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Electrophoretic data were analysed from 49 species of freshwater fish, 57 species of marine fish, and seven anadromous species. For each species, at least 15 individuals had been assayed for at least 15 loci in two or more subpopulations. The results showed that while average total heterozygosity ( T ) was approximately equal in freshwater and marine species (0·062 and 0·064 respectively), subpopulation heterozygosity ( s ) was significantly less in the former group (0·046 and 0·059 respectively). Consequently the average degree of genetic subpopulation differentiation ( ST ) was significantly greater for freshwater species (0·222 v. 0·062). On average, it is likely that marine subpopulations exchange between 10 and 100 times more migrants per generation than freshwater subpopulations, presumably because of the relative absence of barriers to dispersal in the marine environment. The reduced values of Hs in freshwater species are likely to reflect reduced effective subpopulation sizes relative to marine species. The few andromous species that have been analysed show intermediate levels of GST .  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is the raw material for evolutionary change, so a species’ capacity to maintain its genetic diversity is a major concern in conservation genetics. Although genetic diversity within a population is reduced through time by genetic drift, gene flow among populations can act to recover or add new genetic variants. The goal of this study was to infer potential connectivity among isolated-by-sea populations of the vulnerable freshwater blenny (Salaria fluviatilis) and to determine if gene flow could contribute to maintaining genetic diversity in connected populations. Four genetic clusters (one small at the North, one large at the South for both East and West coasts) were detected with different clustering methods (FLOCK, STUCTURE, UPGMA, AMOVA). The two larger genetic clusters with higher migration-rate estimates among localities had higher genetic diversity and allelic richness and lower relatedness between individuals, compared to isolated localities found in smaller clusters. Our results also suggest that sea currents may facilitate fish movements among neighbouring rivers. Overall, gene flow among isolated-by-sea but close rivers could maintain the evolutionary potential of freshwater blenny populations. This finding should be considered when elaborating a conservation program for this species.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of anadromous and freshwater Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) populations from north-west Russia and other north European locations was compared using microsatellite variation to evaluate the importance of anadromous migration, population size and population glacial history in determining population genetic diversity and divergence. In anadromous Atlantic salmon populations, the level of genetic diversity was significantly higher and the level of population divergence was significantly lower than among the freshwater Atlantic salmon populations, even after correcting for differences in stock size. The phylogeographic origin of the populations also had a significant effect on the genetic diversity characteristics of populations: anadromous populations from the basins of the Atlantic Ocean, White Sea and Barents Sea possessed higher levels of genetic diversity than anadromous populations from the Baltic Sea basin. Among the freshwater populations, the result was the opposite: the Baltic freshwater populations were more variable. The results of this study imply that differences in the level of long-term gene flow between freshwater populations and anadromous populations have led to different levels of genetic diversity, which was also evidenced by the hierarchical analysis of molecular variance. Furthermore, the results emphasize the importance of taking the life history of a population into consideration when developing conservation strategies: due to the limited possibilities for new genetic diversity to be generated via gene flow, it is expected that freshwater Atlantic salmon populations would be more vulnerable to extinction following a population crash. Hence, high conservation status is warranted in order to ensure the long-term survival of the limited number of European populations with this life-history strategy.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridizations have often been observed between native and introduced trouts of North America (Oncorhynchus spp.) and Europe (Salmo spp.), including some lineages that have been isolated for more than a million years. These observations have suggested that introgression is the expected result between introduced and indigenous conspecific salmonids. However, an examination of published information reveals a high variability in such anticipated gene flow. Many studies have noted the relative ease of translocating freshwater over anadromous salmonids, and this difference has been related to the more complex adaptations of anadromous populations (e.g., freshwater and marine residence, smoltification, juvenile and adult migration) that obstruct their translocation to conspecifically colonized areas. This contrast extends to introgressive capabilities where examples of introgression among freshwater populations predominate. Despite intensive introductions of non-native salmonids, indigenous anadromous populations commonly resist introgression. However, within major lineages, anadromous populations appear to be more susceptible to introgression. Measuring the extent and dynamics of such introgressions remains challenging because subgroups within major lineages lie on or below the threshold for detection by molecular genetic markers. These substructures appear to reflect the more rapid evolution of directional selection promoting, for instance, temporal or microgeographic divergence within a population unit defined by genetic markers. Consequently, management that assumes panmixia within a particular region based on even intensive molecular genetic analysis will inevitably erode and prevent reformation of this substructure to the detriment of the overall genetic variability and productivity.  相似文献   

