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The vegetative growth of the adenylyl cyclase-deficient mutant cr-1 (crisp), of Neurospora crassa, resembled a conidiogenic microcycle. It was demonstrated that an enzyme which is exclusively confined to conidia in wild-type strains, i.e., nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) glycohydrolase (NAD(P)ase; EC, was continuously released in the culture medium by the mutant. NAD(P)ase activity of agitated cr-1 cultures was much lower than that of standing cultures; nevertheless, the enzyme was actively produced immediately after agitation was stopped. Supplementation of the growth medium with cyclic AMP normalized the morphological phenotype of the cr-1 mutant and drastically reduced NAD(P)ase production. These results suggest that NAD(P)ase regulation is somehow dependent on cyclic AMP metabolism. However, the effect of the nucleotide over the enzyme does not appear to be direct, since other crisp mutants, cr-2 and cr-3, which also overproduced NAD(P)ase, were completely unresponsive to cyclic AMP. These strains possess normal adenylyl cyclase activity.  相似文献   

The effects of the umuC36 and umuC122::Tn 5 mutations on gamma- and UV radiation mutagenesis (nonsense, missense, and frameshift mutation assays) in Escherichia coli K12 were studied. Although both mutations reduced radiation mutagenesis, the umuC36 mutation appeared to be leaky since considerably more UV radiation mutagenesis could be detected in the umuC36 strain than in the umuC122::Tn 5 strain. In general, the umuC strain showed much larger deficiencies in UV radiation mutagenesis than they did for gamma-radiation mutagenesis. The mutability of the umuC122:: Tn 5 strain varied depending on the radiation dose, and the mutation assay used. For gamma-radiation mutagenesis, the deficiency varied from no deficiency to a 50-fold deficiency; for UV radiation mutagenesis, the deficiency varied from 100-fold to at least 5000-fold. We concluded that both umuC-dependent and umuC-independent modes function for gamma-radiation mutagenesis, while UV radiation mutagenesis seems to depend almost exclusively on the umuC-dependent mode.  相似文献   

Various properties of mutants of Escherichia coli K12 lacking specific outer membrane proteins have been studied. ompA mutants are shown to grow less well than their parent strains under a variety of growth conditions, and after completion of growth to enter a decline phase in which viability is lost and the cells become heavily piliated and clump. They are defective in the uptake of amino acids, whereas the uptakes of the larger transport substrates ferrienterochelin and cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) are normal. These ompA mutants also grow poorly at 42 °C. The implications of these results are discussed in terms of the function of the ompA. gene product. No growth or uptake defects were observed for ompB or tsx mutants.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of DNA injury by mild heat was investigated using matched isogenic mutants of E. coli. On heating at 52 degrees C for 1 h, the number of DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) detected by the alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation technique was consistently smaller in mutants NH5016 and BW2001, both deficient in the AP (apurinic/apyrimidinic) endonuclease of exonuclease III, as compared with their wild-type parent AB1157. The greater number of SSBs in the wild type was accompanied by more extensive cell death as compared with the AP-deficient mutants. Heating of endonuclease-free DNA systems, viz., T4 phage and T4 DNA, at 52 degrees C for up to 4 h did not result in any detectable SSB. Apparently, cellular injury by mild heat is self-inflicted through an AP-endonuclease-mediated process and hence depends on the cell's genetic complement of AP endonuclease. Mild heat is believed to activate the nucleolytic attack, and the resultant DNA-strand breaks, if not repaired, will eventually lead to cell death.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the reassembly of membranous vesicle from the sodium dcoxycholate-dissociated outer membrane components of Escherichia coli. The removal of the detergent by dialysis and the presence of Mg2+ were essential for the reassembly.Membrane protein alone did not form any membranous structure. Closed membranous vesicles similar to the native outer membrane were reassembled only when protein was mixed with both lipopolysaccharide and phospholipid in deoxycholate solution and subsequently dialyzed. The membrane showed a distinct trilaminar structure with a center-to-center distance between two dark lines of 53 Å, which is a characteristic of the native outer membrane. This characteristic trilaminar structure was shown to be due to the presence of lipopolysaccharide. Phospholipd was required for the vesicularization of membrane. Lipopolysaccharide and/or phospholipid formed a membranous structure in the absence of protein, while the morphology of their negatively stained sample was quite different from that of the native outer membrane unless the outer membrane protein was added to the reassembly mixture.The protein from the cytoplasmic membrane was unable to reform membranous vesicle with lipopolysaccharide and phospholipid, indicating that the reassembly system discriminated outer membrane proteins from cytoplasmic membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease digestion of 50 S-derived LiCl cores led to 22 ribonucleoprotein particles which were isolated by repeated sucrose gradient centrifugations. The protein content was determined and ranged from 2 to 28 proteins. Most of the fragments showed a unique RNA pattern as judged by acrylamide gel electrophoresis.Functional tests were performed with selected fragments. No fragment was active in the poly(U) or the peptidyl-transferase assay. Chloramphenicol binding studies revealed that in addition to the dominant role of protein L16, the protein L11 (or L6) is involved directly in the drug binding. Finally, tests for ATPase and GTPase activity showed that protein L18 is involved in GTPase activity.  相似文献   

