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眼点拟微绿球藻生长的生态因子分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
眼点拟微绿球藻(Nannochloropsisoculata)是重要的海水经济藻类,本文研究了温度,光强,盐度,碳因子对藻体生长的影响,并采用正交实验的方法研究了N,P,Fe三因子对其生长的影响。试验表明:眼点拟微绿球藻的生长适温范围0-30℃,最适温度为20℃;适光范围较广,喜强光,最适光强5 000-7 000 lx;在盐度为13.7-33.4范围生长率差别不明显,最适盐度为26.9;碳源偏喜重碳酸盐。N浓度为10μmol·L-1,P浓度为2μmol.L-1,Fe浓度为0.2μmol·L-1时对该藻生长最有利。  相似文献   

目的:研究半导体激光对拟微绿球藻的生物学效应,进而利用激光诱变筛选高产优质藻株.方法:采用半导体激光辐照拟微绿球藻,辐照时间为l 0min、20min、30min.结果:诱变后藻的代谢物产量均有提高.结论:l0min、20min、30min辐照条件下,对拟微绿球藻细胞生长及代谢产物均有不同程度的促进作用,其中10min辐照组有利于拟微绿球藻的生长及色素的积累,分别比对照组提高了45.06%、86.59%、56.06%;但在20min剂量下更有利于胞外多糖、总多糖、蛋白质及油脂含量的积累,分别比对照组提高了67.7%、51.89%、19.16%、69.78%.  相似文献   

氮源是影响微藻生长和油脂积累的重要因素,文中通过单因素试验比较了NaNO3、CO(NH2)2、NH4Cl、CH3COONH4及其浓度对眼点拟微绿球藻生长密度、生长速率、油脂产率、二十碳五烯酸(EPA)含量的影响。结果表明:NH4+更易被眼点拟微绿球藻利用,能更好地促进微藻生长和油脂积累;氮浓度的增加有利于微藻的生长和藻油脂肪酸的去饱和,但不利于微藻油脂的积累。在实验考察的氮源种类和浓度范围内,CH3COONH4是促进眼点拟微绿球藻生长和油脂积累、EPA生成的适宜氮源,其适宜的浓度为5.29 mmol/L。  相似文献   

采用CO_2激光(波长10.6μm,功率10 w,光束长74 cm)辐照拟微绿球藻(Nannochloropsis sp.YW0980),辐照时间为30 s、60 s、90 s,通过测定藻色素、多糖、蛋白质及油脂含量,研究CO_2激光对藻的生物学效应。结果表明:30 s、60 s、90 s辐照条件下,对拟微绿球藻细胞生长及代谢产物均有一定的促进作用,其中CO_2激光60 s处理组有利于拟微绿球藻的生长及色素的积累,但30 s剂量下更有利于多糖、蛋白质及油脂含量的积累,分别比对照组提高了51.05%(胞外多糖),289.45%(总多糖)、37.05%、172.16%。  相似文献   

采用CO2激光(波长10.6μm,功率10 w,光束长74 cm)辐照拟微绿球藻(Nannochloropsis sp.YW0980),辐照时间为30 s、60 s、90 s,通过测定藻色素、多糖、蛋白质及油脂含量,研究CO2激光对藻的生物学效应。结果表明:30 s、60 s、90 s辐照条件下,对拟微绿球藻细胞生长及代谢产物均有一定的促进作用,其中CO2激光60 s处理组有利于拟微绿球藻的生长及色素的积累,但30 s剂量下更有利于多糖、蛋白质及油脂含量的积累,分别比对照组提高了51.05%(胞外多糖),289.45%(总多糖)、37.05%、172.16%。  相似文献   

