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Sensing and responding to environmental cues is a fundamental characteristic of bacterial physiology and virulence. Here we identify polyamines as novel environmental signals essential for virulence of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, a major intracellular pathogen and a model organism for studying typhoid fever. Central to its virulence are two major virulence loci Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1 and 2 (SPI1 and SPI2). SPI1 promotes invasion of epithelial cells, whereas SPI2 enables S. Typhimurium to survive and proliferate within specialized compartments inside host cells. In this study, we show that an S. Typhimurium polyamine mutant is defective for invasion, intracellular survival, killing of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and systemic infection of the mouse model of typhoid fever. Virulence of the mutant could be restored by genetic complementation, and invasion and intracellular survival could, as well, be complemented by the addition of exogenous putrescine and spermidine to the bacterial cultures prior to infection. Interestingly, intracellular survival of the polyamine mutant was significantly enhanced above the wild type level by the addition of exogenous putrescine and spermidine to the bacterial cultures prior to infection, indicating that these polyamines function as an environmental signal that primes S. Typhimurium for intracellular survival. Accordingly, experiments addressed at elucidating the roles of these polyamines in infection revealed that expression of genes from both of the major virulence loci SPI1 and SPI2 responded to exogenous polyamines and was reduced in the polyamine mutant. Together our data demonstrate that putrescine and spermidine play a critical role in controlling virulence in S. Typhimurium most likely through stimulation of expression of essential virulence loci. Moreover, our data implicate these polyamines as key signals in S. Typhimurium virulence.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica strains survive and propagate in macrophages by both circumventing and resisting the antibacterial effectors normally delivered to the phagosome. An important aspect of Salmonella resistance is the production of periplasmic superoxide dismutase to combat phagocytic superoxide. S. enterica serovar Typhimurium strain 14028 produces two periplasmic superoxide dismutases: SodCI and SodCII. Both enzymes are produced during infection, but only SodCI contributes to virulence in the animal. Although 60% identical to SodCII at the amino acid level with very similar enzymatic properties, SodCI is dimeric, protease resistant, and tethered within the periplasm via a noncovalent interaction. In contrast, SodCII is monomeric and protease sensitive and is released from the periplasm normally by osmotic shock. We have constructed an enzymatically active monomeric SodCI enzyme by site-directed mutagenesis. The resulting protein was released by osmotic shock and sensitive to protease and could not complement the loss of wild-type dimeric SodCI during infection. To distinguish which property is most critical during infection, we cloned and characterized related SodC proteins from a variety of bacteria. Brucella abortus SodC was monomeric and released by osmotic shock but was protease resistant and could complement SodCI in the animal. These data suggest that protease resistance is a critical property that allows SodCI to function in the harsh environment of the phagosome to combat phagocytic superoxide. We propose a model to account for the various properties of SodCI and how they contribute to bacterial survival in the phagosome.  相似文献   

Exposure to bile induces curing of the virulence plasmid in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (pSLT). Disruption of the ccdB gene increases pSLT curing, both spontaneous and induced by bile, suggesting that the pSLT ccdAB genes may encode a homolog of the CcdAB addiction module previously described in the F sex factor. Unlike the F sex factor, synthesis of pSLT-encoded pili does not confer bile sensitivity. These observations may provide insights into the evolution of virulence plasmids in Salmonella subspecies I, as well as the causes of virulence plasmid loss in other Salmonella subspecies.  相似文献   

Systemic administration of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium to tumour bearing mice results in preferential colonization of the tumours and retardation of tumour growth. Although the bacteria are able to invade the tumour cells in vitro, in tumours they were never detected intracellularly. Ultrastructural analysis of Salmonella-colonized tumours revealed that the bacteria had formed biofilms. Interestingly, depletion of neutrophilic granulocytes drastically reduced biofilm formation. Obviously, bacteria form biofilms in response to the immune reactions of the host. Importantly, we tested Salmonella mutants that were no longer able to form biofilms by deleting central regulators of biofilm formation. Such bacteria could be observed intracellularly in immune cells of the host or in tumour cells. Thus, tumour colonizing S. typhimurium might form biofilms as protection against phagocytosis. Since other bacteria are behaving similarly, solid murine tumours might represent a unique model to study biofilm formation in vivo.  相似文献   

Cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP), a novel secondary signalling molecule present in most bacteria, controls transition between motility and sessility. In Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ( S. typhimurium ) high c-di-GMP concentrations favour the expression of a biofilm state through expression of the master regulator CsgD. In this work, we investigate the effect of c-di-GMP signalling on virulence phenotypes of S. typhimurium. After saturation of the cell with c-di-GMP by overexpression of a di-guanylate cyclase, we studied invasion and induction of a pro-inflammatory cytokine in epithelial cells, basic phenotypes that are major determinants of S. typhimurium virulence. Elevated c-di-GMP had a profound effect on invasion into and IL-8 production by the gastrointestinal epithelial cell line HT-29. Invasion was mainly inhibited through CsgD and the extracellular matrix component cellulose, while inhibition of the pro-inflammatory response occurred through CsgD, which inhibited the secretion of monomeric flagellin. Our results suggest that transition between biofilm formation and virulence in S. typhimurium at the epithelial cell lining is mediated by c-di-GMP signalling through CsgD and cellulose expression.  相似文献   

