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Here, we report for the first time the presence of Dictyota cyanoloma in southern California. Dictyota cyanoloma is conspicuous in harbors and bays by its distinctive bright blue‐iridescent margins. This species was originally described from Europe, but subsequent studies have revealed that it represented an introduction from Australia. The current distribution of D. cyanoloma comprises southern Australia and the North East Atlantic, including the Mediterranean Sea and the Macaronesian islands. The presence of D. cyanoloma in southern California is supported by molecular cox1 and psbA gene sequences. A reconstruction of the invasive history based on nine polymorphic microsatellite markers reveals a close affinity of the Californian specimens with European populations. Dictyota cyanoloma in the United States appears to be (so far) restricted to the Californian coast from San Diego Bay in the south to Santa Catalina Island and Long Beach Harbor in the north. A correlative species distribution model suggests gradually declining habitat suitability north of the Southern Californian Bight and high suitability in Baja California, including the Gulf of California. Finally, its widespread abundance in bays and harbors suggests shipping is a likely transport mechanism.  相似文献   

Plasmodesmata are intercellular bridges that directly connect the cytoplasm of neighboring cells and play a crucial role in cell-to-cell communication and cell development in multicellular plants. Although brown algae (Phaeophyceae, Heterokontophyta) are phylogenetically distant to land plants, they nevertheless possess a complex multicellular organization that includes plasmodesmata. In this study, the ultrastructure and formation of plasmodesmata in the brown alga Dictyota dichotoma were studied using transmission electron microscopy and electron tomography with rapid freezing and freeze substitution. D. dichotoma possesses plasma membrane-lined, simple plasmodesmata without internal endoplasmic reticulum (desmotubule). This structure differs from those in land plants. Plasmodesmata were clustered in regions with thin cell walls and formed pit fields. Fine proteinaceous "internal bridges" were observed in the cavity. Ultrastructural observations of cytokinesis in D. dichotoma showed that plasmodesmata formation began at an early stage of cell division with the formation of tubular pre-plasmodesmata within membranous sacs of the cytokinetic diaphragm. Clusters of pre-plasmodesmata formed the future pit field. As cytokinesis proceeded, electron-dense material extended from the outer surface of the mid region of the pre-plasmodesmata and finally formed the nascent cell wall. From these results, we suggest that pre-plasmodesmata are associated with cell wall development during cytokinesis in D. dichotoma.  相似文献   

Summary Plastids of the brown algaDictyota dichotoma contain a single homogeneous DNA species which bands at a buoyant density of 1.693 g/cm3 in neutral CsCl equilibrium density gradients. The corresponding nuclear DNA has a density of 1.715 g/cm3. The molecular size of the plastid DNA is 123 kbp as calculated by both electron microscopy of spread intact circular molecules and gel electrophoresis following single and double digestions with various restriction enzymes. A restriction map has been constructed using the endonucleases Sal I, Bam HI, and Bgl II which cleave theDictyota plastome into 6, 12, and 17 fragments, respectively. No large repeated regions, as found in chlorophycean andEuglena plastid DNAs, were detected.Dictyota dichotoma is the first member from the chlorophyll c-line of the algal pedigree for which a physical map of plastid DNA has been established. Dedicated to Professor Dr. W. Stubbe on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

At Helgoland, in the North Sea, growth of the high sublittoral brown macroalga Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) Lamoroux was examined in October (the time of tetraspore release) in an outdoor tank by exposing 2-day-old germlings to four solar radiation treatments achieved with different filter materials or an additional artificial light source: photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; 395–700 nm), PAR plus ultraviolet (UV)-A (320–700 nm), full solar spectrum, or solar spectrum plus artificial UV radiation (UVR). Based on length measurements over a period of 3 weeks, the growth rate in germlings strongly decreased in conditions with UVR compared to PAR: by 14% under PAR+UV-A, by 31% under the full solar spectrum and by 65% with additional UVR. Although growth rates of germlings under UVR were reduced mainly in the first week, the plants did not regain the size of the untreated plants even after 9 weeks. Regardless of the exposure, no defects in morphology or anatomy including the exposed apical meristem were detected, except for a reduction in cell division rates perhaps due to additional cost for photoprotective or repair mechanisms. Depending on the actual position of D. dichotoma plants in the natural habitat, individuals in high positions receive substantial amounts of the more harmful UV-B while those lower down might only receive UV-A during part of the day, thus the effect of UV-B on the growth of D. dichotoma will depend on its position in the field. The effects of tidal variation of the light climate and the implications of our results for the zonation of D. dichotoma are discussed. Received in revised form: 6 July 2000 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

