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A hallmark of neurogenesis in vertebrates is the apical-basal fluctuation of radial glia nuclei. Such a phenomenon, called INM, has been known for decades and is closely associated with mitosis but still puzzles scientists. An impressive step in the molecular understanding of INM has recently been achieved by Tsai and coworkers. Using RNA interference associated with time-lapse imaging, these authors demonstrated a dual motor system that can push/pull the nuclei accordingly with the cell cycle stages.Key words: interkinetic nuclear migration (INM), radial glial progenitor cells (RGPCs), dynein (Dyn), kinesin (Kin), neurogenesis  相似文献   

Nuclear migration: cortical anchors for cytoplasmic dynein   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Bloom K 《Current biology : CB》2001,11(8):R326-R329
Nuclear migration in yeast provides a model system for studying how a cell polarizes the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons toward sites of cell growth. Recent findings indicate that cortical anchors are necessary for directing microtubule-based processes.  相似文献   

Cohen RS 《Current biology : CB》2002,12(23):R797-R799
Recent studies show that dynein and kinesin are both required for cargo transport to the anterior cortex of the Drosophila oocyte. The orientation of microtubules in the oocyte suggests that kinesin mediates anterior transport indirectly, by activating and/or recycling dynein.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo studies of specific neuronal fast and slow transport components are presently reshaping our understanding of how the processes of vesicular and cytoskeletal transport are regulated in axons and dendrites. Evidence suggests that vesicles possess an inherent directionality, possibly the result of their motor receptor proteins responding to intracellular cues, which then allows movement with either kinesin or cytoplasmic dynein.  相似文献   

Active transport along the microtubule lattice is a complex process that involves both the Kinesin and Dynein superfamily of motors. Transportation requires sophisticated regulation much of which occurs through the motor's tail domain. However, a significant portion of this regulation also occurs through structural changes that arise in the motor and the microtubule upon binding. The most obvious structural change being the manifestation of asymmetry. To a first approximation in solution, kinesin dimers exhibit twofold symmetry, and microtubules exhibit helical symmetry. The higher symmetries of both the kinesin dimers and microtubule lattice are lost on formation of the kinesin–microtubule complex. Loss of symmetry has functional consequences such as an asymmetric hand‐over‐hand mechanism in plus‐end‐directed kinesins, asymmetric microtubule binding in the Kinesin‐14 family, spatially biased stepping in dynein and cooperative binding of additional motors to the microtubule. This review focusses on how the consequences of asymmetry affect regulation of motor heads within a dimer, dimers within an ensemble of motors, and suggests how these asymmetries may affect regulation of active transport within the cell.  相似文献   

Organelles, proteins, and mRNA are transported bidirectionally along microtubules by plus‐end directed kinesin and minus‐end directed dynein motors. Microtubules are decorated by microtubule‐associated proteins (MAPs) that organize the cytoskeleton, regulate microtubule dynamics and modulate the interaction between motor proteins and microtubules to direct intracellular transport. Tau is a neuronal MAP that stabilizes axonal microtubules and crosslinks them into bundles. Dysregulation of tau leads to a range of neurodegenerative diseases known as tauopathies including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Tau reduces the processivity of kinesin and dynein by acting as an obstacle on the microtubule. Single‐molecule assays indicate that kinesin‐1 is more strongly inhibited than kinesin‐2 or dynein, suggesting tau might act to spatially modulate the activity of specific motors. To investigate the role of tau in regulating bidirectional transport, we isolated phagosomes driven by kinesin‐1, kinesin‐2, and dynein and reconstituted their motility along microtubules. We find that tau biases bidirectional motility towards the microtubule minus‐end in a dose‐dependent manner. Optical trapping measurements show that tau increases the magnitude and frequency of forces exerted by dynein through inhibiting opposing kinesin motors. Mathematical modeling indicates that tau controls the directional bias of intracellular cargoes through differentially tuning the processivity of kinesin‐1, kinesin‐2, and dynein. Taken together, these results demonstrate that tau modulates motility in a motor‐specific manner to direct intracellular transport, and suggests that dysregulation of tau might contribute to neurodegeneration by disrupting the balance of plus‐ and minus‐end directed transport.   相似文献   

