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To elucidate the role of sparrows as intermediate hosts of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 viruses, we assessed shedding and interspecies waterborne transmission of A/duck/Laos/25/06 in sparrows and chickens. Inoculated birds shed virus at high titers from the oropharynx and cloaca, and infection was fatal. Waterborne transmission from inoculated sparrows to contact chickens was absent, while 25% of sparrows were infected via waterborne transmission from chickens. The viral shedding and susceptibility to infection we observed in sparrows, coupled with their presence in poultry houses, could facilitate virus spread among poultry and wild birds in the face of an H5N1 influenza virus outbreak.The H5N1 influenza A viruses remain a major global concern because of their rapid evolution, genetic diversity, broad host range, and ongoing circulation in wild and domestic birds. H5N1 influenza viruses have swept through poultry flocks across Asia and have spread westward through Eastern Europe to India and Africa since 2003 (1). Sixty-two countries have reported H5N1 influenza virus in domestic poultry/wild birds during the time period 2003 to 2009 (http://www.oie.int/eng/info_ev/en_AI_factoids_2.htm), and to date, more than 400 human infections have been documented in 16 countries, with a mortality rate of ∼61% (http://www.who.int/csr/disease/avian_influenza/country/cases_table_2009_05_22/en/index.html). Most human cases of H5N1 influenza have occurred after contact with infected poultry (13).Some of the more recent isolates of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus do not cause overt disease in certain species of domestic and wild ducks; however, these viruses are 100% lethal to chickens and gallinaceous poultry. Because of ducks’ ability to “silently” spread H5N1 HPAI virus and their unresolved role as a reservoir, they are the focus of much research (5, 6, 11). In contrast, the possible role of passerine birds has received little attention, despite their widespread interaction with poultry at many sites worldwide (http://www.searo.who.int/LinkFiles/Publication_PHI-prevention-control-AI.pdf). The order Passeriformes includes more than half of all bird species, including sparrows. Since 2001, several outbreaks of H5N1 influenza virus infection have been reported in passerine birds in eastern Asia, often near infected poultry farms (15). Interestingly, the only confirmed presence of asymptomatic infection with HPAI H5N1 in wild birds was in tree sparrows in Henan Province, China. Both tree and house sparrows (Passer montanus and Passer domesticus, respectively) are members of the Old World sparrow family Passeridae, and in fact, the tree sparrow was not recognized as a species separate from that of the house sparrow until 1713 (http://www.arkive.org/tree-sparrow/passer-montanus/info.html?displayMode=factsheet). The four avian influenza virus isolates obtained from these asymptomatic infections were of the A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96 lineage and were highly pathogenic to experimentally infected chickens (4, 8).Under experimental conditions, passerine species have shown varied susceptibility to HPAI H5N1 viruses. Among sparrows, starlings, and pigeons inoculated with HPAI H5N1 virus isolates, only sparrows experienced lethal infection, and transmission to contact birds was extremely rare (2). Similarly, in sparrows and starlings inoculated with the H5N1 HPAI A/chicken/Hong Kong/220/97 virus, clinical signs were observed only in sparrows, and no deaths occurred (9).To assess the duration and routes of virus shedding and the waterborne virus transmission of HPAI H5N1 virus between sparrows and chickens, we inoculated groups of birds with A/duck/Laos/25/06, which had caused extremely high morbidity and mortality in domestic ducks (7) and was highly pathogenic to chickens, geese, and quail (J.