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This investigation examined hormonal adaptations to acute resistance exercise and determined whether training adaptations are observed within an 8-week period in untrained men and women. The protocol consisted of a 1-week pre-conditioning orientation phase followed by 8 weeks of heavy resistance training. Three lower-limb exercises for the quadriceps femoris muscle group (squat, leg press, knee extension) were performed twice a week (Monday and Friday) with every other Wednesday used for maximal dynamic 1 RM strength testing. Blood samples were obtained pre-exercise (Pre-Ex), immediately post-exercise (IP), and 5 min post-exercise (5-P) during the first week of training (T-1), after 6 weeks (T-2) and 8 weeks (T-3) of training to determine blood concentrations of whole-blood lactate (LAC), serum total testosterone (TT), sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG), cortisol (CORT) and growth hormone (GH). Serum TT concentrations were significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher for men at all time points measured. Men did not demonstrate an increase due to exercise until T-2. An increase in pre-exercise concentrations of TT were observed both for men and women at T-2 and T-3. No differences were observed for CORT between men and women; increases in CORT above pre-exercise values were observed for men at all training phases and at T-2 and T-3 for women. A reduction in CORT concentrations at rest was observed both in men and women at T-3. Women demonstrated higher pre-exercise GH values than men at all training phases; no changes with training were observed for GH concentrations. Exercise-induced increases in GH above pre-exercise values were observed at all phases of training. Women demonstrated higher serum concentrations of SHBG at all time points. No exercise-induced increases were observed in men over the training period but women increased SHBG with exercise at T-3. SHBG concentrations in women were also significantly higher at T-2 and T-3 when compared to T-1 values. Increases in LAC concentrations due to exercise were observed both for men and women for all training phases but no significant differences were observed with training. These data illustrate that untrained individuals may exhibit early-phase endocrine adaptations during a resistance training program. These hormonal adaptations may influence and help to mediate other adaptations in the nervous system and muscle fibers, which have been shown to be very responsive in the early phase of strength adaptations with resistance training. Accepted: 11 December 1997  相似文献   

