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Genetically modified adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hAMSCs) with tumor homing capacity have been proposed for localized therapy of chemo- and radiotherapy resistant glioblastomas. We demonstrate an effective procedure to optimize glioblastoma therapy based on the use of genetically modified hAMSCs and in vivo non invasive monitoring of tumor and therapeutic cells. Glioblastoma U87 cells expressing Photinus pyralis luciferase (Pluc) were implanted in combination with hAMSCs expressing a trifunctional Renilla reniformis luciferase-red fluorescent protein-thymidine kinase reporter in the brains of SCID mice that were subsequently treated with ganciclovir (GCV). The resulting optimized therapy was effective and monitoring of tumor cells by bioluminescence imaging (BLI) showed that after 49 days GCV treatment reduced significantly the hAMSC treated tumors; by a factor of 10(4) relative to controls. Using a Pluc reporter regulated by an endothelial specific promoter and in vivo BLI to image hAMSC differentiation we gained insight on the therapeutic mechanism. Implanted hAMSCs homed to tumor vessels, where they differentiated to endothelial cells. We propose that the tumor killing efficiency of genetically modified hAMSCs results from their association with the tumor vascular system and should be useful vehicles to deliver localized therapy to glioblastoma surgical borders following tumor resection.  相似文献   

Astrocytic tumors are the most common form of primary brain tumor. Astrocytic tumor cells infiltrate the surrounding CNS tissue, allowing them to evade removal upon surgical resection of the primary tumor. Dynamic changes to the actin cytoskeleton are crucial to cancer cell invasion, but the specific mechanisms that underlie the particularly invasive phenotype of astrocytic tumor cells are unclear. Protein interacting with C kinase 1 (PICK1) is a PDZ and BAR domain–containing protein that inhibits actin-related protein 2/3 (Arp2/3)-dependent actin polymerization and is involved in regulating the trafficking of a number of cell-surface receptors. Here we report that, in contrast to other cancers, PICK1 expression is down-regulated in grade IV astrocytic tumor cell lines and also in clinical cases of the disease in which grade IV tumors have progressed from lower-grade tumors. Exogenous expression of PICK1 in the grade IV astrocytic cell line U251 reduces their capacity for anchorage-independent growth, two-dimensional migration, and invasion through a three-dimensional matrix, strongly suggesting that low PICK1 expression plays an important role in astrocytic tumorigenesis. We propose that PICK1 negatively regulates neoplastic infiltration of astrocytic tumors and that manipulation of PICK1 is an attractive possibility for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that the growth of tumor population depends on the initial age distribution of the cells in the tumor and the age-dependent cellular birth rate. Deterministic dual-cell models have been available for sometime; these models take into account the effects of the resultant cell heterogeneity. Nevertheless, these models ignore various variables significantly affecting the growth, such as those characterizing the cells' inherent properties and environmental factors. Uncertainties, or fluctuations, arise when the growth is simulated with the models. Stochastic analysis of these fluctuations is the focus of the current work.Two types of cells are visualized to proliferate separately and to transform mutually during the process. The master equations of the system have been formulated through probabilistic population balance around a particular state by considering all mutually exclusive events. The governing equations for the means, variances, and covariance of the random variables have been derived through the system-size expansion of these nonlinear master equations. The stochastic pathways of the two different types of cells have been numerically simulated by the algorithm derived from the master equation for two different physical situations, one without and, the other, with the chemotherapeutic treatment. The results of the current study illuminate the significance of stochastically modeling the responses of the tumor to a variety of medicinal treatments: The coefficient of variation of the malignant cells' population magnifies with time under chemotherapeutic regimens. Consequently, the impact of the uncertainties in the exact number of malignant cells as expressed by this coefficient of variation is highly unpredictable. For example, it becomes increasingly uncertain if or how fast these cells will reactivate to become a full-blown carcinogenic tumor after treatment.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma Multiforme(GBM)is a grade IV astrocytoma,with a median survival of 14.6 mo.Within GBM,stem-like cells,namely glioblastoma stem cells(GSCs),have the ability to self-renew,differentiate into distinct lineages within the tumor and initiate tumor xenografts in immunocompromised animal models.More importantly,GSCs utilize cell-autonomous and tumor microenvironment-mediated mechanisms to overcome current therapeutic approaches.They are,therefore,very important therapeutic targets.Although the functional criteria defining GSCs are well defined,their molecular characteristics,the mechanisms whereby they establish the cellular hierarchy within tumors,and their contribution to tumor heterogeneity are not well understood.This review is aimed at summarizing current findings about GSCs and their therapeutic importance from a molecular and cellular point of view.A better characterization of GSCs is crucial for designing effective GSCtargeted therapies.  相似文献   