-K. Kim and R. G. Webster, unpublished data). The virus was obtained from our collaborators in Lao People''s Democratic Republic and was grown in the allantoic cavities of 10-day-old embryonated chicken eggs (eggs) for 36 to 48 h at 35°C. The allantoic fluid was harvested, titrated (50% egg infective dose [EID50] per milliliter), and stored at −80°C. All experiments were approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and were performed in biosafety level 3+ facilities at St. Jude Children''s Research Hospital. Wild house sparrows (Passer domesticus) were captured locally (Memphis, TN), and specific-pathogen-free outbred White Leghorn chickens (Gallus domesticus) were purchased from Charles River Laboratories (North Franklin, CT). All animal experiments were approved by the St. Jude Animal Care and Use Committee and complied with the policies of the National Institutes of Health and the Animal Welfare Act.Before inoculation, oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs were collected from sparrows, and baseline blood samples were collected from chickens to exclude preexisting H5N1 influenza virus infection. Eight sparrows were inoculated intranasally with 106 EID50 of virus in a volume of 100 μl, and five chickens were inoculated with 102 EID50 of virus in a volume of 1 ml (0.5 ml intranasally, 0.5 ml intratracheally, and 1 drop per eye). All birds in each experimental group were housed in a single cage. Inoculated sparrows were provided with 1 liter of water in a shallow stainless steel pan at the bottom of the cage, and chickens were given 3 liters of water in a trough inside the cage. Twenty-four hours after inoculation, 1 liter of water was removed from the inoculated chickens’ cage and placed undiluted in a cage housing 8 contact sparrows; similarly, 1 liter of water was taken from the inoculated sparrows’ cage, mixed with 2 liters of fresh water, and placed in a cage housing 5 contact chickens. Clinical disease signs, including depression, huddling at the cage bottom, and ruffled feathers, were monitored through daily observation, and oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs obtained from all birds were collected daily for 14 days. Swab samples were titrated in eggs and expressed as log10 EID50/ml (10). The lower limit of detection was 0.75 log10 EID50/ml.Blood samples were taken from all surviving contact birds on day 14 of the study. Sera were treated with a receptor-destroying enzyme (Denka Seiken, Campbell, CA), as instructed by the manufacturer, and heat inactivated at 56°C for 30 min. Hemagglutination inhibition (HI; using 0.5% packed chicken red blood cells) titers were determined as the reciprocal of the highest serum dilution that inhibited 4 hemagglutinating units of virus. HI titers of ≥10 were considered suggestive of recent influenza virus infection.Inoculation with A/duck/Laos/25/06 was lethal to all birds (Table (Table1).1). While chickens succumbed to infection within 2 days postinoculation (p.i.), the mean time until death for sparrows was 4.1 days; mortality occurred rapidly (overnight) without prior observation of clinical signs. Expected clinical signs, should they have occurred, included moderate to severe depression, huddling at the cage bottom, and ruffled feathers (9). All inoculated birds shed virus from the oropharynx and, to a lesser extent, from the cloaca (Fig. 1A and B). The mean virus titers of inoculated chickens and sparrows were comparable on day 1 p.i.; however, on day 2 p.i., the mean oropharyngeal and cloacal viral titers of chickens were approximately 2 and 2.5 times greater, respectively, than those of sparrows (Fig. 1A and B). The virus titer in water used by inoculated sparrows was 100.75 EID50/ml at 1 day p.i. and peaked at 101.75 EID50/ml on days 2 and 4 p.i. (Fig. (Fig.1C).1C). No virus was detected in water from the inoculated chickens’ cage.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Mean oropharyngeal and cloacal virus titers in sparrows (A) and chickens (B) inoculated with a lethal dose of A/duck/Laos/25/06 (H5N1) virus. (C) Virus titers in the drinking water of inoculated sparrows. Sparrows were inoculated with 106 EID50/ml of virus, and chickens were inoculated with 102 EID50/ml of virus. The lower limit of detection was 0.75 log10 EID50/ml.


