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Regulatory polypeptide leptin, apart from its well-known hypothalamic effects, stimulates ventilation. The present study on anaesthetised rats was undertaken to elucidate the respiratory effects of 10(-10)-10(-4) M leptin microinjected into the solitary tract nucleus, containing a high concentration of leptin receptors. Injections of 10(-8)-10(-4) M leptin induced dose-dependent increase in ventilation, tidal volume and electric activity of inspiratory muscles; 10(-6) M leptin additionally induced a short-term increase in respiratory frequency and a shortening of both inspiratory and expiratory duration. The respiratory responses to leptin is also characterised by appearance of sighs: deep and prolonged inspirations associated with an augmented burst in the activity of the inspiratory muscles and prolonged post-sigh inter-burst interval. The results taken together with evidence of high concentration of specific leptin ObRb-receptor in the solitary tract nucleus suggest involvement of endogenous leptin in the control of breathing via dorsal structures of the respiratory center.  相似文献   

Microinjections of morphin and leu-enkephaline into the solitary tract nucleus of anaesthetised rats induced a dose-dependent decrease in tidal volume and in external intercostal muscle activity. In addition, leu-enkephaline and -endorphine decreased the respiration frequency. The respiratory effects were accompanied by a decrease in the mean blood pressure and heart rate. Naloxone administration exerted an opposite effect. The data obtained suggests an involvement of opioid peptides in respiratory and circulatory control via the solitary tract nucleus.  相似文献   

We investigated the respiratory effects of 10-(13)-10(-4) M bombesin microinjected into the solitary tract nucleus of adult anaesthetized rats. Bombesin markedly increased ventilation, tidal volume and electric activity of inspiratory muscles. The respiratory response was most pronounced when bombesin administered in mean concentrations (10(-10)-10(-7) M). We found that the respiratory effects ofbombesin could be based on its capacity for inhibition of Hering-Breuer inspiratory termination reflex at the level of the solitary tract nucleus. These results in aggregate with pattern of the distribution of endogenous bombesin and its receptors in the solitary tract nucleus area suggest the involvement of bombesin in the respiratory control via dorsal structures of the respiratory center.  相似文献   

Administration of substance P and kassinin into the solitary tract nucleus of anesthetized rats induced a dose-dependent increase in ventilation, tidal volume, inspiratory muscle activity, and a decrease in the mean blood pressure and heart rate. Microinjections of peptides caused a decrease in ventilatory response to hypoxia and an inhibition of the Breuer-Hering reflex. The data obtained suggest involvement of tachykinins in the respiratory and circulatory control via the solitary tract nucleus.  相似文献   

Recent data suggests that neurons expressing the long form of the leptin receptor form at least two distinct groups within the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS): a group within the lateral NTS (Slt) and one within the medial (Sm) and gelantinosa (Sg) NTS. Discrete injections of leptin into Sm and Sg, a region that receives chemoreceptor input, elicit increases in arterial pressure (AP) and renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA). However, the effect of microinjections of leptin into Slt, a region that receives baroreceptor input is unknown. Experiments were done in the urethane-chloralose anesthetized, paralyzed and artificially ventilated Wistar or Zucker obese rat to determine leptin's effect in Slt on heart rate (HR), AP and RSNA during electrical stimulation of the aortic depressor nerve (ADN). Depressor sites within Slt were first identified by the microinjection of l-glutamate (Glu; 0.25 M; 10 nl) followed by leptin microinjections. In the Wistar rat leptin microinjection (50 ng; 20 nl) into depressor sites within the lateral Slt elicited increases in HR and RSNA, but no changes in AP. Additionally, leptin injections into Slt prior to Glu injections at the same site or to stimulation of the ADN were found to attenuate the decreases in HR, AP and RSNA to both the Glu injection and ADN stimulation. In Zucker obese rats, leptin injections into NTS depressor sites did not elicit cardiovascular responses, nor altered the cardiovascular responses elicited by stimulation of ADN. Those data suggest that leptin acts at the level of NTS to alter the activity of neurons that mediate the cardiovascular responses to activation of the aortic baroreceptor reflex.  相似文献   