Merlin (or schwannomin) is a tumor suppressor encoded by the neurofibromatosis type 2 gene. Many studies have suggested that merlin is involved in the regulation of cell growth and proliferation through interactions with various cellular proteins. To better understand the function of merlin, we tried to identify the proteins that bind to merlin using the yeast two-hybrid screening. Characterization of the positive clones revealed a protein of 749 amino acids named merlin-associated protein (MAP), which showed wide tissue distribution in Northern blot analysis. Sequence analysis revealed that MAP is a potential homologue of a yeast check-point protein, BUB2, and contains TBC, SH3, and RUN domains, thereby implicating its role in the Ras-like GTPase signal pathways. MAP and merlin were directly associated in vitro and in vivo, and colocalized in NIH3T3 cells. The RUN domain of MAP and the C-terminus of merlin appeared to be responsible for their interaction. MAP decreased the AP-1-dependent promoter activity additively with merlin in NIH3T3 cells. In addition, merlin and MAP synergistically reduced the colony formation of NIH3T3 cells. These results suggest that MAP may play a cooperative role in the merlin-mediated growth suppression of cells.  相似文献   

Intercellular variations in the level of antigen expression and in cellular and nuclear radii were taken into account in a model used to estimate cell survival for an in vitro experiment with antibodies containing alpha-particle emitters that target the cell surface. Using measured variations in these characteristics for cells of two human cancer cell lines, the model gave results for cell survival and the fundamental parameter of radiation sensitivity, z(0), that differ substantially from those obtained using only mean values. The cell survival may be underestimated by a factor of 100 if only mean values of these cellular parameters are used, and calculated values of z(0) may be overestimated by a factor of 2. Most of this effect stems from the variation in antigen expression. The magnitudes of the differences were found to be a function of the fractions of mean specific energy delivered by surrounding activity and by activity bound to the cells.  相似文献   



Gliomas are "intraparenchymally metastatic" tumors, invading the brain in a non-destructive way that suggests cooperation between glioma cells and their environment. Recent studies using an engineered rodent C6 tumor cell line have pointed to mechanisms of invasion that involved gap junctional communication (GJC), with connexin 43 as a substrate. We explored whether this concept may have clinical relevance by analyzing the participation of GJC in human glioblastoma invasion.  相似文献   

The endogenous thiols (PSH, protein sulfhydryls; NPSH, nonprotein sulfhydryls; and GSH, glutathione) were measured in the 66 and 67 murine carcinoma cells growing under different physiological conditions in vitro (e.g., proliferation, P; nutrient-deprived quiescence QI; and QI cells stimulated by refeeding the monolayer in situ and assayed 4 (St4) and 14 (St14) h later). The aerobic radiation response was also studied as a function of the physiological state and thiol concentration. The changes in PSH levels suggest that the proportion of thiol-containing proteins changed whenever the cells were in transition between different physiological states (e.g., when QI cells were stimulated by refeeding, the proportion of PSH was elevated dramatically over either QI or P cells). The NPSH and GSH levels were both down significantly in the QI vs. P cells as was the total thiol level (PSH plus NPSH). Fourteen h but not 4 h after stimulation, the NPSH and GSH levels had returned to or exceeded the P-cell levels. Also, the proportion of GSH in the NPSH fraction varied as a function of the physiological state. The 66 and 67 QI cells were both more radiosensitive than the respective P cells. Also, the 66 cell radiation-induced cytotoxicity had returned to the P response by about 4 h after refeeding but the stimulated 67 cells had not. However, no overall correlation was apparent between the various aerobic radiation responses and the pool sizes of either the total thiols or of the various subsets of thiols. The depressed total thiol level and the increased radiosensitivity of the QI cells could represent a cause-and-effect relationship or these parameters could be independent phenomena only related indirectly through the reduced metabolic activity of the quiescent cells.  相似文献   