以真眼点藻纲8株微藻(类波氏真眼点藻(Eustigmatos cf. polyphem)、大真眼点藻(Eustigmatos magnus)、波氏真眼点藻(Eustigmatos polyphem)、魏氏真眼点藻(Eustigmatos vischeri)、斧形魏氏藻(Vischeria helvetica)、点状魏氏藻(Vischeria punctata)、星形魏氏藻(Vischeria stellata)和眼点拟微绿球藻(Nan-nochloropsis oculata))为研究材料, 用3种氮源(硝酸钠、碳酸氢铵或尿素)和4种氮浓度(18、9、6和3 mmol) 在改良的BG-11培养基中对藻细胞进行培养。比较分析这8株微藻在不同培养条件下的藻液pH、生物量、油脂含量、脂肪酸组成的差异, 从而筛选出适合该类微藻生长和油脂积累的最适氮源与最佳氮浓度。结果表明, 这8株微藻均能在3种氮源中生长, 但是随着培养时间延长, 以碳酸氢铵和尿素为氮源时藻液pH逐渐降低, 其变化范围为5.0—6.0, 而以硝酸钠为氮源时藻液pH保持在7.0—8.0, 变化不大。当以尿素为氮源培养时, 能获得较高的生物量, 但是不同藻株在不同尿素浓度时达到最高生物量。最高生物量是波氏真眼点藻(E. polyphem)在9 mmol时达到, 为10.96 g/L。总脂含量分析发现, 在低氮浓度下均能促进8株微藻油脂的积累, 真眼点藻属中的魏氏真眼点藻(E. vischeri)在8株藻中获得最高油脂含量, 达到59.24%。进一步对脂肪酸分析发现, 8株微藻总脂肪酸含量为细胞干重的50%—58%, 主要脂肪酸组成为豆蔻酸(C14鲶0)、棕榈酸(C16鲶0)、棕榈油酸(C16鲶1)、油酸(C18鲶1)和二十碳五烯酸(C20鲶5), 其中拟微绿球藻(N. oculata)细胞中棕榈酸的含量最高占总脂肪酸50%左右; 其他7株微藻细胞中棕榈油酸的含量较高, 其占总脂肪酸含量范围在40%—60%。8株微藻均表现出较高的生物量与油脂积累能力, 以尿素为氮源, 氮浓度为6 mmol时更有利于该类微藻生物量和油脂的积累。总体来说, 真眼点藻纲的微藻是一类极具潜力适合于微藻生物燃料生产的微藻, 而真眼点藻属藻株表现更为明显的优势。  相似文献   

湛江等鞭金藻对抗生素的反应及无菌化培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄振华  刘晓娟  胡章喜  段舜山 《生态科学》2007,26(2):120-121,125
研究了5种抗生素在不同浓度下对湛江等鞭金藻(Isochrysis zhangjiangensis)生长的影响,采用混合添加抗生素法获得无菌藻株.结果表明,(1)不同抗生素对湛江等鞭金藻生长的影响存在差异,湛江等鞭金藻对氯霉素最敏感,浓度为50 μg·mL-1时抑制率为27.02%,浓度>50 μg·mL-1时抑制率达80%,湛江等鞭金藻对青霉素、链霉素、卡那霉素和庆大霉素不敏感,后3种抗生素在低浓度时对藻细胞生长有促进作用;(2)除50 μg·mL-1青霉素处理外,青霉素、链霉素、卡那霉素和庆大霉素其它浓度处理均有明显的抑菌作用;(3)采用500 μg·mL-1链霉素,1000 μg·mL-1卡那霉素和50 μg·mL-1庆大霉素的4个组合混合添加抗生素,均获得了无菌藻株,且对生长有促进作用.  相似文献   

