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The recessus orbitalis is an accessory organ of flatfishes functioning in the protrusion of the eyes. This character, along with cranial asymmetry and a forward insertion of the dorsal fin, have been considered synapomorphies for the Pleuronectiformes. New dissections and examination of images taken in the wild show that the recessus orbitalis is present in all representatives of Pleuronectoidei examined but is absent in the single species of Psettoidei dissected. Psettoidei, the most primitive pleuronectiform lineage, contains three recognized species; thus, the absence of the recessus orbitalis in this whole lineage is unclear without further dissections. Ancestral character estimation at the family level for the recessus orbitalis indicates that the recessus orbitalis was likely absent in the common ancestor of Pleuronectiformes but was most likely present in the common ancestor of the Pleuronectoidei. Given that so few species of flatfishes have been assessed for the recessus orbitalis to date, additional characterization of the distribution of the recessus orbitalis across flatfishes will further inform what states this character may have and if it is a synapomorphy of Pleuronectiformes or simply a derived character state of Pleuronectoidei.  相似文献   

The changes during the life cycle in the relative length of certain parts of the alimentary tract, buccal-pharyngeal cavity, oesophagus-stomach, intestine, rectum—are investigated in the five North Sea flatfish species, viz. turbot, brill, plaice, dab, sole. According to the average ratio between the length of the alimentary tract and the food preference three main groups are distinguished.  相似文献   

Several species of flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes) have been studied by isoenzyme electrophoresis and DNA/DNA hybridization to establish the evolutionary relationships of this group of fishes. This molecular data-based phylogeny has been compared to previously described phylogenies based on morpho-anatomical criteria. A number of discrepancies are observed and discussed. The high degree of genetic divergence observed within the families of Pleuronectiformes indicates that their origin seems to be much older than suggested by their striking morphological similarity.  相似文献   

The karyotypes and cytogenetic characteristics of flatfishes species Paralichthys orbignyanus , Paralichthys patagonicus , Citarichthys spilopterus and Etropus crossotus (Paralichthyidae), Bothus ocellatus (Bothidae) and Symphurus tessellatus (Cynoglossidae) were investigated by conventional [Giemsa staining, C-banding, Ag- and chromomycin (CMA3)-stainings] and molecular [ in situ hybridization (ISH)] cytogenetic techniques. The results showed 2n = 46 and FN = 48 (2msm + 46sta) in P. orbignyanus , 2n = 46 and FN = 46 (46sta) in P. patagonicus , 2n = 26 and FN = 44 (18msm + 8sta) in C. spilopterus , 2n = 38 and FN = 64 (26msm + 12sta) in E. crossotus , 2n = 32 and FN = 50 (18msm + 14sta) in B. ocellatus , and 2n = 46 and FN = 62 (46msm + 62sta) in S. tessellatus . All species exhibited weak C-band positive segments in terminal and centromeric positions of some chromosome pairs. Silver staining of the nucleolus organizer regions (Ag-NOR) technique showed a single Ag-NOR-bearing chromosome pair in all species except E. crossotus . All these sites were CMA3 positive and showed clear ISH signals after probing with a 18S rRNA probe. Etropus crossotus presented until seven chromosomes with Ag-NORs and CMA3 positively stained segments in five chromosome pairs. Conversely only one chromosome pair was identified with the ISH experiments in this species. The available results show that the fishes of the order Pleuronectiformes experienced a marked chromosome evolution that included reduction in diploid number, mainly due to Robertsonian rearrangements, and several chromosome inversions.  相似文献   