Structural adaptations to increased transport activities were investigated in the cells of vascular parenchyma at the site of the lateral root junction, in non-stressed plant roots. Typical transfer cells were differentiated in dicotyledonousHelianthus tuberosus and in two different genotypes ofH. annuus, the cv. IBH166 and a decorative form. In the representatives of monocotyledonous, no structural adaptations occurred in the roots ofHordeum vulgare but small and rare cell wall protuberances were found in xylem and phloem ofZea mays inbred line VIR17. Some degree of cell wall labyrinth differentiation was seen in xylem and typical transfer cells were found in phloem of the roots of the maize hybrid CE380. The capability of vascular parenchyma to differentiate transfer cells did not depend on species, genotype, or on the growing conditions withHelianthus. On the other hand, the development of the structural adaptations in monocotyledonous representatives depended on both the species and the genotype. This capability may be linked with the taxonomic and evolutionary position of plant species.  相似文献   

诱导多能干细胞(iPS细胞)可以用于定向分化、动物发育、药物筛选和疾病治疗等研究和应用领域,可以避免ES细胞产生的免疫排斥和伦理道德问题.因此,iPS细胞的产生具有里程碑的意义,并迅速成为生物科学领域中的研究热点.然而,iPS细胞并非非常完美,没有任何瑕疵.研究过程中发现iPS细胞存在诱导频率过低、致瘤性、临床应用安全等一系列问题.本文主要综述有关iPS细胞前期研究成果和iPS细胞存在的一些问题以及iPS细胞与肿瘤细胞之间的联系.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is an incurable malignancy. GBM patients have a short life expectancy despite aggressive therapeutic approaches based on surgical resection followed by adjuvant radiotherapy and concomitant chemotherapy. Glioblastoma growth is characterized by a high motility of tumour cells, their resistance to both chemo/radio‐therapy, apoptosis inhibition leading to failure of conventional therapy. Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs), identified in GBM as well as in many other cancer types, express the membrane antigen prominin‐1 (namely CD133). These cells and normal Neural Stem Cells (NSC) share surface markers and properties, i.e. are able to self‐renew and differentiate into multiple cell types. Stem cell self‐renewal depends on microenvironmental cues, including Extracellular Matrix (ECM) composition and cell types. Therefore, the role of microenvironment needs to be evaluated to clarify its importance in tumour initiation and progression through CSCs. The specific microenvironment of CSCs was found to mimic in part the vascular niche of normal stem cells. The targeting of GMB CSCs may represent a powerful treatment approach. Lastly, in GBM patients cancer‐initiating cells contribute to the profound immune suppression that in turn correlated with CSCs STAT3 (CD133 + ). Further studies of microenvironment are needed to better understand the origin of GMB/GBM CSCs and its immunosuppressive properties. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Adhesion molecules are intimately involved in the process of tumour progression. Among them, E-selectin is an inducible endothelial cell adhesion molecule that plays a role in the interactions of neoplastic cells with the endothelium. These interactions are required for the trans-endothelial migration of tumour cells that leads to the growth at the new sites. Since the detailed events in the early phase of metastasis still remain poorly defined, our study has undertaken an electron-microscopic analysis of the interactions of human colon carcinoma cells with endothelial cells as well as an analysis of the effect of recombinant purified E-selectin in the cell signalling involved in colon cancer cell malignant phenotype. Results revealed that SW480 and T84 colon cancer cell lines show different features, different adhesion kinetics, a different cytoskeletal organization, and a different tyrosine phosphorylation pattern when seeded on an endothelial cell monolayer or recombinant E-selectin. In particular T84 cancer cells adhere more efficiently to the E-selectin and this interaction is associated with pronounced morphological changes, actin redistribution and filopodial processes, and an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of different proteins. These data support the hypothesis that E-selectin ligand is not only a cell-cell adhesion molecule but also initiates a signalling transduction pathway inside the cells.  相似文献   

