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Abnormal beta-hexosaminidase alpha chain cDNA clones were isolated from fibroblasts of an Ashkenazi Jewish patient with Tay-Sachs disease. Four abnormal cDNA clones were sequenced in their entirety. We showed previously that three of these mRNAs retained intron 12 with a mutation from G to C at the 5' donor site and that the patient was heterozygous with respect to this splicing defect (Ohno, K., and Suzuki, K., (1988) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 153, 463-469). One clone retained, in addition to intron 12, intron 13, which was truncated and polyadenylated due to a polyadenylation signal within intron 13. The fourth clone did not contain intron 12 and was missing exon 12. Some of these abnormal mRNAs were also missing one or more of upstream exons. The regions of exon 12-intron 12 and of upstream exons were evaluated in a total of 30 clones, including those completely sequenced, by restriction mapping and Southern analysis with appropriate probes. Of the 25 cDNA clones that included the exon 12-intron 12 region, 11 contained the exon 12-intron 12 sequence with the junctional transversion, and 11 were missing both exon 12 and intron 12. Among the 12 clones that included the region of exon 3-exon 9, 7 were missing one or more of upstream exons. Three clones gave results expected of normal cDNA in the region of exons 12 and 13. One of the three, furthermore, was 3.6-kilobases long and contained the completely normal beta-hexosaminidase alpha chain mRNA sequence on the 3' side and an abnormal 1.7-kilobase segment at the 5' end. These findings suggest that the splicing defect results in either retention of intron 12 or skipping of exon 12 in approximately equal proportions and that remote upstream exons are also frequently excised out. The three clones that were normal in the exon 12-intron 12 region could have derived from the other yet-to-be-characterized mutant allele. However, we were unable to obtain firm evidence that the abnormal upstream sequence is directly related to Tay-Sachs disease.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts derived from a beta-hexosaminidase A (HexA)-deficient infant with clinically classic Tay-Sachs disease synthesized a precursor alpha-chain that was smaller than its normal counterpart. Fibroblasts from the infant''s parents, who were consanguinous, produced both normal and mutant alpha-chains. The size difference, estimated to be 2-3 kilodaltons on the basis of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, persisted after removal of oligosaccharides with endo-H and is therefore attributable to a shortened polypeptide. The mutant alpha-chain did not undergo the further posttranslational modifications characteristic of its normal counterpart--i.e., synthesis of the mannose phosphate recognition marker, association with the beta-chain to give HexA, and proteolytic conversion to the mature form. Nor was it secreted, even in the presence of NH4Cl. Instead, it disappeared in the course of a 20-h chase. These results suggest that the mutant alpha-chain was trapped in an early biosynthetic compartment, either the endoplasmic reticulum or the cis-Golgi. The mutation appears to be different from all those previously described in patients with clinically classic Tay-Sachs disease.  相似文献   

The abnormality in the gene coding for the beta-hexosaminidase alpha subunit was analyzed in a non-Jewish patient with clinically typical infantile Tay-Sachs disease. The family was Catholic, and the father and the mother were of Irish and German descent, respectively. A hitherto undescribed single nucleotide transversion was found within exon 11 (G1260----C; Trp420----Cys). The coding sequence was otherwise entirely normal. Expression in the COS I cell system confirmed that the mutant gene does not produce functional enzyme protein. The mutation can be identified rapidly and reliably because it abolishes one of the two KpnI sites in the coding sequence. The patient was a compound heterozygote with one allele carrying this mutation. The nature of the abnormality in the other allele remains unidentified. Examination of genomic DNA from the parents demonstrated that this "Kpn mutation" was inherited from the maternal side of the family.  相似文献   