In depth genetic comparisons of populations of Cutleria multifida (Tilopteridales, Phaeophyceae) collected from Europe, the northwestern Pacific Ocean, Australia and New Zealand using the DNA sequences of four gene regions (the mitochondrial cox2 and cox3 genes, the intergeneric spacer region adjacent to cox3, and the open reading frame) suggested that the northwestern European and Japanese populations were considerably greater in terms of their genetic divergence than Mediterranean, Australian or New Zealand populations. The haplotypes of the populations in northwestern European (distribution range including the type locality, seven haplotypes) and Japanese populations (seven haplotypes) were unique except for one shared haplotype. There were weak but positive correlations between the geographical distance and the genetic divergence among northwestern European and Japanese populations. Moreover, both female and male gametophytes occurred in eight of the nine Japanese localities, suggesting Japanese populations showed normal sexual heteromorphic life history of the species. In light of these results, it appears that Japanese populations were native to the area despite earlier hypothesis. In contrast, Australian and New Zealand populations were composed of only one haplotype that is very close to those found in northwestern Europe and Japan, suggesting a recent introduction history from Europe (or from northeastern Asia via Europe) by ship transport to Australia and New Zealand. The Mediterranean populations included two haplotypes identical to those found in northwestern Europe and Japan, and it is suggestive of transoceanic introductions of some populations between Mediterranean and Japanese coasts.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the phenology of a Dictyota dichotoma population from the North Patagonian coasts of Argentina. The morphology of the individuals was characterized, and analyses of the temporal variations of vegetative features, diploid and haploid life cycle generations and sex ratios are provided. Individuals, represented by growing sporophytes and gametophytes, occurred simultaneously throughout the year. Morphological variables showed temporal variation, except the width and height of medullary cells, which did not vary between seasons. All vegetative variables were significantly correlated with daylength. Besides, frond length, frond dry mass and apical and basal branching angles were significantly correlated with seawater temperatures. Vegetative thalli were less abundant than haploid and diploid thalli. Sporophytes were less abundant than male and female gametophytes. Male gametophytes dominated in May, August, October and January, and female gametophytes were more abundant in September, November, December, February and March. The formation of female gametangia showed a significant correlation with daylength, and the highest number of gametangia was registered in spring. In general, the male/female sex ratio varied between 1:2 and 1:1. Apical regions were more fertile than basal regions. Our data about frequency in the formation of reproductive structures and male/female ratios are the first recorded in the Dictyota genus and thus could not be compared with populations from other regions of the world. Significant morphological variation was observed in thalli of both life cycle generations, regarding length and dry mass, number of primary branches and branching basal angle. In general, all variables analyzed varied seasonally except cortical cell width.  相似文献   

sporophytes, and both male and female gametophytes of Dictyopteris undulata Holmes were collected from the Pacific coast and the Japan Sea coast of Japan. Female gametophytes are reported for the first time in the present study. All reproductive structures are aggregated in sori that form on both sides of the midrib in the upper and the middle parts of a blade. Tetraspor-angia are spherical and project from the cortical layer with a 2–4-celled stalk at the base. They are sometimes divided tetrahedrally to form four spores, but often remain undivided. Oogoniat sori also project from the cortical layer. Each oogonium is ovoid, sometimes borne on a single stalk cell at the base. Antheridial sori appear swollen above the cortex and each antheridium has a basal stalk cell. Fertile female gametophytes and te-trasporophytes are difficult to distinguish from each other in surface view because tetrasporangial and oogonial sori are similar in size and undivided tetrasporangia resemble oogonia. Oogonia are not so closely packed in small groups, unlike in Dictyota species, and they can be distinguished by the cell sizes (i.e. tetrasporangia are bigger in diameter than oogonia).  相似文献   

The Indo-Pacific Ocean is a biodiversity hotspot for marine organisms. In this area, most of the research has focused on marine animals, such as reef fish, molluscs and other associated coral fauna, but very little has been done on macroalgae. The Thai-Malay Peninsula is an important north–south barrier in this area, which faces two different oceans – the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This study aims to investigate genetic distribution patterns of Padina boryana Thivy around the Thai-Malay Peninsula, where it is common. Three DNA marker regions, the mitochondrion-encoded cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3 gene (cox3); the plastid rbcL, and the nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) were used to evaluate genetic diversity and the relationships within and between populations. Samples were collected from both the Andaman Sea and Gulf of Thailand sides of the peninsula. Parsimony networks and maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses showed clearly that there are two separated P. boryana lineages, one restricted to the Gulf of Thailand and the other to the Andaman Sea and other areas of the Indo-Pacific. The effect of different ocean currents along the Andaman Sea and Gulf of Thailand may have shaped these populations of P. boryana. This phylogeographic separation, based on persistent currents in the area, may affect other marine organisms along the Thai peninsula.  相似文献   

