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A northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) was observed with partial paralysis on 3 March 1997 and found dead on 8 March 1997 on Di-Lane Plantation Wildlife Management Area (Burke County, Georgia, USA). The juvenile male was necropsied by the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study (Athens, Georgia) and diagnosed with lead toxicosis. The bobwhite had liver tissue lead levels of 399 parts per million wet weight and two worn 1-mm diameter lead shot pellets were found in the gizzard.  相似文献   

Lead poisoning.     
Lead poisoning is the most common disease of environmental origin in the United States today. Adult lead poisoning results primarily from exposure by inhalation in the workplace. Pediatric lead poisoning results principally from the ingestion of lead from environmental media, including paint chips, dust, soil, drinking water, ceramics, and medications. Lead is toxic to many organ systems, among them developing erythrocytes, the kidneys, and the nervous system. Lead-induced toxicity to the central nervous system causes delayed development, diminished intelligence, and altered behavior. In young children, this effect has been demonstrated convincingly to occur at blood lead levels between 10 and 20 micrograms per dl. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that a blood lead level of 10 micrograms per dl or higher be considered evidence of increased lead absorption, and the National Academy of Sciences has concurred in that recommendation. Unresolved issues in need of further study include the frequency of screening young children for lead, the question of whether women should be offered screening for lead before conceiving a pregnancy, the role of x-ray fluorescence analysis in assessing lead in bone, and the appropriate legislative response of the United States government to lead-based paint abatement.  相似文献   

Previous field studies of hunter-harvested mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) have reported the percentage of birds with ingested lead shot as 0.2–6.5%. To reduce the uncertainty concerning the number of doves that ingest shot, we conducted an experiment to test the proportion of mourning doves that ingested lead shot on the bare soil of a disked field (typical of a managed dove field) to simulate more natural feeding conditions. In each of 3 treatment groups of 80 birds, we exposed 35 birds to low-density lead shot (1.5 million shot/ha), and35 birds to high-density lead shot (29.5 million shot/ha), and 10 birds served as controls (no shot). We dosed 5 positive control birds with 2 lead shot each in trials 2 and 3. We scattered lead shot and mixed seed on the loosely packed soil of treatment cages and after 4 days of exposure, 2.9% of doves voluntarily ingested ≥1 lead shot. The proportion of birds that ingested shot when exposed to the high-density shot treatment (4.9%) was not different (P = 0.098) from that of the low-density shot treatment (1.0%). Lead concentrations in liver, kidneys, and blood reached maxima of 94.402 ppm, 346.033 ppm, and 13.883 ppm wet mass, respectively. Differences in delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity, packed cell volume, and heterophil:lymphocyte ratio (H:L) were greater posttreatment in doves that had ingested shot than in those that did not. The risk posed to mourning doves from lead shot ingestion can be reduced by banning lead shot on management areas or dove fields or disking fields after hunting season to reduce shot availability. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Lead poisoning in zoo-dwelling primates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lead intoxication was diagnosed in 42 primates at the National Zoological Park. Diagnoses were made clinically by the observation of signs of encephalopathy and the finding of 200 μg lead or more/100 ml blood, or postmortem by the presence of renal acid-fast intranuclear inclusion bodies and excess lead in liver specimens. Twenty-five of the primates had signs or lesions of lead encephalopathy. Lead poisoning was most common in the Cercopithecidae, and in the summer months. Lead encephalopathy was most frequent in juveniles. Leaded paint on the monkey cages was determined to be the source of poisoning. Blood studies revealed slight hypochromic anemia and immature and stippled erythrocytes. Postmortem lesions included acid-fast intranuclear inclusions in renal tubular and other epithelial cells; metaphyseal bone changes (lead lines); necrosis of striated muscle fibers; and other lesions. Treatment of one monkey for encephalopathy was attempted and proved successful.  相似文献   

Lead poisoning was demonstrated in two gray-headed woodpeckers (Picus canus) and one white-backed woodpecker (Dendrocopus leucotos) in Sweden; they had liver lead levels between 9.4 and 26.2 mg(-1) wet weight. At necropsy one gray-headed woodpecker showed signs of emaciation and the other one had severe traumatic injuries, caused by a cat. The white-backed woodpecker died in the transportation box during a translocation program. The source of the lead could not be determined, but it was suspected that it may have originated from lead pellets shot into trees and picked out by the woodpeckers during food search.  相似文献   