Taste-evoked neural responses in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) are subject to both excitatory and inhibitory modulation by physiological conditions that influence ingestion. Treatments that induce sodium appetite predominantly reduce NST gustatory responsiveness to sapid stimuli. When sodium appetite is aroused with 10 mg of the diuretic furosemide (Furo), however, NST gustatory neurons exhibit an enhanced responsiveness to NaCl. In addition to inducing a sodium appetite, 10 mg Furo supports a conditioned taste aversion (CTA). A lower, 2-mg dose of Furo induces an equivalent sodium appetite, but not a CTA. To determine whether the anomalous electrophysiological results reflected the adverse effects of the 10-mg dose, we replicated the original experiment but instead used 2 mg of Furo. In chronically prepared, lightly anesthetized rats, the responses of 49 single NST neurons to 12 taste stimuli were recorded after subcutaneous injections of either 2 mg Furo or saline. There was no effect of treatment on NST neural responses to the four standard taste stimuli. In the NaCl concentration series, however, 2 mg Furo evoked significantly higher responses to the two highest concentrations of NaCl. There was no effect of treatment in the sucrose concentration series. Thus, unlike other methods that induce a sodium appetite, Furo increases NST neural responsiveness to NaCl. At least as far as the first central relay, sodium appetite apparently does not depend on specific changes in the sensory neural code for taste.  相似文献   

Activation of the renin-angiotensin system in the brain is considered important in the arousal and expression of sodium appetite. To clarify the effects of directly activating this hormonal cascade, taste neurons in the nucleus of the solitary tract of rats were tested with a battery of sapid stimuli after intracerebroventricular injection of renin or its vehicle. The rats were chronically prepared but lightly anesthetized during the recording procedure. Eighty-five taste neurons were tested: 46 after renin injections and 39 after vehicle. Neural activity was counted for 5.0-s periods without stimulation (spontaneous) and during stimulation with water and sapid chemicals. The averaged responses to each of the standard stimuli (0.1 M NaCl, 0.3 M sucrose, 0.01 M citric acid, and 0.01 M quinine hydrochloride) did not differ significantly between the two conditions. When the rats were tested with a concentration range of NaCl, however, after renin the average responses to the hypertonic 0.3 and 1.0 M stimuli were reduced to 74 and 70%, respectively, compared with those after vehicle injections. A similar tendency was evident for the subsample of neurons that responded best to NaCl, but the effect was smaller. These data are consistent with, but not as dramatic as, those reported after dietary-induced sodium appetite.  相似文献   

Subthreshold aortic nerve (AN) inputs to neurons receiving a monosynaptic AN-evoked input (MSNs: respond to each of two AN stimuli separated by 5 ms) and neurons receiving a polysynaptic AN input (PSNs) in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) were identified in anesthetized rats. In extracellular recordings from 24 MSNs and 49 PSNs, 12% of MSNs and 29% of PSNs only responded to AN stimulation during the application of excitatory amino acids. In intracellular recordings from 24 MSNs and 22 PSNs, 12% of MSNs and 14% of PSNs responded to AN stimulation with excitatory postsynaptic potentials that did not evoke action potential discharge. Reductions in arterial pressure produced minimal changes in the spontaneous discharge of suprathreshold AN-evoked neurons, suggesting that these neurons receive excitatory inputs from nonbaroreceptor sources. The results suggest that some baroreflex-related NTS neurons exist in a "reserve state and can be changed to an active state or vice versa. This will change the number of neurons involved in baroreflex circuits and provides a novel mechanism for regulating baroreflex function independently of alterations in peripheral afferent input.  相似文献   