The brown algal genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) is distributed worldwide in tropical and temperate seas. Global species diversity and distribution ranges, however, remain largely unknown. Species‐level diversity was reassessed using DNA‐based, algorithmic species delineation techniques based on cox3 and rbcL sequence data from 221 specimens collected worldwide. This resulted in estimates ranging from 39 to 61 putative species (ESUs), depending on the technique as well as the locus. We discuss the merits, potential pitfalls, and evolutionary and biogeographic significance of algorithmic species delineation. We unveil patterns whereby ESUs are in all but one case restricted to either the Atlantic or Indo‐Pacific Ocean. Within ocean basins we find evidence for the vast majority of ESUs to be confined to a single marine realm. Exceptions, whereby ESUs span up to three realms, are located in the Indo‐Pacific Ocean. Patterns of range‐restricted species likely arise by repeated founder events and subsequent peripatric speciation, hypothesized to dominate speciation mechanisms for coastal marine organisms in the Indo‐Pacific. Using a three‐gene (cox3, psaA and rbcL), relaxed molecular clock phylogenetic analysis we estimated divergence times, providing a historical framework to interpret biogeographic patterns.  相似文献   

Concerning the accumulation of S042‐ in cells, three types of species are known in the Dictyotales: (i) acidic type (high H2S04 accumulation); (ii) high MgS04 accumulation type; and (iii) nonacidic type (low S042‐ accumulation). Seasonal changes of intracellular pH and concentrations of inorganic ions were examined in six dictyotalean species. In acidic species (Dictyopteris prolifera (Okamura) Okamura and Spatoglossum eras‐sum J. Tanaka), intracellular concentrations of S042‐ and H+ estimated by pH were high through all seasons. In high MgS04 accumulating species (Dictyotasp. and Padina arborescens Holmes), intracellular concentrations of S042‐ and Mg2+ were high through all seasons. In nonacidic species (Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) Lamouroux and Dictyopteris undulata Holmes), intracellular concentration of sulfuric acid ion was low all year round.  相似文献   

In the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum (L) Le Jolis, a common species on sheltered Northern temperate rocky shores, gametes are produced in receptacles that emerge from small depressions (lateral pits) along the branched frond. These lateral pits are also the preferred settling site for the obligate epiphyte Polysiphonia lanosa (L) Tandy. Therefore, epiphytism can be expected to interfere with host reproductive output. The present study investigated the potential impact of the epiphyte on A. nodosum in two series of laboratory experiments that measured: (i) the direct shading of the host plant underneath an epiphyte canopy; and (ii) the development of receptacles in clean and epiphytised A. nodosum segments (excised from individual fronds) over a 6 month period. These experiments showed that light reaching emerged fronds underneath a dense epiphyte cover was reduced by 40%, and this was independent of the degree of desiccation the epiphyte experienced. Concurrently, in the growth study with epiphytised A. nodosum segments (segments with one clean and one epiphytised lateral pit) total receptacle biomass per epiphytised fragment was significantly reduced compared with clean segments (0.52 g and 1.25 g per gram of frond segment, respectively), although this effect was only significant in A. nodosum from sheltered shores. However, expressed as biomass per lateral pit, receptacle biomass in the remaining clean lateral pits in epiphytised segments was significantly increased in segments from both shores, demonstrating that A. nodosum can at least partially compensate for the loss of production resulting from epiphytism.  相似文献   

C. Katsaros  B. Galatis 《Protoplasma》1992,169(1-2):75-84
Summary Interphase cells ofDictyota dichotoma (Hudson) Lamour. lack cortical microtubules (Mts) but display an impressive network of cytoplasmic microtubules (c-Mts). These are focussed on two opposed perinuclear centriolar sites where centrin or a centrin-homologue is localized. Some of the Mts surround the nucleus, but the majority traverse the cytoplasm as bundles variously directed towards the plasmalemma. In apical cells, and to a lesser extent in the square or slightly elongated meristematic cells, Mts are more or less evenly arranged. In elongated cells they form thick bundles longitudinally traversing the cytoplasm; a pattern maintained in differentiated cells. In early prophase the non-perinuclear Mts disappear but by late prophase a bi-astral arrangement of short Mts is observed. They enter polar nuclear depressions and attach to differentiated regions of the nuclear envelope where polar gaps open. By metaphase the spindle Mts converge on the centrioles at the polar gaps. At anaphase, interzonal Mts are evident and the asters start to reassemble. After telophase disruption of the interzonal Mts, the daughter nuclei approach each other, but move apart again before cytokinesis. The latter movement keeps pace with the development of two interdigitating Mt systems, ensheathing both daughter nuclei. The partition membrane bisects this Mt cage. Between telophase and cytokinesis the centrosomes separate, finally occupying opposed perinuclear sites. New Mts arise at the new centrosomes, some terminating on the consolidating partition membrane. Our data show thatD. dichotoma vegetative cells display a prominent cytoplasmic Mt cytoskeleton, which undergoes continual, but definite, change in organization during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

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