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The activity of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (cyclic AMP-PK) was significantly higher (P less than 0.001) in thioglycollate-elicited than in resident rat peritoneal macrophages. The activity ratio of the enzyme (its activity in the absence of added cyclic AMP divided by that in the presence of 5 microM cyclic AMP) was similar in the two cell types. The divalent ion ionophore A23187 induced a rapid increase in the activity ratio of cyclic AMP-PK in both macrophage types. This effect was blocked by pretreating the cells with indomethacin or aspirin (inhibitors of cyclo-oxygenase) and bromo-phenacyl bromide (an inhibitor of phospholipase A2), implicating the synthesis of a prostanoid as an intermediary step. Prostaglandin (PG) E2, 8-bromo cyclic AMP and cholera toxin, all of which inhibit chemiluminescence and/or PG formation in macrophages, increased the activity ratio of cyclic AMP-PK in these cells. We propose that the activation of cyclic AMP-PK plays a central role in the response of macrophages to both endogenously-generated and exogenously added PGE.  相似文献   

 Bladder-washing-derived lymphocytes (BWDL) from 67 patients with bladder cancer were studied. The large majority of samples contained a pure population of T lymphocytes, whereas B and NK cells were absent. A comparative analysis of bladder lymphocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL), collected in parallel, showed that BWDL significantly differed from PBL. In vitro cultures of bladder lymphocytes were attempted on 21 samples but in vitro expansion was only possible on six patients treated with bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG). This finding indicates that BWDL are characterized by a severe proliferative defect. Nevertheless, the addition of BCG on bladder lymphocytes expanded in vitro enhanced their proliferation, suggesting that this population is sensitized against BCG antigen(s). The analysis of T cell receptor restriction patterns showed that bladder lymphocytes from patients under BCG treatment were oligoclonal. A possible explanation for the efficiency of the immune response and good clinical outcome in patients treated with BCG could be found in the high homology between some BCG antigens and human heat-shock proteins, which are overexpressed in transformed cells. Received: 8 June 1995 / Accepted: 22 November 1995  相似文献   

