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Linking landscape effects to key evolutionary processes through individual organism movement and natural selection is essential to provide a foundation for evolutionary landscape genetics. Of particular importance is determining how spatially-explicit, individual-based models differ from classic population genetics and evolutionary ecology models based on ideal panmictic populations in an allopatric setting in their predictions of population structure and frequency of fixation of adaptive alleles. We explore initial applications of a spatially-explicit, individual-based evolutionary landscape genetics program that incorporates all factors--mutation, gene flow, genetic drift and selection--that affect the frequency of an allele in a population. We incorporate natural selection by imposing differential survival rates defined by local relative fitness values on a landscape. Selection coefficients thus can vary not only for genotypes, but also in space as functions of local environmental variability. This simulator enables coupling of gene flow (governed by resistance surfaces), with natural selection (governed by selection surfaces). We validate the individual-based simulations under Wright-Fisher assumptions. We show that under isolation-by-distance processes, there are deviations in the rate of change and equilibrium values of allele frequency. The program provides a valuable tool (cdpop v1.0; http://cel.dbs.umt.edu/software/CDPOP/) for the study of evolutionary landscape genetics that allows explicit evaluation of the interactions between gene flow and selection in complex landscapes.  相似文献   

A series of 60 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were tested for their human-type A-B-O blood groups and for ten simian-type blood factors. Of the 60 chimpanzees four were group O and 56 group A; combining this with our previous results, among 274 chimpanzees there were 36 group O and 238 group A. Gene frequency analysis of the V-A-B types (determined by three antisera, anti- V c, anti- A c and anti- B c) of the 60 chimpanzees indicated inheritance by four allelic genes, namely, the amorphic gene v and the three additional alleles vA, vB and V. This theory allows for the existence of ten genotypes but only seven V-A-B phenotypes, since the type V.AB is excluded. Gene frequency analysis confirmed that Cc and cc are contrasting antigens determined by corresponding allelic genes. The distribution of the C-c-E-F types among the 60 chimpanzees, as well as among 133 chimpanzees previously tested, is compatible with the postulation of five allelic genes, namely, the amorph c, and the alleles CE, CF, CEF and the very rare allele C. The blood factor G c appears to define a separate blood group system, independent of the V-A-B and C-E-F systems. The newly defined blood factor Lindsay appears to be related to the V-A-B system, while factor H c may be related to the C-E-F system.  相似文献   

Population divergence in geographic isolation is due to a combination of factors. Natural and sexual selection may be important in shaping patterns of population differentiation, a pattern referred to as ‘isolation by adaptation’ (IBA). IBA can be complementary to the well‐known pattern of ‘isolation by distance’ (IBD), in which the divergence of closely related populations (via any evolutionary process) is associated with geographic isolation. The barn swallow Hirundo rustica complex comprises six closely related subspecies, where divergent sexual selection is associated with phenotypic differentiation among allopatric populations. To investigate the relative contributions of selection and geographic distance to genome‐wide differentiation, we compared genotypic and phenotypic variation from 350 barn swallows sampled across eight populations (28 pairwise comparisons) from four different subspecies. We report a draft whole‐genome sequence for H. rustica, to which we aligned a set of 9493 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Using statistical approaches to control for spatial autocorrelation of phenotypic variables and geographic distance, we find that divergence in traits related to migratory behaviour and sexual signalling, as well as geographic distance, together explain over 70% of genome‐wide divergence among populations. Controlling for IBD, we find 42% of genomewide divergence is attributable to IBA through pairwise differences in traits related to migratory behaviour and sexual signalling alone. By (i) combining these results with prior studies of how selection shapes morphological differentiation and (ii) accounting for spatial autocorrelation, we infer that morphological adaptation plays a large role in shaping population‐level differentiation in this group of closely related populations.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of six populations of Iran (Turks, Kurds, Lurs, Zabolis, Baluchis and Zoroastrians) was examined using data on blood groups, serum proteins and cell enzymes. Our results show conclusively that there are genetic differences among the six populations and the analysis of superimposed R and S matrices defined Harpending & Jenkins (1973) show by that the dispersion of some of the alleles correspond to the dispersion of the populations. The FST estimates are not large enough to favour selection on any of the loci studied. The FIT and FIS estimates are positive and moderately high suggesting that the genetic differentiation to some extent is influenced by inbreeding.  相似文献   