An investigation of the subunit structure of glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (EC from Escherichia coli indicates that this enzyme is a monomer. The enzyme purified to apparent homogeneity is a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 62,000 ± 3,000 and KGlum ? 50 μM in the aminoacylation reaction. Analytical gel electrophoretic procedures were used to determine the molecular weight of species exhibiting glutamyl-tRNA synthetase activity in freshly prepared extracts of several strains of E. coli, which had been grown under various nutritional conditions and harvested at different stages of growth. In all cases, glutamyl-tRNA synthetase activity was associated with a protein having about the same molecular weight and KGlum as the purified enzyme. Thus, no evidence of an oligomeric form of glutamyl-tRNA synthetase with a greater affinity for l-glutamate was obtained, in contrast to a previous report of J. Lapointe and D. Söll (J. Biol. Chem.247, 4966–4974, 1972).  相似文献   

Xanthosine 5′-phosphate (XMP)-amidotransferase catalyzes the formation of guanosine 5′-phosphate (GMP) by aminating XMP with either the amide group of glutamine (amidotransferase) or ammonia (aminase). The glutamine-supported activity of the purified enzyme from Escherichia coli has been studied, and its properties have been compared with those of other amidotransferases. The following results have been obtained. (i) The glutamine analog, 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine (DON), irreversibly inhibits the amidotransferase activity. A maximal rate of inhibition by DON is achieved in the presence of XMP, ATP, and Mg2+ with a pseudo-first-order rate constant of 0.276 min?1. (ii) The total number of sulfhydryl groups is approximately 22 per dimer (126,000 Mr). In the absence of substrates, about 8 sulfhydryl groups per dimer are titratable with 5,5-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB), and in the presence of XMP, ATP, and Mg2+ an additional 6 cysteine residues per dimer become exposed. When the amidotransferase activity is inactivated by DON, only 8 sulfhydryl groups are titratable. DTNB, p-chloromercuribenzoate, and bromopyruvate all selectively inactivate the amidotransferase activity. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that cysteine residues which are exposed by the substrates are involved in the amidotransferase activity. (iii) The purified XMP amidotransferase contains a glutaminase activity which can be measured in the absence of GMP formation. The glutaminase activity requires XMP, Mg2+, and either psicofuranine, an analog of adenosine, or inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) and is inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate and DON. Maximal stimulation is observed with 100 μm psicofuranine or PPi, and there is no further stimulation in the presence of both effectors. The apparent Km is 31 μm with PPi and 13 μm with psicofuranine; the V for glutamine hydrolysis is about 60% of the rate of the amidotransferase activity. The cooperative interactions between the binding of PPi and psicofuranine have been confirmed. In the presence of 2.5 μm psicofuranine the Km for PPi is reduced 20-fold, but the maximal velocity is unchanged. Similarly, the apparent Km for psicofuranine is reduced by low concentrations (10 μm) of PPi. The “uncoupling” of the hydrolysis of glutamine from the amination of XMP is the basis for the reported inhibitory effects of psicofuranine and PPi on the amidotransferase activity. (iv) Tris buffer selectively inhibits the XMP-amidotransferase activity by inhibiting the glutaminase activity. This inhibition is time dependent and reversible and may explain the previous reports on the inability of this enzyme to use glutamine as a substrate.  相似文献   

Liver plasma membranes virtually free of contaminating mitochondria have been prepared. Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis reveals a membrane protein resistant to papain digestion in the intact membranes but readily hydrolyzed in membranes disrupted by detergent or sonication.Electron microscopy of mechanically deformed membranes reveals fibrils within the membrane which appear to be protein in nature but which also persist in papain digested membranes.  相似文献   