Climate change experts largely agree that future climate change and associated rises in oceanic water levels over the upcoming decades, will affect marine salinity levels. The subsequent effects on fish communities in estuarine ecosystems however, are less clear. One species that is likely to become increasingly affected by changes in salinity is the ide (Leuciscus idus). The ide is a stenohaline freshwater fish that primarily inhabits rivers, with frequent anadromous behavior when sea salinity does not exceed 15%. Unlike most other anadromous Baltic Sea fish species, the ide has yet to be subjected to large‐scale stocking programs, and thus provides an excellent opportunity for studying the natural population structure across the current salinity gradient in the Danish Belts. To explore this, we used Genotyping‐by‐Sequencing to determine genomic population structure of both freshwater resident and anadromous ide populations in the western Baltic Sea region, and relate the results to the current salinity gradient and the demographic history of ide in the region. The sample sites separate into four clusters, with all anadromous populations in one cluster and the freshwater resident populations in the remaining three. Results demonstrate high level of differentiation between sites hosting freshwater resident populations, but little differentiation among anadromous populations. Thus ide exhibit the genomic population structure of both a typical freshwater species, and a typical anadromous species. In addition to providing a first insight into the population structure of north‐western European ide, our data also (1) provide indications of a single illegal introduction by man; (2) suggest limited genetic effects of heavy pollution in the past; and (3) indicate possible historical anadromous behavior in a now isolated freshwater population.  相似文献   

Sakhalin taimen (Parahucho perryi) range from the Russian Far East mainland along the Sea of Japan coast, and Sakhalin, Kuril, and Hokkaido Islands and are considered to primarily be an anadromous species. We used otolith strontium-to-calcium ratios (Sr/Ca) to determine the chronology of migration between freshwater and saltwater and identify migratory contingents of taimen collected from the Koppi River, Russia. In addition, we examined taimen from the Sarufutsu River, Japan and Tumnin River, Russia that were captured in marine waters. Transects of otolith Sr/Ca for the Sarufutsu River fish were consistent with patterns observed in anadromous salmonids. Two fish from the Tumnin River appeared to be recent migrants to saltwater and one fish was characterized by an otolith Sr/Ca transect consistent with marine migration. Using these transects as benchmarks, all Koppi River taimen were classified as freshwater residents. These findings suggest more work is needed to assess life history variability among locations and the role of freshwater productivity in controlling migratory behavior in taimen.  相似文献   

This paper explores my shifting understandings of interactions primarily between salmonid fish culture and fish conservation during the latter half of the 20th century. The idea that conspecific natural and cultured fish were largely interchangeable among phenotypically similar populations began to change with the advent of molecular genetic markers. With the gradual clarification of major geographic lineages beginning in the 1970s came awareness that translocations among anadromous lineages were generally destined for failure; in contrast, gene flow more readily occurred among non-anadromous lineages and sometimes, species. Within lineages, data concurrently were accumulating that showed adaptations to their respective environments distinguished cultured and wild populations. Reduced obstacles to gene flow at this level often resulted in homogenizations among wild and cultured fish in areas where widespread hatchery releases occurred; conversely, adaptive radiations in vacant habitats sometimes occurred over a few decades from single source hatchery releases. Current ideas relating to salmonid interbreeding, population substructure and culture evolved from these observations. Among lineages, resistance to gene flow is much greater between anadromous than purely freshwater populations or species. Within lineages, ease of gene flow in both anadromous and freshwater populations is problematical with regard to cultured and wild populations because large-scale supplementation programs erode local adaptations and fine-scale population substructures. At this level, a potential ability to regenerate natural substructure upon relaxation of supplementation is offset by uncertainties of time scales and intrinsic capabilities of homogenized populations. However, management that separates harvest and reproduction of wild and cultured subpopulations can minimize these losses. Some generality of this strategy to other fishes is supported by losses of local adaptations and outbreeding depression in black basses following population admixtures that parallel those observed in salmonids.  相似文献   