高、低氮浓度对2株真眼点藻的生长和油脂积累的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究氮浓度对真眼点藻纲(Eustigmatophyceae)的2株高产油微藻大真眼点藻(Eustigmatos magnus,EM)和波氏真眼点藻(Eustigmatos polyphem,EP)的细胞形态、生长、总脂含量、脂质组成和脂肪酸组成与含量的时序变化规律。【方法】利用高氮(18.0 mmol/L NO3?-N)和低氮(3.6 mmol/L NO3?-N)浓度培养微藻。【结果】形态观察结果表明,大真眼点藻(E. magnus)和波氏真眼点藻(E. polyphem)营养细胞具有1个周生的裂叶状叶绿体,细胞质中有液泡,内含能够振动的颗粒物,以及一个较为明显的红色色素体;生殖方式通过形成2个D形或4个四角形的似亲孢子;随着培养周期的延伸和营养盐的消耗,细胞中油体逐步形成,其数量不断增加,体积不断增大。实验结果表明,初始氮浓度对2种微藻的总脂积累及生长均有显著影响(P<0.05),低氮浓度下2种微藻的生物质浓度分别为9.0 g/L和8.5 g/L,均低于高氮浓度下的生物质浓度。而低氮浓度下2种微藻的总脂、中性脂和总脂肪酸的含量以及总脂、中性脂与总脂肪酸的单位体积产率均明显高于高氮浓度组,其最高值分别为:59.10%、51.90%、46.95%和0.28、0.24、0.22 g/(L·d) (EM);64.20%、56.80%、50.01%和0.32、0.28、0.25 g/(L·d) (EP)。脂肪酸分析结果表明,两种微藻的脂肪酸主要成分均为棕榈酸(C16:0)、棕榈油酸(C16:1)、油酸(C18:1)和二十碳五烯酸(C20:5,EPA),四者的总含量(占总脂肪酸)分别达到85.83%和85.48%,其中棕榈油酸的含量最高。【结论】低氮浓度胁迫有利于大真眼点藻和波氏真眼点藻细胞内油脂的积累,两种微藻均为适合于生产生物柴油的油脂生产藻株。  相似文献   

研究了三种碳源Na2CO3、NaHCO3、葡萄糖对眼点拟微绿球藻生长密度和油旨含量的影响,实验结果表明相对于葡萄糖,无机碳源NaHCO3更利于眼点拟微绿球藻的生长.以NaHCO3为碳源,研究了在不同的接种密度、NaNO3浓度下,C/N对眼点拟微绿球藻生长密度和油脂含量的影响.实验结果表明,C/N对眼点拟微绿球藻生长密度的影响与接种密度和NaNO3浓度有关,在高的NaNO3浓度时,C/N对眼点拟微绿球藻生长密度的影响很小;在低的NaNO3浓度时,随着C/N比的增加,微绿球藻的生长密度先增加后下降,存在最佳的C/N比.最佳的C/N比随接种密度而变化,在接种密度为OD440=0.10时,最佳C/N比为3,当接种密度提高到OD440=0.70时,最佳C/N比增加到5.NaNO3浓度和C/N对微藻油脂含量均有较大影响,在不同的接种密度和NaNO3浓度下都表现为C/N=1时最利于微藻油脂的积累,这与卡尔文循环过程中核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶的活性有关.本实验的最佳产油培养条件为以NaHCO3为碳源,初始接种密度为OD440=0.70,C/N=1∶1,CNaNO3=0.225g/L,此时油脂产率为56.7 mg/(L·d),EPA产率为6.5 mg/(L·d).  相似文献   

培养基琼脂浓度及抗生素对3种海洋微藻生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:确定用于分离、纯化及保种所用的固体培养基中优化的琼脂浓度和利于微藻生长并抑菌的抗生素浓度。方法:设计固体培养基中的琼脂浓度以及培养液中抗生素的种类和浓度,定时测定培养体系中三种微藻的生物量及细菌菌落随培养时间的变化。结果:利于固体培养基上三种微藻生长的琼脂浓度均为0.6%~0.8%;牟氏角毛藻用200IU/ml的庆大霉素和200IU/ml的青霉素联合作用,球等鞭金藻8701和盐藻分别用300IU/ml和400IU/ml的青霉素时可保证微藻较好生长。结论:不同微藻生长所需的抗生素浓度不同,抗生素对微藻生长的影响不完全取决于抑菌作用,青霉素促进球等鞭金藻8701生长主要是产生促生长因子,庆大霉素抑制生长可能是产生抑制因子。  相似文献   

蒋世翠  张波  李艳双  李玉 《菌物学报》2016,35(5):641-644
黄柄钙皮菌是黏菌中的一种重要模式生物,本文筛选了其无菌培养条件,比较了生活史不同阶段的发生时间,同时比较了生活史中孢子萌发、原质团生长及子实体形成3个阶段的培养条件。结果表明,黄柄钙皮菌适宜的培养条件为:在20%水琼脂上于28℃进行孢子萌发;在24–26℃下20%琼脂+40%燕麦培养基上进行原生质团的培养;在24–26℃下1 000Lx光照10–14h时形成子实体。  相似文献   