In experiments on conscious rats it was found that preliminary microinjection of 100 nl 100 microM glutamic acid to the rostral commissural part of the solitary tract nucleus or to the caudal ventrolateral medulla increased a rise in colonic temperature induced by systemically applied endotoxin (3 microg/kg Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide, i.p.) as compared to animals with intrabulbar injection of vehicle (control group). Preliminary microinjection of glutamate to the caudal commissural part of the solitary tract nucleus levelled the endotoxin-induced temperature response. After glutamate treatment of the caudal ventrolateral medulla there was a significant decrease in the noradrenaline content and decrease in the adrenaline level in the caudal (not significant) and rostral ventrolateral medulla (significant), as well as a small rise in noradrenergic activity at the solitary tract nucleus as compared to control animals. The post-mortem measurement of the optical density of brainstem tissues revealed its significant attenuation at the solitary tract nucleus and caudal ventrolateral medulla after glutamate as compared with these structures after vehicle. The involvement of monoaminergic systems of both structures under study in the initiation and control of temperature responses during endotoxemia is suggested.  相似文献   

In anesthetized, spontaneously breathing rats, microinjections of selective agonists of neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptor subtypes were made into the medial region of the caudal nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) at the level of the area postrema. This region of the rat NTS exhibits very high densities of NPY binding sites. Microinjections of the long C-terminal NPY fragment, NPY(13-36), a selective agonist at Y2 receptors, into the caudal NTS elicited pronounced, dose-related reductions in blood pressure and respiratory minute volume. Moreover, the specific pattern of cardiorespiratory responses elicited by NPY(13-36) was remarkably similar, over approximately the same dosage range, with the cardiorespiratory response pattern elicited by intact NPY. In contrast to the potent NTS-mediated responses evoked by NPY(13-36), similar microinjections conducted with either NPY(26-36), an inactive C-terminal NPY fragment, or [Leu31,Pro34]NPY, a NPY analog with specific agonist properties at Y1 receptors, into the same caudal NTS sites did not appreciably affect cardiorespiratory parameters even at 10-20-fold higher dosages. The present results with selective agonists for NPY receptor subtypes suggest that the depressor responses and reductions in minute volume elicited by microinjections of intact NPY and NPY(13-36) were mediated by Y2 receptors in the caudal NTS, likely distributed at presynaptic sites in the medial region of the subpostremal NTS.  相似文献   

Cranial nerve visceral afferents enter the brain stem to synapse on neurons within the solitary tract nucleus (NTS). The broad heterogeneity of both visceral afferents and NTS neurons makes understanding afferent synaptic transmission particularly challenging. To study a specific subgroup of second-order neurons in medial NTS, we anterogradely labeled arterial baroreceptor afferents of the aortic depressor nerve (ADN) with lipophilic fluorescent tracer (i.e., ADN+) and measured synaptic responses to solitary tract (ST) activation recorded from dye-identified neurons in medial NTS in horizontal brain stem slices. Every ADN+ NTS neuron received constant-latency ST-evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) (jitter < 192 micros, SD of latency). Stimulus-recruitment profiles showed single thresholds and no suprathreshold recruitment, findings consistent with EPSCs arising from a single, branched afferent axon. Frequency-dependent depression of ADN+ EPSCs averaged approximately 70% for five shocks at 50 Hz, but single-shock failure rates did not exceed 4%. Whether adjacent ADN- or those from unlabeled animals, other second-order NTS neurons (jitters < 200 micros) had ST transmission properties indistinguishable from ADN+. Capsaicin (CAP; 100 nM) blocked ST transmission in some neurons. CAP-sensitive ST-EPSCs were smaller and failed over five times more frequently than CAP-resistant responses, whether ADN+ or from unlabeled animals. Variance-mean analysis of ST-EPSCs suggested uniformly high probabilities for quantal glutamate release across second-order neurons. While amplitude differences may reflect different numbers of contacts, higher frequency-dependent failure rates in CAP-sensitive ST-EPSCs may arise from subtype-specific differences in afferent axon properties. Thus afferent transmission within medial NTS differed by axon class (e.g., CAP sensitive) but was indistinguishable by source of axon (e.g., baroreceptor vs. nonbaroreceptor).  相似文献   