Transmission rates, mortality rates, and mean peak titers of A/duck/Laos/25/06 (H5N1) virus in inoculated and contact birds
GroupType of bird (no.)Infection routeTransmission rate (%)Mortality rate (%)Mean peak virus titer (log10 EID50/ml)a
1Chickens (5)Inoculation1001006.455.95
Sparrows (8)Contactb25253.884.25
2Sparrows (8)Inoculation1001004.564.03
Chickens (5)Contactc00NANA
Open in a separate windowaSwab samples were taken daily after virus inoculation and after introduction of infective water to contacts. NA, not applicable.bContact sparrows were given 1 liter of water containing 1 ml resuspended fecal material (106.5 EID50/ml) obtained from infected chickens on day 2 p.i.cContact chickens were given 3 liters of a 1:3 dilution of water from the trough used by inoculated sparrows.Virus was not isolated from the swab samples obtained from contact chickens, suggesting the absence of waterborne virus transmission from sparrows (Table (Table1).1). Further, HI testing of the contact chickens detected no virus-specific antibodies (data not shown). Because virus was not detected in the water from the inoculated chickens’ cage, we generated a contaminated water source for the contact sparrows by creating a suspension of fecal material in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; 106.5 EID50/ml), using swabs obtained from all five infected chickens at 2 days p.i.; we added 1 ml of this mixture to 1 liter of fresh water for a final concentration of 103.5 EID50/ml. Waterborne virus was transmitted to 2 of 8 contact sparrows, whose deaths occurred at 5 days and 10 days postcontact, respectively.Our results showed that sparrows were susceptible to the A/duck/Laos/25/06 (H5N1) virus at a wide range of doses, as demonstrated by the 100% mortality of both inoculated sparrows (106 EID50 of virus intranasally) and infected contact sparrows (water contained 103.5 EID50/ml of virus). The 100% lethality of the virus to sparrows supports the report of Boon et al. (2) stating that more recent (2005-2006) H5N1 isolates appear to be more pathogenic to passerine birds than earlier isolates, such as A/chicken/Hong Kong/220/97 (H5N1).While the duration and route of virus shedding clearly varied between infected sparrows and chickens, results also suggested that transmission rates may be different between the two species, as transmission occurred only from chickens to sparrows via artificially contaminated water (and not vice versa). Virus transmission from sparrows to chickens may require direct contact and/or aerosol transmission rather than ingestion of waterborne virus, seeing as water titers were as high as 101.25 EID50/ml (on days 1 and 3 postcontact) after dilution with fresh water, and this dose was 100% lethal to experimentally infected ducks (7). Additionally, in our experiment, A/duck/Laos/25/06 was rapidly lethal to naturally infected chickens at a dose of 102 EID50/ml. Alternatively, transmission from infected sparrows to chickens may require a higher virus titer in the water. Future studies are indicated to determine the concentration of contaminated sparrow water necessary to infect chickens with A/duck/Laos/25/06 and to determine transmissibility of HPAI H5N1 virus from infected chickens to contact sparrows via naturally contaminated water.The undetectable level of virus in the water trough of inoculated chickens, all of which shed high levels of virus from the oropharynx and cloaca, may reflect rapid disease progression that caused the chickens to stop drinking water by day 1 p.i. and succumb to infection on day 2 p.i. These results may indicate that sparrows are unlikely to be infected under normal circumstances during an H5N1 virus outbreak. Our findings could also be attributed to the extremely high lethality of A/duck/Laos/25/06 to chickens and the reduced period of time for shedding, compared to those of other recent HPAI H5N1 virus isolates where mortality occurred as late as day 5 p.i. in experimentally infected chickens (12, 14). In contrast, the sparrows shed virus for several days, and their drinking water was rapidly contaminated with virus. The long-term shedding we observed in sparrows was also seen by Brown et al. in house sparrows infected with A/whooper swan/Mongolia/244/05 (H5N1) HPAI virus (3). These findings, in view of the widespread intermingling of land-based wild birds with wild and domestic waterfowl and poultry (2, 3), suggest that passerine birds can facilitate the spread of H5N1 virus.Throughout the United States, sparrows and starlings are commonly found in low-biosecurity poultry housing, where they often eat and drink from the feed and water troughs. We used a shallow stainless steel basin in our sparrow enclosures to simulate these poultry watering troughs, which allow flocks of wild birds, such as sparrows, to bathe, defecate, and drink. Although we did not observe sparrows bathing in the water basin during the study, seed and fecal droppings were present in the water, indicating that the sparrows were either perching on the water basin or standing in the water. In the face of an H5N1 outbreak, these birds could spread virus within or among poultry facilities and the wild bird population by contaminating food and/or water with feces and/or oropharyngeal secretions. Our findings on the shedding of HPAI H5N1 virus in infected sparrows, when taken together with the ethological knowledge of these birds, suggest that the behavior of infected sparrows may be a critical determinant of their ability to act as an intermediate host for influenza. Understanding the importance of influenza infection in nonwaterfowl and nonpoultry species is therefore an area that necessitates further research.To our awareness, this is the first experimental study to illustrate interspecies transmission of H5N1 virus between poultry and wild birds. The transmission of waterborne virus to 25% of sparrows provides further evidence that they can serve as intermediate hosts of H5N1 viruses. Although we did not observe waterborne virus transmission from sparrow to chicken, further studies are needed to investigate the transmission of other H5N1 virus strains and to examine the role of direct contact.  相似文献   



