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Morphogenesis and cell differentiation in the developing tooth are controlled by a series of reciprocal interactions between the epithelial and mesenchymal tissues. The exact molecular mechanisms operating in these interactions are unknown at present, but both structural components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and diffusible growth factors have been suggested to be involved. In this review article we summarize our findings on the distribution patterns of three ECM molecules and two cell surface receptors during tooth morphogenesis through bud, cap, and bell stages of development. The examined molecules include fibronectin, type III collagen, and tenascin, which all represent components of the mesenchymal ECM, the cell surface proteoglycan, syndecan, which functions as a receptor for interstitial matrix, and the cell surface receptor for epidermal growth factor. Based on the observed changes in distribution patterns and on experimental evidence, roles are suggested for these molecules in epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during tooth development. Fibronectin is suggested to be involved in the cell-matrix interaction that controls odontoblast differentiation. Epidermal growth factor and its receptors are suggested to be involved in a paracrine fashion in the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions regulating morphogenesis of bud- and cap-stage teeth. Tenascin and syndecan are accumulated in the dental mesenchyme during the bud stage of development, and it is suggested that they represent a couple of a cell surface receptor and its matrix ligand and that they are involved in mesenchymal cell condensation during the earliest stages of tooth morphogenesis.  相似文献   

An extracellular matrix microarray for probing cellular differentiation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present an extracellular matrix (ECM) microarray platform for the culture of patterned cells atop combinatorial matrix mixtures. This platform enables the study of differentiation in response to a multitude of microenvironments in parallel. The fabrication process required only access to a standard robotic DNA spotter, off-the-shelf materials and 1,000 times less protein than conventional means of investigating cell-ECM interactions. To demonstrate its utility, we applied this platform to study the effects of 32 different combinations of five extracellular matrix molecules (collagen I, collagen III, collagen IV, laminin and fibronectin) on cellular differentiation in two contexts: maintenance of primary rat hepatocyte phenotype indicated by intracellular albumin staining and differentiation of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells toward an early hepatic fate, indicated by expression of a beta-galactosidase reporter fused to the fetal liver-specific gene, Ankrd17 (also known as gtar). Using this technique, we identified combinations of ECM that synergistically impacted both hepatocyte function and ES cell differentiation. This versatile technique can be easily adapted to other applications, as it is amenable to studying almost any insoluble microenvironmental cue in a combinatorial fashion and is compatible with several cell types.  相似文献   

Role of the extracellular matrix in morphogenesis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The extracellular matrix is a complex, dynamic and critical component of all tissues. It functions as a scaffold for tissue morphogenesis, provides cues for cell proliferation and differentiation, promotes the maintenance of differentiated tissues and enhances the repair response after injury. Various amounts and types of collagens, adhesion molecules, proteoglycans, growth factors and cytokines or chemokines are present in the tissue- and temporal-specific extracellular matrices. Tissue morphogenesis is mediated by multiple extracellular matrix components and by multiple active sites on some of these components. Biologically active extracellular matrix components may have use in tissue repair, regeneration and engineering, and in programming stem cells for tissue replacement.  相似文献   

The mesenchymal cells of the chick tail bud comprise the remains of Hensen's node and the primitive streak after gastrulation. This mass of cells, situated at the caudal limit of the chick embryo, is morphologically homogeneous but pluripotent, with the ability to differentiate into a variety of tissues that are both ectoderm- and mesoderm-derived elsewhere in the embryo. These tissues include neuroectoderm, neurons, myoblasts and chondrocytes. As the factors regulating the differentiation of tail bud mesenchyme into so many cell types are unclear, and because the extracellular matrix (ECM) is known to have a profound effect on cellular differentiation in many embryonic systems, we studied the differentiation of tail bud mesenchyme explanted onto a variety of different ECM components as substrata. We report that the histogenetic potential of isolated tail buds in culture compares favourably with that in situ. Using various antibody markers, we have demonstrated that tail bud mesenchyme cultured upon different ECM components as substrata is able to differentiate into neurons, neuroepithelium, melanocytes, muscle and cartilage. Laminin and laminin-containing substrata (Matrigel) were found to promote the differentiation of neural crest derivatives (neurons and melanocytes) and neuroepithelial cells; type I collagen promoted both myogenesis and chondrogenesis; while type IV collagen promoted myogenesis only. We have therefore demonstrated that differentiation of tail bud mesenchyme in vitro is substratum-dependent.  相似文献   