Aims: Bacterial biofilms generally are more resistant to stresses as compared with free planktonic cells. Therefore, the discovery of antimicrobial stress factors that have strong inhibitory effects on bacterial biofilm formation would have great impact on the food, personal care, and medical industries. Methods and Results: Salicylate‐based poly(anhydride esters) (PAE) have previously been shown to inhibit biofilm formation, possibly by affecting surface attachment. Our research evaluated the effect of salicylate‐based PAE on biofilm‐forming Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. To remove factors associated with surface physical and chemical parameters, we utilized a strain that forms biofilms at the air–liquid interface. Surface properties can influence biofilm characteristics, so the lack of attachment to a solid surface eliminates those constraints. The results indicate that the salicylic acid‐based polymers do interfere with biofilm formation, as a clear difference was seen between bacterial strains that form biofilms at the air–liquid interface (top‐forming) and those that form at the surface–liquid interface (bottom‐forming). Conclusion: These results lead to the conclusion that the polymers may not interfere with attachment; rather, the polymers likely affect another mechanism essential for biofilm formation in Salmonella. Significance and Impact of the study: Biofilm formation can be prevented through controlled release of nature‐derived antimicrobials formulated into polymer systems.  相似文献   

Virulence and antibiotic resistance genes transfer between bacteria by bacterial conjugation. Conjugation also mediates gene transfer from bacteria to eukaryotic organisms, including yeast and human cells. Predicting when and where genes transfer by conjugation could enhance our understanding of the risks involved in the release of genetically modified organisms, including those being developed for use as vaccines. We report here that Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium conjugated inside cultured human cells. The DNA transfer from donor to recipient bacteria was proportional to the probability that the two types of bacteria occupied the same cell, which was dependent on viable and invasive bacteria and on plasmid tra genes. Based on the high frequencies of gene transfer between bacteria inside human cells, we suggest that such gene transfers occur in situ. The implications of gene transfer between bacteria inside human cells, particularly in the context of antibiotic resistance, are discussed.  相似文献   

CsgD and cyclic-3',5'-di-guanylate are key regulators of biofilm formation in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. Our results show that polynucleotide phosphorylase and NlpI oppositely altered expression of CsgD. Polynucleotide phosphorylase and NlpI also had opposite effects on the expression of yjcC, which codes for a cyclic-3',5'-di-guanylate phosphodiesterase affecting CsgD expression.  相似文献   

Oligopeptidase B (OpdB) is a serine peptidase broadly distributed among unicellular eukaryotes, gram-negative bacteria, and spirochetes which has emerged as an important virulence factor and potential therapeutic target in infectious diseases. We report here the cloning and expression of the opdB homologue from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and demonstrate that it exhibits amidolytic activity exclusively against substrates with basic residues in P(1). While similar to its eukaryotic homologues in terms of substrate specificity, Salmonella OpdB differs significantly in catalytic power and inhibition and activation properties. In addition to oligopeptide substrates, restricted proteolysis of histone proteins was observed, although no cleavage was seen at or near residues that had been posttranslationally modified or at defined secondary structures. This supports the idea that the catalytic site of OpdB may be accessible only to unstructured oligopeptides, similar to the closely related prolyl oligopeptidase (POP). Salmonella OpdB was employed as a model enzyme to define determinants of substrate specificity that distinguish OpdB from POP, which hydrolyzes substrates exclusively at proline residues. Using site-directed mutagenesis, nine acidic residues that are conserved in OpdBs but absent from POPs were converted to their corresponding residues in POP. In this manner, we identified a pair of glutamic acid residues, Glu(576) and Glu(578), that define P(1) specificity and direct OpdB cleavage C terminal to basic residues. We have also identified a second pair of residues, Asp(460) and Asp(462), that may be involved in defining P(2) specificity and thus direct preferential cleavage by OpdB after pairs of basic residues.  相似文献   