The role of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in the regulations of TSH secretion was studied in male rats using both peripheral and central administration of the drugs. Basal TSH levels were not modified by moderate doses of 5-HT (subcutaneously) or its precursors or antagonists (intraperitoneally) given 1 h before decapitation. The cold-stimulated TSH secretion was decreased by L-tryptophan (L-TRP, 400 mg/kg i.p.), quipazine (10 mg/kg i.p.) and 5-HT (1 or 5 mg/kg s.c. or i.v.) as well as by p-chlorophenylalanine (pCPA, 20 or more mg/kg i.p.) when the drugs were given 1 h before sampling. pCPA (100-400 mg/kg i.p.) was active 24-48 h after the injection but repetitive administration did not affect TSH levels. 5-HT (5 mg/kg s.c.) was effective also in pinealectomized animals. L-TRP and 5-hydroxytryptophan potentiated the TRH-stimulated TSH secretion when given 1 h before killing. 5-HT (10 microgram/rat) infused into the third ventricle enhanced the cold-stimulated TSH secretion when given 30-45 min before sampling. When injected into the medial basal hypothalamus, 50-HT (1-10 microgram/rat) had no effect on basal or stimulated TSH levels. The results suggest: (1) 5-HT does not play any role in the regulation of basal TSH secretion; (2) in the cold-stimulated TSH secretion 5-HT has a stimulatory action evidently inside the blood-brain barrier and also an inhibitory effect obviously outside this barrier.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii: decreased resistance to intracellular bacteria in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of sublethal inocula of Toxoplasma gondii on the course of listeriosis and salmonellosis in mice was investigated. Intravenous injection of T. gondii 24 hr after inoculation of Listeria monocytogenes increased mortality from 16% (L. monocytogenes alone) to 68% (L. monocytogenes + T. gondii) (P less than 0.001). Multiplication of L. monocytogenes in spleens also was increased significantly in mice given T. gondii. By 3 days after infection, mice that had received T. gondii and L. monocytogenes had approximately 10 times the number of L. monocytogenes per spleen compared to mice receiving L. monocytogenes alone. Similarly, mortality and the number of bacteria in spleens were increased in mice injected with Salmonella typhimurium and then inoculated with T. gondii. An in vitro assay of macrophage listeriacidal activity was used to investigate the mechanism of this decreased resistance. Peritoneal macrophages from mice injected with T. gondii were less bactericidal than macrophages from uninfected mice. Delayed hypersensitivity responses to L. monocytogenes antigen were markedly suppressed in mice injected with T. gondii. T. gondii infection appears to suppress both macrophage and T-lymphocyte function and may result in decreased resistance to infections caused by intracellular bacteria.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of two inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis on the basal and TRH-stimulated plasma TSH levels in the rat. Animals were injected sc daily with indomethacin 3 mg/0.5 ml) or aspirin (16--30 mg/0.5 ml) for 3 days. The plasma T4 and T3 were consistently lower in the indomethacin or aspirin groups than in the controls, while the basal TSH levels did not change. Indomethacin treatment significantly potentiated the TSH response to synthetic TRH (20 ng. iv) in intact and thyroidectomized rats. The pituitary TSH content was markedly increased by indomethacin, while hypothalamic TRH content did not change. In contrast, aspirin inhibited the TSH response to TRH in intact rats, when pituitary TSH content decreased significantly. No potentiation by aspirin of TRH-stimulated TSH response in the thyroidectomized rats was observed. The increased sensitivity of plasma TSH response to exogenous TRH in the indomethacin group is presumably due to higher pituitary TSH content than in the controls. The action of indomethacin appears to be mediated, at least in part, at the pituitary level. In addition, there is a dissociation between the action of indomethacin and the action of aspirin in the TSH response to TRH.  相似文献   

The regulation of TSH secretion by E1, E2, E1 alpha and F2 alpha prostaglandins was studied by means of a monolayer culture system of dispersed rat anterior pituitary cells which was appropriately responsive to TRH, T3 and SRIF. PGEs and Fs induced significant increases in basal TSH release of the order of 30% at 10(-9) or 10(-8) to 10(-5) or 10(-4) M. Only PGEs accentuated the TSH release induced by a half maximal dose of TRH (10(-9) M) of the order of 60% in a dose dependent manner (10(-9) to 10(-6) M of PGEs), whereas PGFs did not. SRIF (10(-8) or 10(-9) M) alone failed to alter basal TSH release but did completely inhibit the TSH response to TRH (10(-9) M). SRIF also significantly inhibited both the increase in basal TSH release and the accentuation of the TSH response to TRH induced by PGEs (10(-6) M) but did not diminish the enhancement of basal TSH release induced by PGFs (10(-6) M). 7-oxa-13-prostynoic acid (PY1), a prostaglandin antagonist, which can act as an agonist in some systems, itself exhibited agonistic properties of PGEs with respect to basal and TRH induced TSH release. PY1 failed to inhibit the TSH release induced by all PGs, but partially inhibited the accentuated TSH response to TRH induced by PGEs. Indomethacin, PG synthetase inhibitor, did not affect basal or TRH induced TSH release in our system. These data suggest that PGs of the E and F series probably modulate TSH release via different mechanisms and that the PGE effect on basal TSH release differs from its augmentation of TRH induced TSH response. It is speculated that these effects of PGs may have physiological significance.  相似文献   

