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PCR-based gene targeting in the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have investigated a PCR-based approach for one-step gene targeting in the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii. Short guide sequences with 40-46 bp of homology to two sequences of a targeted gene, provided by PCR, were sufficient to mediate homologous recombination. The PCR products used for transformation were generated from the newly constructed chimeric selection marker GEN3. This consists of the open reading frame of the Escherichia coli kanR gene under the control of promoter and terminator sequences of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae TEF2 gene and allows selection of G418/geneticin-resistant transformants. Verification of gene targeting was performed either by PCR or by DNA hybridization analyses, and in all 18 cases tested, correct targeting was confirmed. This approach was used for the complete deletion of the open reading frame of the A. gossypii RHO4 gene for which a double-strand sequence was available as information source for the design of PCR primers. We also demonstrated successful partial deletion of four other ORFs using single-read sequences (SRS) as sole information for the design of targeting primers. A gossypii is the first filamentous fungus in which a PCR-based gene disruption technique has been established. Since short target guide sequences are sufficient to direct homologous integration into the A. gossypii genome it is not necessary to obtain and sequence large DNA fragments from a target locus to provide the long flanking homology regions usually required for efficient targeting of cloned disruption cassettes in filamentous fungi. Thus functional analysis of A. gossypii genes is already possible, based on single-pass sequence information.  相似文献   

Osmoadaption mechanisms of the biotechnologically important hemiascomycete Ashbya gossypii were investigated, thereby distinguishing between halo- and osmotolerance by exposure to NaCl and mannitol stress. We studied the growth and ultrastructure of differently treated cells and quantified the intracellular contents of compatible solutes and inorganic ions. Mannitol affected growth of A. gossypii at concentrations above 0.8 M, whereas NaCl inhibited growth at 0.2 M. NaCl-treated cells differed from control cells in having smaller vacuoles, which occupied a smaller part of the cell volume. Glycerol was found to be the predominant compatible solute in A. gossypii; accumulation of inorganic ions could not be detected. Measurement of glycerol uptake under isosmotic conditions as well as upon hyperosmotic stress revealed the existence of a highly active glycerol-uptake system, which, however, was down-regulated under hyperosmotic stress. Investigation of glycerol biosynthesis by measuring glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity under hyperosmotic conditions indicated that accumulation of glycerol in A. gossypii is almost solely due to biosynthesis. Received: 13 January 1998 / Received revision: 7 April 1998 / Accepted: 13 April 1998  相似文献   

We used actin staining and videomicroscopy to analyze the development from a spore to a young mycelium in the filamentous ascomycete Ashbya gossypii. The development starts with an initial isotropic growth phase followed by the emergence of germ tubes. The initial tip growth speed of 6-10 microm/h increases during early stages of development. This increase is transiently interrupted in response to the establishment of lateral branches or septa. The hyphal tip growth speed finally reaches a maximum of up to 200 micro/h, and the tips of these mature hyphae have the ability to split into two equally fast-growing hyphae. A search for A. gossypii homologs of polarisome components of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed a remarkable size difference between Spa2p of both organisms, with AgSpa2p being double as long as ScSpa2p due to an extended internal domain. AgSpa2 colocalizes with sites of polarized actin. Using time-lapse videomicroscopy, we show that AgSpa2p-GFP polarization is established at sites of branch initiation and then permanently maintained at hyphal tips. Polarization at sites of septation is transient. During apical branching the existing AgSpa2p-GFP polarization is symmetrically divided. To investigate the function of AgSpa2p, we generated two AgSPA2 mutants, a partial deletion of the internal domain alone, and a complete deletion. The mutations had an impact on the maximal hyphal tip growth speed, on the hyphal diameter, and on the branching pattern. We suggest that AgSpa2p is required for the determination of the area of growth at the hyphal tip and that the extended internal domain plays an important role in this process.  相似文献   

Characteristic features of morphogenesis in filamentous fungi are sustained polar growth at tips of hyphae and frequent initiation of novel growth sites (branches) along the extending hyphae. We have begun to study regulation of this process on the molecular level by using the model fungus Ashbya gossypii. We found that the A. gossypii Ras-like GTPase Rsr1p/Bud1p localizes to the tip region and that it is involved in apical polarization of the actin cytoskeleton, a determinant of growth direction. In the absence of RSR1/BUD1, hyphal growth was severely slowed down due to frequent phases of pausing of growth at the hyphal tip. During pausing events a hyphal tip marker, encoded by the polarisome component AgSPA2, disappeared from the tip as was shown by in vivo time-lapse fluorescence microscopy of green fluorescent protein-labeled AgSpa2p. Reoccurrence of AgSpa2p was required for the resumption of hyphal growth. In the Agrsr1/bud1Delta deletion mutant, resumption of growth occurred at the hyphal tip in a frequently uncoordinated manner to the previous axis of polarity. Additionally, hyphal filaments in the mutant developed aberrant branching sites by mislocalizing AgSpa2p thus distorting hyphal morphology. These results define AgRsr1p/Bud1p as a key regulator of hyphal growth guidance.  相似文献   