We collected 430 harvested ducks (Anas sp. and Aythya sp.) from nine prefectures in Japan between 1994 and 1997. Fifteen (4%) of 363 birds harvested during and after hunting seasons had one lead pellet each in the proventriculus and gizzard. In addition, 32 (34%) of 93 swans (Cygnus sp.) and two of 14 geese (Anser sp.) found dead from various wetlands had lesions consistent with lead poisoning. One to nine swans suspected of having toxicosis from ingestion of lead shot were found dead each year. Twenty-seven (84%) of the 32 lead-exposured swans were found in Hokkaido Prefecture. We concluded that lead poisoning is still a serious threat to waterfowl in Japan and that there is considerable need for environmental improvement concerning this problem.  相似文献   

Six weak whooper swans (Cygnus cygnus) and two weak tundra swans (Cygnus columbianus) were found at Swamp Miyajima (Hokkaido, Japan) in May 1998. Anorexia, depression, green watery feces, pale conjunctiva, and anemia were observed. Radiographs showed from six to 38 suspected lead pellets in the gizzard. Blood lead concentrations were 2.5-6.7 microg/g (mean+/-SD=4.6+/-1.14 microg/g) on day 1. After blood collection, the birds were treated with calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate (CaEDTA) given intravenously and force fed. Despite treatment, seven birds died the next day. Green, bile-stained livers and pale or green kidneys were observed on necropsy. Microscopically, bile pigment was widespread in the liver and acid-fast intranuclear inclusion bodies were observed in renal tubular epithelium. Lead concentrations in livers and kidneys were 14.0-30.4 microg/g and 30.2-122 microg/g wet weight, respectively. Only one bird survived and this whooper swan continued to be treated with CaEDTA and activated charcoal. No lead shot was observed in the proventriculus and gizzard by radiography on day 64 and the blood lead concentration decreased from 2.9 microg/g to 0.09 microg/g during that same period. After 4 mo of rehabilitation, the whooper swan was returned to the wild. Lead intoxication continues to be a problem at Swamp Miyajima.  相似文献   

A study of blood levels in mute swans Cygnus olor in Ireland has revealed that ingested lead pellets are responsible for acute lead poisoning. Forty-two percent of blood samples from 890 live birds at one site showed elevated lead levels. X-ray examination of live birds revealed the source of contamination to be ingested lead pellets. Urban birds were shown to have higher ( P 0001) lead levels than rural birds, the blood lead levels of which were presumed to reflect natural background levels. Urban grass was shown to have elevated lead but this did not cause lead poisoning in Canada geese Branta canadensis . Post-mortem examination has shown that 68% ( n = 101) of all mute swans examined from a number of sites died from lead poisoning. Two sources of poisoning were identified; spent gunshot from a claypigeon shooting site at Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland, and lost or discarded anglers' weights at Cork Lough and at a fishing pond in Belfast, N.I. The first known case of lead poisoning in whooper swans Cygnus cygnus in Ireland is recorded which resulted from the ingestion of gunshot used almost two decades earlier. Aspects of the pathology of lead poisoned swans is discussed.  相似文献   

R. Ng  D. J. Martin 《CMAJ》1977,116(5):508-509
Lead poisoning occurred in two infants, causing lead encephalopathy in one but no symptoms in the other. Both infants had been fed a formula prepared with water boiled in a lead-soldered electric kettle. The diagnosis was suggested by dense metaphyseal bands in radiographs, illustrating the importance of careful examination of "routine" radiographs, particularly in asymptomatic infants.  相似文献   

1 We investigated the effects of grazing by black brant geese on Carex subspathacea lawns on the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta, Alaska.
2 We compared variation in growth and forage quality in both grazed and temporarily exclosed sites to determine responses of C. subspathacea to grazing at landscape scales within two nesting colonies that had experienced different population dynamics over recent decades.
3 Landscapes differed in forage quality, grazing patterns, and in the effect grazing had on C. subspathacea forage characteristics. We found no effect of grazing on net above-ground primary productivity ( NAPP ) over a wide range of natural grazing intensities at the landscape scale.
4 No differences in forage quality, NAPP , or response of C. subspathacea growth rates to grazing pressures could be detected between colonies. This suggests that goose grazing does not have deleterious effects on C. subspathacea in this ecosystem.
5 It has been suggested that gosling growth rates are sensitive to seasonal declines in forage availability and quality. Spatial variation in forage quality and availability per sampled area exceeded seasonal variation in these characteristics and is likely to have dramatic effects on gosling growth and recruitment rates.  相似文献   

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