The factors stimulating estrogen secretion in the preovulatory phase and an attempt to explain the mechanism of termination of estrogen secretion are discussed. Female Wistar rats, hypophysectomized at 1 p.m. in proestrus, were injected with rat pituitary extracts. Ovarian venous blood was collected and the estrogen activity of the plasma was measured. The estrogen secretion was minimized within 3 hours after hypophysectomy. The rat pituitary extract caused an 11-fold increase of estrogen concentration in the ovarian venous blood within 1 hour. Either LH or FSH alone was able to restore the estrogen secretion: LH took 1 hour to reach maximal response, FSH 2 hours. In the 1-hour test, the minimal effective dose for LH appeared to be less than .25 mcg per rat, for FSH, 2.5 mcg per rat. The total ability of the two preparations to produce estrogen appeared to be the same. 10 I.U. of prolactin slightly stimulated estrogen secretion, but 20 mU of ACTH was quite negative. These results demonstrate the pituitary gonadotropin dependency of estrogen secretion from the ovary having ripened follicles. It also showed that the ovary, after completion of ovulatory surge of LH, abolished its reactivity to the pituitary extract containing sufficient amount of substances in promoting estrogen secretion. Either LH or FSH was able to terminate estrogen secretion even at minute doses as small as 10 mcg. This shows that both FSH and LH provide a dual effect on ovarian estrogen secretion at the preovulatory stage, promotion and suppression. Promotion is an acute and direct action of hormones on steroidogenesis and suppression probably a delayed and indirect action of ovulation-inducing hormone, the release of which initiates the differentiation of estrogen-forming cells towards ovulation unfavorable to estrogen synthesis.  相似文献   

TSH regulation of ferritin H chain messenger RNA levels in the rat thyroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ferritin heavy chain mRNA steady state levels are increased by thyrotropin both in vivo and in two independent thyroid derived permanent cell lines. Maximum induction was achieved 48 hours after thyrotropin addition in the same conditions in which all the thyroid differentiated functions were stimulated. Thyrotropin stimulation of the levels of ferritin heavy chain mRNA seems to be mediated by cyclic AMP since it mimics the hormone induction.  相似文献   

Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) are characterized by several neuroendocrine abnormalities including a chronic hypersecretion of thyrotropin (TSH) of unknown etiology. We hypothesized that the inappropriately high TSH secretion in SHR may be the result of an impaired thyroid hormone negative feedback regulation of hypothalamic thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and/or pituitary TSH production. To test this hypothesis, SHR or their normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) controls were treated with either methimazole (0.02% in drinking water) to induce hypothyroidism or administered L-thyroxine (T4) at a dose of 0.8 or 2.0 micrograms/100 g body weight/day to induce hyperthyroidism. All treatments were continued for 14 days after which animals were killed under low stress conditions. TSH concentrations in plasma and anterior pituitary tissue were 2-fold higher (P less than 0.01) in euthyroid SHR compared to WKY control rats while thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) levels were in the normal range. Hypothyroidism induced by either methimazole or thyroidectomy caused a significant (P less than 0.01) rise of plasma TSH levels in both WKY and SHR rats. However, relative to the TSH concentrations in control animals, the increase of plasma TSH in SHR was significantly blunted (P less than 0.01) in comparison to the WKY group. Hypothyroidism caused a significant depletion of TRH in stalk-median eminence (SME) tissue in both groups of rats. However, no differences between SHR and WKY rats were observed. The administration of thyroid hormone caused a dose dependent suppression of plasma TSH levels in both strains of rats. However, at both doses tested plasma TSH concentrations in SHR rats were significantly less suppressed (P less than 0.05) than those in WKY animals. Under in vitro conditions basal and potassium induced TRH release from SMEs derived from SHR was significantly (P less than 0.05) higher than that from WKY rats, whether expressed in absolute terms or as percent of content. These findings suggest that the thyroid hormone negative feedback regulation of TSH secretion may be impaired in SHR rats. Our data do not allow conclusions as to whether defects in the regulation of TSH production are located exclusively at the hypothalamic level. Since the overproduction of hypothalamic TRH and hypophysial TSH should lead to an increased thyroid hormone biosynthesis other defects in the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid-axis may contribute to the abnormal regulation of TSH secretion in SHR rats.  相似文献   