Synopsis Abnormalities in five specimens of pleuronectiform flatfishes (one specimen from the family Soleidae, four from Bothidae) are described. The account of naturally occurring anomalies in the naked sole,Gymnachirus melas, is the first from the western Atlantic for a soleid other thanTrinectes maculatus. Anomalies inG. melas include partial albinism and osteological deformities. A second account of pigment and morphological aberrations is provided forParalichthys albigutta (total ambicoloration, incomplete eye rotation and hooked dorsal fin). Partial ambicoloration is reported for three specimens ofParalichthys lethostigma. Possible causes of abnormalities in flatfishes are reviewed. It is postulated that minimum depth of occurrence of species may be linked to frequency of abnormalities. Anomalies appear to be most frequent in species and families of flatfishes which inhabit shallow coastal or estuarine (<5 m depth) waters.  相似文献   

Bonefish (Albula vulpes L.) are a highly prized sport fish. Despite their economic importance, populations in the Florida Keys and Caribbean are in decline, with the early life history undescribed. Injections of carp pituitary extract into A. vulpes during the advanced stages of ovarian development induced ovulation and spawning. Embryos were sampled hourly until hatching into undeveloped, yolk-sac leptocephalus larvae. These larvae survived 56 h post-hatch, when myomeres and eyes were developing but not the mouth. These results inform future research on the reproduction and early life history of A. vulpes.  相似文献   

The literature concerning eye migration and cranial development during flatfish metamorphosis is briefly reviewed and found to give rise to five hypotheses to account for the phenomenon. The cranial morphology of specimens of Soleidae, Pleuronectidae, Scophthalmidae and Bothidae in pre-metamorphic, metamorphic and post-metamorphic stages are described. The mechanisms by which eye migration and cranial development occur are discussed and some aspects of pleuronectiform relationships are briefly commented on.  相似文献   

We have used confocal microangiography to examine and describe the vascular anatomy of the developing zebrafish, Danio rerio. This method and the profound optical clarity of zebrafish embryos make it possible to view the entire developing vasculature with unprecedented resolution. A staged series of three-dimensional images of the vascular system were collected beginning shortly after the onset of circulation at 1 day postfertilization through early- to midlarval stages at approximately 7 days postfertilization. Blood vessels in every region of the animal were imaged at each stage, and detailed "wiring patterns" were derived describing the interconnections between every major vessel. We present an overview of these data here in this paper and in an accompanying Web site "The interactive atlas of zebrafish vascular anatomy" online at (http://eclipse.nichd.nih.gov/nichd/lmg/redirect.html). We find a highly dynamic but also highly stereotypic pattern of vascular connections, with different sets of primitive embryonic vessels severing connections and rewiring in new configurations according to a reproducible plan. We also find that despite variation in the details of the vascular anatomy, the basic vascular plan of the developing zebrafish shows strong similarity to that of other vertebrates. This atlas will provide an invaluable foundation for future genetic and experimental studies of vascular development in the zebrafish.  相似文献   

We investigated early larval development in the notostracan Triops cancriformis (Bosc, 1801–1802) raised from dried cysts under laboratory conditions. We document the five earliest stages using scanning electron microscopy. The stage I larva is a typical nauplius, lecithotropic and without trunk limbs. The stage II larva is feeding and has trunk limb precursors and a larger carapace. Stage III larvae have larger trunk limbs and a more adult shape. Stage IV larvae have well developed trunk limbs, and stage V larvae show atrophy of the antennae. We describe the ontogeny of selected features such as trunk limbs and carapace, discuss ontogeny and homologization of head appendages, follow the development of the feeding mechanism, and discuss trunk limb ontogeny.  相似文献   

The structure and mechanisms of the jaws of 18 species of flatfish have been investigated. Clear adaptations to different modes of feeding were found. The mechanisms of the jaws of Soleidae, Cynoglossidae, and Rhombosoleinae are highly specialized and the representatives of the two latter groups have some interesting jaw muscles of doubtful homology.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of temperature on the growth and development of embryonic and early larval stages of a western North American amphibian, the rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa). We assigned newt eggs to different temperatures (7, 14, or 21 °C); after hatching, we re-assigned the newt larvae into the three different temperatures. Over the course of three to four weeks, we measured total length and developmental stage of the larvae. Our results indicated a strong positive relationship over time between temperature and both length and developmental stage. Importantly, individuals assigned to cooler embryonic temperatures did not achieve the larval sizes of individuals from the warmer embryonic treatments, regardless of larval temperature. Our investigation of growth and development at different temperatures demonstrates carry-over effects and provides a more comprehensive understanding of how organisms respond to temperature changes during early development.  相似文献   

