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Shen B  Li X  Wang F  Yao X  Yang D 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34694
Mutations in the gene-encoding cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) cause defective transepithelial transport of chloride (Cl(-)) ions and fluid, thereby becoming responsible for the onset of cystic fibrosis (CF). One strategy to reduce the pathophysiology associated with CF is to increase Cl(-) transport through alternative pathways. In this paper, we demonstrate that a small synthetic molecule which forms Cl(-) channels to mediate Cl(-) transport across lipid bilayer membranes is capable of restoring Cl(-) permeability in human CF epithelial cells; as a result, it has the potential to become a lead compound for the treatment of human diseases associated with Cl(-) channel dysfunction.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by defective cyclic AMP-dependent cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator Cl(-) channels. Thus, CF epithelia fail to transport Cl(-) and water. A postulated therapeutic avenue in CF is activation of alternative Ca(2+)-dependent Cl(-) channels. We hypothesized that stimulation of Ca(2+) entry from the extracellular space could trigger a sustained Ca(2+) signal to activate Ca(2+)-dependent Cl(-) channels. Cytosolic [Ca(2+)](i) was measured in non-polarized human CF (IB3-1) and non-CF (16HBE14o(-)) airway epithelial cells. Primary human CF and non-CF airway epithelial monolayers as well as Calu-3 monolayers were used to assess anion secretion. In vivo nasal potential difference measurements were performed in non-CF and two different CF mouse (DeltaF508 homozygous and bitransgenic gut-corrected but lung-null) models. Zinc and ATP induced a sustained, reversible, and reproducible increase in cytosolic Ca(2+) in CF and non-CF cells with chemistry and pharmacology most consistent with activation of P2X purinergic receptor channels. P2X purinergic receptor channel-mediated Ca(2+) entry stimulated sustained Cl(-) and HCO(3)(-) secretion in CF and non-CF epithelial monolayers. In non-CF mice, zinc and ATP induced a significant Cl(-) secretory response similar to the effects of agonists that increase intracellular cAMP levels. More importantly, in both CF mouse models, Cl(-) permeability of nasal epithelia was restored in a sustained manner by zinc and ATP. These effects were reversible and reacquirable upon removal and readdition of agonists. Our data suggest that activation of P2X calcium entry channels may have profound therapeutic benefit for CF that is independent of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator genotype.  相似文献   

The major disease-causing mutation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is deletion of phenylalanine 508 (F508), which adversely affects processing and plasma membrane targeting of CFTR. Under conditions predicted to stabilize protein folding, F508 CFTR is capable of trafficking to the plasma membrane and retains cAMP-regulated anion channel activity. Overexpression is one factor that increases CFTR trafficking; therefore, we hypothesized that expression of a domain mimic of the first nucleotide-binding fold (NBF1) of CFTR, i.e., the site of F508, may be sufficient to overwhelm the quality control process or otherwise stabilize F508 CFTR and thereby restore cAMP-stimulated anion secretion. In epithelial cells expressing recombinant F508 human (h)CFTR, expression of wild-type NBF1 increased the amount of both core-glycosylated and mature protein to a greater extent than expression of F508 NBF1. Expression of wild-type NBF1 in the F508 hCFTR cells increased whole cell Cl current density to 50% of that in cells expressing wild-type hCFTR. Expression of NBF1 in polarized epithelial monolayers from a F508/F508 cystic fibrosis mouse (MGEF) restored cAMP-stimulated transepithelial anion secretion but not in monolayers from a CFTR-null mouse (MGEN). Restoration of anion secretion was sustained in NBF1-expressing MGEF for >30 passages, whereas MGEN corrected with hCFTR progressively lost anion secretion capability. We conclude that expression of a NBF1 domain mimic may be useful for correction of the F508 CFTR protein trafficking defect in cystic fibrosis epithelia. protein processing; mouse; retrovirus; gene therapy  相似文献   