Current evidence suggests that endogenous opioid peptides (EOPs) tonically inhibit secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) by modulating the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Because of their apparent inhibitory actions, EOPs have been assumed to alter both pulse frequency and amplitude of LH in the rat; and it has been hypothesized that EOP pathways mediate the negative feedback actions of steroids on secretion of GnRH. In order to better delineate the role of EOPs in regulating secretion of LH in the male rat, we assessed the effects of a sustained blockade of opiate receptors by naloxone on pulsatile LH release in four groups: intact male rats, acutely castrated male rats implanted for 20 h with a 30-mm capsule made from Silastic and filled with testosterone, acutely castrated male rats implanted for 20 h with an osmotic minipump dispensing 10 mg morphine/24 h, and male rats castrated approximately 20 h before treatment with naloxone. We hypothesized that if EOPs tonically inhibited pulsatile LH secretion, a sustained blockade of opiate receptors should result in a sustained increase in LH release. We found that treatment with naloxone resulted in an immediate but transient increase in LH levels in intact males compared to controls treated with saline. Even though mean levels of LH increased from 0.15 +/- 0.04 to a high of 0.57 +/- 0.14 ng/ml, no significant difference was observed between the groups in either frequency or amplitude of LH pulses across the 4-h treatment period. The transient increase in LH did result in a 3- to 4-fold elevation in levels of plasma testosterone over baseline. This increase in testosterone appeared to correspond with the waning of the LH response to naloxone. The LH response to naloxone was eliminated in acutely castrated rats implanted with testosterone. Likewise, acutely castrated rats treated with morphine also failed to respond to naloxone with an increase in LH. These observations suggest that chronic morphine and chronic testosterone may act through the same mechanism to modulate secretion of LH, or once shut down, the GnRH pulse-generating system becomes refractory to stimulation by naloxone. In acutely castrated male rats, levels of LH were significantly increased above baseline throughout the period of naloxone treatment; this finding supports the hypothesis that the acute elevation in testosterone acting through mechanism independent of opioid is responsible for the transient response of LH to naloxone in the intact rat.  相似文献   

The lectin extracted from Vicia graminea seeds has been purified by conventional techniques but such procedures did not give a satisfactory yield. We describe a new purification which involves 3 steps after obtention of the crude extract. The first step is based on affinity chromatography on con A—Sepharose. Further purification steps were performed on DEAE-Sephacel chromatography and ultrogel AcA44 gel filtration. The homogeneity of the lectin was demonstrated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Purification of the lectin by this new method was less time consuming, the yield was higher and the specific activity increased.  相似文献   

Adult Wistar rats food deprived for 3 days had lower basal levels of TSH compared to normal fed animals. An increase of these lower levels to normal values was obtained following a prolonged (injections during 3 consecutive days) or acute treatment (single injection) with pimozide (1 mg/injection). Blood samples obtained after the last or an only injection of pimozide contained profound increased prolactin levels. Prolactin increase was more than 100-fold in fed and more than 30-fold in starved rats following prolonged pimozide treatment and more than 25-fold and 10-fold following a single injection of pimozide. An injection of 250 ng of TRH increased plasma concentrations of TSH in all groups, but this increase was more pronounced in fasted rats injected with pimozide during 3 consecutive days. It is concluded that fasting results in a dopaminergic inhibition of the sensitivity of the thyrotrophs to a TRH challenge.  相似文献   

