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Summary The inheritance of organelle DNAs in loblolly pine was studied by using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Chloroplast DNA from loblolly pine is paternally inherited in pitch pine x loblolly pine hybrids. Mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited in loblolly pine crosses. The uniparental inheritance of organelle genomes from opposite sexes within the same plant appears to be unique among those higher plants that have been tested and indicates that loblolly pine, and possibly other conifers, must have special mechanisms for organelle exclusion or degradation or both. This genetic system creates an exceptional opportunity for the study of maternal and paternal genetic lineages within a single species.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of both the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and the nuclear-encoded extrachromosomal ribosomal DNA (rDNA) has been studied in the myxomycete, Didymium iridis, by DNA-DNA hybridization of labeled probes to total DNA at various stage of the life cycle. Both the mtDNA and rDNA populations rapidly become homogeneous in individuals, but there is a qualitative difference in the patterns of inheritance of these two molecules. One parental rDNA type was preferentially inherited in all crosses; selective replication of this molecule is tentatively proposed as the mechanism of inheritance. In contrast, either parental mtDNA type could be inherited. Since the inherited population of parental mtDNA molecules are not partitioned into cells in this coenocytic organism, no known mechanism of inheritance can explain the rapid and apparently random loss of one parental mtDNA type in individuals.  相似文献   

Summary Analysing the current mitochondrial DNA patterns biologists have concluded that we all descend from the same mitochondrial Eve, who is postulated to have lived around 200.000 years ago. Such a result is in agreement with the coalescence theory. Here we represent the mitochondrial DNAs as bitstrings that are maternally transmitted with mutations, and that may also participate in the selection process for survival together with the nuclear DNAs. We end up with the same common ancestor, whose mitochondrial DNA can be traced back from the current population, despite the mitochondrial mutations considered. For a given mutation rate, the degree of confidence of this tracing-back process increases even further when the selection mechanism is included.  相似文献   

We investigated the patterns of mitochondrial DNA variation in the global population of the commercial mushroom Agaricus bisporus . Through the analysis of RFLP's among 441 isolates from nine countries in North America and Eurasia, we found a total of 140 mtDNA haplotypes. Based on population genetic analysis, there are four genetically distinct natural populations in this species, found in coastal California, desert California, France and Alberta (Canada). While 134 of the 140 mtDNA haplotypes were unique to single geographical regions, two mtDNA haplotypes, mt001 and mt002, were found in almost every population surveyed. These two mtDNA haplotypes also predominate among cultivars used throughout the world for at least the last two decades. These two mtDNA haplotypes are more similar to the cosmopolitan groups of mtDNA haplotypes than to the indigeneous clusters of mtDNA haplotypes from the two Californian regions.  相似文献   

Summary DNA from the cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, was cloned into the bacteriophage lambda vector EMBL3 creating a partial genomic library. Ten random clones from the library were used to probe for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Six of the ten probes detected polymorphisms and were used to demonstrate variation in wild and cultivated strains of the mushroom. These results suggest that RFLPs could form a basis for genetic finger-printing and subsequent strain protection in A. bisporus. In single spore progeny, RFLPs were used to demonstrate normal meiotic segregation and to differentiate between homokaryons and heterokaryons. RFLPs therefore have great potential in the development of the genetics and breeding of this commercially important species.  相似文献   

Respiratory pathways in Agaricus bisporus and Scytalidium thermophilum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The respiratory pathways of Agaricus bisporus and Scytalidium thermophilum were studied. A. bisporus appeared to possess both a cyanide-sensitive and a cyanide-insensitive respiration while in S. thermophilum the cyande-insensitive respiration was absent. Growth experiments showed the ecological advantage for A. bisporus under conditions where cytochrome mediated respiration is inhibited.  相似文献   

Thick fibres mainly located in longitudinal and parallel arrays were observed on the outer surface of vegetative mycelial walls of Agaricus bisporus treated to remove the polysaccharide mucilage. When thick fibres were removed from the cell wall, by alkali treatment, thin fibres with predominantly transverse orientation were observed. The former have been identified to be composed of α-glucan and the latter of chitin. Both different types of fibres constitute the skeletal components of the wall in which matrix materials are embedded.  相似文献   

Summary. The non-Mendelian inheritance of organellar DNA is common in most plants and animals. In the isogamous green alga Chlamydomonas species, progeny inherit chloroplast genes from the maternal parent, as paternal chloroplast genes are selectively eliminated in young zygotes. Mitochondrial genes are inherited from the paternal parent. Analogically, maternal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is thought to be selectively eliminated. Nevertheless, it is unclear when this selective elimination occurs. Here, we examined the behaviors of maternal and paternal mtDNAs by various methods during the period between the beginning of zygote formation and zoospore formation. First, we observed the behavior of the organelle nucleoids of living cells by specifically staining DNA with the fluorochrome SYBR Green I and staining mitochondria with 3,3′-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide. We also examined the fate of mtDNA of male and female parental origin by real-time PCR, nested PCR with single zygotes, and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis. The mtDNA of maternal origin was completely eliminated before the first cell nuclear division, probably just before mtDNA synthesis, during meiosis. Therefore, the progeny inherit the remaining paternal mtDNA. We suggest that the complete elimination of maternal mtDNA during meiosis is the primary cause of paternal mitochondrial inheritance. Correspondence and reprints: Laboratory of Cell and Functional Biology, Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa 901-0213, Japan.  相似文献   