In rats, local chemical isolation of neurones by the kainic acid helped to investigate into comparative role of different parts of the n. ambiguus in respiratory control mechanisms. We disclosed specific peculiarities of responses of rhythm and respiratory pattern to chemical isolation of different parts of the n. ambiguus. In particular, it was found that consecutive isolation of the left and right rostral parts of the n. ambiguus caused a significant decrease of the respiration rate and respiratory volume and also resulted in irreversible cessation of respiration in 83% of experiments. Isolation of symmetric medial parts of the n. ambiguus resulted in bradypnoe and a decrease of pulmonary ventilation; maximal respiratory effect was recorded after kainic acid injection in the symmetric part only, thus the irreversible cessation of respiration was recorded in 50% of experiments. After isolation of symmetric caudal parts of the n. ambiguus we observed an insignificant decrease of the respiration rate without significant changes of the respiratory volume, and number of the respiration cessation was minimal: 33%.  相似文献   

In experiments on anaesthetized rats, the neuronal mechanisms underlying processing of the nociceptive information from the colon within the nucleus of the solitary tract were studied. In addition, the role of nitric oxide in these processes was estimated. Analysis of changes in c-fos expression revealed that nociceptive colorectal distension (CRD) resulted in activation of neurons mainly in the medial, commissural, parvicellular and dorsomedial subnuclei of the solitary tract nucleus. Non-noxious CRD evoked in these subdivisions weak phasic excitatory neuronal responses. Under noxious CRD, neurons with phasic (58%) and tonic (42%) responses were revealed. The phasic neuron responses were significantly enhanced in comparison with non-noxious CRD. Inhibition of the neuronal NO-syntheses resulted in significant decrease of neuron responses to noxious CRD and the number of cells with tonic reactions. Therefore, neurons with tonic responses may be directly related to NO-depended processing ofnociceptive information from colon.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings from the lumbosacral dorsal horn were made to identify the axonal projection and the afferent innervation of the lateral cervical nucleus (LCN) and solitary tract nucleus (STN) on the spinal neurons of chloralose-anesthetized cats. A total of 49 neurons from laminae III-V in the spinal dorsal horn responded to stimulation of both the LCN and STN. Of these, 28 and 21 neurons responded antidromically and orthodromically to stimulation of the LCN and STN, respectively. Seven of the 28 antidromically activated neurons were followed by one or more responses synaptically driven from the LCN and/or STN. The diameter of these ascending or descending fibers was in the range of A delta fibers. The results indicate that (1) some spinal neurons, namely spinocervical tract-spinosolitary tract (SCT-SST) neurons, issue branched axons of A delta-fibers and dually project to both LCN and STN; (2) some SCT-SST neurons receive innervation from both the LCN and STN; (3) some spinal neurons and interneurons are dually innervated by descending fibers originating from both the LCN and STN, and (4) the convergence and integration between somatic and visceral sensory inputs might occur in the SCT-SST neurons.  相似文献   