The vertebrate transient receptor potential cationic channel TRPV4 has been proposed as an osmo- and mechanosensor channel. Studies using knock-out animal models have further emphasized the relevance of the TRPV4 channel in the maintenance of the internal osmotic equilibrium and mechanosensation. However, at the cellular level, there is still one important question to answer: does the TRPV4 channel generate the Ca(2+) signal in those cells undergoing a Ca(2+)-dependent regulatory volume decrease (RVD) response? RVD in human airway epithelia requires the generation of a Ca(2+) signal to activate Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channels. The RVD response is lost in airway epithelia affected with cystic fibrosis (CF), a disease caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator channel. We have previously shown that the defective RVD in CF epithelia is linked to the lack of swelling-dependent activation of Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channels. In the present study, we show the expression of TRPV4 in normal human airway epithelia, where it functions as the Ca(2+) entry pathway that triggers the RVD response after hypotonic stress, as demonstrated by TRPV4 antisense experiments. However, cell swelling failed to trigger Ca(2+) entry via TRPV4 channels in CF airway epithelia, although the channel's response to a specific synthetic activator, 4 alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate, was maintained. Furthermore, RVD was recovered in CF airway epithelia treated with 4 alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate. Together, these results suggest that defective RVD in CF airway epithelia might be caused by the absence of a TRPV4-mediated Ca(2+) signal and the subsequent activation of Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channels.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a membrane glycoprotein that forms Cl- channels. Previous work has shown that when some CF-associated mutants of CFTR are expressed in heterologous cells, their glycosylation is incomplete. That observation led to the hypothesis that such mutants are not delivered to the plasma membrane where they can mediate Cl- transport. Testing this hypothesis requires localization of CFTR in nonrecombinant cells and a specific determination of whether CFTR is in the apical membrane of normal and CF epithelia. To test the hypothesis, we used primary cultures of airway epithelia grown on permeable supports because they polarize and express the CF defect in apical Cl- permeability. Moreover, their dysfunction contributes to disease. We developed a semiquantitative assay, using nonpermeabilized epithelia, an antibody directed against an extracellular epitope of CFTR, and large (1 microns) fluorescent beads which bound to secondary antibodies. We observed specific binding to airway epithelia from non-CF subjects, indicating that CFTR is located in the apical membrane. In contrast, there was no specific binding to the apical membrane of CF airway epithelia. These data were supported by qualitative studies using confocal microscopy: the most prominent immunostaining was in the apical region of non-CF cells and in cytoplasmic regions of CF cells. The results indicate that CFTR is either missing from the apical membrane of these CF cells or it is present at a much reduced level. The data support the proposed defective delivery of some CF-associated mutants to the plasma membrane and explain the lack of apical Cl- permeability in most CF airway epithelia.  相似文献   

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease characterised by a deficit in epithelial Cl(-) secretion which in the lung leads to airway dehydration and a reduced Airway Surface Liquid (ASL) height. The endogenous lipoxin LXA(4) is a member of the newly identified eicosanoids playing a key role in ending the inflammatory process. Levels of LXA(4) are reported to be decreased in the airways of patients with CF. We have previously shown that in normal human bronchial epithelial cells, LXA(4) produced a rapid and transient increase in intracellular Ca(2+). We have investigated, the effect of LXA(4) on Cl(-) secretion and the functional consequences on ASL generation in bronchial epithelial cells obtained from CF and non-CF patient biopsies and in bronchial epithelial cell lines. We found that LXA(4) stimulated a rapid intracellular Ca(2+) increase in all of the different CF bronchial epithelial cells tested. In non-CF and CF bronchial epithelia, LXA(4) stimulated whole-cell Cl(-) currents which were inhibited by NPPB (calcium-activated Cl(-) channel inhibitor), BAPTA-AM (chelator of intracellular Ca(2+)) but not by CFTRinh-172 (CFTR inhibitor). We found, using confocal imaging, that LXA(4) increased the ASL height in non-CF and in CF airway bronchial epithelia. The LXA(4) effect on ASL height was sensitive to bumetanide, an inhibitor of transepithelial Cl(-) secretion. The LXA(4) stimulation of intracellular Ca(2+), whole-cell Cl(-) currents, conductances and ASL height were inhibited by Boc-2, a specific antagonist of the ALX/FPR2 receptor. Our results provide, for the first time, evidence for a novel role of LXA(4) in the stimulation of intracellular Ca(2+) signalling leading to Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) secretion and enhanced ASL height in non-CF and CF bronchial epithelia.  相似文献   

