986. It is suggested that this difference was caused by advective processes due to on-shore winds in 1987; other differences between 1986 and 1987 fish populations, near shore temperatures and ice cover were also noted.  相似文献   

Synopsis The green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, is a long-lived, iteroparous, anadromous acipenserid that is native to the San Francisco Bay Estuary, California. Sub-adult and adult fish are oceanic, but enter the estuary during the spring and remain through autumn. Little is known about green sturgeon distribution within the estuary or what, if any, physical parameters influence their movements. We report the results of a telemetry study conducted between September 2001 and November 2002. Five sub-adult and one adult green sturgeon were captured by trammel net in the San Pablo Bay region of the estuary. We implanted depth-sensing, ultrasonic transmitters within the peritoneum of individuals and tracked them from a boat for 1 – 15 h per day over periods ranging from 1 to 12 days. Salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen profiles of the water column were measured hourly. Observed movements were categorized as either non-directional or directional. Non-directional movements, accounting for 63.4% of observations, were closely associated with the bottom, with individuals moving slowly while making frequent changes in direction and swim speed, or not moving at all. Directional movements consisted of continuous swimming in the top 20% of the water column while holding a steady course for extended periods. Four of the five sub-adult fish remained within the confines of San Pablo Bay for the duration of their tracking period. The remaining sub-adult moved over 45 km up-river into Suisun Bay before contact was lost. The adult fish exited the bay and entered the ocean 6 h after release near Tiburon, CA, a movement of approximately 10 km. The sub-adult fish typically remained at the shallower depths (<10 m) of the estuary, but there were no apparent preferences for temperature, salinity, or dissolved oxygen, with the fish moving widely and rapidly across the range of these physical parameters. Activity is believed to be independent of light level with no discernable crepuscular, nocturnal, or diurnal peaks in activity.  相似文献   

The biology of small marsupials is poorly known because most species are nocturnal and arboreal. Using the spool-and-line device, we investigated the use of vertical space by male and female Marmosops incanus in the Serra dos Órgãos National Park. Diameter and slopes of supports also were compared. The species was sexually dimorphic in body size, males weighing on average 72.6 g and females 48.1 g, but males and females did not differ in the frequency of ground movements (GM) and understory movements (UM), or in diameter and slopes of supports used. Males and females also used the forest strata similarly, moving 67% on the ground and 33% in the understory. Both sexes used 0.9–1.7 cm support diameters, and support slopes near the horizontal (more than 50% of cases), but preferred to access a given height by moving on high slope supports (mostly near 90°). Sexual dimorphism in body size does not seem to constrain movements of M. incanus.  相似文献   

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