Aims: To maintain axenic cultures of commercially important thraustochytrids, a novel procedure was developed for the isolation of zoospores and sporangium from heterotrophic seawater samples and axenic culture on solid media. Methods and Results: Thraustochytrid cultures were isolated from Whangapoua Harbour in North East New Zealand and subjected to two antibiotic and antifungal treatment regimes designed to eliminate bacteria and fungi. Antibiotic trial 1 was designed to determine the appropriate combination of antibiotics (including streptomycin/penicillin, ampicillin, rifampicin, nalidixic acid, tetracycline, gentamicin and the antifungal agent nystatin). Antibiotic trial 2 determined the optimal dosing frequency and concentration of the antibiotics, and antifungal found to be the most promising in trial 1. Axenic cultures were then spread plated onto nutrient agar containing the optimal antibiotic cocktail, and pure thraustochytrid colonies were purified on solid media using standard microbiological techniques. Conclusions: Removal of bacteria and fungi was best accomplished using a mixture of three antibiotics and one antifungal; rifampicin (300 mg l?1), streptomycin/penicillin (25 mg l?1) and nystatin (10 mg l?1) were incorporated in seawater samples and incorporated into cultures every 24 h for a minimum of 2 days. Significance and Impact of the Study: The axenic isolation and culture of marine thraustochytrids from a marine habitat in New Zealand have significant implications for the biotechnological development of these potentially valuable protists. This method has global significance as it is reasonable to assume it could be used throughout the world to obtain axenic thraustochytrid cultures.  相似文献   

Daughter sporocysts of Schistosoma mansoni were cultured axenically for up to 13 days in media conditioned with Aedes albopictus tissue cultures. Sporocysts increased in length, processes appeared on the tegument, and small embryos developed. Two media, differing in ionic balance and source of amino nitrogen, were compared. No development occurred in either medium when freshly prepared.  相似文献   

The free-living, but potentially pathogenic, bacteriovorous amoebae of the genus Acanthamoeba can be easily grown axenically in a laboratory culture. This, however, often leads to considerable losses in virulence, and encystment capacity, and to changes in drug susceptibility. We evaluated potential options for a reactivation of a number of physiological properties, attenuated by prolonged axenic laboratory culture, including encystment potential, protease activity, heat resistance, growth rates and drug susceptibility against N -chlorotaurine (NCT). Toward this end, a strain that had been grown axenically for 10 years was repeatedly passaged on human HEp-2 cell monolayers or treated with 5'-azacytidine (AzaC), a methyltransferase inhibitor, and trichostatin A (TSA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor, in order to uplift epigenetic gene regulation. Culture on human cell monolayers resulted in significantly enhanced encystment potentials and protease activities, and higher susceptibility against NCT, whereas the resistance against heat shock was not altered. Treatment with AzaC/TSA resulted in increased encystment rates and protease activities, indicating the participation of epigenetic mechanisms. However, lowered resistances against heat shock indicate that possible stress responses to AzaC/TSA have to be taken into account. Repeated growth on human cell monolayers appears to be a potential method to reactivate attenuated characteristics in Acanthamoeba .  相似文献   

Kuhlmann I 《Cytotechnology》1995,19(2):95-105
This article describes the historical development of the prophylactic use of antibiotics in cell culture as well as their effects on cells. The influence of antibiotics on cell morphology, cellular degeneration and cell death and cellular function is summarized. Cellular DNA as well as protein synthesis are affected which can lead to interference with, or even changes in, metabolic processes. Such effects must be considered in cell culture research. As antibiotics are used in multifold ways, the otherwise standardized conditions in cell culture are no longer comparable. The prophylactic use of antibiotics is rejected for scientific reasons.  相似文献   