In the human polycystic ovarian syndrome, glucocorticoids have been demonstrated to have beneficial effects in inducing ovulation in a number of cases. These beneficial effects were assumed to be due to suppression of adrenal overproduction of androgens. However, the possibility exists that glucocorticoids may directly regulate gonadotropin secretion and thereby improve menstrual rhythm and ovulatory activity. Herein, we report that the corticoid, deoxycorticosterone, and the synthetic glucocorticoid, triamcinolone acetonide, like progesterone (P4), are able to induce luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone surges and facilitate ovulation in the pregnant mare serum gonadotropin-primed rat. This effect is not shared by cortisol. Prolactin release was also stimulated by deoxycorticosterone, cortisol, and progesterone, but not by triamcinolone acetonide. Similar to progesterone, triamcinolone acetonide and deoxycorticosterone administration caused a loss of fluid retention in the uterus. This effect of triamcinolone acetonide and deoxycorticosterone may be related to progesterone action as opposed to anti-inflammatory action since cortisol had no effect on uterine fluid retention. These findings raise the possibility that the beneficial effects seen with glucocorticoids in inducing ovulation in polycystic ovarian syndrome may be due in part to their direct effects upon the release of gonadotropins.  相似文献   

The kidney plays a key role in the metabolism of neurotensin (NT). We have examined the renal mechanisms of NT clearance by measuring plasma NT basally and after 45 min infusion of NT(1–13) in intact rats, anephric rats (no glomerular filtration, no peritubular metabolism) and ureteral ligated rats (reduced filtration). Plasma NT was measured by radioimmunoassay with both C (biologically active end) and N terminal directed antisera. In anephric and ureteral ligated rats, basal plasma NT like immunoreactivity measured with either antisera was increased 3-fold compared with unoperated rats. C terminal concentrations were higher than N indicating that a C terminal variant of NT was present in basal plasma. Infusion of NT(1–13) increased N terminal NT from 36±3 to 249±35 pmol/l (p<0.01) in unoperated rats with significantly larger increases in the renally compromised groups. This was reflected in the reduced metabolic clearance rates (measured with the N terminal directed antisera) in the anephric (16±1 ml/kg/min) and ureteral ligated (17±3 ml/kg/min) rats when compared with the control rats (26±4 ml/kg/min). The similar reductions in the anephric and ureteral ligated rats suggested that the decrease in N terminal NT metabolism was from the absence of filtration. Infusion of NT did not increase C terminal NT immunoreactivity in intact, anephric and ureteral ligated rats showing that the C terminal end was extremely labile. However when endogenous converting enzyme activity was blocked by captopril administration there was a significant increase in C terminal immunoreactivity suggesting a role for converting enzyme like proteases in the clearance of the biologically active end of NT. The results indicate that glomerular filtration is important for the clearance of N terminal NT while the C terminal part can be rapidly cleared by non-renal mechanisms. The higher concentration of C than N terminal immunoreactivity in basal plasma of intact rats and the further increase when renal function is reduced suggests that a NT variant sharing the C terminal end may be of physiological significance.  相似文献   

In the present study both MR 2034 (kappa-agonist) and DAMME (mu-agonist) decreased thyrotropin (TSH) secretion stimulated by cold in the rat when infused into the 3rd ventricle. After infusion into the posterior hypothalamus (PH), a small dose of MR 2034 increased the TSH response to cold whereas other doses did not. The stimulatory (at PH) but not the inhibitory (at 3rd ventricle) effect of MR 2034 was antagonized by naloxone. DAMME had no statistically significant effect at this location. Both the mu- and kappa-agonist stimulated prolactin secretion when infused into the 3rd ventricle, but DAMME was more effective than MR 2034. Furthermore, the stimulatory effect of DAMME, but not that of MR 2034, on prolactin secretion was antagonized by naloxone.  相似文献   

The ability of asialo-thyroglobulin to bind the thyroid RHL-1 subunit of the asialoglycoprotein receptor has been investigated. Ligand blot assays show that the recombinant carbohydrate recognition domain of the thyroid RHL-1 subunit specifically interacts with rat desialated thyroglobulin. Moreover, RT-PCR and Western blot assays show that TSH deprivation decreases RHL-1 expression in PC C13 thyroid differentiated cells whereas insulin deprivation does not have any effect. The simultaneous absence of both TSH and insulin dramatically decreases the level of RHL-1 expression.  相似文献   

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