Airway epithelia are confronted with distinct signals emanating from the luminal and/or serosal environments. This study tested whether airway epithelia exhibit polarized intracellular free calcium (Ca(2+)(i)) and anion secretory responses to 5' triphosphate nucleotides (ATP/UTP), which may be released across both barriers of these epithelia. In both normal and cystic fibrosis (CF) airway epithelia, mucosal exposure to ATP/UTP increased Ca(2+)(i) and anion secretion, but both responses were greater in magnitude for CF epithelia. In CF epithelia, the mucosal nucleotide-induced response was mediated exclusively via Ca(2+)(i) interacting with a Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channel (CaCC). In normal airway epithelia (but not CF), nucleotides stimulated a component of anion secretion via a chelerythrine-sensitive, Ca(2+)-independent PKC activation of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. In normal and CF airway epithelia, serosally applied ATP or UTP were equally effective in mobilizing Ca(2+)(i). However, serosally applied nucleotides failed to induce anion transport in CF epithelia, whereas a PKC-regulated anion secretory response was detected in normal airway epithelia. We conclude that (1) in normal nasal epithelium, apical/basolateral purinergic receptor activation by ATP/UTP regulates separate Ca(2+)-sensitive and Ca(2+)-insensitive (PKC-mediated) anion conductances; (2) in CF airway epithelia, the mucosal ATP/UTP-dependent anion secretory response is mediated exclusively via Ca(2+)(i); and (3) Ca(2+)(i) regulation of the Ca(2+)-sensitive anion conductance (via CaCC) is compartmentalized in both CF and normal airway epithelia, with basolaterally released Ca(2+)(i) failing to activate CaCC in both epithelia.  相似文献   

Abnormalities of epithelial function in cystic fibrosis (CF) have been linked to defects in cell membrane permeability to chloride or sodium ions. Recently, a class of chloride channels in airway epithelial cells have been reported to lack their usual sensitivity to phosphorylation via cAMP-dependent protein kinase, suggesting that CF could be due to a single genetic defect in these channels. We have examined single chloride and sodium channels in control and CF human nasal epithelia using the patch-clamp technique. The most common chloride channel was not the one previously associated with CF, but it was also abnormal in CF cells. In addition, the number of sodium channels was unusually high in CF. These findings suggest a wider disturbance of ion channel properties in CF than would be produced by a defect in a single type of channel.  相似文献   

We investigated putative mechanisms by which nitric oxide modulates cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) expression and function in epithelial cells. Immunoprecipitation followed by Western blotting, as well as immunocytochemical and cell surface biotinylation measurements, showed that incubation of both stably transduced (HeLa) and endogenous CFTR expressing (16HBE14o-, Calu-3, and mouse tracheal epithelial) cells with 100 microm diethylenetriamine NONOate (DETA NONOate) for 24-96 h decreased both intracellular and apical CFTR levels. Calu-3 and mouse tracheal epithelial cells, incubated with DETA NONOate but not with 100 microm 8-bromo-cGMP for 96 h, exhibited reduced cAMP-activated short circuit currents when mounted in Ussing chambers. Exposure of Calu-3 cells to nitric oxide donors resulted in the nitration of a number of proteins including CFTR. Nitration was augmented by proteasome inhibition, suggesting a role for the proteasome in the degradation of nitrated proteins. Our studies demonstrate that levels of nitric oxide that are likely to be encountered in the vicinity of airway cells during inflammation may nitrate CFTR resulting in enhanced degradation and decreased function. Decreased levels and function of normal CFTR may account for some of the cystic fibrosis-like symptoms that occur in chronic inflammatory lung diseases associated with increased NO production.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by the functional expression defect of the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride channel at the apical plasma membrane. Impaired bacterial clearance and hyperactive innate immune response are hallmarks of the CF lung disease, yet the existence of and mechanism accounting for the innate immune defect that occurs before infection remain controversial. Inducible expression of either CFTR or the calcium-activated chloride channel TMEM16A attenuated the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8, and CXCL1/2 in two human respiratory epithelial models under air–liquid but not liquid–liquid interface culture. Expression of wild-type but not the inactive G551D-CFTR indicates that secretion of the chemoattractant IL-8 is inversely proportional to CFTR channel activity in cftr∆F508/∆F508 immortalized and primary human bronchial epithelia. Similarly, direct but not P2Y receptor–mediated activation of TMEM16A attenuates IL-8 secretion in respiratory epithelia. Thus augmented proinflammatory cytokine secretion caused by defective anion transport at the apical membrane may contribute to the excessive and persistent lung inflammation in CF and perhaps in other respiratory diseases associated with documented down-regulation of CFTR (e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Direct pharmacological activation of TMEM16A offers a potential therapeutic strategy to reduce the inflammation of CF airway epithelia.  相似文献   