 Previous studies have established that chloroplasts are inherited paternally in Actinidia interspecific crosses. However, fertilisation problems in interspecific crosses may affect the transmission of organelles. Six female clones, i.e. ‘Abbott’, ‘Bruno’, ‘Greensill’, ‘Hayward’, ‘Jones’, ‘Monty’, and four male clones were used to identify cpDNA polymorphisms within the cultivated kiwifruit species A. deliciosa. The restriction patterns by HpaII of a chloroplast fragment amplified by PCR with a pair of universal primers revealed a polymorphism at the intraspecific level. The inheritance of cpDNA in 143 seedlings from three intraspecific crosses in kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) was studied. All offspring displayed the restriction pattern of the paternal parent, indicating that maternal inheritance of cpDNA in kiwifruit is rare at best. Strict maternal inheritance of mtDNA was confirmed in the same crosses used to investigate cpDNA transmission. Studies of cytoplasmic inheritance in the Actinidia genus represent to date the best documented report of differential organelle inheritance of cpDNA and mtDNA in angiosperms. Received: 10 November 1998 / Accepted: 14 December 1998  相似文献   

Abstract Lignocellulose degradation was monitored during the complete life cycle of the edible mushroom Agaricus bisporus grown on composted straw. Lignin and cellulose degradation were assayed by the use of 14C-labelled lignin and cellulose. Agaricus degraded both polymers but cellulose degradation was more extensive. Cellulolysis increased markedly at fruit body production and was greater still in non-axenically fruited cultures. No large change in the rate of lignin degradation occurred during the life cycle.  相似文献   

Maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is generally observed in many eukaryotes. Sperm-derived paternal mitochondria and their mtDNA enter the oocyte cytoplasm upon fertilization and then normally disappear during early embryogenesis. However, the mechanism underlying this clearance of paternal mitochondria has remained largely unknown. Recently, we showed that autophagy is required for the elimination of paternal mitochondria in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Shortly after fertilization, autophagosomes are induced locally around the penetrated sperm components. These autophagosomes engulf paternal mitochondria, resulting in their lysosomal degradation during early embryogenesis. In autophagy-defective zygotes, paternal mitochondria and their genomes remain even in the larval stage. Therefore, maternal inheritance of mtDNA is accomplished by autophagic degradation of paternal mitochondria. We also found that another kind of sperm-derived structure, called the membranous organelle, is degraded by zygotic autophagy as well. We thus propose to term this allogeneic (nonself) organelle autophagy as allophagy.  相似文献   

Three white strains of mushroom were grown for quality assessment tests, a commercial Agaricus bisporus strain SOMYCEL U3 currently popular in most major mushroom producing countries and two tropical Agaricus bitorquis strains, ATCC 32675 and AGC W20. Mushrooms were harvested as stage 2 mushrooms (closed buttons with universal veil intact) and stored at 18°C (± 0.5°C) for 5 days during which time colour development, the rate of fruitbody maturation and weight loss were assessed. Throughout the storage period, a reflectance colormeter was used to monitor colour changes on the tops and sides of mushroom fruitbodies. The tops of both A. bitorquis strains were significantly more yellow than the A. bisporus strain, whereas the sides were significantly less yellow. Overall, the A. birorquis strain AGC W20 was clearly the least discoloured and least yellow at the time of harvest. Although all the three strains tested gave similar fresh weight losses during storage, i.e. approximately 10% per day, ATCC 32675 exhibited a very slow maturation rate. Both U3 and AGC W20 matured at a similar much faster rate forming open cups within the 5 day storage period. ATCC 32675 also showed the least increase in the degree of discolouration with time, whether readings were taken from the sides or tops of mushrooms. A breeding programme to combine the most salient features of AGC W20 (an intensely white mushroom at harvest, high yielding with distinct flush pattern) and ATCC 32675 (very slow maturation rate during storage) is suggested.  相似文献   