One of the recent paradigm shifts in stem cell biology has been the discovery that stem cells can begin to differentiate into mature tissue cells when exposed to intrinsic properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM), such as matrix structure, elasticity, and composition. These parameters are known to modulate the forces a cell can exert upon its matrix. Mechano-sensitive pathways subsequently convert these biophysical cues into biochemical signals that commit the cell to a specific lineage. Just as with well-studied growth factors, ECM parameters are extremely dynamic and are spatially- and temporally-controlled during development, suggesting that they play a morphogenetic role in guiding differentiation and arrangement of cells. Our ability to dynamically regulate the stem cell niche as the body does is likely a critical requirement for developing differentiated cells from stem cells for therapeutic applications. Here, we present the emergence of stem cell mechanobiology and its future challenges with new biomimetic, three-dimensional scaffolds that are being used therapeutically to treat disease.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays an essential role in organizing tissues, defining their shapes or in presenting growth factors. Their components have been well described in most species, but our understanding of the mechanisms that control ECM remodeling remains limited. Likewise, how the ECM contributes to cellular mechanical responses has been examined in few cases. Here, I review how studies performed in C. elegans have brought several significant advances on those topics. Focusing only on epithelial cells, I discuss basement membrane invasion by the anchor cell during vulva morphogenesis, a process that has greatly expanded our knowledge of ECM remodeling in vivo. I then discuss the ECM role in a novel mechanotransduction process, whereby muscle contractions stimulate the remodeling of hemidesmosome-like junctions in the epidermis, which highlights that these junctions are mechanosensitive. Finally, I discuss progress in defining the composition and potential roles of the apical ECM covering epidermal cells in embryos.  相似文献   

35S-labelled chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans isolated from conditioned media of cultured human monocytes (day 1in vitro) and monocyte-derived macrophages (day 6in vitro) were chromatographed on columns of immobilized fibronectin and collagen, respectively. The elution profiles prior to and after alkali treatment were compared with those of standards chondroitin 4-sulfate and chondroitin sulfate E and heparin. The day 635S-proteoglycans have a higher sulfate density than the day 1 species, but this difference did not affect the elution profiles after chromatography on collagen-Sepharose, whereas the day 6 proteoglycans bound more firmly than the day 1 fraction to fibronectin-Sepharose. The elution patterns obtained for these distinct proteoglycans closely resembled those of heparin and oversulfated chondroitin sulfate E standards, and clearly demonstrated the importance of sulfate density both for the affinity to fibronectin and collagen. Neither day 1 nor day 635S-proteoglycans were found to interact with hyaluronate.Abbreviations used CSPG chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan - GAG glycosaminoglycan - CS chondroitin sulfate - CS-E chondroitin 4,6 disulfate - MDM monocyte-derived macrophages  相似文献   

Abnormalities of the cushion tissues lead to atrioventricular septal defects (AVSD) and truncus arteriosus (TA). Bisdiamine exposure in the embryo frequently causes AVSD and TA in the newborn chick, mouse, or rat. We studied the effects of bisdiamine on mesenchymal cells grown in aggregate culture isolated from the developing atrioventricular valves of the stage-36 chick embryo. Fibronectin extracellular matrix formation and cell proliferation in the aggregates were assessed in various media. Chick serum stimulated the cells to produce an extracellular matrix and to divide, and the inclusion of bisdiamine inhibited both responses. If we isolated an extracellular matrix from a monolayer of mesenchymal cells and added the sonicated matrix to the medium containing serum and bisdiamine, the matrix incorporated into the aggregates and the cells entered the mitotic cycle. Our previous work established that cells need to attach to an intact extracellular matrix to begin cell division. Thus, we suggest that bisdiamine inhibits the normal formation of the extracellular matrix, leading to reduced cell proliferation, but it does not affect matrix-cell interaction. The lack of cushion growth in situ may be the cause of AVSD or TA.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine whether or not physical contact with the substratum is essential for the stimulatory effect of extracellular matrix (ECM) on corneal epithelial collagen synthesis. Previous studies showed that collagenous substrata stimulate isolated epithelia to produce three times as much collagen as they produce on noncollagenous substrate; killed collagenous substrata (e.g., lens capsule) are just as effective as living substrata (e.g., living lens) in promoting the production of new corneal stroma in vitro. In the experiments to be reported here, corneal epithelia were placed on one side of Nucleopore filters of different pore sizes and killed lens capsule on the other, with the expectation that contact of the reacting cells with the lens ECM should be limited by the number and size of the cell processes that can tranverse the pores. Transfilter cultures were grown for 24 h in [3H]proline-containing median and incorporation of isotope into hot trichloroacetic acid-soluble protein was used to measure corneal epithelial collagen production. Epithelial collagen synthesis increases directly as the size of the pores in the interposed filter increases and decreases as the thickness of the filter layer increases. Cell processes within Nucleopore filters were identified with the transmission electron microscope with difficulty; with the scanning electron microscope, however, the processes could easily be seen emerging from the undersurface of even 0.1-mum pore size filters. Morphometric techniques were used to show that cell surface area thus exposed to the underlying ECM is linearly correlated with enhancement of collagen synthesis. Epithelial cell processes did not pass through ultrathin (25-mum thick) 0.45-mum pore size Millipore filters nor did "induction" occur across them. The results are discussed in relation to current theories of embryonic tissue interaction.  相似文献   