Z Wang  S Khan    M P Sheetz 《Biophysical journal》1995,69(5):2011-2023
Cytoplasmic dynein is a major microtubule motor for minus-end directed movements including retrograde axonal transport. To better understand the mechanism by which cytoplasmic dynein converts ATP energy into motility, we have analyzed the nanometer-level displacements of latex beads coated with low numbers of cytoplasmic dynein molecules. Cytoplasmic dynein-coated beads exhibited greater lateral movements among microtubule protofilaments (ave. 5.1 times/microns of displacement) compared with kinesin (ave. 0.9 times/micron). In addition, dynein moved rearward up to 100 nm over several hundred milliseconds, often in correlation with off-axis movements from one protofilament to another. We suggest that single molecules of cytoplasmic dynein move the beads because 1) there is a linear dependence of bead motility on dynein/bead ratio, 2) the binding of beads to microtubules studied by laser tweezers is best fit by a first-order Poisson, and 3) the run length histogram of dynein beads follows a first-order decay. At the cellular level, the greater disorder of cytoplasmic dynein movements may facilitate transport by decreasing the duration of collisions between kinesin and cytoplasmic dynein-powered vesicles.  相似文献   

Wang Z  Sheetz MP 《Biophysical journal》2000,78(4):1955-1964
In motor movement on microtubules, the anionic C-terminal of tubulin has been implicated as a significant factor. Our digital analyses of movements of cytoplasmic dynein- and kinesin-coated beads on microtubules have revealed dramatic changes when the C-terminal region (2-4-kDa fragment) of tubulin was cleaved by limited subtilisin digestion of assembled microtubules. For both motors, bead binding to microtubules was decreased threefold, bead run length was decreased over fourfold, and there was a dramatic 20-fold decrease in diffusional movements of cytoplasmic dynein beads on microtubules (even with low motor concentrations where the level of bead motile activity was linear with motor concentration). The velocity of active bead movements on microtubules was unchanged for cytoplasmic dynein and slightly decreased for kinesin. There was also a decrease in the frequency of bead movements without a change in velocity when the ionic strength was raised. However, with high ionic strength there was not a decrease in run length or any selective inhibition of the diffusional movement. The C-terminal region of tubulin increased motor run length (processivity) by inhibiting "detachment" but without affecting velocity. Because the major motor binding sites of microtubules are not on the C-terminal tail of tubulin (), we suggest that the changes are the result of the compromise of a weakly attached state that is the lowest affinity step in both motors' ATPase cycles and is not rate limiting.  相似文献   

Nuclear proteins are transported from the cytoplasm into the nucleus via nuclear envelope pore complexes (NPCs). At the molecular level, the mechanisms responsible for this transport remain obscure. However, it is known that, for many proteins, the process requires ATP and proceeds against formidable nucleocytoplasmic concentration gradients. Therefore, the NPC is often thought of as an active transport site. In this article, Philip Paine presents the alternative hypothesis that, on current evidence, protein translocation across the nuclear envelope and accumulation in the nucleus can equally well be explained by facilitated transport through the NPC and subsequent intranuclear binding.  相似文献   

Regulation of the opposing kinesin and dynein motors that drive axonal transport is essential to maintain neuronal homeostasis. Here, we examine coordination of motor activity by the scaffolding protein JNK-interacting protein 1 (JIP1), which we find is required for long-range anterograde and retrograde amyloid precursor protein (APP) motility in axons. We identify novel interactions between JIP1 and kinesin heavy chain (KHC) that relieve KHC autoinhibition, activating motor function in single molecule assays. The direct binding of the dynactin subunit p150Glued to JIP1 competitively inhibits KHC activation in vitro and disrupts the transport of APP in neurons. Together, these experiments support a model whereby JIP1 coordinates APP transport by switching between anterograde and retrograde motile complexes. We find that mutations in the JNK-dependent phosphorylation site S421 in JIP1 alter both KHC activation in vitro and the directionality of APP transport in neurons. Thus phosphorylation of S421 of JIP1 serves as a molecular switch to regulate the direction of APP transport in neurons.  相似文献   

