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With the exception of survival, cognitive impairment stemming from the clinical management of cancer is a major factor dictating therapeutic outcome. For many patients afflicted with CNS and non-CNS malignancies, radiotherapy and chemotherapy offer the best options for disease control. These treatments however come at a cost, and nearly all cancer survivors (~11 million in the US alone as of 2006) incur some risk for developing cognitive dysfunction, with the most severe cases found in patients subjected to cranial radiotherapy (~200,000/yr) for the control of primary and metastatic brain tumors1. Particularly problematic are pediatric cases, whose long-term survival plagued with marked cognitive decrements results in significant socioeconomic burdens2. To date, there are still no satisfactory solutions to this significant clinical problem.We have addressed this serious health concern using transplanted stem cells to combat radiation-induced cognitive decline in athymic rats subjected to cranial irradiation3. Details of the stereotaxic irradiation and the in vitro culturing and transplantation of human neural stem cells (hNSCs) can be found in our companion paper (Acharya et al., JoVE reference). Following irradiation and transplantation surgery, rats are then assessed for changes in cognition, grafted cell survival and expression of differentiation-specific markers 1 and 4-months after irradiation. To critically evaluate the success or failure of any potential intervention designed to ameliorate radiation-induced cognitive sequelae, a rigorous series of quantitative cognitive tasks must be performed. To accomplish this, we subject our animals to a suite of cognitive testing paradigms including novel place recognition, water maze, elevated plus maze and fear conditioning, in order to quantify hippocampal and non-hippocampal learning and memory. We have demonstrated the utility of these tests for quantifying specific types of cognitive decrements in irradiated animals, and used them to show that animals engrafted with hNSCs exhibit significant improvements in cognitive function3.The cognitive benefits derived from engrafted human stem cells suggest that similar strategies may one day provide much needed clinical recourse to cancer survivors suffering from impaired cognition. Accordingly, we have provided written and visual documentation of the critical steps used in our cognitive testing paradigms to facilitate the translation of our promising results into the clinic.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury is a devastating clinical condition, characterized by a complex of neurological dysfunctions. Animal models of spinal cord injury can be used both to investigate the biological responses to injury and to test potential therapies. Contusion or compression injury delivered to the surgically exposed spinal cord are the most widely used models of the pathology. In this report the experimental contusion is performed by using the Infinite Horizon (IH) Impactor device, which allows the creation of a reproducible injury animal model through definition of specific injury parameters. Stem cell transplantation is commonly considered a potentially useful strategy for curing this debilitating condition. Numerous studies have evaluated the effects of transplanting a variety of stem cells. Here we demonstrate an adapted method for spinal cord injury followed by tail vein injection of cells in CD1 mice. In short, we provide procedures for: i) cell labeling with a vital tracer, ii) pre-operative care of mice, iii) execution of a contusive spinal cord injury, and iv) intravenous administration of post mortem neural precursors. This contusion model can be utilized to evaluate the efficacy and safety of stem cell transplantation in a regenerative medicine approach.  相似文献   

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) contains a subset of exclusively tumorigenic cancer stem cells (CSCs) which have been shown to drive tumor initiation, metastasis and resistance to radio- and chemotherapy. Here we describe a specific methodology for culturing primary human pancreatic CSCs as tumor spheres in anchorage-independent conditions. Cells are grown in serum-free, non-adherent conditions in order to enrich for CSCs while their more differentiated progenies do not survive and proliferate during the initial phase following seeding of single cells. This assay can be used to estimate the percentage of CSCs present in a population of tumor cells. Both size (which can range from 35 to 250 micrometers) and number of tumor spheres formed represents CSC activity harbored in either bulk populations of cultured cancer cells or freshly harvested and digested tumors 1,2. Using this assay, we recently found that metformin selectively ablates pancreatic CSCs; a finding that was subsequently further corroborated by demonstrating diminished expression of pluripotency-associated genes/surface markers and reduced in vivo tumorigenicity of metformin-treated cells. As the final step for preclinical development we treated mice bearing established tumors with metformin and found significantly prolonged survival. Clinical studies testing the use of metformin in patients with PDAC are currently underway (e.g., NCT01210911, NCT01167738, and NCT01488552). Mechanistically, we found that metformin induces a fatal energy crisis in CSCs by enhancing reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and reducing mitochondrial transmembrane potential. In contrast, non-CSCs were not eliminated by metformin treatment, but rather underwent reversible cell cycle arrest. Therefore, our study serves as a successful example for the potential of in vitro sphere formation as a screening tool to identify compounds that potentially target CSCs, but this technique will require further in vitro and in vivo validation to eliminate false discoveries.  相似文献   