Qinghai Lake in central China has been at the center of debate on whether wild birds play a role in circulation of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1. In 2005, an unprecedented epizootic at Qinghai Lake killed more than 6000 migratory birds including over 3000 bar-headed geese (Anser indicus). H5N1 subsequently spread to Europe and Africa, and in following years has re-emerged in wild birds along the Central Asia flyway several times.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To better understand the potential involvement of wild birds in the spread of H5N1, we studied the movements of bar-headed geese marked with GPS satellite transmitters at Qinghai Lake in relation to virus outbreaks and disease risk factors. We discovered a previously undocumented migratory pathway between Qinghai Lake and the Lhasa Valley of Tibet where 93% of the 29 marked geese overwintered. From 2003–2009, sixteen outbreaks in poultry or wild birds were confirmed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the majority were located within the migratory pathway of the geese. Spatial and temporal concordance between goose movements and three potential H5N1 virus sources (poultry farms, a captive bar-headed goose facility, and H5N1 outbreak locations) indicated ample opportunities existed for virus spillover and infection of migratory geese on the wintering grounds. Their potential as a vector of H5N1 was supported by rapid migration movements of some geese and genetic relatedness of H5N1 virus isolated from geese in Tibet and Qinghai Lake.


This is the first study to compare phylogenetics of the virus with spatial ecology of its host, and the combined results suggest that wild birds play a role in the spread of H5N1 in this region. However, the strength of the evidence would be improved with additional sequences from both poultry and wild birds on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau where H5N1 has a clear stronghold.  相似文献   



The highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza emerged in the year 1996 in Asia, and has spread to Europe and Africa recently. At present, effective monitoring and data analysis of H5N1 are not sufficient in Chinese mainland.

Methodology/Principal Findings

During the period from April of 2004 to August of 2007, we collected 14,472 wild bird samples covering 56 species of 10 orders in 14 provinces of China and monitored the prevalence of flu virus based on RT-PCR specific for H5N1 subtype. The 149 positive samples involved six orders. Anseriformes had the highest prevalence while Passeriformes had the lowest prevalence (2.70% versus 0.36%). Among the 24 positive species, mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) had the highest prevalence (4.37%). A difference of prevalence was found among 14 provinces. Qinghai had a higher prevalence than the other 13 provinces combined (3.88% versus 0.43%). The prevalence in three species in Qinghai province (Pintail (Anas acuta), Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula)) were obviously higher than those in other 13 provinces. The results of sequence analysis indicated that the 17 strains isolated from wild birds were distributed in five clades (2.3.1, 2.2, 2.5, 6, and 7), which suggested that genetic diversity existed among H5N1 viruses isolated from wild birds. The five isolates from Qinghai came from one clade (2.2) and had a short evolutionary distance with the isolates obtained from Qinghai in the year 2005.


We have measured the prevalence of H5N1 virus in 56 species of wild birds in 14 provinces of China. Continuous monitoring in the field should be carried out to know whether H5N1 virus can be maintained by wild birds.  相似文献   



Research on variation in bill morphology has focused on the role of diet. Bills have other functions, however, including a role in heat and water balance. The role of the bill in heat loss may be particularly important in birds where water is limiting. Song sparrows localized in coastal dunes and salt marsh edge (Melospiza melodia atlantica) are similar in size to, but have bills with a 17% greater surface area than, those that live in mesic habitats (M. m. melodia), a pattern shared with other coastal sparrows. We tested the hypotheses that sparrows can use their bills to dissipate “dry” heat, and that heat loss from the bill is higher in M. m. atlantica than M. m. melodia, which would indicate a role of heat loss and water conservation in selection for bill size.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Bill, tarsus, and body surface temperatures were measured using thermal imaging of sparrows exposed to temperatures from 15–37°C and combined with surface area and physical modeling to estimate the contribution of each body part to total heat loss. Song sparrow bills averaged 5–10°C hotter than ambient. The bill of M. m atlantica dissipated up to 33% more heat and 38% greater proportion of total heat than that of M. m. melodia. This could potentially reduce water loss requirements by approximately 7.7%.


This >30% higher heat loss in the bill of M. m. atlantica is independent of evaporative water loss and thus could play an important role in the water balance of sparrows occupying the hot and exposed dune/salt marsh environments during the summer. Heat loss capacity and water conservation could play an important role in the selection for bill size differences between bird populations and should be considered along with trophic adaptations when studying variation in bill size.  相似文献   



When facing a novel situation, animals can retreat or leave to avoid risks, but will miss potential resources and opportunities. Alternatively they may reduce environmental uncertainty by exploration, while risking no energy rewards and exposure to hazards, and use the information retrieved for subsequent decision making. When exploring, however, animals may adopt different tactics according to individual states.