The current paradigm of fish community distribution is one of a downstream increase in species richness by addition, but this concept is based on a small number of streams from the mid-west and southern United States, which are dominated by cyprinids. Further, the measure of species richness traditionally used, without including evenness, may not be providing an accurate reflection of the fish community. We hypothesize that in streams dominated by anadromous salmonids, fish community diversity will be affected by the presence of the anadromous species, and therefore be influenced by those factors affecting the salmonid population. Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick, Canada, provides a long-term data set to evaluate fish community diversity upstream and downstream of an obstruction (North American beaver Castor canadensis dam complex), which affects distribution of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. The Shannon Weiner diversity index and community evenness were calculated for sample sites distributed throughout the brook and over 15 years. Fish community diversity was greatest upstream of the beaver dams and in the absence of Atlantic salmon. The salmon appear to depress the evenness of the community but do not affect species richness. The community upstream of the beaver dams changes due to replacement of slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus by salmon, rather than addition, when access is provided. Within Catamaran Brook, location of beaver dams and autumn streamflow interact to govern adult Atlantic salmon spawner distribution, which then dictates juvenile production and effects on fish community. These communities in an anadromous Atlantic salmon dominated stream do not follow the species richness gradient pattern shown in cyprinid-dominated streams and an alternative model for stream fish community distribution in streams dominated by anadromous salmonids is presented. This alternative model suggests that community distribution may be a function of semipermeable obstructions, streamflow and the distribution of the anadromous species affecting resident stream fish species richness, evenness, biomass and production.  相似文献   

From a total of 524 microsatellite loci considered in nearly 40 000 individuals of 78 species, freshwater fish displayed levels of population genetic variation (mean heterozygosity, h=0·46, and mean numbers of alleles per locus, a=7·5) roughly similar to those of non-piscine animals (h=0·58 and a=7·1). In contrast, local population samples of marine fish displayed on average significantly higher heterozygosities (h=0·79) and nearly three times the number of alleles per locus (a=20·6). Anadromous fish were intermediate to marine and freshwater fish (h=0·68 and a=11·3). Results parallel earlier comparative summaries of allozyme variation in marine, anadromous, and freshwater fishes and probably are attributable in part to differences in evolutionarily effective population sizes typifying species inhabiting these realms.  相似文献   