The Ashkenazi Jewish population is enriched for carriers of a fatal form of Tay-Sachs disease, an inherited disorder caused by mutations in the alpha-chain of the lysosomal enzyme, beta-hexosaminidase A. Until recently it was presumed that Tay-Sachs patients from this ethnic isolate harbored the same alpha-chain mutation. This was disproved by identification of a splice junction defect in the alpha-chain of an Ashkenazi patient which could be found in only 20-30% of the Ashkenazi carriers tested. In this study we have isolated the alpha-chain gene from an Ashkenazi Jewish patient, GM515, with classic Tay-Sachs disease who was negative for the splice junction defect. Sequence analysis of the promoter region, exon and splice junctions regions, and polyadenylation signal area revealed a 4-base pair insertion in exon 11. This mutation introduces a premature termination signal in exon 11 which results in a deficiency of mRNA in Ashkenazi patients. A dot blot assay was developed to screen patients and heterozygote carriers for the insertion mutation. The lesion was found in approximately 70% of the carriers tested, thereby distinguishing it as the major defect underlying Tay-Sachs disease in the Ashkenazi Jewish population.  相似文献   

Lysosomal beta-hexosaminidase (beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase, EC occurs in two major isozyme forms, hexosaminidase A (alpha beta) and hexosaminidase B (beta beta). Although dimer formation is required for enzymatic activity, both subunits contain active sites which share many common substrates. However, the alpha subunit alone confers on hexosaminidase A the specificity for negatively charged substrates, e.g. GM2 ganglioside. Recently, a point mutation, producing a single amino acid substitution in the alpha subunit (Arg178-His), has been found to be associated with the B1 variant phenotype of Tay-Sachs disease (Ohno, K., and Suzuki, K. (1988) J. Neurochem. 50, 316-318). This variant is characterized by normal levels of hexosaminidase A as measured by a common artificial substrate, but an absence of activity toward alpha subunit-specific substrates. However, because of the presence of an active beta subunit in the mutant hexosaminidase A, it has not been possible to determine whether the affected alpha subunit has undergone a change in substrate specificity or become totally inactive. In order to define the full effect of the B1 mutation we have taken advantage of the common evolutionary origin of the genes coding for the alpha and beta subunits. Since the B1 mutation occurs in a region of extended identity between the two subunits, we have duplicated the Arg178-His mutation in a cDNA coding for the human beta subunit (Arg211-His). By expression of the mutant construct in monkey COS cells we have been able to examine the effect of this mutation on beta subunits which are capable of forming stable, active homodimers, an experiment that could not readily be accomplished with heterodimeric hexosaminidase A. Our data show that beta homodimers containing the Arg211-His substitution are formed and are transported into the lysosome in a manner identical to that of normal pro-hexosaminidase B. However, the mutant homodimers are processed at a slower rate and are less stable in the lysozyme. Their most striking feature was a total lack of normal hexosaminidase B activity. We conclude that while the effect of the Arg178-His substitution is not strictly limited to the active site, the severe B1 phenotype results from a totally inactive alpha-subunit in hexosaminidase A.  相似文献   

Abnormal beta-hexosaminidase alpha chain mRNAs from an Ashkenazi Jewish patient with the classical infantile Tay-Sachs disease contained intact or truncated intron 12 sequences. Sequence analysis showed a single nucleotide transversion at the 5' donor site of intron 12 from the normal G to C. This provides the first evidence that this junctional mutation, also found independently in two other laboratories by analysis of genomic clones, results in functional abnormality. Analysis with normal and mutant oligonucleotides as probes indicated that our patient was a compound heterozygote with only one allele having the transversion. The patient studied in the other two laboratories was also a compound heterozygote. Another Ashkenazi Jewish patient was normal in this region in both alleles. Thus, the splicing defect is the underlying genetic cause in some but not all Ashkenazi Jewish patients with Tay-Sachs disease.  相似文献   