We tested that energy states will affect exploratory behavior by experimenting with wild-caught untrained Eurasian tree sparrows (Passer montanus) in fasted or fed states exploring in a novel space with hidden food supply in different patch distribution patterns. Our data revealed that fasted sparrows risked being earlier explorers more often, initiated more exploratory bouts before patches were found, and stayed longer on the ground under both patch patterns. Fasted sparrows discovered more patches and consumed more food than fed sparrows in dispersed, but not necessary so in clumped, patch patterns; whereas fed birds also increased patch finding to a certain level in dispersed patterns. Sparrows of both energy states, however, did not differ in feeding rates in either patch pattern.


Exploratory behavior of tree sparrows is state-dependent, which supports our prediction that birds with an energy shortage will be risk-prone and explore more readily. Our study also indicates a game nature of tree sparrow exploratory behavior in a group context when explorers are in different energy states and are exposed to different patch distributions. Birds of lower energy state adopting an active exploring tactic may be favored by obtaining higher energy gains in dispersed patch patterns with lower patch richness. More satiated birds, however, achieved a similar feeding rate by lowered exposure time.



The threat posed by highly pathogenic avian influenza A H5N1 viruses to humans remains significant, given the continued occurrence of sporadic human cases (499 human cases in 15 countries) with a high case fatality rate (approximately 60%), the endemicity in poultry populations in several countries, and the potential for reassortment with the newly emerging 2009 H1N1 pandemic strain. Therefore, we review risk factors for H5N1 infection in humans.

Methods and Findings

Several epidemiologic studies have evaluated the risk factors associated with increased risk of H5N1 infection among humans who were exposed to H5N1 viruses. Our review shows that most H5N1 cases are attributed to exposure to sick poultry. Most cases are sporadic, while occasional limited human-to-human transmission occurs. The most commonly identified factors associated with H5N1 virus infection included exposure through contact with infected blood or bodily fluids of infected poultry via food preparation practices; touching and caring for infected poultry; consuming uncooked poultry products; exposure to H5N1 via swimming or bathing in potentially virus laden ponds; and exposure to H5N1 at live bird markets.


Research has demonstrated that despite frequent and widespread contact with poultry, transmission of the H5N1 virus from poultry to humans is rare. Available research has identified several risk factors that may be associated with infection including close direct contact with poultry and transmission via the environment. However, several important data gaps remain that limit our understanding of the epidemiology of H5N1 in humans. Although infection in humans with H5N1 remains rare, human cases continue to be reported and H5N1 is now considered endemic among poultry in parts of Asia and in Egypt, providing opportunities for additional human infections and for the acquisition of virus mutations that may lead to more efficient spread among humans and other mammalian species. Collaboration between human and animal health sectors for surveillance, case investigation, virus sharing, and risk assessment is essential to monitor for potential changes in circulating H5N1 viruses and in the epidemiology of H5N1 in order to provide the best possible chance for effective mitigation of the impact of H5N1 in both poultry and humans.


The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the institutions or organizations with which they are affiliated.  相似文献   



In 2009, a novel influenza virus (2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus (pH1N1)) caused significant disease in the United States. Most states, including Florida, experienced a large fall wave of disease from September through November, after which disease activity decreased substantially. We determined the prevalence of antibodies due to the pH1N1 virus in Florida after influenza activity had peaked and estimated the proportion of the population infected with pH1N1 virus during the pandemic.


During November-December 2009, we collected leftover serum from a blood bank, a pediatric children''s hospital and a pediatric outpatient clinic in Tampa Bay Florida. Serum was tested for pH1N1 virus antibodies using the hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) assay. HI titers ≥40 were considered seropositive. We adjusted seroprevalence results to account for previously established HI assay specificity and sensitivity and employed a simple statistical model to estimate the proportion of seropositivity due to pH1N1 virus infection and vaccination.


During the study time period, the overall seroprevalence in Tampa Bay, Florida was 25%, increasing to 30% after adjusting for HI assay sensitivity and specificity. We estimated that 5.9% of the population had vaccine-induced seropositivity while 25% had seropositivity secondary to pH1N1 virus infection. The highest cumulative incidence of pH1N1 virus infection was among children aged 5–17 years (53%) and young adults aged 18–24 years (47%), while adults aged ≥50 years had the lowest cumulative incidence (11–13%) of pH1N1 virus infection.


