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青霉素酰化酶固定化前后动力学行为的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在优化的固定化条件下,通过戊二醛交联直接将青霉素酰化酶固定化。在优化的环境条件下测定游离酶和两种固定化酶的动力学常数。结果表明,尽管固定化酶的米氏常数增大,但产物抑制作用减弱,裂解青霉素的实验结果表明,固定化酶更适合在工业上应用。  相似文献   

几种新型生物芯片的研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
随着生物芯片技术的迅速发展,一些新型生物芯片,如生物电子芯片、凝胶元件微阵列芯片、药物控释芯片、毛细管电泳或层析芯片、PCR芯片及生物传感芯片等应运而生,这些芯片不同于常规的分子微阵列芯片,而是以各种结构微阵列为基础,用于分子杂交与扩增,以检测突变、分析多态性及测序,通过电泳及层析分离生物样品,控制药物释放以治疗疾病,作为生物传感器检测分子行为等,具有分析速度快、效率高、样品消耗少等特点,将成为生命科学与医学领域的新工具.  相似文献   

Various auxotrophs are recovered from a penicillin enrichment cycle with differing efficiencies. Reconstruction experiments indicate that, under starvation conditions in the presence of penicillin, most auxotrophs undergo some death, whereas prolineless mutants are virtually immune to penicillin-induced killing.  相似文献   

β-Phenetyl alcohol and procaine hydrochloride are known to alter membrane structure. Their effects on the syntheses of tyramine oxidase and arylsulfatase were studied in Klebsiella aerogenes. β-Phenetyl alcohol inhibited the syntheses of membrane-bound tyramine oxidase and arylsulfatase, located in the periplasm, under non-repressing and derepressing conditions, but did not affect the syntheses of β-galactosidase and histidase, which are located internally. In contrast, procaine hydrochloride stimulated the synthesis of tyramine oxidase and derepressed the synthesis of arylsulfatase, but inhibited non-repressed synthesis of arylsulfatase. Thus, derepressed synthesis of cellular arylsulfatase was affected by the level of tyramine oxidase synthesis. Structural alterations in the cell membrane seem to impair the formation of active-arylsulfatase protein in the periplasmic space.  相似文献   

We present atomistic molecular dynamics results for fully hydrated bilayers composed of ceramide NS-24:0, free fatty acid 24:0 and cholesterol, to address the effect of the different components in the stratum corneum (the outermost layer of skin) lipid matrix on its structural properties. Bilayers containing ceramide molecules show higher in-plane density and hence lower rate of passive transport compared to phospholipid bilayers. At physiological temperatures, for all composition ratios explored, the lipids are in a gel phase with ordered lipid tails. However, the large asymmetry in the lengths of the two tails of the ceramide molecule leads to a fluidlike environment at the bilayer midplane. The lateral pressure profiles show large local variations across the bilayer for pure ceramide or any of the two-component mixtures. Close to the skin composition ratio, the lateral pressure fluctuations are greatly suppressed, the ceramide tails from the two leaflets interdigitate significantly, the depression in local density at the interleaflet region is lowered, and the bilayers have lowered elastic moduli. This indicates that the observed composition ratio in the stratum corneum lipid layer is responsible for both the good barrier properties and the stability of the lipid structure against mechanical stresses.  相似文献   

Bacterial suspensions were stained with Schiff's reagent according to the procedure suggested in essence by Dondero et al. (1954). Cell suspensions, Schiff's reagent, supernatant fluids and stained cells were analyzed by a micro-Kjeldahl procedure in an effort to quantitate the Feulgen reaction. The concentration of the bacterial suspension, type of fixative, time of hydrolysis and pH of cells and dye were varied and the effects analyzed quantitatively. While the cells were often stained deeply as determined by visual observation, the quantity of dye nitrogen in the cells was not large enough to be measured with the procedure employed. Significant quantitative results were obtained consistently only when the pH of the Schiff's reagent was raised. Feulgen reactions with solutions of formaldehyde and with solutions of DNA were also analyzed quantitatively after removing the colored compounds with charcoal. The analyses indicated that the DNA solution and the formaldehyde solution reacted differently with the dye.  相似文献   

整肠生菌纯培养物的环境动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用振荡培养研究了温度、PH值和不同培养基的环境因素对整肠生菌(地衣芽孢杆菌)消长的影响.通过对整肠生菌的动力学基础数据按计算作图的动力学研究结果表明:整肠生菌最适生长温度在35~37℃时,活菌数15─17.2×10~7/ml,是30℃和40℃时的1.26倍和1.2倍.最适PH值在5.5~7.5时,活菌数为4.15─7.55×10~8/ml,是PH值4.5和9.5时的13.l倍和13.2倍.ABC三种培养基的结果表明,培养基C最适合地衣芽孢杆菌生长,菌数最高,为69.05×10~8/ml.对数期的世代时间也最短,G=20min,比AB号培养基中培养时缩短2─6min.生长比速度(μ=0.035)最大,是AB培养基培养时的1.27倍.残废率较低,5.2%.环境因素与整肠生菌消长的这种动力学关系,为利用地衣芽孢杆菌发酵生产“整肠生”制剂的调控以及该菌剂的治疗机制方面研究提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