We are testing the hypothesis that the malfunctioning of airway gland serous cells is a component of cystic fibrosis (CF) airway disease. CF is caused by mutations that disrupt CF transmembrane conductance regulator, an anion channel essential for proper fluid secretion in some epithelia. Submucosal glands supply most of the mucus in upper airways, and gland serous cells are the primary site of CF transmembrane conductance regulator expression in airways. We have discovered a major defect in CF glands by in situ optical monitoring of secretions from single human airway glands. CF glands did not secrete to agents that elevated [cAMP](i) (0 responses/450 glands, 8 subjects), whereas glands were responsive in all donor tracheas (605/827 glands, 15 subjects) and in bronchi from subjects who were transplanted because of other lung diseases (148/166 glands, n = 10). CF glands secreted to cholinergic stimulation, and serous cells were abundant in glands from all CF subjects. The complete absence of secretion to agents that elevate [cAMP](i) suggests that altered secretion of gland mucus could contribute to CF lung disease.  相似文献   

Periciliary fluid balance is maintained by the coordination of sodium and chloride channels in the apical membranes of the airways. In the absence of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), chloride secretion is diminished and sodium reabsorption exaggerated. ClC-2, a pH- and voltage-dependent chloride channel, is present on the apical membranes of airway epithelial cells. We hypothesized that ClC-2 agonists would provide a parallel pathway for chloride secretion. Using nasal potential difference (NPD) measurements, we quantified lubiprostone-mediated Cl(-) transport in sedated cystic fibrosis null (gut-corrected), C57Bl/6, and A/J mice during nasal perfusion of lubiprostone (a putative ClC-2 agonist). Baseline, amiloride-inhibited, chloride-free gluconate-substituted Ringer with amiloride and low-chloride Ringer plus lubiprostone (at increasing concentrations of lubiprostone) were perfused, and the NPD was continuously recorded. A clear dose-response relationship was detected in all murine strains. The magnitude of the NPD response to 20 muM lubiprostone was -5.8 +/- 2.1 mV (CF, n = 12), -8.1 +/- 2.6 mV (C57Bl/6 wild-type, n = 12), and -5.3 +/- 1.2 mV (AJ wild-type, n = 8). A cohort of ClC-2 knockout mice did not respond to 20 muM lubiprostone (n = 6, P = 0.27). In C57Bl/6 mice, inhibition of CFTR with topical application of CFTR inhibitor-172 did not abolish the lubiprostone response, thus confirming the response seen is independent of CFTR regulation. RT-PCR confirmed expression of ClC-2 mRNA in murine lung homogenate. The direct application of lubiprostone in the CF murine nasal airway restores nearly normal levels of chloride secretion in nasal epithelia.  相似文献   