Picconia azorica (Tutin) Knobl. (Oleaceae) is an endangered species, endemic to the Azores. Samples from 31 populations in 8 islands were genotyped using 8 newly developed nuclear microsatellite markers. From the amplified loci, 81% were polymorphic across all populations and the species showed a relatively high total genetic diversity (HT = 0.7). Several populations were close to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium while others presented positive FIS values (0.02–0.2). The largest proportion of genetic variation (98%) occurred within populations and the level of differentiation between populations, was generally low, although 27% of the population pairwise comparisons showed relatively high differentiation values (0.25  RST  0.65). Relatively high levels of gene flow were also found among most populations. Using the Bayesian clustering method implemented in STRUCTURE we found a particular genetic pattern in Corvo samples, and also similarities between Santa Maria, São Miguel and Flores populations. Considerable levels of genetic admixture within P. azorica populations might have resulted from: (i) fruit dispersal by native birds; and/or (ii) human mediated dispersal between islands. Our results revealed the existence of some genetically depauperate populations needing specific conservation measures, and indicate that arbitrary translocation of individuals between islands should be avoided.  相似文献   

不同分离源植物乳杆菌的群体基因组分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)广泛存在于植物、乳制品、肉制品、哺乳动物和昆虫的肠道等多种生态环境中。【目的】探究不同分离源L. plantarum基因组与其所在环境是否存在潜在的联系。【方法】利用比较基因组学对126株分离自植物、乳制品、肉制品、果蝇及哺乳动物肠道和口腔等部位的L. plantarum菌株基因组进行系统发育分析和功能基因组分析,解析不同分离源菌株间的亲缘关系和进化历程。【结果】果蝇分离株的基因组大小显著高于植物、哺乳动物肠道、肉制品和乳制品分离株(P0.05),植物和哺乳动物肠道、口腔等部位与肉制品分离株的基因组大小和编码基因数量无显著差异(P0.05)。基于单拷贝基因串联和核心基因系统发育树分析均发现,果蝇分离株和乳制品分离株分别集中聚集分布在某一分支中,其余分离源均匀分布在各个分支中。附属基因分析结果与系统发育树分析结果一致。功能基因注释结果发现,果蝇分离株的环境特异性基因参与低聚果糖和几丁质代谢,乳制品分离株的环境特异性基因参与mazEF毒素-抗毒素系统和CRISPR系统。【结论】植物乳杆菌分离株为适应较为独特的果蝇和乳制品生境而发生了适应性进化。本研究为植物乳杆菌适应性进化提供了新见解,同时为解析菌株的进化历程提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Peripheral populations of eight species of freshwater bivalves (Unionidae.) extending their geographic ranges into Nova Scotia, Canada, were examined electrophoretically to determine both the extent of genetic variability within such populations, and whether the hypothesized pathway of colonization across the Isthmus of Chignecto is reflected in patterns of genetic resemblance among these populations. The Nova Scotian species examined could be separated into two groups based on levels of observed heterozygosity and levels of variability in allele frequencies. The first group is characterized by low levels of heterozygosity and polymorphism compared with north-eastern American populations, and in the case of one species, Elliptio complanala, considerable variability in allele frequencies among populations occurring in similar habitats in different drainages. Populations of E. complanata from Nova Scotia can be differentiated from conspecific populations on the southern Atlantic Slope by possession of fast alleles at two loci. Multivariate analyses define subgroups within populations of E. complanata consistent with hypothesis that the species invaded Nova Scotia by way of the Isthmus of Chignecto, and then split into two groups, one of which colonized Cape Breton to the north and the other of which colonized southern areas of the Province. The second group of Nova Scotian species is characterized by little reduction in heterozygosity and polymorphism compared with values observed among north-eastern American conspecifics or congeners, little variability in allele frequencies from population to population, and little evidence to suggest that these species were dependent on the land bridge to invade the Province. The type of dispersal is hypothesized to be responsible, in part, for these differences: larvae of species in the first group rely on a parasitic attachment to fish with territorial habits limited to fresh water, and are thus likely to invade new drainages separated by salt water by chance, in small numbers, and in stepping-stone fashion. Species in the second group parasitize anadromous or saltwater tolerant hosts, are likely to be introduced into new habitats in greater numbers and/or receive greater amounts of gene flow subsequent to colonization, and seem less dependent on land-bridges to colonize new habitats.  相似文献   

