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Mahonia bealei (Berberidaceae) is a frequently-used traditional Chinese medicinal plant with efficient anti-inflammatory ability. This plant is one of the sources of berberine, a new cholesterol-lowering drug with anti-diabetic activity. We have sequenced the complete nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast (cp) genome of M. bealei. The complete cp genome of M. bealei is 164,792 bp in length, and has a typical structure with large (LSC 73,052 bp) and small (SSC 18,591 bp) single-copy regions separated by a pair of inverted repeats (IRs 36,501 bp) of large size. The Mahonia cp genome contains 111 unique genes and 39 genes are duplicated in the IR regions. The gene order and content of M. bealei are almost unarranged which is consistent with the hypothesis that large IRs stabilize cp genome and reduce gene loss-and-gain probabilities during evolutionary process. A large IR expansion of over 12 kb has occurred in M. bealei, 15 genes (rps19, rpl22, rps3, rpl16, rpl14, rps8, infA, rpl36, rps11, petD, petB, psbH, psbN, psbT and psbB) have expanded to have an additional copy in the IRs. The IR expansion rearrangement occurred via a double-strand DNA break and subsequence repair, which is different from the ordinary gene conversion mechanism. Repeat analysis identified 39 direct/inverted repeats 30 bp or longer with a sequence identity ≥ 90%. Analysis also revealed 75 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci and almost all are composed of A or T, contributing to a distinct bias in base composition. Comparison of protein-coding sequences with ESTs reveals 9 putative RNA edits and 5 of them resulted in non-synonymous modifications in rpoC1, rps2, rps19 and ycf1. Phylogenetic analysis using maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) was performed on a dataset composed of 65 protein-coding genes from 25 taxa, which yields an identical tree topology as previous plastid-based trees, and provides strong support for the sister relationship between Ranunculaceae and Berberidaceae. Molecular dating analyses suggest that Ranunculaceae and Berberidaceae diverged between 90 and 84 mya, which is congruent with the fossil records and with recent estimates of the divergence time of these two taxa.  相似文献   

Taxus chinensis var. mairei (Taxaceae) is a domestic variety of yew species in local China. This plant is one of the sources for paclitaxel, which is a promising antineoplastic chemotherapy drugs during the last decade. We have sequenced the complete nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast (cp) genome of T. chinensis var. mairei. The T. chinensis var. mairei cp genome is 129,513 bp in length, with 113 single copy genes and two duplicated genes (trnI-CAU, trnQ-UUG). Among the 113 single copy genes, 9 are intron-containing. Compared to other land plant cp genomes, the T. chinensis var. mairei cp genome has lost one of the large inverted repeats (IRs) found in angiosperms, fern, liverwort, and gymnosperm such as Cycas revoluta and Ginkgo biloba L. Compared to related species, the gene order of T. chinensis var. mairei has a large inversion of ~ 110 kb including 91 genes (from rps18 to accD) with gene contents unarranged. Repeat analysis identified 48 direct and 2 inverted repeats 30 bp long or longer with a sequence identity greater than 90%. Repeated short segments were found in genes rps18, rps19 and clpP. Analysis also revealed 22 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci and almost all are composed of A or T.  相似文献   

Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is an edible root vegetable crop that is cultivated worldwide and whose genome has been sequenced. Here we report the complete nucleotide sequence of the radish cultivar WK10039 chloroplast (cp) genome, along with a de novo assembly strategy using whole genome shotgun sequence reads obtained by next generation sequencing. The radish cp genome is 153,368 bp in length and has a typical quadripartite structure, composed of a pair of inverted repeat regions (26,217 bp each), a large single copy region (83,170 bp), and a small single copy region (17,764 bp). The radish cp genome contains 87 predicted protein-coding genes, 37 tRNA genes, and 8 rRNA genes. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of 91 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in the radish cp genome.  相似文献   

Oregano (Origanum vulgare L., Lamiaceae) is a medicinal and aromatic plant maybe best known for flavouring pizza. New applications e.g. as natural antioxidants for food are emerging due to the plants' high antibacterial and antioxidant activity. The complete chloroplast (cp) genome of Origanum vulgare (GenBank/EBML/DDBJ accession number: JX880022) consists of 151,935 bp and includes a pair of inverted repeats (IR) of 25,527 bp separated by one small and one large single copy region (SSC and LSC) of 17,745 and 83,136 bp, respectively.  相似文献   

