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The role of the central nervous system in the host response to infection and inflammation and modulation of these responses by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system are well established. In animals, activation of host defense mechanisms increases non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep amount and intensity, which, in turn, are thought to support host defense, or the body's ability to defend itself against challenges to its immune system. In humans, the evidence is conflicting. Therefore, we investigated the effects of three placebo-controlled doses of endotoxin on host response, including nocturnal sleep in healthy volunteers. Administered before nocturnal sleep onset, endotoxin dose dependently increased rectal temperature, heart rate, and the plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, soluble TNF receptors, interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist, IL-6, and cortisol. The lowest dose reliably increased circulating levels of cytokines and soluble cytokine receptors, but it did not affect rectal temperature, heart rate, or cortisol. This subtle host defense activation increased deep NREM sleep amount, often referred to as slow-wave sleep (stages 3 and 4), and intensity (delta power). Conversely, the highest dose of endotoxin disrupted sleep. Whereas it is well established that the endocrine and thermoregulatory systems are very sensitive to endotoxin, this study shows that human sleep-wake behavior is even more sensitive to activation of host defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

Feeding rodents a diet rich in evening primrose oil (EPO), which contains 5-10 g gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)/100 g total fatty acids, has been shown to decrease lymphocyte proliferation and natural killer cell activity. However, EPO contains a very high level of linoleic acid which itself can affect lymphocyte functions and it is not clear to what extent the effects of EPO can be attributed to GLA. The current study investigated the effect of two levels of GLA in the rat diet upon immune cell functions; the level of linoleic acid was maintained below 30 g/100 g total fatty acids. Weanling rats were fed on high fat (178 g/kg) diets which contained 4.4 g or 10 g GLA/100 g total fatty acids in place of a proportion of linoleic acid. The total polyunsaturated fatty acid content and the n-6 to n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio of the diet were maintained at 35 g/100 g total fatty acids and 7, respectively. The fatty acid compositions of the serum and of spleen leukocytes were markedly influenced by that of the diet, with an increase in the proportions of GLA and dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid when the diets containing GLA were fed; these diets also increased the proportion of arachidonic acid in spleen leukocytes. Spleen lymphocyte proliferation in response to concanavalin A was significantly reduced (by 60%) by feeding the diet containing the higher level of GLA, but not by the diet containing the lower level of GLA. Spleen natural killer cell activity and prostaglandin E (PGE) production by spleen leukocytes were not significantly affected by inclusion of GLA in the diet, although there was a tendency towards decreased natural killer cell activity by cells from rats fed the high GLA diet. Thus, this study shows that dietary GLA is capable of altering the fatty acid composition of cells of the immune system and of exerting some immunomodulatory effects, but that the level of GLA in the diet must exceed 4.4 g/100 g total fatty acids for these effects to become apparent.  相似文献   

In this study, we determined functional integrity and reactive oxygen species generation in mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum in liver of rats subjected to endotoxic shock to clarify whether intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) destabilize cellular integrity causing necrosis in rats challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). LPS caused drastically increased plasma levels of alanine aminotransferase, suggesting damage to plasma membranes of liver cells. Liver necrosis was confirmed by histological examination. LPS induced a significant increase in ROS production in rat liver mitochondria (RLM), but did not impair mitochondrial function. In contrast to mitochondria, enzymatic activity and ROS production of cytochrome P450 were lower in microsomal fraction obtained from LPS-treated animals, suggesting the dysfunction of endoplasmic reticulum. Protein patterns obtained from RLM by two-dimensional electrophoresis showed significant upregulation of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase by LPS. We hypothesize that upregulation of this enzyme protects mitochondria against mitochondrial ROS, but does not protect other cellular compartments such as endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane causing necrosis.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of carbendazim on the thymus in male rats were evaluated. Carbendazim was administered at 0, 150, 300 and 600 mg kg(-1) day(-1) doses by gavage to male rats for 15 weeks. Body weights of rats in all groups were recorded weekly during treatment. At the end of the experiment, the effects of carbendazim on the thymus were investigated histopathologically and morphologically. Also, based on these effects, change in immunolocalization of fibronectin (FN), which is a component of the extracellular matrix, was investigated immunohistochemically. Fibrosis and oedema were observed in the thymus of rats treated with 300 and 600 mg kg(-1) day(-1) doses of carbendazim. Also in this region, an increase in FN density was noted at the end of the immunohistochemical investigation. A decrease was observed in absolute and relative thymus weights of rats treated with carbendazim compared with the control group. While the decrease in absolute thymus weight was statistically significant in rats exposed to carbendazim at the highest dose, the decrease in relative thymus weights was statistically significant for all carbendazim doses.  相似文献   