神经干细胞是指一类具有自我更新能力和多向分化潜能的细胞,能分化成为神经元、星形胶质细胞、少突胶质细胞等众多神经细胞。成年哺乳动物内源性神经再生能力有限,无法弥补因神经疾病而导致的神经细胞缺失,因而,人们开始寻求外源性神经干细胞移植治疗中枢神经系统疾病的可能,在动物模型上开展了大量研究,并建立了多种移植方法。该文就神经干细胞的特性、来源、移植方式、在中枢神经系统疾病中的实验研究进展等作一综述。  相似文献   

树突状细胞(DC)是目前已知的启动免疫反应最强大的抗原呈递细胞(APC),也是惟一能激活初始T细胞的APC。近年来,DC在移植免疫中的作用已成为研究的焦点。简要综述了DC在异基因造血干细胞移植中的研究进展。  相似文献   

由于心肌梗死发作等原因可造成心肌受损、心力衰竭。干细胞可以向心肌细胞定向分化,这使得通过细胞移植治疗心力衰竭成为可能。简要综述了有望用于移植的干细胞,以及目前实验与临床研究进展和面临的问题。  相似文献   

李明  赵卉 《生物技术进展》2011,1(3):201-206
糖尿病是一种严重的免疫缺陷性疾病,目前的治疗方法很难从根本上治愈。近年来的研究表明,通过诱导胚胎干细胞定向分化为胰岛β细胞,并进行移植治疗糖尿病,是一种有希望的根治方案。本文就利用胚胎干细胞移植治疗糖尿病的最新进展作一综述。  相似文献   

通过同种基因型小鼠构建造血干细胞移植模型,将预处理的全骨髓单个核细胞或c-Kit+造血干细胞移植至致死剂量照射的受体小鼠体内,动态监测移植2~16周后受体小鼠体内供体来源细胞造血重建以及嵌合情况,以期揭示不同群体的供体细胞以及预处理等因素对小鼠造血干细胞移植后造血重建的影响。实验结果显示,移植后早期(2周)全骨髓单个核细胞组髓系比例要高于c-Kit+细胞移植组,但全骨髓移植组受体小鼠呈现出较大的移植后不良反应,出现脱毛、食欲不振以及体重减轻的症状。c-Kit+细胞移植组在淋系重建上要早于全骨髓移植组,供体细胞的嵌合植入也早于全骨髓移植组,但两组实验组最终均能完成造血重建过程。实验结果表明c-Kit+细胞移植组在移植后能够较快地实现供体细胞植入,进而开始造血重建,且c-Kit+细胞移植组的不良反应要低于全骨髓移植组。结果说明在整体造血重建效果上c-Kit+细胞移植组要优于全骨髓移植组。  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are defined as a subset of slow cycling and undifferentiated cells that divide asymmetrically to generate highly proliferative, invasive, and chemoresistant tumor cells. Therefore, CSCs are an attractive population of cells to target therapeutically. CSCs are predicted to contribute to a number of types of malignancies including those in the blood, brain, lung, gastrointestinal tract, prostate, and ovary. Isolating and enriching a tumor cell population for CSCs will enable researchers to study the properties, genetics, and therapeutic response of CSCs. We generated a protocol that reproducibly enriches for ovarian cancer CSCs from ovarian cancer cell lines (SKOV3 and OVCA429). Cell lines are treated with 20 µM cisplatin for 3 days. Surviving cells are isolated and cultured in a serum-free stem cell media containing cytokines and growth factors. We demonstrate an enrichment of these purified CSCs by analyzing the isolated cells for known stem cell markers Oct4, Nanog, and Prom1 (CD133) and cell surface expression of CD177 and CD133. The CSCs exhibit increased chemoresistance. This method for isolation of CSCs is a useful tool for studying the role of CSCs in chemoresistance and tumor relapse.  相似文献   

目的初步探讨骨髓间充质干细胞诱导为神经细胞,及其移植对大鼠脊髓半横断损伤神经功能恢复和运动的影响。方法贴壁培养法分离培养大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs),大鼠脊髓匀浆上清诱导第3代向神经细胞分化,经免疫组化鉴定分化后细胞的性质。制备大鼠半横断脊髓损伤模型,脊髓损伤局部注射BrdU标记诱导后的神经细胞。细胞移植5周后观察移植细胞在脊髓内存活分布情况。结果倒置显微镜下可见MSCs呈纺锤形和多角形,有1~2个核仁,经脊髓匀浆上清诱导后,发出数个细长突起,并交织成网,诱导后的细胞表达Nestin,可推测诱导后的细胞为MSCs源神经细胞。5周后移植的MSCs在宿主损伤脊髓内聚集并存活,表达MAP-2、NF、GFAP与对照组比较有统计学意义(P0.05)。大鼠运动功能较移植前有所改善。结论MSCs经脊髓匀浆上清诱导后移植治疗大鼠半横断脊髓损伤可使运动功能得到改善。  相似文献   