Xiang X 《Current biology : CB》2012,22(12):R496-R499
Nuclear movement often requires interactions between the cell cortex and microtubules. A new study has revealed a novel protein interaction linking microtubule plus-ends with the cortex and a role for dynein in microtubule shrinkage-coupled movement.  相似文献   

To examine the possible role of microtubule-based transport in testicular function, we used immunofluorescent techniques to study the presence and localization of the microtubule mechanoenzymes cytoplasmic dynein (a slow-growing end-directed motor) and kinesin (a fast-growing end-directed motor) within rat testis. Cytoplasmic dynein immunofluorescence was observed in Sertoli cells during all stages of spermatogenesis, with a peak in apical cytoplasm during stages IX-XIV. Cytoplasmic dynein immunofluorescence was also localized within Sertoli cells to steps 9-14 (stages IX-XIV) germ cell-associated ectoplasmic specializations. In germ cells, cytoplasmic dynein immunofluorescence was observed in manchettes of steps 15-17 (stages I-IV) spermatids, and small, hollow circular structures were seen in the cytoplasm of step 17 and step 18 spermatids during stages V and VI. Kinesin immunofluorescence was observed in manchettes of steps 10-18 spermatids (stages X-VI). The stage-dependent apical Sertoli cell cytoplasmic dynein immunofluorescence, in conjunction with the previously reported orientation of Sertoli cell microtubules (slow-growing ends toward the lumen) and peak secretion of androgen-binding protein and transferrin, is consistent with the hypothesis that cytoplasmic dynein is involved in Sertoli cell protein transport and secretion. Further, the localization of cytoplasmic dynein and kinesin to manchettes is consistent with current hypotheses concerning manchette function.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein and kinesin I are both unidirectional intracellular motors. Dynein moves cargo toward the cell center, and kinesin moves cargo toward the cell periphery. There is growing evidence that bi-directional motility is regulated in the cell, potentially through direct interactions between oppositely oriented motors. We have identified a direct interaction between cytoplasmic dynein and kinesin I. Using the yeast two-hybrid assay and affinity chromatography, we demonstrate that the intermediate chain of dynein binds to kinesin light chains 1 and 2. The interaction is both direct and specific. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate an interaction between endogenous proteins in rat brain cytosol. Double-label immunocytochemistry reveals a partial co-localization of vesicle-associated motor proteins. Together these observations suggest that soluble motors can interact, potentially allowing kinesin I to actively localize dynein to cellular sites of function. There is also a vesicle population with both dynein and kinesin I bound that may be capable of bi-directional motility along cellular microtubules.  相似文献   

To establish the major body axes, late Drosophila oocytes localize determinants to discrete cortical positions: bicoid mRNA to the anterior cortex, oskar mRNA to the posterior cortex, and gurken mRNA to the margin of the anterior cortex adjacent to the oocyte nucleus (the "anterodorsal corner"). These localizations depend on microtubules that are thought to be organized such that plus end-directed motors can move cargoes, like oskar, away from the anterior/lateral surfaces and hence toward the posterior pole. Likewise, minus end-directed motors may move cargoes toward anterior destinations. Contradicting this, cytoplasmic dynein, a minus-end motor, accumulates at the posterior. Here, we report that disruption of the plus-end motor kinesin I causes a shift of dynein from posterior to anterior. This provides an explanation for the dynein paradox, suggesting that dynein is moved as a cargo toward the posterior pole by kinesin-generated forces. However, other results present a new transport polarity puzzle. Disruption of kinesin I causes partial defects in anterior positioning of the nucleus and severe defects in anterodorsal localization of gurken mRNA. Kinesin may generate anterodorsal forces directly, despite the apparent preponderance of minus ends at the anterior cortex. Alternatively, kinesin I may facilitate cytoplasmic dynein-based anterodorsal forces by repositioning dynein toward microtubule plus ends.  相似文献   