After the peak of the fall wave of the pandemic, an estimated one quarter of the Tampa Bay population had been infected with the pH1N1 virus. Consistent with epidemiologic trends observed during the pandemic, the highest burdens of disease were among school-aged children and young adults.  相似文献   

Kou Z  Lei FM  Yu J  Fan ZJ  Yin ZH  Jia CX  Xiong KJ  Sun YH  Zhang XW  Wu XM  Gao XB  Li TX 《Journal of virology》2005,79(24):15460-15466
The 2004 outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 disease in China led to a great poultry loss and society attention. A survey of avian influenza viruses was conducted on tree sparrows (Passer montanus) collected in China in 2004. Four viruses were isolated from free-living tree sparrows. The results of the whole-genome analysis indicated that an H5N1 virus with a new genotype is circulating among tree sparrows. The hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of the new genotype were derived from Gs/Gd/96-like viruses and the nuclear protein gene descended from the 2001 genotype A H5N1 viruses, while the other inner genes originated from an unknown influenza virus. In experimental infection, all four viruses were highly pathogenic to chickens but not pathogenic to ducks or mice. The four tree sparrow viruses were different from the 2003 tree sparrow strain (genotype Z) in Hong Kong. The results suggested that H5N1 viruses might be distributed widely in tree sparrows.  相似文献   



Recurrent outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus pose a threat of eventually causing a pandemic. Early vaccination of the population would be the single most effective measure for the control of an emerging influenza pandemic.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Influenza virus-like particles (VLPs) produced in insect cell-culture substrates do not depend on the availability of fertile eggs for vaccine manufacturing. We produced VLPs containing influenza A/Viet Nam1203/04 (H5N1) hemagglutinin, neuraminidase, and matrix proteins, and investigated their preclinical immunogenicity and protective efficacy. Mice immunized intranasally with H5N1 VLPs developed high levels of H5N1 specific antibodies and were 100% protected against a high dose of homologous H5N1 virus infection at 30 weeks after immunization. Protection is likely to be correlated with humoral and cellular immunologic memory at systemic and mucosal sites as evidenced by rapid anamnestic responses to re-stimulation with viral antigen in vivo and in vitro.


These results provide support for clinical evaluation of H5N1 VLP vaccination as a public health intervention to mitigate a possible pandemic of H5N1 influenza.  相似文献   



Unprecedented spread between birds and mammals of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAI) of the H5N1 subtype has resulted in hundreds of human infections with a high fatality rate. This has highlighted the urgent need for the development of H5N1 vaccines that can be produced rapidly and in sufficient quantities. Potential pandemic inactivated vaccines will ideally induce substantial intra-subtypic cross-protection in humans to warrant the option of use, either prior to or just after the start of a pandemic outbreak. In the present study, we evaluated a split H5N1 A/H5N1/Vietnam/1194/04, clade 1 candidate vaccine, adjuvanted with a proprietary oil-in- water emulsion based Adjuvant System proven to be well-tolerated and highly immunogenic in the human (Leroux-Roels et al. (2007) The Lancet 370:580–589), for its ability to induce intra-subtypic cross-protection against clade 2 H5N1/A/Indonesia/5/05 challenge in ferrets.

Methodology and Principal Findings

All ferrets in control groups receiving non-adjuvanted vaccine or adjuvant alone failed to develop specific or cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies and all died or had to be euthanized within four days of virus challenge. Two doses of adjuvanted split H5N1 vaccine containing ≥1.7 µg HA induced neutralizing antibodies in the majority of ferrets to both clade 1 (17/23 (74%) responders) and clade 2 viruses (14/23 (61%) responders), and 96% (22/23) of vaccinees survived the lethal challenge. Furthermore lung virus loads and viral shedding in the upper respiratory tract were reduced in vaccinated animals relative to controls suggesting that vaccination might also confer a reduced risk of viral transmission.


These protection data in a stringent challenge model in association with an excellent clinical profile highlight the potential of this adjuvanted H5N1 candidate vaccine as an effective tool in pandemic preparedness.  相似文献   



Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus is entrenched in poultry in Asia and Africa and continues to infect humans zoonotically causing acute respiratory disease syndrome and death. There is evidence that the virus may sometimes spread beyond respiratory tract to cause disseminated infection. The primary target cell for HPAI H5N1 virus in human lung is the alveolar epithelial cell. Alveolar epithelium and its adjacent lung microvascular endothelium form host barriers to the initiation of infection and dissemination of influenza H5N1 infection in humans. These are polarized cells and the polarity of influenza virus entry and egress as well as the secretion of cytokines and chemokines from the virus infected cells are likely to be central to the pathogenesis of human H5N1 disease.