Experiments were done in male Wistar rats to investigate the effects of microinjection of hypocretin-1 (Hcrt-1) into the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) on mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), and the baroreflex. In the first series, the distribution of Hcrt-1-like immunoreactivity (Ir) was mapped within the region of NTS. Hcrt-1 Ir was found throughout the NTS region, predominantly within the caudal dorsolateral (Slt), medial (Sm), and interstitial subnuclei of the NTS. In the second series, in alpha-chloralose or urethane-anesthetized rats, microinjection of Hcrt-1 (0.5-5 pmol) into the caudal NTS elicited a dose-dependent decrease in MAP and HR. A mapping of the caudal NTS region showed that the largest depressor and bradycardia responses elicited by Hcrt-1 were from sites in the Slt and Sm. In addition, doses >2.5 pmol at a small number of sites localized to the caudal commissural nucleus of NTS elicited pressor and tachycardia responses. Intravenous administration of the muscarinic receptor blocker atropine methyl bromide abolished the bradycardia response and attenuated the depressor response, whereas subsequent administration of the nicotinic receptor blocker hexamethonium bromide abolished the remaining MAP response. Finally, microinjection of Hcrt-1 into the NTS significantly potentiated the reflex bradycardia to activation of arterial baroreceptors as a result of increasing MAP by systemic injections of phenylephrine (2-4 microg/kg). These results suggest that Hcrt-1 in the NTS activates neuronal circuits that increases vagal activity to the heart, inhibits sympathetic activity to the heart and vasculature, and alters the excitability of NTS neuronal circuits that reflexly control the circulation.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that aberrantly expressed gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) and its receptor (GRP-R) critically regulate tumor cell differentiation in colon cancers developing in humans and mice. This finding suggested that the ability of GRP/GRP-R to promote a well-differentiated phenotype in colon cancer might reflect a re-capitulation of a normal role in regulating intestinal organogenesis. To determine if this was the case, we compared and contrasted intestinal development in GRPR-/- mice with their wild type littermates. GRP/GRP-R co-expression in wild type mice was only observed in villous enterocytes between N-1 and N-12. During this time frame villous growth was completely attenuated in GRPR-/- mice. The contribution of GRP/GRP-R to villous growth was due to their act in increasing enterocyte proliferation prior to N-8 but increasing enterocyte size thereafter. From N-12 onwards, small intestinal villous growth in GRPR-/- mice resumed such that no difference in this structure could be detected at adulthood between mice of either genotype. We next studied GRP/GRP-R expression in human abortuses. These proteins were co-expressed by villous enterocytes only between weeks 14 and 20 post-conception, a time frame analogous to when they are expressed in the murine intestine. Thus, this study shows for the first time that GRP/GRP-R play a transient and non-critical role in intestinal development, yet provides a rationale for their re-appearance in colon cancer.  相似文献   

Microinjections (50 nl) of nicotine (0.01-10 microM) into the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) of adult, urethan-anesthetized, artificially ventilated, male Wistar rats, elicited decreases in blood pressure and heart rate. Prior microinjections of alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-BT) and alpha-conotoxin ImI (specific toxins for nicotinic receptors containing alpha7 subunits) elicited a 20-38% reduction in nicotine responses. Similarly, prior microinjections of hexamethonium, mecamylamine, and alpha-conotoxin AuIB (specific blockers or toxin for nicotinic receptors containing alpha3beta4 subunits) elicited a 47-79% reduction in nicotine responses. Nicotine responses were completely blocked by prior sequential microinjections of alpha-BT and mecamylamine into the NTS. Complete blockade of excitatory amino acid receptors (EAARs) in the NTS did not attenuate the responses to nicotine. It was concluded that 1) the predominant type of nicotinic receptor in the NTS contains alpha3beta4 subunits, 2) a smaller proportion contains alpha7 subunits, 3) the presynaptic nicotinic receptors in the NTS do not contribute to nicotine-induced responses, and 4) EAARs in the NTS are not involved in mediating responses to nicotine.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) stimulates insulin secretion and induces oscillations of the cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](cyt)) in clonal insulinoma cells. It is not known whether GRP affects [Ca(2+)](cyt) in normal beta cells. We investigated, in single, normal, mouse islet beta cells, the effects of GRP on [Ca(2+)](cyt), by dual wavelength spectrophotofluorometry. Beta cells were identified by their typical response to glucose or tolbutamide. At 15 mM glucose, GRP (100 nM) evoked an immediate [Ca(2+)](cyt) transient to 423 +/- 48 nM compared to 126 +/- 18 nM before GRP (P < 0.001). After the initial transient, [Ca(2+)](cyt) exhibited either a sustained elevation or oscillations. At 3.3 mM glucose, in cells with a non-oscillating [Ca(2+)](cyt), GRP stimulated a prompt increase in [Ca(2+)](cyt) (from 60 +/- 6 to 285 +/- 30 nM, P = 0.024) followed by either a sustained increase in [Ca(2+)](cyt) or [Ca(2+)](cyt) oscillations. We conclude that GRP promptly elevates [Ca(2+)](cyt) by a direct action in normal mouse pancreatic beta cells.  相似文献   

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