Rhabdomyosarcomas (RMSs) consist of a mixture of primitive mesenchymal cells as well as cells showing various stages of rhabdomyomatous differentiation. The qualitative and quantitative degree of the rhabdomyomatous differentiation of the cells, evaluated by their morphology and expression of defined structural and functional proteins, is accepted as the basis of diagnosis and is considered to be related to the biological behaviour of RMSs. Therefore we investigated solid experimentally induced murine RMSs, adherent (subconfluent, confluent) cell cultures obtained therefrom, and also suspension cultures and studied the expression of muscular differentiation markers (vimentin, desmin, myoglobin) and the formation of extracellular matrix components (fibronectin, laminin). When we compared solid tumours with adherent cell cultures of decreasing cell densities (confluent up to single cells) and with cells grown in suspension, we found a gradual decline of differentiation ("dedifferentiation"). This decline paralleled the decrease of cell-cell and cell-substrate contacts. In suspension cultures, cells were prevented from interacting with each other and the substratum, no rhabdomyomatous differentiation of the cells took place. If restoration of cellular contacts was allowed, either by adherent growth or by reinoculation into nude mice, the process of dedifferentiation was completely reversible. Consequently, it was demonstrated that the increase of cell-cell and cell-substrate contacts was strongly associated with the appearance or increasing expression of the desmin intermediate filament cytoskeleton and with formation of the extracellular matrix components fibronectin and laminin. The microfilament (F-actin) system was modulated from an impressive stress-fiber system in subconfluent to a dense network in confluent monolayers. The extent of cell-substrate contacts, mediated by extracellular matrix components, and the number of cell-cell interactions are responsible for the capability of a malignant mesenchymal cell, which is able to undergo rhabdomyomatous differentiation, to achieve the various stages of maturation.  相似文献   

The development of the gastrointestinal tract, like that of other organs, results from the association of intrinsic genetic endowment, endogenous regulatory mechanisms and environmental influence. The present chapter emphasizes the role of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during development and crypt-villus migration. Arguments are given as to the role of basement membrane molecules as mediators for these cell interactions. Differential developmental expression of the various extracellular matrix components, which precedes the onset of differentiation markers, suggests that each of these molecules assumes a specific task. Yet, much work still remains to be done before knowing exactly how transfer of morphogenetic signals between epithelial and mesenchymal tissues occurs.  相似文献   

Studies were designed to test the hypothesis that homologous proteins are expressed in elasmobranch scale, tooth enameloid, and mammalian enamel. Using indirect immunohistochemistry and high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis with immunoblotting, mouse enamel proteins were compared with placoid scale and enameloid proteins from the swell shark, Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Swiss Webster mouse molar teeth show a characteristic enamel protein pattern consisting of two anionic enamel proteins of 72 kDa (pI 5.8) and 46 kDa (pI 5.5) and several more basic and lower-molecular-weight enamel polypeptides. Both anionic and basic classes of enamel proteins cross-reacted with either antiamelogenin or antienamelin antibodies. Placoid scale and tooth enameloid contained two anionic proteins identified as 58 kDa (pI 5.7) and 46 kDa (pI 5.5), which cross-reacted with either antimouse amelogenin or antihuman enamelin IgG antibodies. A minor antigenically related protein of 43 kDa (pI 6.2) was detected. Immunochemical staining showed localization within placoid scale, swell shark inner enamel epithelia, enameloid, and mouse inner enamel epithelia and enamel. We interpret these results to suggest that both placoid scale and enameloid proteins share epitopes and that these epitopes are also shared with mammalian enamel proteins. Based on molecular weights, isoelectric pH values, and amino acid compositions, placoid scale and enameloid ECM proteins do not contain amelogenin proteins. We suggest that enamelinlike proteins are highly conserved during vertebrate evolution and that these relatively anionic macromolecules may serve a primary function in the initiation of calcium hydroxyapatite formation during enameloid biomineralization.  相似文献   

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