The germination and endosperm-mobilization responses of twogenetically pure lines (AN-51 and Mont 73) of Avena fatua (wildoat) to gibberellic acid (GA3, ) and three substituted phthalimides(experimental compounds AC-92, 803, AC-94, 377 and AC-99, 524)were studied. The line AN-51 showed a much greater responseto GA3, in terms of the percentage and the rate of stimulationof germination, than Mont 73. These lines also differed significantlyin their response to AC-94, 377 and AC-99, 524. The relativegermination response of the two lines to these phthalimideswas very similar to that for GA3. The phthalimide AC-94, 377was more effective at stimulating germination than AC-99, 524,whereas AC-92, 803 had little or no effect. Salicylhydroxamate,an inhibitor of alternative respiration, did not inhibit theAC-94, 377-induced germination. Like GA3, AC-94, 377 induced -amylase production and the releaseof reducing sugars by 3 mm endosperm segments. GA3, was mosteffective at inducing endosperm mobilization, followed by AC-94,377, AC-99, 524 and AC-92, 803, respectively. The line AN-51showed a significantly greater response to both AC-94, 377 andGA3, than Mont 73. It is concluded that: (1) genetically pure lines of wild oatsdiffer in their response to substituted phthalimides - the lineAN-51 being more responsive than Mont 73, (2) the phthalimideAC-94, 377 is the most effective at inducing germination andAC-92, 803 the least, (3) like GA3, phthalimides induce endospermmobilization and pure lines differ in the degree of this response,and (4) salicylhydroxamate-sensitive respiration is not necessaryfor the stimulation of germination by AC-94-77. The similaritiesin the effects of AC-94, 377 and GA2, (two structurally dissimilarcompounds), and in the relative response of the two lines tothese chemicals may provide a useful system for the investigationof wild oat seed physiology. The differential susceptibilityof pure lines to phthalimides also indicates that use of thesecompounds to deplete wild oat seed banks may increase the proportionof less responsive biotype(s) in field populations. Wild oats, weed seed bank, dormancy, germination, endosperm mobilization, -amylase, Avena fatua, phthalimides, gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Dynamics of the nitrogen relationships of Vigna mungo in pureand in mixed stands with Celosia argentea, a common weed ofleguminous crops in certain regions of India, were investigated.The weed significantly depressed nodulation and reduced thedry matter and nitrogen yield of the legume which was lowestat the highest density of the weed. A significant amount ofnitrogen transfer occurred from the legume in the weed mixtureswhich appeared to be taken up by the weed plants. Therefore,weed plants benefited from their association with the legumeby accumulating more dry matter and nitrogen in the legume mixtures.The possible competitive or biochemical interference of theweed with nitrogen relationships of the legume in mixtures isdiscussed. Vigna mungo, Celosia argentea, pure stands, mixed stands, total nitrogen, interference  相似文献   

Individual ion activities were calculated for Ca(2+) in pure solutions of CaCl(2) and in mixtures of CaCl(2) with MgCl(2) and with NaCl, using different conventions to obtain gamma(Ca2+). The results were compared with potentiometric measurements, using calcium specific electrodes. It is found that significant differences should be obtained for emf's using the different conventions, when ionic strength is greater than 0.5. The experimental results obtained for ionic strengths up to 0.2 favor slightly the direct use of gamma(+/-CaCl2), but are fairly consistent also with the use of the Guggenheim and the MacInnes conventions.  相似文献   

聚丙烯腈纤维固定化青霉素酰化酶合成头孢氨苄的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将巨大芽孢杆菌胞外青霉素酰化酶通过共价键结合到聚丙烯腈纤维的衍生物上。制成的丝状固定化青霉素酰化酶表现活力达 1 5 3U g(湿重 )。固定化酶合成头孢氨苄的最适pH为 6 5 ,最适温度为 40℃。 7 ADCA的投料浓度以 4%为好 ,7 ADCA与PGME的投料量比率为1∶2 ,最佳用酶量为 1 70U g 7 ADCA。在pH6 5、温度 3 0℃时 ,固定化酶对 7 ADCA的表观米氏常数K7 ADCA为 0 1 6 2mol L ,对PGME的表观米氏常数KPGME为 0 3 6 4mol L ,最大反应速度Vmax为0 0 4 6 2mol·L- 1·min- 1,用固定化酶合成头孢氨苄 ,使用 5 0次保留酶活力 83 9%  相似文献   

天津近郊番茄病毒类型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用ELISA间接法检测出天津近郊番茄上至少有9种病毒类型。且首次检测出国内在番茄上尚未报道的番茄黑环病毒(TBRV)、绒毛烟斑驳病毒(VTMoV)。经生物学测定还分离出番茄上表现枯斑型的86-125和在豇豆上产生大红斑的86-95-15均与13种抗血清呈阴性反应的杆状待测病毒。  相似文献   

A variant of the classical job grouping problem (JGP) in printed circuit board (PCB) assembly is considered. Studies on JGPs have assumed a single feeder from which the components are retrieved and then placed on the PCB. Recent advances in technology have made it possible to use several different kinds (types) of feeders at the same time. In a JGP, the aim is to group the PCBs so that the cardinality of the grouping is minimal and each group can be processed without rearranging the contents of the feeder. In the job grouping problem with several feeder types (JGP-T) the goal is the same but instead of one linear feeder we have several feeders and each component is associated with a given feeder type which restricts its placement. We give a mathematical formulation for the JGP-T and show that it is hard to solve to optimality for problems of practical size. The connections of JGP-T to known problems are discussed. We also propose several efficient heuristics and compare their results against optimal solutions.  相似文献   

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