The encounter between the Darwinian theory of evolution and Mendelism could be resolved only when reductionist tools could be applied to the analysis of complex systems. The instrumental reductionist interpretation of the hereditary basis of continuously varying traits provided mathematical tools which eventually allowed the construction of the Modern Synthesis of the theory of evolution.When genotypic as well as environmental variance allow the isolation of parts of the system, it is possible to apply Mendelian reductionism, that is , to treat the phenotypic trait as if ti causally determined by discrete genes for the trait. howeverm such a beanbag genetics approach obscures the system's eye-view. The concept of heritability, defined as the proportion of the total phenotypic variance due to (additive) hereditary variation, asserts that genetic elements have discrete effects; but by relating to the genotypic variance, it avoids the trap of reffering to genes for characters.  相似文献   

Over 70% of North American freshwater mussel species (families Unionidae and Margaritiferidae) are listed as threatened or endangered. Knowledge of the genetic structure of target species is essential for the development of effective conservation plans. Because Ambelma plicata is a common species, its population genetic structure is likely to be relatively intact, making it a logical model species for investigations of freshwater mussel population genetics. Using mtDNA and allozymes, we determined the genotypes of 170+ individuals in each of three distinct drainages: Lake Erie, Ohio River, and the Lower Mississippi River. Overall, within-population variation increased significantly from north to south, with unique haplotypes and allele frequencies in the Kiamichi River (Lower Mississippi River drainage). Genetic diversity was relatively low in the Strawberry River (Lower Mississippi River drainage), and in the Lake Erie drainage. We calculated significant among-population structure using both molecular markers (A.p. Φst = 0.15, θst = 0.12). Using a hierarchical approach, we found low genetic structure among rivers and drainages separated by large geographic distances, indicating high effective population size and/or highly vagile fish hosts for this species. Genetic structure in the Lake Erie drainage was similar to that in the Ohio River, and indicates that northern populations were founded from at least two glacial refugia following the Pleistocene. Conservation of genetic diversity in Amblema plicata and other mussel species with similar genetic structure should focus on protection of a number of individual populations, especially those in southern rivers.  相似文献   

Postzygotic isolation evolves due to an accumulation of substitutions (potentially deleterious alleles in hybrids) in populations that have become geographically isolated. These potentially deleterious alleles might also be maintained in ancestral populations before geographic isolation. We used an individual-based model to examine the effect of the genetic state of an ancestral population on the evolution of postzygotic isolation after geographic isolation of a population. The results showed that the number of loci at which degenerative alleles are fixed in an ancestral population at equilibrium significantly affects the evolutionary rates of postzygotic isolation between descendant allopatric populations. Our results suggest that: (1) a severe decrease in population size (e.g., less than ten individuals) is not necessary for the rapid evolution of postzygotic isolation (e.g., <10,000 generation); (2) rapid speciation can occur when there is a large difference in the equilibrium number of accumulated degenerative alleles between ancestral and descendant populations; and (3) in an ancestral population maintained at a small effective population size for a long period of time, postzygotic isolation rarely evolves if back mutations that restore the function of degenerative alleles are limited.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphisms of six blood groups and seven biochemical genetic markers were investigated in six Iranian populations (Turks, Kurds, Lurs, Zabolis, Baluchis and Zoroastrians). Eight of the genetic systems (ABO, MNSs, Kidd, C3, AP, AK, PGM1 and EsD) showed conclusive heterogeneity among these populations. Comparison of gene frequencies with the few available samples of Iranian populations demonstrated an intra-ethnic and extensive overall genetic diversity in the Iranian plateau. A gradient of C3*F gene was also discernible within the geographical region of Iran which may reflect the relics of the historical movements of different racial groups in this region. The present genetic variation may reflect the differences in the structure of these populations, the analysis of which is further attempted in the accompanying paper.  相似文献   