Wendland J  Philippsen P 《Genetics》2001,157(2):601-610
Polarized cell growth requires a polarized organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Small GTP-binding proteins of the Rho-family have been shown to be involved in the regulation of actin polarization as well as other processes. Hyphal growth in filamentous fungi represents an ideal model to investigate mechanisms involved in generating cell polarity and establishing polarized cell growth. Since a potential role of Rho-proteins has not been studied so far in filamentous fungi we isolated and characterized the Ashbya gossypii homologs of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC42, CDC24, RHO1, and RHO3 genes. The AgCDC42 and AgCDC24 genes can both complement conditional mutations in the S. cerevisiae CDC42 and CDC24 genes and both proteins are required for the establishment of actin polarization in A. gossypii germ cells. Agrho1 mutants show a cell lysis phenotype. Null mutant strains of Agrho3 show periodic swelling of hyphal tips that is overcome by repolarization and polar hyphal growth in a manner resembling the germination pattern of spores. Thus different Rho-protein modules are required for distinct steps during polarized hyphal growth of A. gossypii.  相似文献   

Ashbya gossypii carries only a single gene (TEF) coding for the abundant translation elongation factor 1α. Cloning and sequencing of this gene and deletion analysis of the promoter region revealed an extremely high degree of similarity with the well studied TEF genes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae including promoter upstream activation sequence (UAS) elements. The open reading frames in both species are 458 codons long and show 88.6% identity at the DNA level and 93.7% identity at the protein level. A short DNA segment in the promoter, between nucleotides -268 and -213 upstream of the ATG start codon, is essential for high-level expression of the A. gossypii TEF gene. It carries two sequences, GCCCATACAT and ATCCATACAT, with high homology to the UASrpg sequence of S. cerevisiae, which is an essential promoter element in genes coding for highly expressed components of the translational apparatus. UASrpg sequences are binding sites for the S. cerevisiae protein TUF, also called RAP1 or GRF1. In gel retardation with A. gossypii protein extracts we demonstrated specific protein binding to the short TEF promoter segment carrying the UASrpg homologous sequences.  相似文献   

In filamentous ascomycetes hyphae are compartmentalized by septation in which the cytoplasm of the compartments are interconnected via septal pores. Thus, septation in filamentous fungi is different from cytokinesis in yeast like fungi. We have identified an Ashbya gossypii orthologue of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CYK1 gene which belongs to the IQGAP-protein family. In contrast to S. cerevisiae disruption of AgCYK1 yields viable mutant strains that exhibit wildtype-like polarized hyphal growth rates. In the Agcyk1 mutant cortical actin patches localize to growing hyphal tips like wildtype, however, mutant hyphae are totally devoid of actin rings at presumptive septal sites. Septation in wildtype results in the formation of chitin rings. Agcyk1 mutant hyphae are aseptate and do not accumulate chitin in their cell walls. Agcyk1 mutant strains are completely asporogenous indicating that septation is essential for the formation of sporangia in A. gossypii. AgCyk1p-GFP localizes to sites of future septation as a ring prior to chitin depositioning. Furthermore, decrease in Cyk1p-ring diameter was found to be a prerequisite for the accumulation of chitin and septum formation.  相似文献   

Kar3 kinesins are microtubule (MT) minus‐end‐directed motors with pleiotropic functions in mitotic spindle formation and nuclear movement in budding and fission yeasts. A Kar3‐like kinesin is also expressed by the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypi, which exhibits different nuclear movement challenges from its yeast relatives. Presented here is a 2.35 Å crystal structure and enzymatic analysis of the AgKar3 motor domain (AgKar3MD). Compared to the previously published Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kar3MD structure (ScKar3MD), AgKar3MD displays differences in the conformation of some of its nucleotide‐binding motifs and peripheral elements. Unlike ScKar3MD, the salt bridge between Switch I and Switch II in AgKar3MD is broken. Most of the Switch I, and the adjoining region of helix α3, are also disordered instead of bending into the active site cleft as is observed in ScKar3MD. These aspects of AgKar3MD are highly reminiscent of the ScKar3 R598A mutant that disrupts the Switch I–Switch II salt bridge and impairs MT‐stimulated ATPase activity of the motor. Subtle differences in the disposition of secondary structure elements in the small lobe (β1a, β1b, and β1c) at the edge of the MD are also apparent even though it contains approximately the same number of residues as ScKar3. These differences may reflect the unique enzymatic properties we measured for this motor, which include a lower MT‐stimulated ATPase rate relative to ScKar3, or they could relate to its interactions with different regulatory companion proteins than its budding yeast counterpart. Proteins 2011;. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