The complete larval development of the sesarmid crab Perisesarmafasciatum (Lanchester, 1900) from Singapore was obtained fromlaboratory culture. All four zoeal stages, the megalopa andthe first crab stage are described and illustrated. The morphologicalcharacteristics of the larvae of P. fasciatum are compared withthose of other known larvae of the genera Perisesarma and Parasesarma.The larval morphology of P. fasciatum clearly presents the typicalcombination of features that characterize sesarmid larvae. Overall,larval stages are very similar in Perisesarma and Parasesarmaand it is impossible to distinguish these two genera by larvalmorphology.  相似文献   

From June to July 1988, larvae of Mystus macropterus (Bleeker) were obtained by artificial propagation of spawners collected from the Jialing River, China. Larvae grown in water temperatures ranging from 26 to 29°C were fully developed at approximately 20 days. The newly-hatched larvae measured 6.0–7.5 mm t.l. , exceeding the dimensions of any known newly-hatched larvae of freshwater catfishes indigenous to China. Five days after hatching, when the larvae were 11.4 mm t.l. and the prolarval stage was complete, exogenous feeding commenced. Twelve days after hatching, at 18.4 mm t.l. , the yolk sac disappeared, organogenesis was almost complete and the juvenile period began. At 20 days post-hatching, at 23.0 mm t.l. , the lateral line system had formed and the juveniles resembled the adults with respect to all external features, which signalled the end of thejuvenile period. Comparison of the larval development in eight species ofeconomic freshwater catfishes shows that the most significant aspect of the larval development of M. macropterus is the sustained (6–7 days) mixed nourishment period and the early differentiation of organs, which enhances the survival rate of the larvae.  相似文献   

A hierarchical breeding design was used to determine if winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus embryos and yolk-sac larvae sired by Georges Bank males developed and grew larger than fish sired by Passamaquoddy Bay males, and to examine parental contributions to variations in fertilization success, time to 50% hatch, hatch success and larval morphological development. Significant stock effects were detected for time to hatch and larval development. Eggs fertilized by Passamaquoddy Bay males reached 50% hatch significantly earlier than eggs fertilized by Georges Bank males. Larvae sired by Georges Bank males were significantly larger during larval development for four of the six traits measured at 12 days post-hatch: head depth, jaw length, myotome height and body area. Embryo and larval development were strongly influenced by maternal contributions; there were significant maternal variance components for the majority of the variables measured. Paternal variance components were significant for fertilization success, time to hatch, larval jaw length and larval head depth, however, they acted principally through parental interactions. This information has important implications for the long-term sustainable development of winter flounder for aquaculture purposes as well as for understanding winter flounder genetic variation in the wild.  相似文献   

Levantine scraper, Capoeta damascina is a candidate species for future stock assessments, conservation studies, and hatchery efforts. Herein, we documented embryonic and early larval development, from egg activation to the exogenous feeding period, using morphological and histological landmarks. Embryos were obtained by in vitro fertilization from hormonally induced wild-caught broodstock, and subsequent development was monitored at temperatures coinciding with native conditions. Embryonic development from fertilization to hatch lasted ~105–110 hr. Larvae emerged with unpigmented eyes and body morphology, as well as an undifferentiated digestive tract. The mouth was closed at hatch by the oropharyngeal membrane and opened by the early endogenous feeding period. Trabeculae cartilage, quadrate bone, and Meckel's cartilage of the endoskeleton were present during the endogenous feeding period. During this period, the larvae underwent considerable changes in craniofacial morphology, locomotion, and organogenesis of the digestive tract. The cartilaginous floor of the neurocranium developed and the first four ceratobranchials appeared simultaneously at the end of endogenous feeding period. The digestive tract was differentiated into buccopharynx, esophagus, and small intestine during the endogenous feeding period. The intestinal valve and numerous longitudinal folds at the posterior region of the intestine formed together by the endo–exogenous feeding period. Major developmental events in retinogenesis occurred during the endogenous feeding period. When larvae entered exogenous feeding the mouth was fully-functional. Additionally, liver size and eye diameter increased. Our analysis of embryonic and early larval development in Levantine scraper aligned with other freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