Normal cellular metabolism produces oxidants that are neutralized within cells by antioxidant enzymes and other antioxidants. An imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant has been postulated to lead the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease. In this study, we examined whether selenium, an antioxidant, can prevent or slowdown neuronal injury in a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) model of Parkinsonism. Rats were pre-treated with sodium selenite (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mg/kg body weight) for 7 days. On day 8, 2 micro L 6-OHDA (12.5 micro g in 0.2% ascorbic acid in normal saline) was infused in the right striatum. Two weeks after 6-OHDA infusion, rats were tested for neurobehavioral activity, and were killed after 3 weeks of 6-OHDA infusion for the estimation of glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-S-transferase, glutathione reductase, glutathione content, lipid peroxidation, and dopamine and its metabolites. Selenium was found to be successful in upregulating the antioxidant status and lowering the dopamine loss, and functional recovery returned close to the baseline dose-dependently. This study revealed that selenium, which is an essential part of our diet, may be helpful in slowing down the progression of neurodegeneration in parkinsonism.  相似文献   

It was the purpose of this study to determine the effects of the in vivo administration of endotoxin on certain in vitro hepatocyte and Kupffer cell functions. An Alzet osmotic pump that contained endotoxin (LPS, 2.5 mg/100g) was implanted into the peritoneal cavity of 300g guinea pigs and delivered the endotoxin over a period of four days. In vivo administration of LPS did not cause a change in the in vitro release of albumin by isolated hepatocytes. However, when hepatocytes were co-cultured with Kupffer cells there was a significant decrease in albumin release for both control and LPS-treated animals. There was no difference between control and LPS-treated animals in the release of C3 by hepatocytes. However, there was a significant increase over the control group in C3 release by Kupffer cells from LPS-treated animals. When hepatocytes and Kupffer cells were cultured together, their release of C3 was not additive. Kupffer cells from LPS-treated animals released significantly greater amounts of PGE2 than control animals when stimulated in vitro with LPS. Thus, these Kupffer cells appeared to be primed to respond to an in vitro challenge of LPS. Kupffer cells from LPS-treated animals had significantly depressed antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). This endotoxin model is useful for determining the in vivo effects of endotoxin on cellular function and gives some indirect evidence for the detrimental effects of LPS on the immune system and host defense.  相似文献   

The dose-dependent effects of phencyclidine were examined in guinea pig hippocampal slices using intracellular and extracellular recordings. Orthodromically evoked population potentials from the CA1 cell body layer were enhanced by low doses (0.2-0.4 microM) and depressed by high doses (0.01-10 mM). Medium doses of the drug (2.0-10.0 microM) showed little effect. Intracellular recordings from CA1 pyramidal neurons gave similar dose-dependent results. Low doses increased spontaneous firing rates and caused silent cells to fire. Medium doses both increased and decreased firing rates, whereas high doses depressed firing rates. Large transient depolarizing shifts were seen in some phencyclidine-treated cells at medium and high doses. Phencyclidine effects took 15-30 min to develop and were only partially reversible after a washout of up to 1 h.  相似文献   