Species as evolutionary lineages are expected to show greater evolutionary independence from one another than are populations within species. Two measures of evolutionary independence that stem from the study of isolation-with-migration models, one reflecting the amount of gene exchange and one reflecting the time of separation, were drawn from the literature for a large number of pairs of closely related species and pairs of populations within species. Both measures, for gene flow and time, showed broadly overlapping distributions for pairs of species and for pairs of populations within species. Species on average show more time and less gene flow than populations, but the similarity of the distributions argues against there being a qualitative difference associated with species status, as compared to populations. The two measures of evolutionary independence were similarly correlated with F(ST) estimates, which in turn also showed similar distributions for species comparisons relative to population comparisons. The measures of gene flow and separation time were examined for the capacity to discriminate intraspecific differences from interspecific differences. If used together, the two measures could be used to develop an objective (in the sense of being repeatable) measure for species diagnosis.  相似文献   

A central issue in evolutionary biology is the exploration of functional trait variation among populations and the extent to which this variation has adaptive value. It was recently proposed that specific leaf area (SLA), leaf nitrogen concentration per mass (Nmass) and water use efficiency in cork oak play an important role in adaptation to water availability in the environment. In order to investigate this hypothesis, we explored, first, whether there was population-level variation in cork oak (Quercus suber) for these functional traits throughout its distribution range; if this were the case, it would be consistent with the hypothesis that different rainfall patterns have led to ecotypic differentiation in this species. Second, we studied whether the population-level variation matched short-term selection on these traits under different water availability conditions using two fitness components: survival and growth. We found high population-level differentiation in SLA and Nmass, with populations from dry places exhibiting the lowest values for SLA and Nmass. Likewise, reduced SLA had fitness benefits in terms of growth for plants under dry conditions. However, contrary to our expectations, we did not find any pattern of association between functional traits and survival in nine-year-old saplings despite considerable drought during one year of the study period. These results together with findings from the literature suggest that early stages of development are the most critical period for this species. Most importantly, these findings suggest that cork oak saplings have a considerable potential to cope with dry conditions. This capacity to withstand aridity has important implications for conservation of cork oak woodlands under the ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

The extensive literature on the African Black Oystercatcher is a testament to what is now a conservation success story. Here we provide the first genetic insight into the population dynamics of this recovering shorebird and an assessment of genetic variation within the species using microsatellite markers. Although behavioural studies suggest strong natal philopatry, we found a single genetic cluster across all of the locations sampled and a significant signal of isolation by distance suggesting some geographical structuring. The microsatellite markers used in this study are useful at a population level, and the limited genetic variation detected is likely to be due to a low historical population size.  相似文献   

The unparalleled diversity of tropical ecosystems like the Amazon Basin has been traditionally explained using spatial models within the context of climatic and geological history. Yet, it is adaptive genetic diversity that defines how species evolve and interact within an ecosystem. Here, we combine genome scans, population genetics and sequence-based phylogeographic analyses to examine spatial and ecological arrangements of selected and neutrally evolving regions of the genome of an Amazonian fish, Triportheus albus. Using a sampling design encompassing five major Amazonian rivers, three hydrochemical settings, 352 nuclear markers and two mitochondrial DNA genes, we assess the influence of environmental gradients as biodiversity drivers in Amazonia. We identify strong divergent natural selection with gene flow and isolation by environment across craton (black and clear colour)- and Andean (white colour)-derived water types. Furthermore, we find that heightened selection and population genetic structure present at the interface of these water types appears more powerful in generating diversity than the spatial arrangement of river systems and vicariant biogeographic history. The results from our study challenge assumptions about the origin and distribution of adaptive and neutral genetic diversity in tropical ecosystems. In addition, they have important implications for measures of biodiversity and evolutionary potential in one of the world's most diverse and iconic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The sugar beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii is a soil-dwelling phytoparasitic nematode that feeds on beet roots. It is an important pest in most sugar beet growing areas, and better knowledge of its genetic variability is an important step to preserve the durability of resistant sugar beet varieties. The population genetic structure of this species in northern France was studied using five microsatellite markers. A hierarchical sampling design was used to investigate spatial structuring at the scale of the region, the field and the plant. Multilocus genotypes were obtained for single individual second-stage larvae, using only one individual per cyst in order to avoid the analysis of closely allied individuals (larvae from the same cyst share at least the same mother). A consistent trend of heterozygote deficit at all loci was observed at all spatial scales. Heterozygote deficit at the level of individual plants argues against its generation through a Wahlund effect. Inbreeding could be due to very limited active dispersal of larvae in the soil, favouring mating between siblings, such as larvae emerging from the same cyst. Such behaviour could have important consequences for the evolution of virulence in increasing the production of homozygous virulent individuals. Moreover, an analysis of molecular variance (amova) reveals that only 1.6% of the genetic variability is observed among regions, 3.7% among fields of the same region and 94.6% within fields. The very low level of genetic differentiation among fields is also indicated by low values of FST (相似文献   