The capability of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain 14028 (S. Typhimurium 14028) to utilize myo-inositol (MI) is determined by the genomic island GEI4417/4436 carrying the iol genes that encode enzymes, transporters, and a repressor responsible for the MI catabolic pathway. In contrast to all bacteria investigated thus far, S. Typhimurium 14028 growing on MI as the sole carbon source is characterized by a remarkable long lag phase of 40 to 60 h. We report here that on solid medium with MI as the sole carbon source, this human pathogen exhibits a bistable phenotype characterized by a dissection into large colonies and a slow-growing bacterial background. This heterogeneity is reversible and therefore not caused by mutation, and it is not observed in the absence of the iol gene repressor IolR nor in the presence of at least 0.55% CO(2). Bistability is correlated with the activity of the iolE promoter (P(iolE)), but not of P(iolC) or P(iolD), as shown by promoter-gfp fusions. On the single-cell level, fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry analysis revealed a gradual switch of P(iolE) from the "off" to the "on" status during the late lag phase and the transition to the log phase. Deletion of iolR or the addition of 0.1% NaHCO(3) induced an early growth start of S. Typhimurium 14028 in minimal medium with MI. The addition of ethoxyzolamide, an inhibitor of carboanhydrases, elongated the lag phase in the presence of bicarbonate. The positive-feedback loop via repressor release and positive induction by bicarbonate-CO(2) might allow S. Typhimurium 14028 to adapt to rapidly changing environments. The phenomenon described here is a novel example of bistability in substrate degradation, and, to our knowledge, is the first demonstration of gene regulation by bicarbonate-CO(2) in Salmonella.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium can utilize molecular hydrogen for growth and amino acid transport during anaerobic growth. Via microarray we identified H(2) gas-affected gene expression changes in Salmonella. The addition of H(2) caused altered expression of 597 genes, of which 176 genes were upregulated and 421 were downregulated. The significantly H(2)-upregulated genes include those that encode proteins involved in the transport of iron, manganese, amino acids, nucleosides, and sugars. Genes encoding isocitrate lyase (aceA) and malate synthase (aceB), both involved in the carbon conserving glyoxylate pathway, and genes encoding the enzymes of the d-glucarate and d-glycerate pathways (gudT, gudD, garR, garL, garK) are significantly upregulated by H(2). Cells grown with H(2) showed markedly increased AceA enzyme activity compared to cells without H(2). Mutant strains with deletion of either aceA or aceB had reduced H(2)-dependent growth rates. Genes encoding the glutamine-specific transporters (glnH, glnP, glnQ) were upregulated by H(2), and cells grown with H(2) showed increased [(14)C]glutamine uptake. Similarly, the mannose uptake system genes (manX, manY) were upregulated by H(2,) and cells grown with H(2) showed about 2.0-fold-increased [(14)C]d-mannose uptake compared to the cells grown without H(2). Hydrogen stimulates the expression of genes involved in nutrient and carbon acquisition and carbon-conserving pathways, linking carbon and energy metabolism to sustain H(2)-dependent growth.  相似文献   

The mgtC gene of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium encodes a membrane protein of unknown function that is important for full virulence in the mouse. Since mgtC is part of an operon with mgtB which encodes a Mg(2+)-transporting P-type ATPase, MgtC was hypothesized to function in ion transport, possibly in Mg(2+) transport. Consequently, MgtC was expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, and its effect on ion transport was evaluated using ion selective electrodes. Oocytes expressing MgtC did not exhibit altered currents or membrane potentials in response to changes in extracellular H(+), Mg(2+), or Ca(2+), thus ruling out a previously postulated function as a Mg(2+)/H(+) antiporter. However, addition of extracellular K(+) markedly hyperpolarized membrane potential instead of the expected depolarization. Addition of ouabain to block the oocyte Na(+),K(+)-ATPase completely prevented hyperpolarization and restored the normal K(+)-induced depolarization response. These results suggested that the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase was constitutively activated in the presence of MgtC resulting in a membrane potential largely dependent on Na(+),K(+)-ATPase. Consistent with the involvement of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, oocytes expressing MgtC exhibited an increased rate of (86)Rb(+) uptake and had increased intracellular free [K(+)] and decreased free [Na(+)] and ATP. The free concentrations of Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) and cytosolic pH were unchanged, although the total intracellular Ca(2+) content was slightly elevated. These results suggest that the serovar Typhimurium MgtC protein may be involved in regulating membrane potential but does not directly transport Mg(2+) or another ion.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium produces two Cu/Zn cofactored periplasmic superoxide dismutases, SodCI and SodCII. While mutations in sodCI attenuate virulence eightfold, loss of SodCII does not confer a virulence phenotype, nor does it enhance the defect observed in a sodCI background. Despite this in vivo phenotype, SodCI and SodCII are expressed at similar levels in vitro during the stationary phase of growth. By exchanging the open reading frames of sodCI and sodCII, we found that SodCI contributes to virulence when placed under the control of the sodCII promoter. In contrast, SodCII does not contribute to virulence even when expressed from the sodCI promoter. Thus, the disparity in virulence phenotypes is due primarily to some physical difference between the two enzymes. In an attempt to identify the unique property of SodCI, we have tested factors that might affect enzyme activity inside a phagosome. We found no significant difference between SodCI and SodCII in their resistance to acid, resistance to hydrogen peroxide, or ability to obtain copper in a copper-limiting environment. Both enzymes are synthesized as apoenzymes in the absence of copper and can be fully remetallated when copper is added. The one striking difference that we noted is that, whereas SodCII is released normally by an osmotic shock, SodCI is "tethered" within the periplasm by an apparently noncovalent interaction. We propose that this novel property of SodCI is crucial to its ability to contribute to virulence in serovar Typhimurium.  相似文献   

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