M C Wright  P Philippsen 《Gene》1991,109(1):99-105
We have developed a transformation system for the filamentous ascomycete fungus Ashbya gossypii. Mycelial protoplasts were transformed to geneticin-resistance with plasmids containing the Escherichia coli kanamycin-resistance gene as a selectable marker and autonomously replicating sequences (ARS) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ARS1, 2 mu ARS). Transformation frequencies of up to 63 transformants per microgram of plasmid DNA were obtained. The transformants were unstable under nonselective conditions. Southern analysis of DNA separated by conventional and pulsed-field-gel electrophoresis showed that the transforming DNA was present as autonomously replicating plasmid. Plasmid integration into chromosomal DNA was not detected. We concluded that the S. cerevisiae ARS elements are functional in A. gossypii, since vectors lacking such elements did not yield transformants.  相似文献   

Formin proteins are nucleators of actin filaments and regulators of the microtubule cytoskeleton. As such, they play important roles in the development of yeast and other fungi. We show here that AgBnr2, a homologue of the ScBnr1 formin from the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii, localizes to the spindle pole body (SPB), the fungal analogue of the centrosome of metazoans. This protein plays an important role in the development of the typical needle-shaped spores of A. gossypii, as suggested by several findings. First, downregulation of AgBNR2 causes defects in sporangium formation and a decrease in the total spore number. Second, a fusion of AgBNR2 to GFP that is driven by the native AgBNR2 promoter is only visible in sporangia. Third, AgBnr2 interacts with a AgSpo21, a sporulation-specific component of the SPB. Furthermore, we provide evidence that AgBnr2 might nucleate actin cables, which are connected to SPBs during sporulation. Our findings add to our understanding of fungal sporulation, particularly the formation of spores with a complex, elongated morphology, and provide novel insights into formin function.  相似文献   

PCR-based gene targeting with heterologous markers is an efficient method to delete genes, generate gene fusions, and modulate gene expression. For the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, several plasmid collections are available covering a wide range of tags and markers. For several reasons, many of these cassettes cannot be used in the filamentous ascomycete Ashbya gossypii. This article describes the construction of 93 heterologous modules for C- and N-terminal tagging and promoter replacements in A. gossypii. The performance of 12 different fluorescent tags was evaluated by monitoring their brightness, detectability, and photostability when fused to the myosin light-chain protein Mlc2. Furthermore, the thiamine-repressible S. cerevisiae THI13 promoter was established to regulate gene expression in A. gossypii. This collection will help accelerate analysis of gene function in A. gossypii and in other ascomycetes where S. cerevisiae promoter elements are functional.  相似文献   

Microdroplets in the hyphae of Ashbya gossypii were found to become stained by Nile red. Purification of the stainable substance showed that the yellow fluorescent bodies consisted of triacylglycerol. During growth on glucose as the carbon source 8%–12% of the mycelial dry weight was found to be neutral lipid. When glucose declined in the medium, the content decreased to 3%–4% and the respiration quotient shifted to 0.6 indicating a reserve function of the fat. The fatty acid composition of the storage lipid was found to be strongly influenced by the carbon source. Mycelia cultivated on glucose contained 5% linoleic acid and 20% palmitoleic acid in their neutral fat while linoleic acid made up 54% and palmitoleic acid was not detectable (< 0.1%) in soybean-oil-grown mycelia. When plant oil was given as the sole carbon source, the fatty acid composition of the storage lipid showed a high similarity to the fed fat. 14C-labelled free oleic acid added to a culture growing on soybean oil was immediately incorporated into the fungal lipid. A pulse of 0.9 g/l free palmitoleic acid, fed during growth on olive oil, increased the content of this particular fatty acid in the fungal triacylglycerol from 0.8% to 9.6%. In addition, a liberation of free fatty acid and diacylglyceride was found in the culture supernatant when pure triolein was given as the sole carbon source. Obviously, the fungus cleaved the lipid serving as the carbon source extracellularly and used the liberated fatty acids for its storage lipid formation.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. F. Wagner on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Fungi produce spores that allow for their dispersal and survival under harsh environmental conditions. These spores can have an astonishing variety of shapes and sizes. Using the highly polar, needle-shaped spores of the ascomycete Ashbya gossypii as a model, we demonstrated that spores produced by this organism are not simple continuous structures but rather consist of three different segments that correlate with the accumulation of different materials: a rigid tip segment, a more fragile main spore-compartment and a solid tail segment. Little is currently known about the regulatory mechanisms that control the formation of the characteristic spore morphologies. We tested a variety of mutant strains for their spore phenotypes, including spore size, shape and wall defects. The mutants that we identified as displaying such phenotypes are all known for their roles in the regulation of hyphal tip growth, including the formin protein AgBni1, the homologous Rho-type GTPases AgRho1a and AgRho1b and the scaffold protein AgPxl1. Our observations suggest that these proteins form a signalling network controlling spore length by regulating the formation of actin structures.  相似文献   