High yields of protoplasts have been obtained from vegetative thalli of three species ofEnteromorpha by enzymatic degradation of the cell wall. Several commercial and crude enzymes prepared from the digestive system and hepatopancrease of abalone and top-shell were tested at different concentrations and combinations to evaluate the yield. Commercial enzymes in combination with either abalone or top-shell crude enzymes, consistently produced a high yield of protoplasts from all three species. High regeneration rate (85–95%) occurred in the protoplasts cultured at a density greater than 1.72 × 103 cells cm−2 at 20 and 25°C. Light intensities tested in the present study did not affect protoplast wall formation and regeneration. Protoplasts, after regenerating the cell wall, followed different types of developmental patterns under identical culture conditions. In one type some cells underwent repeated cell divisions and formed a round and oval shaped hollow thallus with a single layer of cells. In the second type many cells underwent one or two cell divisions (occasionally no division) and soon matured and discharged many motile spores, which on germination grew into normal plantlets. In the third type some cells divided irregularly to form a mass of callus-like cells (exceptE. prolifera). Culture medium supplemented with either mannitol, sorbitol, dextrose, saccharose or NaCl at higher concentrations (> 0.4 M) inhibited cell division and further differentiation in all species. author for correspondence  相似文献   

坛紫菜叶状体的无菌化培养及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对坛紫菜叶状体的无菌处理方法进行了优化,并利用紫菜外生菌对无菌处理后的紫菜叶片进行了人工感染。经0.7%KI和0.1%(w/v)氨苄青霉素对紫菜叶片进行预处理后,利用氨苄青霉素、硫酸链霉素、新霉素、庆大霉素及卡那霉素等5种抗生素及其不同组合对紫菜叶片进行处理,筛选出最佳抗生素组合、浓度和培养条件。结果表明:氨苄青霉素(终浓度300μg/mL)、卡那霉素(终浓度100μg/mL)与庆大霉素(终浓度100μg/mL)3种抗生素组合对坛紫菜叶状体进行无菌处理18 h,对紫菜细胞的毒害较小,并且3种抗生素合用对89.5%紫菜外生细菌的抑菌率达80%以上;外生菌感染结果研究表明:用105/mL真菌孢子液和细菌菌液回染紫菜,培养22 d后,实验组紫菜生长状况较对照组好,对照组紫菜出现褪色。用108/mL真菌孢子液分别回染健康紫菜、穿刺紫菜(用灭菌刀片在紫菜表面划1~2 mm的伤口),分别在18℃、28℃和35℃条件下培养。实验结果表明28℃和35℃高温和穿刺均会影响无菌紫菜健康生长,且加菌紫菜在高温和穿刺条件下,则会出现明显病斑,而18℃培养的加菌紫菜则生长良好。  相似文献   

The excretion of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) by an axenic culture of the benthic diatom Cylindrotheca closterium was investigated. Two sequential extraction steps proved to be suficient to remove the bulk of the EPS present. Soluble EPS was recovered by a simple centrifugation step and represented a fraction that was not or was only loosely associated with diatom cells. For the extraction of bound EPS, different procedures were compared. The best results were obtained using distilled water as extraction solvent (1?h, 30?°C). The sugars that were recovered using this procedure were typically associated with aggregates of diatoms. In addition to the distinct differences in localization of the different types of EPS, their temporal dynamics differed in relation to the light–dark cycle. Soluble EPS were continuously released into the medium at a rate of 1.6?pg?cell?1?day?1. In contrast, the production of bound EPS was highly light-dependent. In the dark, this bound EPS rapidly disappeared, probably as the result of its utilization by the diatoms.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method for obtaining axenic plant material has been devised where antibiotic-containing paper disks are applied to nutrient agarose or agar plates upon which small pieces of plant have been spread. By applying multiple disks to the agarose plate, susceptibility to a large number of antibiotics can be tested simultaneously. Clear zones are produced around those disks where contaminating bacteria are susceptible. Plant pieces are then removed from the clear zones and separately tested for sterility to identify the axenic pieces. The method has been successfully applied to multicellular marine algae (e.g.Enteromorpha, Porphyra, laminaria, Gracilaria andAgardhiella). Pieces fromAgardhiella plants survive better on nutrient medium solidified with agarose when -naphthaleneacetic acid and zeatin are present in the medium.  相似文献   

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