Praxelis (Eupatorium catarium Veldkamp) is a new hazardous invasive plant species that has caused serious economic losses and environmental damage in the Northern hemisphere tropical and subtropical regions. Although previous studies focused on detecting the biological characteristics of this plant to prevent its expansion, little effort has been made to understand the impact of Praxelis on the ecosystem in an evolutionary process. The genetic information of Praxelis is required for further phylogenetic identification and evolutionary studies. Here, we report the complete Praxelis chloroplast (cp) genome sequence. The Praxelis chloroplast genome is 151,410 bp in length including a small single-copy region (18,547 bp) and a large single-copy region (85,311 bp) separated by a pair of inverted repeats (IRs; 23,776 bp). The genome contains 85 unique and 18 duplicated genes in the IR region. The gene content and organization are similar to other Asteraceae tribe cp genomes. We also analyzed the whole cp genome sequence, repeat structure, codon usage, contraction of the IR and gene structure/organization features between native and invasive Asteraceae plants, in order to understand the evolution of organelle genomes between native and invasive Asteraceae. Comparative analysis identified the 14 markers containing greater than 2% parsimony-informative characters, indicating that they are potential informative markers for barcoding and phylogenetic analysis. Moreover, a sister relationship between Praxelis and seven other species in Asteraceae was found based on phylogenetic analysis of 28 protein-coding sequences. Complete cp genome information is useful for plant phylogenetic and evolutionary studies within this invasive species and also within the Asteraceae family.  相似文献   

Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is an economically important crop, which is grown for oil production. To better understand the molecular basis of oil palm chloroplasts, we characterized the complete chloroplast (cp) genome sequence obtained from 454 pyrosequencing. The oil palm cp genome is 156,973 bp in length consisting of a large single-copy region of?85,192 bp flanked on each side by inverted repeats of 27,071 bp with a small single-copy region of 17,639 bp joining the?repeats. The genome contains 112 unique genes: 79 protein-coding genes, 4 ribosomal RNA genes and 29 tRNA genes. By aligning the cp?genome sequence with oil palm cDNA sequences, we observed 18 non-silent and 10 silent RNA editing events among 19 cp protein-coding genes. Creation of an initiation codon by RNA editing in rpl2 has been reported in several monocots and was also found in the oil palm cp genome. Fifty common chloroplast protein-coding genes from 33 plant taxa were used to construct ML and MP?phylogenetic trees. Their topologies are similar and strongly support for the position of E. guineensis as the sister of closely related species Phoenix dactylifera in Arecaceae (palm families) of monocot subtrees.  相似文献   

This current study presents, for the first time, the complete chloroplast genome of two Cleomaceae species: Dipterygium glaucum and Cleome chrysantha in order to evaluate the evolutionary relationship. The cp genome is 158,576 bp in length with 35.74% GC content in D. glaucum and 158,111 bp with 35.96% GC in C. chrysantha. Inverted repeats IR 26,209 bp, 26,251 bp each, LSC of 87,738 bp, 87,184 bp and SSC of 18,420 bp, 18,425 bp respectively. There are 136 genes in the genome, which includes 80 protein coding genes, 31 tRNA genes and four rRNA genes were observed in both chloroplast genomes. 117 genes are unique while the remaining 19 genes are duplicated in IR regions. The analysis of repeats shows that the cp genome includes all types of repeats with more frequent occurrences of palindromic; Also, this analysis indicates that the total number of simple sequence repeats (SSR) were 323 in D. glaucum, and 313 in C. chrysantha, of which the majority of the SSRs in these plastid genomes were mononucleotide repeats A/T which are located in the intergenic spacer. Moreover, the comparative analysis of the four cp sequences revealed four hotspot genes (atpF, rpoC2, rps19, and ycf1), these variable regions could be used as molecular makers for the species authentication as well as resources for inferring phylogenetic relationships of the species. All the relationships in the phylogenetic tree are with high support, this indicate that the complete chloroplast genome is a useful data for inferring phylogenetic relationship within the Cleomaceae and other families. The simple sequence repeats identified will be useful for identification, genetic diversity, and other evolutionary studies of the species. This study reported the first cp genome of the genus Dipterygium and Cleome. The finding of this study will be beneficial for biological disciplines such as evolutionary and genetic diversity studies of the species within the core Cleomaceae.  相似文献   

Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is an economical plant and widely grown for natural rubber production. However, genomic research of rubber tree has lagged behind other species in the Euphorbiaceae family. We report the complete chloroplast genome sequence of rubber tree as being 161,191 bp in length including a pair of inverted repeats of 26,810 bp separated by a small single copy region of 18,362 bp and a large single copy region of 89,209 bp. The chloroplast genome contains 112 unique genes, 16 of which are duplicated in the inverted repeat. Of the 112 unique genes, 78 are predicted protein-coding genes, 4 are ribosomal RNA genes and 30 are tRNA genes. Relative to other plant chloroplast genomes, we observed a unique rearrangement in the rubber tree chloroplast genome: a 30-kb inversion between the trnE(UUC)-trnS(GCU) and the trnT(GGU)-trnR(UCU). A comparison between the rubber tree chloroplast genes and cDNA sequences revealed 51 RNA editing sites in which most (48 sites) were located in 26 protein coding genes and the other 3 sites were in introns. Phylogenetic analysis based on chloroplast genes demonstrated a close relationship between Hevea and Manihot in Euphorbiaceae and provided a strong support for a monophyletic group of the eurosid I.  相似文献   

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