1. In studying the evolution of life-history strategies in parasitoids, considerable attention has been paid to the relationship between host quality and parasitoid fitness. Various workers have reported that host quality influences parasitoid size, development time, and survival. Because body size is frequently correlated with fecundity, longevity, and host-finding ability in parasitoids, this parameter is usually considered to be the main target of selection. 2. In koinobiont parasitoids that consume the entire host before pupation, adult parasitoid size and development time are often strongly correlated with host size at the time when it is developmentally arrested through destructive feeding by the parasitoid larva. 3. Here, a mathematical model is proposed to describe the larval feeding behaviour of the solitary koinobiont endoparasitoid Venturia canescens in four larval stadia of its host Plodia interpunctella. In particular, the model describes how adult size, represented by an exponential growth rate, and development time are traded off when the parasitoid develops in nutritionally suboptimal second stadium hosts. 4. Using a graphical model, the different conditions faced by V. canescens during development in various host species of greatly differing mass are illustrated. 5. It is argued that the relative importance of size and development time on parasitoid fitness is determined by ecological and biological characteristics of both host and parasitoid, and it is suggested that there may be correlations between life-history traits and host-utilisation strategies among koinobionts.  相似文献   

Biomass (CHN), respiration rate and food uptake were estimated for the larval development ofElminius modestus at three temperatures (12, 18, 24°C). Mean values of dry weight, elemental composition and energy equivalents increased exponentially with the development from nauplius II to VI. Dry weight, elemental composition and energy content exhibited the highest values at 18°C. Respiration rates increased with the larval stages expressed by a power function, but increased logarithmically with the dry weight of the larvae. The cypris larvae showed a reduced respiration rate compared with nauplius VI. The ingestion rate was measured at a concentration of 100 cells ofSkeletonema costatum μl−1. At 12 and 18°C ingestion rates increased exponentially and at 24°C by a logarithmic function. The fittings were used to estimate the energy budget ofE. modestus during larval development. The energy content of the larvae increased during the development from nauplius II to VI by a factor of 21 at 12°C, 25 at 24°C and 31 at 18°C. The estimated energy content of the freshly metamorphosed barnacle is 100 mJ (12°C), 130 mJ (24°C) and 150 mJ (18°C). The assimilation- (A/I) and gross growth efficiencies (K1) increased strongly during the development from nauplius II to VI (A/I: 6–14% in nauplius II to 50–90% in nauplius VI; K1: 4% in nauplius II to 75% in nauplius VI). The net growth efficiency (K2) showed a relatively constant level ranging between 57 and 83%.  相似文献   

The early ontogenetic stages of Paralomis spinosissima Birstein and Vinogradow, 1972, are described in detail and illustrated, with notes on morphological variability observed. Larval and early juvenile development was described to the crab I instar reared under controlled conditions of temperature and food supply. The abbreviated larval development invariably passed through two zoeal stages and the benthic megalopa stage. The larval development was completed without food supply, and food Artemia nauplii were first given after moult to the crab-I stage. Simplification and retarded development of the mouthparts are discussed as a function of lecithotrophy of these larvae and based on morphology no facultative feeding mode is suggested. Lecithotrophy in the Southern Ocean Lithodidae is discussed to be an adaptation allowing independence from seasonal food availability at high latitudes.  相似文献   

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