A few years ago, A. gossypii became recognized as an attractive model to study the growth of long and multinucleated fungal cells (hyphae) because of its small genome, haploid nuclei, and efficient gene targeting methods. It is generally assumed that a better understanding of filamentous fungal growth will greatly stimulate the development of novel fungicides. The use of Ashbya gossypii as a model is particularly promising because of the high level of gene order conservation (synteny) between the genomes of A. gossypii and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Thus, a similar set of genes seems to control the surprisingly different growth modes of these two organisms, which predicts that orthologous growth control genes might not play identical cellular roles in both systems. Analyzing the phenotypes of A. gossypii mutants lacking factors with known functions in yeast morphogenesis and nuclear dynamics confirm this hypothesis. Comparative genomics of both organisms also reveals rare examples of differences in the gene sets for some cellular processes, which as shown for phosphate homeostasis can be associated with differences in control levels.  相似文献   

Two different approaches to prepare and characterise vacuoles from the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii are described, i.e. the isolation of vacuoles from hyphal cells and the controlled permeabilisation of the plasma membrane. By mechanical lysis of protoplasts and separation of the organelles on a stepped density gradient, we obtained a vacuolar fraction virtually free of contamination by other organelles, unlysed protoplasts and cell debris. The integrity of the isolated organelles was characterised by vital-staining, the presence of α-mannosidase, and retained accumulation of basic amino acids. In a second approach, the cell membrane of the fungus was selectively permeabilised by use of the saponin digitonin leaving the vacuoles in their physiological surrounding, i.e. protected by the rigid cell wall. The permeabilisation was monitored by the latency of predominantly cytosolic amino acids and the ATP status of the cells. Functional intactness of the vacuoles within the permeabilised hyphae was demonstrated by maintenance of the pH gradient across the vacuolar membrane as detected by accumulation of the fluorescent dye, Acridine orange. These two methods are well-suited tools for the in situ assay of intracellular compartmentation of metabolites, for vacuolar transmembrane fluxes in Ashbya gossypii, as well as for the direct access to vacuolar membranes and enzymes of this fungus.  相似文献   

Ashbya gossypii is a natural overproducer of riboflavin. Overproduction of riboflavin can be induced by environmental stress, e.g. nutritional or oxidative stress. The Yap-protein family has a well-documented role in stress response. Particularly, Yap1 has a major role in directing the oxidative stress responses. The A. gossypii YAP-family consists of only three genes in contrast to its closest relative Eremothecium cymbalariae, which has four YAP-homologs. Gene order at Eremothecium YAP-loci is conserved with the reconstructed yeast ancestor. AgYap1p is unique amongst Yap-homologs as it lacks the cysteine-rich domains (CRDs). AgYAP1 expression is inducible and GFP-AgYap1 localizes to the nucleus. Agyap1 mutants displayed higher sensitivity against oxidative stress - H(2)O(2) and menadione - and are strongly reduced in riboflavin production. High levels of cAMP, which also reduce riboflavin production, show a synergistic effect on this sensitivity. AgYAP1 and a chimera of AgYAP1 (with the DNA-binding domain) and ScYAP1 (with the CRDs) can both complement the Scyap1 oxidative stress sensitivity. This suggests that the DNA-binding sites of ScYap1 are conserved in A. gossypii. Expression of AgRIB4, which contains three putative Yap1-binding sites, assayed via a lacZ-reporter gene was strongly reduced in an Agyap1 mutant suggesting a direct involvement of AgYap1 in riboflavin production. Furthermore, our data show that application of H(2)O(2) stress leads to an increase in riboflavin production in a Yap1-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Germ tube emergence in filamentous fungi appears to be similar to bud emergence in yeast. Several key proteins (e.g. Cdc42, septins, Bni1 formin, Rho1 and Rho3) play common roles in polarity establishment and early polarity maintenance in both processes. Although germ tube extension, which can be thought of as extreme polarity maintenance, uses some of the same genes, they are likely to be regulated differently. Mutations in polarity maintenance genes often lead to a split tip in filamentous fungi, a phenotype without an analogue in yeast. Cell cycle regulation differs between tip splitting and subapical branching, but in both processes filamentous fungi maintain several axes of polar growth simultaneously.  相似文献   

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