从ATPase8-6基因研究杂交多倍体鱼线粒体母性遗传   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭新红  刘少军  刘筠 《动物学报》2004,50(3):408-413
异源四倍体鲫鲤是世界上首例人工培育的两性可育并形成群体的且能自然繁殖的四倍体鱼。本文采用质粒克隆测序法测定了红鲫、异源四倍体鲫鲤、三倍体湘云鲫和三倍体湘云鲤的ATPase8和ATPase6基因全序列 ,结合鲤鱼、日本白鲫和斑马鱼的同源序列 ,对不同倍性水平鲤科鱼类的ATPase8和ATPase6基因进行了比较 ,分析了碱基组成、变异情况以及核苷酸和氨基酸序列差异。红鲫、鲤鱼、异源四倍体鲫鲤、日本白鲫、三倍体湘云鲫和三倍体湘云鲤之间的序列差异为 0 0 % - 1 3 4 % ,它们与外群斑马鱼之间的序列差异为 2 7 9% -31 0 %。用MEGA软件中的MP法、ME法、NJ法和UPGMA法构建分子系统树 ,得到了相似的拓扑结构。结果分析表明 ,人工杂交多倍体异源四倍体鲫鲤、三倍体湘云鲫和三倍体湘云鲤在线粒体ATPase8和ATPase6基因上具有严格的母性遗传特征。值得注意的是 ,异源四倍体鲫鲤经过 1 1代的繁育后 ,与其原始母本红鲫仍然保持了非常高的同源性 ,说明了新的异源四倍体基因库在线粒体ATPase8和ATPase6基因上拥有稳定的遗传特性。对不同倍性鲤科鱼类线粒体ATPase8和ATPase6基因的研究表明 ,ATPase8和ATPase6基因是杂交鱼后代遗传变异研究的一个很好的分子标记  相似文献   

Paternal inheritance of mitochondria DNA in sheep was discovered by examination of 152 sheep from 38 hybrid families for mtDNA D-loop polymorphisms using PCR-RFLP, amplification of repeated sequence somain, and PCR-SSCP of the D-loop 5' end region of a 253 bp fragment. Our findings have provided the first evidence of paternal inheritance of mtDNA in sheep and possible mechanisms of paternal inheritance were discussed.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA plays a crucial role in cellular homeostasis; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying mitochondrial DNA inheritance and propagation are only beginning to be understood. To ensure the distribution and propagation of the mitochondrial genome, mitochondrial DNA is packaged into macromolecular assemblies called nucleoids, composed of one or more copies of mitochondrial DNA and associated proteins. We review current research on the mitochondrial nucleoid, including nucleoid-associated proteins, nucleoid dynamics within the cell, potential mechanisms to ensure proper distribution of nucleoids, and the impact of nucleoid organization on mitochondrial dysfunction. The nucleoid is the molecular organizing unit of mitochondrial genetics, and is the site of interactions that ultimately determine the bioenergetic state of the cell as a whole. Current and future research will provide essential insights into the molecular and cellular interactions that cause bioenergetic crisis, and yield clues for therapeutic rescue of mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   

The transmission of a structurally-hypervariable fraction of the mitochondrial genome has been studied in 42 F1 progenies obtained from reciprocal crosses between self-pollinated alloplasmic wheat plants regenerated after long-term somatic embryogenesis. This fraction of the genome is maternally and stoichiometrically inherited. In contrast, some additional restriction fragments specific to regenerated plants display a more complex mode of sexual transmission: one of the additional fragments was stoichiometrically and systematically inherited whereas two others were detected only in certain F1 hybrids. Assuming that the detection, by Southern analysis, of such a fragment in regenerated plants is due to the amplification of a pre-existing substoichiometric molecule generated by the activation of a rare recombination event, our results suggest that the probability of detecting a novel fragment in the F1 hybrids could be determined by the length of the repeated sequence at which recombination occurs.  相似文献   

原生质体的制备与再生是双孢蘑菇进行遗传转化的基础,通过研究得到制备双孢蘑菇原生质体的最佳条件是:取培养15d的菌丝振荡培养7d,溶壁酶浓度为1mg/mL的0.6mol/L KCl酶解液、温度30℃、45r/min条件下摇培10h,经过富集精制后的原生质体(4×10 6/mL)可进行瞬时转化。利用Ab-eGFP进行转化,在20min、24h、48h后可观察到GFP荧光,并且在24h和48h可恢复细胞壁增殖,瞬时转化后亦可复壁增殖。研究结果为双孢蘑菇原生质体的稳定遗传转化及后续利用原生质体建立CRISPR-Cas9基因组编辑系统等提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

研究双孢蘑菇Agaricus bisporus在4 ℃环境下贮藏3、6、10、14 d后生理品质的变化情况。结果表明,在4 ℃低温保鲜环境下双孢蘑菇的硬度下降较慢,延缓了可溶性蛋白质和POD、SOD、CAT等酶的降解,V?含量在第3天迅速下降后,一直保持稳定的水平,MDA含量在贮藏第10天才迅速上升。说明低温保鲜对双孢蘑菇贮藏过程中的品质保持具有积极的正向作用,可延长双孢蘑菇的货架期。  相似文献   

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