精原干细胞移植为研究精子发生、雄性生殖能力及新型转基因技术奠定了基础.尽管已利用小鼠建立了较成熟的移植技术体系,白消安受体制备法和曲细精管及睾丸网移植法已得到广泛应用,但白消安可导致动物较高的死亡率,局部射线照射和无内源性精子发生受体动物的制备费用较昂贵,热处理受体制备法应用范围较窄且效果不稳定;三种移植方法均对操作有较高的技术要求,曲细精管、睾丸输出管移植需要显微注射装置,而睾丸网移植需要超声仪的辅助.而且,移植效果在不同实验间、物种间差异较大,移植效率有待提高,对移植排斥反应的认识也有待进一步深入.对睾丸结构和精原干细胞生物学特性的深入研究,将有助于建立更简单高效的受体制备和移植的方法.  相似文献   

目的:从脂肪组织中获取间充质干细胞(ADMSCs)并验证其多向分化潜能,探讨ADMSCs在肝再生中的作用。方法:获取大鼠脂肪组织,用胶原酶消化法获取干细胞,并进行体外扩增、传代,取第3代细胞分别用不同诱导培养液进行成骨、成脂诱导,诱导后通过细胞形态学和特殊染色观察诱导效果。用PKH26标记细胞,制作部分肝切除模型,将标记的自体ADMSCs经门静脉植入体内,2周后切下取肝脏制成冰冻切片,荧光显微镜观察植入细胞在肝脏的定位,免疫荧光染色观察其白蛋白的表达。结果:从脂肪组织中分离出的细胞能在体外大量扩增,能被诱导分化为成骨细胞、脂肪细胞,ADMSCs移植2周后,可见PKH26标记细胞散在分布于肝内,免疫荧光染色显示标记细胞白蛋白染色阳性。结论:大鼠脂肪组织中可以获取具有多向分化潜能的间充质干细胞,该细胞在肝再生环境中能向肝细胞分化,参与肝再生。  相似文献   

Germ cell transplantation was developed by Dr. Ralph Brinster and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania in 19941,2. These ground-breaking studies showed that microinjection of germ cells from fertile donor mice into the seminiferous tubules of infertile recipient mice results in donor-derived spermatogenesis and sperm production by the recipient animal2. The use of donor males carrying the bacterial β-galactosidase gene allowed identification of donor-derived spermatogenesis and transmission of the donor haplotype to the offspring by recipient animals1. Surprisingly, after transplantation into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules, transplanted germ cells were able to move from the luminal compartment to the basement membrane where spermatogonia are located3. It is generally accepted that only SSCs are able to colonize the niche and re-establish spermatogenesis in the recipient testis. Therefore, germ cell transplantation provides a functional approach to study the stem cell niche in the testis and to characterize putative spermatogonial stem cells. To date, germ cell transplantation is used to elucidate basic stem cell biology, to produce transgenic animals through genetic manipulation of germ cells prior to transplantation4,5, to study Sertoli cell-germ cell interaction6,7, SSC homing and colonization3,8, as well as SSC self-renewal and differentiation9,10.Germ cell transplantation is also feasible in large species11. In these, the main applications are preservation of fertility, dissemination of elite genetics in animal populations, and generation of transgenic animals as the study of spermatogenesis and SSC biology with this technique is logistically more difficult and expensive than in rodents. Transplantation of germ cells from large species into the seminiferous tubules of mice results in colonization of donor cells and spermatogonial expansion, but not in their full differentiation presumably due to incompatibility of the recipient somatic cell compartment with the germ cells from phylogenetically distant species12. An alternative approach is transplantation of germ cells from large species together with their surrounding somatic compartment. We first reported in 2002, that small fragments of testis tissue from immature males transplanted under the dorsal skin of immunodeficient mice are able to survive and undergo full development with the production of fertilization competent sperm13. Since then testis tissue xenografting has been shown to be successful in many species and emerged as a valuable alternative to study testis development and spermatogenesis of large animals in mice14.  相似文献   