FXYD5, also known as dysadherin, belongs to a family of tissue-specific regulators of the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase. We determined the kinetic effects of FXYD5 on Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase pump activity in stably transfected Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. FXYD5 significantly increased the apparent affinity for Na(+) twofold and decreased the apparent affinity for K(+) by 60% with a twofold increase in V(max) of K(+), a pattern that would increase activity and Na(+) removal from the cell. To test the effect of increased Na(+) uptake on FXYD5 expression, we analyzed Madin-Darby canine kidney cells stably transfected with an inducible vector expressing all three subunits of the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC). Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity increased sixfold after 48-h ENaC induction, but FXYD5 expression decreased 75%. FXYD5 expression was also decreased in lung epithelia from mice that overexpress ENaC, suggesting that chronic Na(+) absorption by itself downregulates epithelial FXYD5 expression. Patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) display ENaC-mediated hyperabsorption of Na(+) in the airways, accompanied by increased Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity. However, FXYD5 was significantly increased in the lungs and nasal epithelium of CF mice as assessed by RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry, and immunoblot analysis (P < 0.001). FXYD5 was also upregulated in nasal scrapings from human CF patients compared with controls (P < 0.02). Treatment of human tracheal epithelial cells with a CFTR inhibitor (I-172) confirmed that loss of CFTR function correlated with increased FXYD5 expression (P < 0.001), which was abrogated by an inhibitor of NF-kappaB. Thus FXYD5 is upregulated in CF epithelia, and this change may exacerbate the Na(+) hyperabsorption and surface liquid dehydration observed in CF airway epithelia.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine deletion at position 508 of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (DeltaF508-CFTR), the most common mutation in cystic fibrosis (CF), causes a misfolded protein exhibiting partial chloride conductance and impaired trafficking to the plasma membrane. 4-Phenylbutyrate corrects defective DeltaF508-CFTR trafficking in vitro, but is not clinically efficacious. From a panel of short chain fatty acid derivatives, we showed that 2,2-dimethyl-butyrate (ST20) and alpha-methylhydrocinnamic acid (ST7), exhibiting high oral bioavailability and sustained plasma levels, correct the DeltaF508-CFTR defect. Pre-incubation (>or=6h) of CF IB3-1 airway cells with >or=1mM ST7 or ST20 restored the ability of 100microM forskolin to stimulate an (125)I(-) efflux. This efflux was fully inhibited by NPPB, DPC, or glibenclamide, suggesting mediation through CFTR. Partial inhibition by DIDS suggests possible contribution from an additional Cl(-) channel regulated by CFTR. Thus, ST7 and ST20 offer treatment potential for CF caused by the DeltaF508 mutation.  相似文献   

Electrolyte transport by airway epithelia regulates the quantity and composition of liquid covering the airways. Previous data indicate that airway epithelia can absorb NaCl. At the apical membrane, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) provides a pathway for Cl(-) absorption. However, the pathways for basolateral Cl(-) exit are not well understood. Earlier studies, predominantly in cell lines, have reported that the basolateral membrane contains a Cl(-) conductance. However, the properties have varied substantially in different epithelia. To better understand the basolateral Cl(-) conductance in airway epithelia, we studied primary cultures of well-differentiated human airway epithelia. The basolateral membrane contained a Cl(-) current that was inhibited by 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS). The current-voltage relationship was nearly linear, and the halide selectivity was Cl(-) > Br(-) > I(-). Several signaling pathways increased the current, including elevation of cellular levels of cAMP, activation of protein kinase C (PKC), and reduction of pH. In contrast, increasing cell Ca(2+) and inducing cell swelling had no effect. The basolateral Cl(-) current was present in both cystic fibrosis (CF) and non-CF airway epithelia. Likewise, airway epithelia from wild-type mice and mice with disrupted genes for ClC-2 or ClC-3 all showed similar Cl(-) currents. These data suggest that the basolateral membrane of airway epithelia possesses a Cl(-) conductance that is not due to CFTR, ClC-2, or ClC-3. Its regulation by cAMP and PKC signaling pathways suggests that coordinated regulation of Cl(-) conductance in both apical and basolateral membranes may be important in controlling transepithelial Cl(-) movement.  相似文献   