French Canadians living in eastern Quebec are carriers of a severe type of Tay-Sachs disease, known as the classic form, 10 times more often than the general population. The alpha-chain of beta-hexosaminidase A, a lysosomal enzyme composed of two chains (alpha, beta), bears the mutation in this inherited disorder. We previously reported that the 5' end of the alpha-chain gene was deleted in two such patients (Myerowitz, R., and Hogikyan, N.D. (1986) Science, 232, 1646-1648). The present study reports the size, precise location, and environment of the deletion. A clone encompassing the deletion was isolated from a genomic library constructed in lambda EMBL3 with DNA from a patient's fibroblasts. Comparison of the restriction maps of the clone with that of the normal gene (Proia, R.L., and Soravia, E. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 5677-5681) showed that the deletion was 7.6 kilobases long and included part of intron 1, all of exon 1 and extended 2000 base pairs upstream past the putative promotor region of the alpha-chain gene. These data are consistent with the inability to detect mRNA and immunoprecipitable alpha-chain protein in this mutant. Sequence analysis of the deletion junction in the mutant and corresponding regions of the normal gene demonstrated the presence of similarly oriented Alu sequences at the 5' and 3' deletion boundaries. The data are in accord with the possibility that the deletion may have arisen during homologous recombination from unequal crossing over between Alu sequences.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, nonradioactive assay for detecting the 4-bp insertion defect found in the beta-hexosaminidase alpha-chain gene of 70% of the Ashkenazi Jewish carriers of Tay-Sachs disease is described. In this assay, DNA derived from such carriers serves as a template for the polymerase chain reaction. Following amplification of a 159-bp fragment of exon 11 inclusive of the insertion, a portion of the product is subjected to electrophoresis in a 4% NuSieve agarose minigel. Visualization of the DNA with ethidium bromide demonstrates that heterozygote carriers for the defect display two distinct bands. In contrast, DNA from carriers of the splice junction defect, a mutation found in 30% of the Ashkenazi Jewish carriers of Tay-Sachs disease, displays only one band.  相似文献   

From data collected in a North American Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) heterozygote screening program, the TSD carrier frequency among 46,304 Jewish individuals was found to be .0324 (1 in 31 individuals). This frequency is consistent with earlier estimates based on TSD incidence data. TSD carrier frequencies were then examined by single country and single region of origin in 28,029 Jews within this sample for whom such data were available for analysis. Jews with Polish and/or Russian ancestry constituted 88% of this sample and had a TSD carrier frequency of .0327. No TSD carriers were observed among the 166 Jews of Near Eastern origins. Relative to Jews of Polish and Russian origins, there was at least a twofold increase in the TSD carrier frequency in Jews of Austrian, Hungarian, and Czechoslovakian origins (P less than .005). These findings suggest that the TSD gene proliferated among the antecedents of modern Ashkenazi Jewry after the Second Diaspora (70 A.D.) and before their major migrations to regions of Poland and Russia (before 1100 A.D.).  相似文献   

Tay-Sachs disease is an inherited lysosomal storage disorder caused by defects in the beta-hexosaminidase alpha-subunit gene. The carrier frequency for Tay-Sachs disease is significantly elevated in both the Ashkenazi Jewish and Moroccan Jewish populations but not in other Jewish groups. We have found that the mutations underlying Tay-Sachs disease in Ashkenazi and Moroccan Jews are different. Analysis of a Moroccan Jewish Tay-Sachs patient had revealed an in-frame deletion (delta F) of one of the two adjacent phenylalanine codons that are present at positions 304 and 305 in the alpha-subunit sequence. The mutation impairs the subunit assembly of beta-hexosaminidase A, resulting in an absence of enzyme activity. The Moroccan patient was found also to carry, in the other alpha-subunit allele, a different, and as yet unidentified, mutation which causes a deficit of mRNA. Analysis of obligate carriers from six unrelated Moroccan Jewish families showed that three harbor the delta F mutation, raising the possibility that this defect may be a prevalent mutation in this ethnic group.  相似文献   