洄游型、淡水型和陆封型刀鲚的寄生蠕虫群落结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于对淡水环境的适应和江湖阻隔,部分洄游型刀鲚(Coilia nasus)分化成淡水型和陆封型,为寻找区分洄游型、淡水型和陆封型这3种生态型刀鲚的寄生虫标志,并分析其寄生蠕虫群落结构特征,本文调查了3种生态型刀鲚鳃部、胃、肠和幽门盲囊中寄生蠕虫的种类和感染情况。共发现10种寄生虫,包括鳃上3种单殖吸虫:林氏异钩铗虫(Heteromazocraes lingmueni)、细长嗜鳀虫(Helciferus tenuis)和长江中华钩铗虫(Sinomazocraes changjiangensis);胃部1种复殖吸虫:鲚套茎吸虫(Elytrophallus coiliae);肠道3种线虫:简单异尖线虫(Anisakis simplex)、对盲囊线虫(Contracaecum sp.)和胃瘤线虫(Eustrongylides sp.),以及肠和幽门盲囊的3种棘头虫:陈氏刺棘虫(Acanthosentis cheni)、鲇异吻钩棘头虫(Arhythmacanthus parasiluri)、长江傲刺棘头虫(Brentisentis yangtzensis)。林氏异钩铗虫和陈氏刺棘虫在3种生态型的刀鲚中都有较高的感染率和平均丰度;海水性寄生虫细长嗜鳀虫、鲚套茎吸虫和对盲囊线虫只感染洄游型刀鲚,可作为区分洄游型刀鲚的寄生虫标志;淡水性寄生虫长江中华钩铗虫、鲇异吻钩棘头虫和长江傲刺棘头虫只在淡水型刀鲚中发现,可作为淡水型刀鲚的寄生虫标志。洄游型刀鲚的物种丰富度和Brillouin多样性最高,分别在1.25和0.19以上,淡水型刀鲚的较低,分别为0.79~1.12和0.10~0.12,陆封型刀鲚的最低,分别在0.66和0.02以下,这主要是由于淡水型和陆封型刀鲚中海水性寄生虫大部分丢失,以及淡水性寄生虫感染率和平均丰度都较低造成的。盐度降低和中间宿主缺乏是导致淡水型和陆封型刀鲚中海水性寄生虫丢失的主要原因;而淡水性寄生虫较低的感染水平可能是由于其对新宿主的适应时间较短;地理隔离可能是陆封型刀鲚中寄生虫群落多样性最低的另一重要原因。  相似文献   

A common dimorphism in life-history tactic in salmonids is the presence of an anadromous pathway involving a migration to sea followed by a freshwater reproduction, along with an entirely freshwater resident tactic. Although common, the genetic and environmental influence on the adoption of a particular life-history tactic has rarely been studied under natural conditions. Here, we used sibship-reconstruction based on microsatellite data and an 'animal model' approach to estimate the additive genetic basis of the life-history tactic adopted (anadromy vs. residency) in a natural population of brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis. We also assess its genetic correlation with phenotypic correlated traits, body size and body shape. Significant heritability was observed for life-history tactic (varying from 0.52 to 0.56 depending on the pedigree scenario adopted) as well as for body size (from 0.44 to 0.50). There was also a significant genetic correlation between these two traits, whereby anadromous fish were genetically associated with bigger size at age 1 (r(G) = -0.52 and -0.61). Our findings thus indicate that life-history tactics in this population have the potential to evolve in response to selection acting on the tactic itself or indirectly via selection on body size. This study is one of the very few to have successfully used sibship-reconstruction to estimate quantitative genetic parameters under wild conditions.  相似文献   

Species pairs of threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, co-exist in several lakes in the Strait of Georgia, southwestern British Columbia. One species, ‘benthics’ is robust-bodied and is morphologically and behaviourally specialized for benthivory. The other species, ‘limnetics’ is specialized for planktivory in open-water habitats of the lakes. We examined mitochondrial DNA restriction site variation in benthic and limnetic sticklebacks as well as in solitary freshwater, anadromous (sea-run), and marine populations to test: (i) if benthic and limnetic pairs have evolved only once or multiple times (parallel evolution) and (ii) if the species have evolved sympatrically, or allopatrically from ‘double invasions’ of lakes by ancestral anadromous/marine sticklebacks. Stickleback mtDNA comprised a single clade with a low (mean = 0.40%) degree of sequence divergence among the 77 haplotypes resolved. Most nucleotide diversity (97%) was found within (rather than among) populations of anadromous/marine sticklebacks whereas most diversity (77%) was found among populations in freshwater sticklebacks. Significant differences in haplotype frequencies were found between benthics and limnetics in three of the four species pair lakes examined, but in all cases the pairs within lakes were characterized by unique assemblages of closely related haplotypes. Hierarchical clustering of divergence estimates suggested that comparable species from different lakes have originated independently in all lakes because in no case did comparable species from different lakes cluster together. Divergent species within lakes tended to be more closely related to one another than to species in other lakes and there were two cases were benthics and limnetics within a particular lake were monophyletic. In two of the four two-species lakes, limnetics were less divergent from putative ancestral anadromous/marine stickleback as predicted by the double invasion hypothesis, but in the two other lakes benthics were less divergent. Our data argue strongly that the species pairs have evolved independently in each lake were they now co-exist. Further, in two lakes our data are consistent with the species having evolved by sympatric divergence, but allopatric divergence followed by introgression of mtDNA that has obscured ancestral relationships cannot be discounted completely. Finally, despite remaining uncertainty about the geography of speciation, the species appear to have evolved in the face of gene flow arguing that natural selection acting on trophic ecology has been a major component of ecological speciation in sticklebacks.  相似文献   