To determine whether the concomitant effects of pregnancy and exercise yield substrate and endocrine patterns different from those expected during exercise alone, we compared the responses of glucose, lactate, free fatty acids, insulin, epinephrine (EP), norepinephrine (NE), human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), human placental lactogen (HPL), estriol, and progesterone (P) in nonpregnant women (NP; n = 7) and pregnant women in the second (TR2; n = 6) and third trimester (TR3; n = 8) of pregnancy, before, during, and after 30 min of bicycle ergometer exercise at heart rates of 130-140 beats/min. In general, all substrates and hormone concentrations increased with exercise (P less than 0.05), except insulin, which decreased (P less than 0.05), and HCG, which did not change (P = 0.08). Differences in selected hormone concentrations (P, estriol, HCG, and HPL) among groups were already present at rest because of the different stages of pregnancy. Differences among groups at rest were also found in insulin and NE (P less than 0.05). Significantly different responses to exercise (i.e., group x time interactions) were as follows. NP vs. TR2:P, estriol, HCG, HPL, EP, and NE (P less than 0.05); NP vs. TR3: glucose, EP, and NE (P less than 0.05); TR2 vs. TR3: lactate, EP, and NE (P less than 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Previous studies investigating the impact of circadian rhythms on physiological variables during exercise have yielded conflicting results. The purpose of the present investigation was to examine maximal aerobic exercise performance, as well as the physiological and psychophysiological responses to exercise, at four different intervals (0800 hours, 1200 hours, 1600 hours, and 2000 hours) within the segment of the 24-h day in which strenuous physical activity is typically performed. Ten physically fit, but untrained, male university students served as subjects. The results revealed that exercise performance was unaffected by chronobiological effects. Similarly, oxygen uptake, minute ventilation and heart rate showed no time of day influences under pre-, submaximal, and maximal exercise conditions. Ratings of perceived exertion were unaffected by time of day effects during submaximal and maximal exercise. In contrast, rectal temperature exhibited a significant chronobiological rhythm under all three conditions. Under pre- and submaximal exercise conditions, significant time of day effects were noted for respiratory exchange ratio, while a significant rhythmicity of blood pressure was evident during maximal exercise. However, none of these physiological variables exhibited significant differential responses (percent change from pre-exercise values) to the exercise stimulus at any of the four time points selected for study. Conversely, resting plasma lactate levels and lactate responses to maximal exercise were found to be significantly sensitive to chronobiological influences. Absolute post-exercise plasma norepinephrine values, and norepinephrine responses to exercise (percent change from pre-exercise values), also fluctuated significantly among the time points studied. In summary, these data suggest that aerobic exercise performance does not vary during the time frame within which exercise is normally conducted, despite the fact that some important physiological responses to exercise do fluctuate within that time period. Accepted: 18 August 1997  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the cardiovascular and metabolic effects of a 5 wk arm crank (AC) training program on submaximal wheelchair (WC) ergometry in able-bodied women. The 6 subjects in the training group (TG) and 4 in the control group (CG) performed a 10 min WC exercise prior to and following the training period at a power output (PO) that elicited 70% of the pre-training peak oxygen uptake (VO2). Steady state VO2, heart rate (HR), cardiac output (Qc) and stroke volume (Vs) were measured. Resting and post-exercise blood lactate concentrations (LA) were measured, the difference was recorded as net LA. The TG exercised on the AC 3 d.wk-1 at a PO that elicited 85% of each subject's recorded peak HR. Each session consisted of four 4 min exercise bouts preceded by a 2 min warm-up and interspersed with 2 min rest periods. After training, the TG had a significantly (p less than 0.05) lower HR, larger Vs and lower LA in response to the WC exercise. Qc and VO2 were not significantly altered. The results demonstrate that the AC exercise program used in this study produced a physiological training effect which was observed during submaximal WC exercise of an intensity frequently encountered during daily WC ambulation. It appears that short-term, moderate intensity AC training offers an adequate stimulus to reduce the stress imposed by wheelchair locomotion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of repetition maximum (RM) loads and training patterns on acute neuromuscular responses in the upper body. Markers of fatigue were monitored under a descending pattern (DP), in which repetitions decreased in subsequent sets, and an ascending pattern (AP), in which repetitions increased in subsequent sets. Both training patterns were performed using 5- and 10-RM loads. Fatigue was assessed by monitoring changes in force output, motor unit activation and muscle twitch characteristics (peak twitch [PT], time to PT [TPT], and ? relaxation time [RT]). All 4 protocols (5-RM DP, 5-RM AP, 10-RM DP, and 10-RM AP) produced significant decreases pre to postprotocol in force output, TPT, and ?RT. With the exception of 5-RM DP, all protocols produced significant decreases in motor unit activation. Pre to postprotocol, PT forces were potentiated under 5-RM loads, whereas they were depressed under 10-RM loads. Hence, a main effect for training protocols showed that changes in PT force were significantly different under 5-RM, as compared to 10-RM loads. The results indicate that central fatigue may be independent of load and pattern, whereas peripheral fatigue would appear to be dependent on load but not pattern.  相似文献   

The present study examined the short-term effects of loaded half squats (HSs) and loaded jump squats (JSs) with low and moderate loads on the squat jump (SJ) and the countermovement jump (CMJ) performance using a contrast training approach. Ten men (mean +/- SD age, 23 +/- 1.8 years) performed the HS and JS exercises twice with loads of 30% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) (HS30% and JS30%, respectively) and 60% of 1RM (HS60% and JS60%, respectively). On each occasion, 3 sets of 5 repetitions with 3 minutes of rest were performed as fast as possible. Vertical jump performance was measured before exercise, 1 minute after each set, and at the fifth and 10th minutes of recovery. The CMJ increased significantly after the first and second set (3.9%; p < 0.05) compared with preexercise values following the JS30% protocol and 3.3% after the second and third sets of the JS60% protocol. Following the HS60% protocol, CMJ increased after the first and the second sets (3.6%; p < 0.05) compared with preexercise values, whereas SQ increased only after the first set (4.9%; p < 0.05) in this condition. These data show that contrast loading with the use of low and moderate loads can cause a short-term increase in CMJ performance. The applied loads do not seem to present different short-term effects after loaded JSs. When the classic form of dynamic HS exercise is performed, however, at least a moderate load (60% of 1RM) needs to be applied.  相似文献   

I analyzed observations from a yearlong study of the positional behavior of Pan troglodytesat the Mahale Mountains National Park to determine whether there are detectable differences in behavior between large and small individuals. Analysis was complicated by a weak correlation between body size and social rank. To factor out rank effects, I performed two types of analyses, depending on the type of data: (1) multiple regressions or (2) comparisons of similarly ranked animals of different body size. With social rank effects accounted for, larger males fed lower in the canopy, fed on the ground more often, fed preferentially among food tree species with smaller adult heights, and climbed significantly less often than smaller males did. Contrary to expectation, large males utilized smaller weight-bearing structures than small males did. These results suggest that large males minimized climbing versus optimizing support diameters, perhaps because vertical climbing is disproportionally expensive for larger animals. The large body weight of chimpanzees compared with other primates suggests that minimizing altitude changes, and therefore vertical climbing, is an important consideration in budgeting daily energy expenditures.  相似文献   