Small animal models such as mice have been extensively used to study human disease and to develop new therapeutic interventions. Despite the wealth of information gained from these studies, the unique characteristics of mouse immunity as well as the species specificity of viral diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection led to the development of humanized mouse models. The earlier models involved the use of C. B 17 scid/scid mice and the transplantation of human fetal thymus and fetal liver termed thy/liv (SCID-hu) 1, 2 or the adoptive transfer of human peripheral blood leukocytes (SCID-huPBL) 3. Both models were mainly utilized for the study of HIV infection.One of the main limitations of both of these models was the lack of stable reconstitution of human immune cells in the periphery to make them a more physiologically relevant model to study HIV disease. To this end, the BLT humanized mouse model was developed. BLT stands for bone marrow/liver/thymus. In this model, 6 to 8 week old NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ (NSG) immunocompromised mice receive the thy/liv implant as in the SCID-hu mouse model only to be followed by a second human hematopoietic stem cell transplant 4. The advantage of this system is the full reconstitution of the human immune system in the periphery. This model has been used to study HIV infection and latency 5-8.We have generated a modified version of this model in which we use genetically modified human hematopoietic stem cells (hHSC) to construct the thy/liv implant followed by injection of transduced autologous hHSC 7, 9. This approach results in the generation of genetically modified lineages. More importantly, we adapted this system to examine the potential of generating functional cytotoxic T cells (CTL) expressing a melanoma specific T cell receptor. Using this model we were able to assess the functionality of our transgenic CTL utilizing live positron emission tomography (PET) imaging to determine tumor regression (9).The goal of this protocol is to describe the process of generating these transgenic mice and assessing in vivo efficacy using live PET imaging. As a note, since we use human tissues and lentiviral vectors, our facilities conform to CDC NIH guidelines for Biosafety Level 2 (BSL2) with special precautions (BSL2+). In addition, the NSG mice are severely immunocompromised thus, their housing and maintenance must conform to the highest health standards (http://jaxmice.jax.org/research/immunology/005557-housing.html).  相似文献   

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the most common and severe type of idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIP), and which is currently no method was developed to restore normal structure and function. There are several reports on therapeutic effects of adult stem cell transplantations in animal models of pulmonary fibrosis. However, little is known about how mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) can repair the IPF. In this study, we try to provide the evidence to show that transplanted mesenchymal stem cells directly replace fibrosis with normal lung cells using IPF model mice. As results, transplanted MSC successfully integrated and differentiated into type II lung cell which express surfactant protein. In the other hand, we examine the therapeutic effects of microvesicle treatment, which were released from mesenchymal stem cells. Though the therapeutic effects of MV treatment is less than that of MSC treatment, MV treat-ment meaningfully reduced the symptom of IPF, such as collagen deposition and inflammation. These data suggest that stem cell transplantation may be an effective strategy for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis via replacement and cytoprotective effect of microvesicle released from MSCs.  相似文献   

在小鼠胚胎干细胞进行基因打靶的策略   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
基因打靶技术是一种通过同源重组按预期方式改变生物活体的遗传信息的实验手段,与小鼠胚胎干细胞培养系统相结合,使得人们可以方便地将各种突变引入小鼠体内,得以从生物整体水平上研究高等真核生物基因的表达、调控及其生理功能.扼要介绍了近年来在小鼠胚胎干细胞进行基因打靶的研究进展.  相似文献   

精原干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells,SSCs)是位于睾丸曲细精管基膜上能自我更新和连续分化产生精子的最原始精原细胞,是雄性体内唯一能将遗传信息自然传至子代并可终生复制的双倍体细胞,对复杂的精子发生过程有着至关重要的作用。作为一个未分化细胞群体,SSCs在精子生成和物种进化所必需的基因传递中发挥作用。基于课题组多年的研究,该文较系统地评述了SSCs的生物学特性、分离富集、体外培养影响因素和移植技术等方面的进展,以期对雄性辅助生殖、细胞再生治疗、畜牧业生产等研究应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

脐带间充质干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨脐带间充质干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤的疗效及安全性。方法:40例脊髓损伤患者给予脐带间充质干细胞移植治疗,移植方法采用静脉输注联合腰穿鞘内注射的方法。术后随访1年余定期观察患者临床症状及各项指标的变化并进行综合分析。移植过程中为促进干细胞的生长和分化,根据患者病情及身体状况给予相应的康复功能锻炼。结果:与入院时比较,脐带间充质干细胞移植治疗3、6、12个月后,不完全性脊髓损伤患者针刺觉评分、轻触觉评分、运动评分均有明显改善(P<0.05或0.01),完全性脊髓损伤患者针刺觉评分、轻触觉评分、运动评分均无明显变化(P>0.05),两组残损分级均无明显改善(P>0.05)。移植后各项生化指标正常,未出现严重的并发症和明显的不良反应。结论:脐带间充质干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤近期疗效明显,可以改善患者的临床症状,提高患者的生存质量,是一种值得借鉴的治疗方法。  相似文献   

人肿瘤干细胞(human cancer stem cells,CSCs)分离后异种移植至模型内的成瘤特性,为研究肿瘤病因学和制订抗癌策略提供了新的手段和方法。但是,目前人肿瘤干细胞的鉴别离不开移植至异种免疫缺陷鼠内建立肿瘤干细胞的动物模型。本文主要从CSCs的概念、CSCs与肿瘤的关系、CSCs异种移植模型研究进展、模型建立的影响因素、模型建立存在的问题等进行简要综述,为异种移植模型的建立提供参考。  相似文献   

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