Kinesin and dynein are opposite-polarity microtubule motors that drive the tightly regulated transport of a variety of cargoes. Both motors can bind to cargo, but their overall composition on axonal vesicles and whether this composition directly modulates transport activity are unknown. Here we characterize the intracellular transport and steady-state motor subunit composition of mammalian prion protein (PrP(C)) vesicles. We identify Kinesin-1 and cytoplasmic dynein as major PrP(C) vesicle motor complexes and show that their activities are tightly coupled. Regulation of normal retrograde transport by Kinesin-1 is independent of dynein-vesicle attachment and requires the vesicle association of a complete Kinesin-1 heavy and light chain holoenzyme. Furthermore, motor subunits remain stably associated with stationary as well as with moving vesicles. Our data suggest a coordination model wherein PrP(C) vesicles maintain a stable population of associated motors whose activity is modulated by regulatory factors instead of by structural changes to motor-cargo associations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Motor proteins of the minus end-directed cytoplasmic dynein and plus end-directed kinesin families provide the principal means for microtubule-based transport in eukaryotic cells. Despite their opposing polarity, these two classes of motors may cooperate in vivo. In Drosophila circumstantial evidence suggests that dynein acts in the localization of determinants and signaling factors during oogenesis. However, the pleiotropic requirement for dynein throughout development has made it difficult to establish its specific role. RESULTS: We analyzed dynein function in the oocyte by disrupting motor activity through temporally restricted expression of the dynactin subunit, dynamitin. Our results indicate that dynein is required for several processes that impact patterning; such processes include localization of bicoid (bcd) and gurken (grk) mRNAs and anchoring of the oocyte nucleus to the cell cortex. Surprisingly, dynein function is sensitive to reduction in kinesin levels, and germ line clones lacking kinesin show defects in dorsal follicle cell fate, grk mRNA localization, and nuclear attachment that are similar to those resulting from the loss of dynein. Significantly, dynein and dynactin localization is perturbed in these animals. Conversely, kinesin localization also depends on dynein activity. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that dynein is required for nuclear anchoring and localization of cellular determinants during oogenesis. Strikingly, mutations in the kinesin motor also disrupt these processes and perturb dynein and dynactin localization. These results indicate that the activity of the two motors is interdependent and suggest a model in which kinesin affects patterning indirectly through its role in the localization and recycling of dynein.  相似文献   

Bidirectional cargo transport along microtubules is carried out by opposing teams of kinesin and dynein motors. Despite considerable study, the factors that determine whether these competing teams achieve net anterograde or retrograde transport in cells remain unclear. The goal of this work is to use stochastic simulations of bidirectional transport to determine the motor properties that most strongly determine overall cargo velocity and directionality. Simulations were carried out based on published optical tweezer characterization of kinesin‐1 and kinesin‐2, and for available data for cytoplasmic dynein and the dynein‐dynactin‐BicD2 (DDB) complex. By varying dynein parameters and analyzing cargo trajectories, we find that net cargo transport is predicted to depend minimally on the dynein stall force, but strongly on dynein load‐dependent detachment kinetics. In simulations, dynein is dominated by kinesin‐1, but DDB and kinesin‐1 are evenly matched, recapitulating recent experimental work. Kinesin‐2 competes less well against dynein and DDB, and overall, load‐dependent motor detachment is the property that most determines a motor's ability to compete in bidirectional transport. It follows that the most effective intracellular regulators of bidirectional transport are predicted to be those that alter motor detachment kinetics rather than motor velocity or stall force.   相似文献   

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