Molecular identification of plant species may be highly related to the geographic isolation and speciation stages among species. In this study, we examined these possibilities in a group of white pines in China. We sampled 449 individuals from 60 natural populations of seven species from sect. Quinquefoliae subsect. Strobus. We sequenced four chloroplast DNA regions (around 3100 bp in length) and two mitochondrial DNAs (around 1000 bp in length). We identified 21 chlorotypes and 10 mitotypes. Both chlorotypes and mitotypes recovered from four species with long disjunction and restricted distributions in northern or northwestern China, Pinus sibirica, Pinus koraiensis, Pinus wallichiana and Pinus pumila are species-specific, suggesting that these cytoplasmic DNAs can distinguish them from the close relatives. Allopatric isolations should have contributed greatly to their genetic divergences. However, both chlorotypes and mitotypes recovered for Pinus dabeshanensis and Pinus fenzeliana distributed in southeastern and southern China are shared or closely related to those found in the widely distributed Pinus armandii. These two species may have diverged or derived from P. armandii recently. All of our findings together suggest that the discrimination power of the molecular identifications based on the cytoplasmic DNA barcodes may show variable discriminability depending on geographic isolation and speciation stages among the sampled species.  相似文献   

There is hope that the structure of molecular variation within populations can give evidence for recent adaptive evolution. New work on Drosophila genes that seem to have been subject to adaptive changes illustrates the difficulties in calculating the statistical significance of data trends that seem to show this.  相似文献   

The evolution of diversity in the marine ecosystem is poorly understood, given the relatively high potential for connectivity, especially for highly mobile species such as whales and dolphins. The killer whale (Orcinus orca) has a worldwide distribution, and individual social groups travel over a wide geographic range. Even so, regional populations have been shown to be genetically differentiated, including among different foraging specialists (ecotypes) in sympatry. Given the strong matrifocal social structure of this species together with strong resource specializations, understanding the process of differentiation will require an understanding of the relative importance of both genetic drift and local adaptation. Here we provide a high‐resolution analysis based on nuclear single‐nucleotide polymorphic markers and inference about differentiation at both neutral loci and those potentially under selection. We find that all population comparisons, within or among foraging ecotypes, show significant differentiation, including populations in parapatry and sympatry. Loci putatively under selection show a different pattern of structure compared to neutral loci and are associated with gene ontology terms reflecting physiologically relevant functions (e.g. related to digestion). The pattern of differentiation for one ecotype in the North Pacific suggests local adaptation and shows some fixed differences among sympatric ecotypes. We suggest that differential habitat use and resource specializations have promoted sufficient isolation to allow differential evolution at neutral and functional loci, but that the process is recent and dependent on both selection and drift.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was studied in 22 populations of the white pine blister rust fungus Cronartium ribicola from natural stands and plantations of eastern white pine, Pinus strobus. Pseudo-allelic frequencies were estimated at each of 7 putative RAPD loci by scoring for presence or absence of amplified fragments in dikaryotic aecidiospores. Analysis of genetic distance between all pairs of populations did not reveal any trend with regard to geographic origin or type of white pine stand. In addition, when hierarchical population structure was analysed, total genetic diversity (H s =0.214) was mostly attributable to diversity within populations (H s =0.199; AMOVA st =0.121, P<0.01). Genetic diversity of populations relative to region of origin (east, centre, and west) or type of stand (natural stands vs plantations) was not significantly different from zero (P>0.10) Nevertheless, a significant proportion of genetic differentiation was found between populations within region or stand type (F st =0.114; sc =0.132, P<0.001). This result indicates that some population structure exists but that it appears to be independent of region of origin or type of stand. At least for 2 populations from white pine plantations, it appears possible that a recent introduction of a limited number of propagules was responsible for low levels of genetic diversity. We interpret these results as meaning that either long-distance dispersal is taking place between populations more than 1000 km apart or that these populations share a common recent ancestor. In addition, we suggest that C. ribicola may still be expanding its distribution by colonizing new plantations.  相似文献   

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