The study of parasites associated with the anadromous mikizha from several rivers of the Western Kamchatka has revealed 44 parasite species. The majority of parasites (59%) belong to marine and estuarine-marine species. Lecithophyllum bothryophorum, Echinorhynchus leidyi and plerocercoids of the family Litobothriidae were found for the first time in anadromous fish entering into Asian continental watersheds. It has been revealed that only a few specimens of the anadromous mikizha feed in fresh waters. Most of feeding fish consume a minor amount of food, and this feeding is occasional. Young forms of intestinal parasites of the freshwater and estuarine-freshwater groups (Neoechinorhynchus spp., Crepidostomum spp., Cucullanus truttae, Eubothrium salvelinf) come into anadromous fishes mainly before their entering in fresh waters.  相似文献   

Current taxonomy of western Eurasian trout leaves a number of questions open; it is not clear to what extent some species are distinct genetically and morphologically. The purpose of this paper was to explore phylogeography and species boundaries in freshwater and anadromous trout from the drainages of the Black and the Caspian Seas (Ponto‐Caspian). We studied morphology and mitochondrial phylogeny, combining samples from the western Caucasus within the potential range of five nominal species of trout that are thought to inhabit this region, and using the sequences available from GenBank. Our results suggest that the genetic diversity of trout in the Ponto‐Caspian region is best explained with the fragmentation of catchments. (1) All trout species from Ponto‐Caspian belong to the same mitochondrial clade, separated from the other trout since the Pleistocene; (2) the southeastern Black Sea area is the most likely place of diversification of this clade, which is closely related to the clades from Anatolia; (3) The species from the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea drainages are monophyletic; (4) except for the basal lineage of the Ponto‐Caspian clade, Salmo rizeensis, all the lineages produce anadromous forms; (5) genetic diversification within the Ponto‐Caspian clade is related to Pleistocene glacial waves; (6) the described morphological differences between the species are not fully diagnostic, and some earlier described differences depend on body size; the differences between freshwater and marine forms exceed those between the different lineages. We suggest a conservative taxonomic approach, using the names S. rizeensis and Salmo labrax for trout from the Black Sea basin and Salmo caspius and Salmo ciscaucasicus for the fish from the Caspian basin.  相似文献   

Biological invasions provide opportunities to examine contemporary evolutionary processes in novel environments. American shad, an anadromous fish native to the Atlantic Coast of North America, was introduced to California in 1871 and established spawning populations along the Pacific Coast that may provide insights into the dynamics of dispersal, colonization, and the establishment of philopatry. Using 13 neutral microsatellite loci we genotyped anadromous, freshwater resident and landlocked American shad from 14 locations along the US Pacific Coast to resolve population genetic structure. We observed significant differences in multilocus allele frequency distributions in nearly all (61/66; 92%) pairwise comparisons of non-native anadromous, freshwater resident and landlocked populations, and detected significant genetic differentiation for most (55/66; 83%) of these comparisons. Genetic divergence between landlocked and anadromous populations is due to genetic drift in isolation because of a physical migration barrier. However, some reproductive isolating mechanism maintains genetic differentiation between sympatric populations in the Columbia River exhibiting alternative life history strategies (i.e. anadromous vs. ‘freshwater-type’). Non-native populations possessed genetic variants that were not observed in the species’ native range and were strongly differentiated from Atlantic Coast populations (\({\text{G}}^{{\prime }}_{\text{ST}}\)?=?0.218). Our results indicate that philopatry became established shortly after dispersal and colonization along the Pacific Coast. This study contributes to our understanding of dynamic evolutionary processes during invasions.  相似文献   