Dose-dependent effects of FK506 on neuroregeneration in a rat model   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study explored the effects of different doses of FK506 on peripheral nerve regeneration, to determine whether neuroregeneration could be enhanced without the toxicity of systemic immunosuppression. In the first part of the study, subimmunosuppressive doses of FK506 were determined by examining skin allograft survival in a rat model. Full-thickness skin grafts (2 cm2) from Wistar rats were grafted to recipient Lewis rats. The procedure was performed for six groups (n = 6). The control group received no FK506, and the other five groups received daily doses of FK506 of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 mg/kg. Animals that received 2.0 mg/kg FK506 per day exhibited complete skin graft take, whereas all other groups demonstrated complete rejection. After determination of the immunosuppressive dose of FK506, the neuroregenerative effects of different doses of FK506 were explored by assessing nerve regeneration in 80 rats after tibial nerve transection and repair. The control group received no FK506, whereas the other four groups were given daily doses of FK506 of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 mg/kg. Rats were euthanized at three time points (25, 30, and 35 days), to fully investigate the effects of different FK506 dosing regimens on neuroregeneration. Histomorphometric analyses performed on postoperative days 30 and 35 demonstrated statistically significant improvements in neuroregeneration with subimmunosuppressive FK506 doses of 0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg per day. Therefore, the study demonstrated that neuroregeneration was enhanced at low doses of FK506 that were not sufficient to prevent skin allograft rejection.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that hyperactivity and mental retardation, the most serious clinical aspects observed in children during lead intoxication, may occur as consequence of specific alterations of neurotransmitter functions. In our experiments we indicate that the behavioural patterns observed in chronically lead exposed rats may be correlated with an impairment of the dopaminergic system. Performing our study at two different levels of lead exposure, we found after the last assumption of lead we observed a complete disappearance of these neurochemical variations. Our findings suggest that lead affects dopamine function in different brain areas in reversible manner, inducing effects which are dose-dependent.  相似文献   

Kynurenines are endogenous metabolites of tryptophan, which are studied extensively in vertebrates with respect to their etiological role in the pathology of various neurodegenerative disorders. In insects, metabolites of the kynurenic pathway are present in peak concentrations in the hemolymph of holometabolic species during pupation and just before eclosion. Unlike in larvae, these compounds cause severe motor dysfunction in adult species. Adult flesh flies were injected with various concentrations of these endogenous toxins and the effects on motor function were assessed. For tryptophan, L-kynurenine, 3-hydroxy-kynurenine, and anthranilic acid, the effects ranged from reversible to irreversible motor dysfunction, to instant paralysis and death. 3-Hydroxy-anthranilic acid could induce a tetanus like spasm of the wings. Tryptophan, 3-hydroxykynurenine, and 3-hydroxy-anthranilic acid were toxic to primary cultures of insect neurons. It is possible that some of these metabolites have a distinct role in larvae during the apoptotic events related to neurometamorphosis.  相似文献   

Human adults have functionally active BAT. The metabolic function can be reliably measured in vivo using modern imaging modalities (namely PET/CT). Cold seems to be one of the most potent stimulators of BAT metabolic activity but other stimulators (for example insulin) are actively studied. Obesity is related to lower metabolic activity of BAT but it may be reversed after successful weight reduction such as after bariatric surgery. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Brown and White Fat: From Signaling to Disease.  相似文献   