Tonsil B cells were analyzed for their capacity to interact directly with NK cells in vitro. A specific, direct interaction between NK cells and B cells could be detected by direct conjugation and by cold target inhibition using the B lymphoblastoid cell line BJA.B as a labeled target. The data further suggest that the B cell interaction with NK cells specifically activates the NK effectors and induces their production of IFN-gamma. The NK-interactive population of tonsil B cells were characterized as low-buoyant density cells (by Percoll gradient fractionation) that stained more brightly with Hoechst 33342, both characteristics of activated B cells. Immunofluorescent staining of NK cell-B cell conjugates allowed determination of the cell-surface antigenic phenotype of conjugate-forming B cells. B cell targets were ICAM-1bri, 4F2+, TfR+, CD32+, BB1+, and CD77-. They tended to be CD38-, but overlapped the CD38+ population. No correlation was seen with CD37, CD44, CD75, CD76, HC2, or Ig kappa. This phenotype is most consistent with a late activation stage of differentiation, just before and overlapping the expression of CD38. These B cells do not appear significantly sensitive to NK-mediated cytolysis, suggesting that NK cell cytokine synthesis and secretion (e.g., IFN-gamma) may be more important in the NK cell regulation of the humoral response.  相似文献   

In adults, bone is the preferential target site for metastases from primary cancers of prostate, breast, lungs and thyroid. The tendency of these cancers to metastasize to bone is determined by the anatomical distribution of the blood vessels, by the genetic profile of the cancer cells and by the biological characteristics of the bone microenvironment that favour the growth of metastatic cells of certain cancers. Metastases to bone may have either an osteolytic or an ostoblastic phenotype. The interaction in the bone microenvironment between biological factors secreted by metastatic cells, and by osteoblasts and osteoclasts, and the osteolytic and osteoblastic factors released from the organic matrix mediate a vicious cycle characterized by metastatic growth and by ongoing progressive bone destruction. This interaction determines the phenotype of the metastatic bone disease.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen-presenting cells specialized to initiate and maintain immunity and tolerance. DCs initiate immune responses in a manner that depends on signals they receive from pathogens, surrounding cells and their products. Most tumors are infiltrated by DCs. Thus, interactions between DCs and dying tumor cells may determine the balance between immunity and tolerance to tumor cells. In addition, DCs also display non-immunologic effects on tumors and the tumor microenvironment. Therefore, improved understanding of the cross talk between tumor cells and DCs may suggest new approaches to improve cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have led to a novel hypothesis that tumor metastasis is triggered by aberrant lymphocyte infiltration that disrupts intercellular junctions and surface adhesion molecules and causes dissociation of tumor cells from the primary tumor core, allowing lymphocytes to conjoin with dissociated tumor cells and physically 'drag' them to different tissue sites. Our hypothesis is supported by morphological and immunohistochemical data from multiple types of human cancer. This hypothesis challenges the traditional belief that the physical conjunction between tumor cells and lymphocytes would lead to degeneration of the tumor cells. To validate our hypothesis, H&E and immunostained sections were examined under high magnification to identify potential signs of degeneration-related changes. Our study revealed that >60% of isolated tumor cells overlying focal capsule disruptions, or within the stroma and vascular structures, were physically conjoined with lymphocytes to form tumor cell-lymphocyte chimeras (TLCs). Approximately 90% of the tumor cell partners of TLCs were morphologically indistinguishable from their counterparts within the tumor core. In addition, one third of the tumor cells of TLCs expressed high levels of cell proliferation specific proteins, or were undergoing mitosis. Our study also revealed that a subset of dilated lymphatic ducts or blood vessels at the site of focal capsule disruptions harbored variable numbers of tumor cells, and the wall of these structures was in direct physical continuity with the myoepithelial cell layer. Our study suggests that the onset of tumor metastasis may occur in two forms: (1) lymphocyte-mediated shuttling that allows lymphocytes to physically 'drag' tumor cells to different sites, and (2) tumor progenitor-mediated angiogenesis that allows tumor cells to directly enter the vascular structures.  相似文献   

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