The most dramatic gradient in global biodiversity is between marine and terrestrial environments. Terrestrial environments contain approximately 75-85% of all estimated species, but occupy only 30 per cent of the Earth's surface (and only approx. 1-10% by volume), whereas marine environments occupy a larger area and volume, but have a smaller fraction of Earth's estimated diversity. Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain this disparity, but there have been few large-scale quantitative tests. Here, we analyse patterns of diversity in actinopterygian (ray-finned) fishes, the most species-rich clade of marine vertebrates, containing 96 per cent of fish species. Despite the much greater area and productivity of marine environments, actinopterygian richness is similar in freshwater and marine habitats (15 150 versus 14 740 species). Net diversification rates (speciation-extinction) are similar in predominantly freshwater and saltwater clades. Both habitats are dominated by two hyperdiverse but relatively recent clades (Ostariophysi and Percomorpha). Remarkably, trait reconstructions (for both living and fossil taxa) suggest that all extant marine actinopterygians were derived from a freshwater ancestor, indicating a role for ancient extinction in explaining low marine richness. Finally, by analysing an entirely aquatic group, we are able to better sort among potential hypotheses for explaining the paradoxically low diversity of marine environments.  相似文献   

The Caspian Sea, the largest inland closed water body in the world, has numerous endemic species. The Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius) is considered as endangered according to IUCN criteria. Information on phylogeography and genetic structure is crucial for appropriate management of genetic resources. In spite of the huge number of studies carried out in the Salmo trutta species complex across its distribution range, very few data are available on these issues for S. trutta within the Caspian Sea. Mitochondrial (mtDNA control region) and nuclear (major ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 1, ITS-1, and ten microsatellite loci) molecular markers were used to study the phylogeography, genetic structure, and current captive breeding strategies for reinforcement of Caspian trout in North Iranian rivers. Our results confirmed the presence of Salmo trutta caspius in this region. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated its membership to the brown trout Danubian (DA) lineage. Genetic diversity of Caspian brown trout in Iranian Rivers is comparable to the levels usually observed in sustainable anadromous European brown trout populations. Microsatellite data suggested two main clusters connected by gene flow among river basins likely by anadromous fish. No genetic differences were detected between the hatchery sample and the remaining wild populations. While the current hatchery program has not produced detectable genetic changes in the wild populations, conservation strategies prioritizing habitat improvement and recovering natural spawning areas for enhancing wild populations are emphasized.  相似文献   

Both anadromous and freshwater forms of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) inhabit Lake Harutori on the pacific coast of eastern Hokkaido, Japan. Since the two groups of threespine sticklebacks, Pacific Ocean and Japan Sea groups, which showed high genetic differentiation between them, were sympatrically distributed on the Pacific Ocean coast of Hokkaido Island, the genetic structures of the two forms were examined in Lake Harutori. Allozyme analyses of the two forms showed that most specimens from Lake Harutori belonged to the Pacific Ocean group, with a few fish belonging to the Japan Sea group or representing hybrids between the two groups. Both anadromous and freshwater sticklebacks were detected in the Pacific Ocean group. There were no significant differences in allelic frequencies at 17 presumptive loci between the two forms. Analyses of genetic relationships among 5 populations showed that the freshwater population from Lake Harutori was genetically more closely related to the sympatric anadromous population than to the freshwater population from a neighboring river. These results suggested that anadromous and freshwater sticklebacks in Lake Harutori form a single breeding population, and that the two forms might represent a life-history polymorphism within a single population.  相似文献   

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