A relationship between formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and energy depletion has been proposed to play an important role in mediating methamphetamine (METH)-induced neurotoxicity. To evaluate this relationship, we examined the effect of the spin-trap agent, alpha-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN) on hyperthermia and self-injurious behavior (SIB) and striatal dopamine (DA) depletion produced by METH (4 injections of 4 mg/kg, 2 hr intervals, s.c.) in BALB/c mice. Repeated administration of METH induced hyperthermia, incidence of SIB and striatal DA depletion (84% after 3 days). Pretreatment with PBN (4 injections of 60 or 120 mg/kg, i.p.) reduced METH-induced hyperthermia, but did not significantly attenuate METH-induced SIB or the striatal DA depletion. On the other hand, pretreatment with high doses of PBN (4 injections of 180 or 240 mg/kg, i.p.) protected against METH-induced hyperthermia and SIB, and PBN (180 mg/kg) also completely protected against the acute striatal DA depletion 60 min after the last injection of the drug. However, the long-lasting striatal DA depletion was only attenuated by 52 or 56%, respectively. These results indicate that METH-induced hyperthermia contributes to, but is not solely responsible for METH-induced neurotoxicity, and supports a role for formation of ROS and other mechanisms in the generation of METH-induced striatal dopaminergic neurotoxicity. In addition, the difference in the efficacy of PBN to protect against the acute or long-lasting striatal DA depletion induced by METH may indicate that both ROS formation and other mechanisms are required for METH-induced neurotoxicity to develop.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have investigated the effects of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) inhibition on infarct volume and neurobehavioral functions in a focal cerebral ischemia model. To achieve our goals, GSK-3 inhibitor II or VIII was injected at several time points and in varing dosages. GSK-3 inhibitor VIII was more effective than inhibitor II, and infarct volume and water content in the VIII group were significantly decreased 24 h after the onset of ischemic stroke, as compared with the control group. These protective effects were associated with reductions of TUNEL-positive cells, neutrophil infiltration, glucose levels after ischemia, and GSK-3 enzyme activity. In addition, expressions of death and inflammation-related signals decreased and those of survival-related signals increased. Lastly, neurobehavioral functions were restored to a greater extent in the VIII group than in the control group. Together, these results suggest that GSK-3 inhibition reduces infarct volume and restores neurobehavioral functions.  相似文献   

The effects of the pan-caspase inhibitor Q-VD-OPh on caspase activity, DNA fragmentation, PARP cleavage, 7A6 exposition, and cellular adhesivity to fibronectin were analyzed in detail in three different apoptotic systems involving two cell lines (JURL-MK1 and HL60) and two apoptosis inducers (imatinib mesylate and suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid). Q-VD-OPh fully inhibited caspase-3 and -7 activity at 0.05 μM concentration as indicated both by the measurement of the rate of Ac-DEVD-AFC cleavage and anti-caspase immunoblots. Caspase-8 was also inhibited at low Q-VD-OPh concentrations. On the other hand, significantly higher Q-VD-OPh dose (10 μM) was required to fully prevent the cleavage of PARP-1. DNA fragmentation and disruption of the cell membrane functionality (Trypan blue exclusion test) were both prevented at 2 μM Q-VD-OPh while 10 μM inhibitor was needed to inhibit the drug-induced loss of cellular adhesivity to fibronectin which was observed in JURL-MK1 cells. The exposition of the mitochondrial antigen 7A6 occurred independently of Q-VD-OPh addition and may serve to the detection of cumulative incidence of the cells which have initiated the apoptosis. Our results show that Q-VD-OPh efficiency in the inhibition of caspase-3 activity and DNA fragmentation in the whole-cell environment is about two orders of magnitude higher than that of z-VAD-fmk. This difference is not due to a slow permeability of the latter through the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Interactions between neurosteroidogenesis and proteins involved in age-related diseases are unknown. High concentrations of amyloid-beta (A beta) peptides induce plaques in Alzheimer's disease but several studies demonstrated that physiological or non-toxic doses are neuroprotective. We compared the effects of non-toxic and toxic concentrations of A beta 1-42 and A beta 25-35 on neurosteroidogenesis in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Viability assays revealed that nanomolar doses of A beta are devoid of cytotoxicity while 12 microM induced cell death. Pulse-chase, high-performance liquid chromatography and flow-scintillation analyses showed that non-toxic A beta 1-42 concentrations, acting selectively, decreased [3H]progesterone but increased [3H]estradiol production from the precursor [3H]pregnenolone. Non-toxic A beta 25-35 doses reduced [3H]progesterone formation but had no effect on [3H]estradiol biosynthesis. At 12 microM, both A beta 1-42 and A beta 25-35 inhibited [3H]progesterone formation but only A beta 1-42 reduced [3H]estradiol production. The results demonstrate a selective and amino-acid sequence-dependent action of A beta on neurosteroidogenesis. The fact that non-toxic A beta 1-42 doses stimulated neuroprotective-neurosteroid estradiol synthesis, which is inhibited by high A beta 1-42 doses, may explain A beta 1-42 ability to exert either protective or deleterious effects on nerve cells.  相似文献   

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