Lysosomal beta-hexosaminidase (EC occurs as two major isoenzymes, hexosaminidases A (alpha beta) and B (beta beta). The alpha- and beta-subunits are encoded by the HEXA and HEXB genes, respectively. Extensive homology in both the gene structures and deduced primary sequences demonstrate their common evolutionary origin. Defects in the alpha- or beta-subunits lead to Tay-Sachs of Sandhoff disease, respectively. The B1 variant of Tay-Sachs disease is characterized by an unusual phenotype. Patient samples contain both isoenzymes; however, hexosaminidase A lacks activity toward alpha-specific substrates. In a previous report, we analyzed the biochemical consequences of an Arg178----His substitution in the alpha-subunit, causing the B1 phenotype, by in vitro mutagenesis of the homologous codon for Arg211 in the beta-subunit to produce His. We found that the substitution did not affect dimer formation or cellular targeting but caused a near total loss of activity toward a common alpha- and/or beta-substrate. Additional effects were also noted that suggested a perturbation had occurred to the protein's secondary structure. In this report, we investigate further the role of Arg in the catalysis of hexosaminidase substrates. The introduction of more or less conservative amino acid substitutions at the beta-Arg211 site were evaluated in terms of their effects on the protein's catalytic activity and susceptibility to the arginine-specific reagents and on its stability and rate of maturation in the cell's lysosome. These data demonstrate that the changes in the in vivo stability and rate of maturation, previously noted with the Arg211----His substitution, are independent of the loss in enzymatic activity. Whereas treatment of purified normal human placental hexosaminidases A and B with arginine-specific modifying reagents produced a time-dependent loss of enzymatic activity toward both alpha-specific and common substrates, these reagents failed to significantly decrease the residual activities of mutant proteins lacking Arg at position 211. Kinetic analysis of the residual enzyme activity from our most conservative construct, Arg211----Lys, determined an apparent Vmax approximately 400-fold reduced from that of the wild type enzyme but detected no change in the apparent Km. Additionally, the pH optimum of this mutant enzyme was narrower and slightly more basic than that of the normal enzyme. Thus, Arg211 in the beta-subunit and, by extrapolation, the Arg178 in the alpha-subunit of beta-hexosaminidase are "active" residues, i.e. part of the catalytic sites, but do not participate in substrate binding.  相似文献   

DNA from 176 carriers of the Tay-Sachs gene was tested for the presence of the three mutations most commonly found among Ashkenazi Jews: the so-called insertion, splice junction, and adult mutations. Among 148 Ashkenazi Jews tested, 108 had the insertion mutation, 26 had the splice junction mutation, five had the adult mutation, and nine had none of the three. Among 28 non-Jewish carriers tested, most of whom were obligate carriers, four had the insertion mutation, one had the adult mutation, and the remaining 23 had none of the three.  相似文献   

In humans, two major beta-hexosaminidase isoenzymes exist: Hex A and Hex B. Hex A is a heterodimer of subunits alpha and beta (60% identity), whereas Hex B is a homodimer of beta-subunits. Interest in human beta-hexosaminidase stems from its association with Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff disease; these are prototypical lysosomal storage disorders resulting from the abnormal accumulation of G(M2)-ganglioside (G(M2)). Hex A degrades G(M2) by removing a terminal N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (beta-GalNAc) residue, and this activity requires the G(M2)-activator, a protein which solubilizes the ganglioside for presentation to Hex A. We present here the crystal structure of human Hex B, alone (2.4A) and in complex with the mechanistic inhibitors GalNAc-isofagomine (2.2A) or NAG-thiazoline (2.5A). From these, and the known X-ray structure of the G(M2)-activator, we have modeled Hex A in complex with the activator and ganglioside. Together, our crystallographic and modeling data demonstrate how alpha and beta-subunits dimerize to form either Hex A or Hex B, how these isoenzymes hydrolyze diverse substrates, and how many documented point mutations cause Sandhoff disease (beta-subunit mutations) and Tay-Sachs disease (alpha-subunit mutations).  相似文献   