To study influenza A (H5N1) virus replication and host innate immune responses in polarized primary human alveolar epithelial cells and lung microvascular endothelial cells and its relevance to the pathogenesis of human H5N1 disease.


We use an in vitro model of polarized primary human alveolar epithelial cells and lung microvascular endothelial cells grown in transwell culture inserts to compare infection with influenza A subtype H1N1 and H5N1 viruses via the apical or basolateral surfaces.


We demonstrate that both influenza H1N1 and H5N1 viruses efficiently infect alveolar epithelial cells from both apical and basolateral surface of the epithelium but release of newly formed virus is mainly from the apical side of the epithelium. In contrast, influenza H5N1 virus, but not H1N1 virus, efficiently infected polarized microvascular endothelial cells from both apical and basolateral aspects. This provides a mechanistic explanation for how H5N1 virus may infect the lung from systemic circulation. Epidemiological evidence has implicated ingestion of virus-contaminated foods as the source of infection in some instances and our data suggests that viremia, secondary to, for example, gastro-intestinal infection, can potentially lead to infection of the lung. HPAI H5N1 virus was a more potent inducer of cytokines (e.g. IP-10, RANTES, IL-6) in comparison to H1N1 virus in alveolar epithelial cells, and these virus-induced chemokines were secreted onto both the apical and basolateral aspects of the polarized alveolar epithelium.


The predilection of viruses for different routes of entry and egress from the infected cell is important in understanding the pathogenesis of influenza H5N1 infection and may help unravel the pathogenesis of human H5N1 disease.  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的不断加快,城市噪声水平显著升高。噪声会掩盖鸟类的声音信号,这无疑会影响鸟类的交流。在嘈杂的城市环境中,鸟类通常以高频率鸣唱来避免声信号被掩蔽。然而,较低的发声频率才是雄性品质的重要表征,提高发声频率可能会影响声信号对雌性的吸引力。因此,鸟类会在提高发声频率和保持较低频率之间进行权衡。为确定城市噪声对树麻雀(Passer montanus)鸣唱行为的影响,在沈阳市选取6个研究地点,比较了沈阳市区和近郊不同噪声水平下树麻雀繁殖期的鸣唱特征。在2019年4月至7月,使用定向麦克风录制了320只繁殖期树麻雀的鸣唱,并使用声级计测定噪声水平。研究结果显示,城市研究地点的噪声水平显著高于郊区研究地点。与安静郊区相比,城市嘈杂环境中的树麻雀鸣唱的最高频率、最低频率和主峰峰频显著较高,频宽更大,而时长没有差别。树麻雀鸣唱的最高频率、频宽、主峰峰频和时长均与噪声水平无显著相关,而最低频率与研究地点的噪声水平呈显著正相关。上述结果说明,在噪声环境中,树麻雀选择提高最低频率以利于声信号的传输。  相似文献   



Given that there is a possibility of a human H5N1 pandemic and the fact that the recent H5N1 viruses are resistant to the anti-viral drugs, newer strategies for effective therapy are warranted. Previous studies show that single mAbs in immune prophylaxis can be protective against H5N1 infection. But a single mAb may not be effective in neutralization of a broad range of different strains of H5N1 and control of potential neutralization escape mutants.

Methods/Principal Findings

We selected two mAbs which recognized different epitopes on the hemagglutinin molecule. These two mAbs could each neutralize in vitro escape mutants to the other and in combination could effectively neutralize viruses from clades 0, 1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 4, 7 and 8 of influenza A H5N1 viruses. This combination of chimeric mAbs when administered passively, pre or post challenge with 10 MLD50 (50% mouse lethal dose) HPAI H5N1 influenza A viruses could protect 100% of the mice from two different clades of viruses (clades 1 and 2.1). We also tested the efficacy of a single dose of the combination of mAbs versus two doses. Two doses of the combination therapy not only affected early clearance of the virus from the lung but could completely prevent lung pathology of the H5N1 infected mice. No escape variants were detected after therapy.