I analyzed observations from a yearlong study of the positional behavior of Pan troglodytesat the Mahale Mountains National Park to determine whether there are detectable differences in behavior between large and small individuals. Analysis was complicated by a weak correlation between body size and social rank. To factor out rank effects, I performed two types of analyses, depending on the type of data: (1) multiple regressions or (2) comparisons of similarly ranked animals of different body size. With social rank effects accounted for, larger males fed lower in the canopy, fed on the ground more often, fed preferentially among food tree species with smaller adult heights, and climbed significantly less often than smaller males did. Contrary to expectation, large males utilized smaller weight-bearing structures than small males did. These results suggest that large males minimized climbing versus optimizing support diameters, perhaps because vertical climbing is disproportionally expensive for larger animals. The large body weight of chimpanzees compared with other primates suggests that minimizing altitude changes, and therefore vertical climbing, is an important consideration in budgeting daily energy expenditures.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a 4-week balance training program on specified functional tasks. Thirty-six subjects (age = 22.7 +/- 2.10 years; height = 168.30 +/- 9.55 cm; weight = 71.15 +/- 16.40 kg) were randomly placed into control (C; n = 19) and experimental groups (Tx; n = 17). The Tx group trained using a commercially available balance training device (BOSU). Postural limits (displacement and sway) and functional task (time on ball, shuttle run, and vertical jump) were assessed during a pretest (T1), a posttest (T2), and 2 weeks posttraining (T3). Multivariate repeated measures analysis (alpha = 0.05) revealed significant differences in time on ball, shuttle run, total sway, and fore/aft displacement after the exercise intervention (T2). T3 assessment revealed that total sway and time on ball remained controlled; however, no other measures were retained. Balance training improved performance of selected sport-related activities and postural control measures, although it is unclear whether the effect of training would transfer to general functional enhancement.  相似文献   

Twelve male, sedentary volunteers (22.0 +/-) were submitted to three weeks of a bicycle ergometer training, consisting of 45 min exercise (at 70% VO2max), 4 times in the first week and 3 times in the next 2 weeks. They performed four incremental exercise tests with the power output increased by 50 W every 3 min until volitional exhaustion: two before training (C1 and C2), and after one (T1) and three (T3) weeks of training. Before and after each load the plasma noradrenaline (NA), adrenaline (A) and blood lactate (LA) concentrations were determined in venous blood samples as well as plasma growth hormone (HGH) and cortisol concentrations before and at the end of exercise. A decrease in NA concentration was found already after 1 week of training at power output of 100 W (p<0.01) and 200 W (p<0.05). Similar decline was maintained after 3 weeks of training. No significant training-induced differences in plasma A concentration were found, however, the thresholds for both catecholamines were significantly shifted towards higher values after 3 weeks of training. One week of training caused a decrease in the pre-exercise (p<0.01), as well as post-exercise (p<0.05) plasma cortisol and HGH concentrations. It was concluded that endurance training induced a decrease in HGH, cortisol and NA concentration already after one week of training. A decline of pre-exercise plasma HGH and cortisol levels with time of experiment may, in part, indicate familiarization to exercise protocol.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to assess the effects of a 12-week aerobic and muscular strength training program on selected dance performance and fitness-related parameters in modern dance students. The sample consisted of 32 men and women (age 19 +/- 2.2 years) who were randomly assigned into exercise (n = 19) and control (n = 13) groups. Anthropometric and flexibility assessments, treadmill ergometry, strength measurements, and- on a separate day-a dance technique test were conducted pre- and postexercise training in both groups. After the end of the program, the exercise group revealed significant increases in dance (p < 0.02), VO(2)max (p < 0.04), flexibility (p < 0.01), and leg strength (p < 0.001) tests compared to controls. It is concluded that in modern dance students (a) a 3-month aerobic and strength training program has positive effects on selected dance performance and fitness-related parameters, (b) aerobic capacity and leg strength improvements do not hinder dance performance as studied herein, and (c) the dance-only approach does not provide enough scope for physical fitness enhancements.  相似文献   



a decline in immune and endocrine function occurs with aging. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of long-term endurance training on the immune and endocrine system of elderly men. The possible interaction between these systems was also analysed.  相似文献   

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