On the control of septation in Escherichia coli.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mutants of E. coli defective in cell septation (ftsA to ftsG, conditional thermosensitive mutants isolated by Ricard and Hirota) were studied with respect to their membrane protein composition, murein hydrolase activities and rates of synthesis of murein and phospholipids. Three classes of mutants have been distinguished: 1) those affected in both murein and phospholipid synthesis; 2) those affected in either murein or phospholipid synthesis and 3) those affected in neither of these parameters. Overall murein hydrolase activities, after activation, is of the same order in all the mutants screened. In addition to soluble products of murein splitting, we have found insoluble products that appear to be in dynamic equilibrium with the murein of the sacculus. Endogenous levels of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate measured after blocking septation showed no variation. This suggests that the cyclic nucleotide is not involved in the metabolic control of septation.  相似文献   

J J Rossi  A Landy 《Cell》1979,16(3):523-534

The chromosomal organization of the ribosomal RNA gene cluster from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated. 18 S rRNA R-loops were formed with unfractionated high molecular weight DNA crosslinked once per 2.7 × 103 bases with trioxsalen and observed in the electron microscope. Almost all the R-loops were found in very long continuous 9.34 ± 0.18 × 103 base repeating units. In addition, molecules were found at a frequency of one to two per genome equivalent of rDNA where several rRNA genes were linked to long stretches of non-rDNA. These results suggest that rDNA is arranged in a single tandem repetitive cluster of 100 to 140 genes flanked on one or both sides by non-rDNA.  相似文献   

Homogeneous ? bound tightly to the purified Escherichia coli ATPase (ECF1 from which ? had been removed and strongly inhibited its ATPase activity. ECF1 containing ? had a lower specific activity than ECF1 missing ?, provided that the ATPase assay was carried out at relatively high concentrations of enzyme. Antiserum specific for the ? subunit stimulated the ATPase, as did diluting the enzyme, apparently by dissociating ?. When the ATPase reaction was started by the addition of enzyme, the rate of ATP hydrolysis increased progressively during the first 3 min until a linear steady-state rate was reached. A prior incubation with ATP abolished the lag period and ADP prevented the ATP effect. ECF1 missing ? gave a linear rate of ATP hydrolysis without a lag, unless ? was rebound to it before the assay. These results suggest that ECF1 as purified is in an inhibited state due to the presence of the ? subunit, whose interaction with ECF1 is governed by an equilibrium binding. ATP appears to convert ECF1 to a form which more readily binds and releases ?.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase is a valuable reagent for removal of terminal phosphate from both ribo-and deoxyribo-oligonucleotides or from restriction enzyme fragments of DNA. Some commercial preparations of this enzyme were found to be contaminated with nucleases which could degrade both DNA and RNA. These contaminating nucleases can be completely eliminated by carrying out the enzymic reaction in the presence of 0.1-1% sodium dodecyl sulfate without any loss of phosphatase activity. This report has immediate application in the sequence analysis of DNA or RNA.  相似文献   

The capacity of several types of cell preparations to induce in vivo a state of memory for a secondary in vitro cytotoxic response against non-major-histocompatibility antigen was markedly reduced (on a per cell basis) by uv-irradiation. This indicated that memory induction requires metabolically active stimulator cells. An “adherent cell preparation” (AC) that was enriched for dendritic cells was among the most effective memory-inducing cell populations; but concanavalin A-activated nylon-wool-nonadherent spleen cells (Con A-NWT) or concanavalin A-activated unfractionated spleen cells (Con A-spl) were on the average equally effective. Normal unfractionated spleen cells (spl) or nonactivated nylon-wool-nonadherent cells (NWT) were markedly less effective on a per cell basis. This pattern of stimulatory activity was in line with the relative stimulatory activity of these cell types in primary cytotoxic responses in the presence of interleukin 2 (IL-2) and also in line with the relative capacity to induce IL-2-dependent proliferation in H-2D-incompatible T-cell populations (cf. W. Dröge et al., J. Immunol.132, 2749, 1984). These differences in the immunogenic potential and the requirement for metabolically active stimulator cells suggested that these cells stimulated the CTL system directly and not indirectly through antigen processing cells of the immunized host. Nevertheless, the secondary cytotoxic response after injection of low numbers of Con A-spl into H-2 heterozygous recipients, (BALB/c × BALB/b)F1, or into recipients with recombinant H-2 haplotype (A.J) was only preferentially but not exclusively restricted to the H-2 haplotype of the immunizing cell populations. Restriction was considerably more complete when AC were used for immunization.  相似文献   

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