We report the effects of new N-acylated ambroxol derivatives (TEI-588a, TEI-588b, TEI-589a, TEI-589b, TEI-602a and TEI-602b: a, aromatic amine-acylated derivative; b, aliphatic amine-acylated derivative) induced from ambroxol (a mucolytic agent to treat human lung diseases) on Cl? secretion in human submucosal serous Calu-3 cells under a Na+/K+/2Cl? cotransporter-1 (NKCC1)-mediated hyper-secreting condition. TEI-589a, TEI-589b and TEI-602a diminished hyper-secretion of Cl? by diminishing the activity of NKCC1 without blockade of apical Cl? channel (TEI-589a > TEI-602a > TEI-589b), while any other tested compounds including ambroxol had no effects on Cl? secretion. These indicate that the inhibitory action of an aromatic amine-acylated derivative on Cl? secretion is stronger that that of an aliphatic amine-acylated derivative, and that 3-(2,5-dimethyl)furoyl group has a strong action in inhibition of Cl? secretion than cyclopropanoyl group. We here indicate that TEI-589a, TEI-589b and TEI-602a reduce hyper-secretion to an appropriate level in the airway, providing a possibility that the compound can be an effective drug in airway obstructive diseases including COPD by reducing the airway resistance under a hyper-secreting condition.  相似文献   

The fetal lung actively transports chloride across the airway epithelium. ClC-2, a pH-activated chloride channel, is highly expressed in the fetal lung and is located on the apical surface of the developing respiratory epithelium. Our goal was to determine whether acidic pH could stimulate chloride secretion in fetal rat distal lung epithelial cells mounted in Ussing chambers. A series of acidic solutions stimulated equivalent short-circuit current (I(eq)) from a baseline of 28 +/- 4.8 (pH 7.4) to 70 +/- 5 (pH 6.2), 114 +/- 12.8 (pH 5.0), and 164 +/- 19.2 (pH 3.8) microA/cm(2). These changes in I(eq) were inhibited by 1 mM cadmium chloride and did not result in large changes in [(3)H]mannitol paracellular flux. Immunofluorescent detection by confocal microscopy revealed that ClC-2 is expressed along the luminal surface of polarized fetal distal lung epithelial cells. These data suggest that the acidic environment of the fetal lung fluid could activate chloride channels contributing to fetal lung fluid production and that the changes in I(eq) seen in these Ussing studies may be due to stimulation of ClC-2.  相似文献   

Hyperinflammatory responses to infection have been postulated as a component of cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease. Studies have linked intracellular calcium (Ca(2+)(i)) mobilization with inflammatory responses in several systems. We have reported that the pro-inflammatory mediator bradykinin (BK) promotes larger Ca(2+)(i) signals in CF compared with normal bronchial epithelia, a response that reflects endoplasmic reticulum (ER)/Ca(2+) store expansion induced by chronic luminal airway infection/inflammation. The present study investigated whether CF airway epithelia were hyperinflammatory and, if so, whether the hyperinflammatory CF phenotype was linked to larger Ca(2+) stores in the ER. We found that DeltaF508 CF bronchial epithelia were hyperinflammatory as defined by an increased basal and mucosal BK-induced interleukin (IL)-8 secretion. However, the CF hyperinflammation expressed in short-term (6-11-day-old) primary cultures of DeltaF508 bronchial epithelia was lost in long-term (30-40-day-old) primary cultures of DeltaF508 bronchial epithelia, indicating this response was independent of mutant cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. Exposure of 30-40-day-old cultures of normal airway epithelia to supernatant from mucopurulent material (SMM) from CF airways reproduced the increased basal and mucosal BK-stimulated IL-8 secretion of short-term CF cultures. The BK-triggered increased IL-8 secretion in SMM-treated cultures was mediated by an increased Ca(2+)(i) mobilization consequent to an ER expansion associated with increases in protein synthesis (total, cytokines, and antimicrobial factors). The increased ER-dependent, Ca(2+)(i)-mediated hyperinflammatory epithelial response may represent a general beneficial airway epithelial adaptation to transient luminal infection. However, in CF airways, the Ca(2+)(i)-mediated hyperinflammation may be ineffective in promoting the eradication of infection in thickened mucus and, consequently, may have adverse effects in the lung.  相似文献   

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