Our studies provide proof of concept that the synergistic action of two or more mAbs in combination is required for preventing the generation of escape mutants and also to enhance the therapeutic efficacy of passive therapy against H5N1 infection. Combination therapy may allow for a lower dose of antibody to be administered for passive therapy of influenza infection and hence can be made available at reduced economic costs during an outbreak.  相似文献   



Human infections with highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses have generally been confirmed by molecular amplification or culture-based methods. Serologic surveillance has potential advantages which have not been realized because rapid and specific serologic tests to detect H5N1 infection are not widely available.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we describe an epitope-blocking ELISA to detect specific antibodies to H5N1 viruses in human or animal sera. The assay relies on a novel monoclonal antibody (5F8) that binds to an epitope comprising amino acid residues 274–281 (CNTKCQTP) in the HA1 region of H5 hemagglutinin. Database search analysis of publicly available sequences revealed that this epitope is conserved in 100% of the 163 H5N1 viruses isolated from humans. The sensitivity and specificity of the epitope-blocking ELISA for H5N1 were evaluated using chicken antisera to multiple virus clades and other influenza subtypes as well as serum samples from individuals naturally infected with H5N1 or seasonal influenza viruses. The epitope-blocking ELISA results were compared to those of hemagglutinin inhibition (HI) and microneutralization assays. Antibodies to H5N1 were readily detected in immunized animals or convalescent human sera by the epitope-blocking ELISA whereas specimens with antibodies to other influenza subtypes yielded negative results. The assay showed higher sensitivity and specificity as compared to HI and microneutralization.


The epitope-blocking ELISA based on a unique 5F8 mAb provided highly sensitive and 100% specific detection of antibodies to H5N1 influenza viruses in human sera.  相似文献   

Yang P  Duan Y  Zhang P  Li Z  Wang C  Dong M  Tang C  Xing L  Gu H  Zhao Z  Liu X  Zhang S  Wang X 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30252


The increase in recent outbreaks and unpredictable changes of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 in birds and humans highlights the urgent need to develop a cross-protective H5N1 vaccine. We here report our development of a multiple-clade H5N1 influenza vaccine tested for immunogenicity and efficacy to confer cross-protection in an animal model.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Mice received two doses of influenza split vaccine with oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant SP01 by intranasal administration separated by two weeks. Single vaccines (3 µg HA per dose) included rg-A/Vietnam/1203/2004(Clade 1), rg-A/Indonesia/05/2005(Clade 2.1), and rg-A/Anhui/1/2005(Clade 2.3.4). The trivalent vaccine contained 1 µg HA per dose of each single vaccine. Importantly, complete cross-protection was observed in mice immunized using trivalent vaccine with oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant SP01 that was subsequently challenged with the lethal A/OT/SZ/097/03 influenza strain (Clade 0), whereas only the survival rate was up to 60% in single A/Anhui/1/2005 vaccine group.


Our findings demonstrated that the multiple-clade H5N1 influenza vaccine was able to elicit a cross-protective immune response to heterologous HPAI H5N1 virus, thus giving rise to a broadly cross-reactive vaccine to potential prevention use ahead of the strain-specific pandemic influenza vaccine in the event of an HPAI H5N1 influenza outbreak. Also, the multiple-clade adjuvanted vaccine could be useful in allowing timely initiation of vaccination against unknown pandemic virus.  相似文献   



The development of new therapeutic targets and strategies to control highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus infection in humans is urgently needed. Broadly cross-neutralizing recombinant human antibodies obtained from the survivors of H5N1 avian influenza provide an important role in immunotherapy for human H5N1 virus infection and definition of the critical epitopes for vaccine development.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have characterized two recombinant baculovirus-expressed human antibodies (rhAbs), AVFluIgG01 and AVFluIgG03, generated by screening a Fab antibody phage library derived from a patient recovered from infection with a highly pathogenic avian influenza A H5N1 clade 2.3 virus. AVFluIgG01 cross-neutralized the most of clade 0, clade 1, and clade 2 viruses tested, in contrast, AVFluIgG03 only neutralized clade 2 viruses. Passive immunization of mice with either AVFluIgG01 or AVFluIgG03 antibody resulted in protection from a lethal H5N1 clade 2.3 virus infection. Furthermore, through epitope mapping, we identify two distinct epitopes on H5 HA molecule recognized by these rhAbs and demonstrate their potential to protect against a lethal H5N1 virus infection in a mouse model.


Importantly, localization of the epitopes recognized by these two neutralizing and protective antibodies has provided, for the first time, insight into the human antibody responses to H5N1 viruses which contribute to the H5 immunity in the recovered patient. These results highlight the potential of a rhAbs treatment strategy for human H5N1 virus infection and provide new insight for the development of effective H5N1 pandemic vaccines.  相似文献   

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