Carrier frequencies for the allele(s) causing Sandhoff disease have been estimated for the U.S. Jewish and non-Jewish populations. The estimates have been made directly, with data from 22,043 Jewish and 32,342 non-Jewish individuals measured for total serum hexosaminidase activity and the heat-labile fraction. These values have been shown to identify potential carriers of the Sandhoff allele(s) with 95% sensitivity. Subsequent leukocyte assays of total hexosaminidase activity and the heat-labile fraction in those identified in serum tests have been shown to provide a much finer discrimination between those who carry the allele(s) and those who do not. Results from such assays were used to generate these carrier frequency estimates. Carrier frequency estimates have also been made indirectly from Sandhoff disease incidence data collected during the period 1979-84. These estimates are in agreement with data for the Jewish population under analysis, but in the non-Jewish population the estimate derived from data on screened individuals is greater than the estimate derived from incidence figures. The possible causes for such a difference are discussed. In a study of non-Jewish individuals each of whose grandparents derives from a single country of origin, the distribution of countries among Sandhoff disease carriers differs significantly from that in the non-Jewish sample under analysis, indicating possible ethnic groups with increased or decreased carrier frequencies. These analyses suggest an increased Sandhoff disease carrier frequency among Mexican and Central-American populations and a decreased carrier frequency among non-Jewish German populations.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to characterize the mutation(s) responsible for Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) in a Cajun population in southwest Louisiana and to identify the origins of these mutations. Eleven of 12 infantile TSD alleles examined in six families had the beta-hexosaminidase A (Hex A) alpha-subunit exon 11 insertion mutation that is present in approximately 70% of Ashkenazi Jewish TSD heterozygotes. The mutation in the remaining allele was a single-base transition in the donor splice site of the alpha-subunit intron 9. To determine the origins of these two mutations in the Cajun population, the TSD carrier status was enzymatically determined for 90 members of four of the six families, and extensive pedigrees were constructed for all carriers. A single ancestral couple from France was found to be common to most of the carriers of the exon 11 insertion. Pedigree data suggest that this mutation has been in the Cajun population since its founding over 2 centuries ago and that it may be widely distributed within the population. In contrast, the intron 9 mutation apparently was introduced within the last century and probably is limited to a few Louisiana families.  相似文献   

Substitution mutations adversely affecting the alpha-subunit of beta-hexosaminidase A (alphabeta) (EC result in Tay-Sachs disease. The majority affect the initial folding of the pro-alpha chain in the endoplasmic reticulum, resulting in its retention and degradation. A much less common occurrence is a mutation that specifically affects an "active-site" residue necessary for substrate binding and/or catalysis. In this case, hexosaminidase A is present in the lysosome, but it lacks all alpha-specific activity. This biochemical phenotype is referred to as the "B1-variant form" of Tay-Sachs disease. Kinetic analysis of suspected B1-variant mutations is complex because hexosaminidase A is heterodimeric and both subunits possess similar active sites. In this report, we examine a previously identified B1-variant mutation, alpha-Val192Leu. Chinese hamster ovary cells were permanently cotransfected with an alpha-cDNA-construct encoding the substitution and a mutant beta-cDNA (beta-Arg211Lys), encoding a beta-subunit that is inactive but normal in all other respects. We were surprised to find that the Val192Leu substitution, produced a pro-alpha chain that did not form alpha-beta dimers and was not transported to the lysosome. Finally, we reexamined the hexosaminidase activity and protein levels in the fibroblasts from the original patient. These data were also not consistent with the biochemical phenotype of the B1 variant of Tay-Sachs disease previously reported to be present. Thus, we conclude that the Val192Leu substitution does not specifically affect the alpha-active site.  相似文献   

Mutations of the gene encoding the alpha-subunit of the lysosomal enzyme, beta-hexosaminidase, are the cause of Tay-Sachs disease. We previously showed that fibroblasts from one patient (WG1051) synthesized an unstable alpha-subunit that was smaller than normal and appeared to be trapped in an early biosynthetic compartment (Zokaeem, G., Bayleran, J., Kaplan, P., Hechtman, P., and Neufeld, E. F. (1987) Am. J. Hum. Genet. 40, 537-547). We now have identified the mutation as a deletion of cytosine at position 1510 of the coding sequence. We first determined that the structural abnormality was at the carboxyl terminus of the protein and then sequenced the corresponding regions of the cDNA and genomic DNA after amplification by the polymerase chain reaction. The frameshift mutation, which is present on both alleles, causes premature termination four codons downstream, and the loss of a very hydrophilic stretch of 22 amino acids. Expression of alpha-subunit cDNA with the cytosine deletion in Cos-1 cells reproduced the WG1051 phenotype, i.e. a truncated alpha-subunit that was retained and degraded in an early compartment, presumably the endoplasmic reticulum. Loss of the cysteine residue at position 522 was not the sole cause of instability and defective transport.  相似文献   

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