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Various cephalosporins, cefoxitin, moxalactam, imipenem and aztreonam were studied as substrates of six class C beta-lactamases. Nitrocefin, cephaloridine, cefazolin, cephalothin and cephalexin were good substrates, with kcat. values ranging from 27 to 5000 s-1. Cefuroxime, cefotaxime and cefoxitin exhibited low kcat. values (0.010-1.7 s-1) and low Km values, which suggested a rate-limiting deacylation. Imipenem and aztreonam were even poorer substrates (kcat. 2 x 10(-4)-3 x 10(-2) s-1) and, in the presence of a reporter substrate, behaved as transient inactivators. With moxalactam, biphasic kinetics were observed, indicating a possible rearrangement of the acyl-enzyme.  相似文献   

The pH-dependence of class B and class C beta-lactamases.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The classification by structure allots beta-lactamases to (at present) three classes, A, B and C. The pH-dependence of the kinetic parameters for class B and class C have been determined. They differ from each other and from class A beta-lactamases. The class B enzyme was beta-lactamase II from Bacillus cereus 569/H/9. The plots of kcat against pH for the hydrolysis of benzylpenicillin by Zn(II)-requiring beta-lactamase II and Co(II)-requiring beta-lactamase II were not symmetrical, but those of kcat/Km were. A similar feature was observed for the hydrolysis of both benzylpenicillin and cephalosporin C by a class C beta-lactamase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The results have been interpreted by a scheme in which two ionic forms of an intermediate can give product, but do so at differing rates.  相似文献   

Aromatic boronic acids are reversible inhibitors of the recently classified class C beta-lactamases. The boronic acids studied include ortho-, meta- and para-methyl-, -hydroxymethyl- and -formyl-phenylboronic acid. The beta-lactamases were chromosomally-encoded enzymes, one from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the other specified by the ampC gene of Escherichia coli. The inhibition may be correlated with our finding that these beta-lactamases are serine enzymes, i.e. their function entails the hydroxy group of a serine residue acting as a nucleophile.  相似文献   

The catalytic properties of four class A beta-lactamases were studied with 24 different substrates. They exhibit a wide range of variation. Similarly, the amino acid sequences are also quite different. However, no relationships were found between the sequence similarities and the substrate profiles. Lags and bursts were observed with various compounds containing a large sterically hindered side chain. As a group, the enzymes could be distinguished from the class C beta-lactamases on the basis of the kappa cat. values for several substrates, particularly oxacillin, cloxacillin and carbenicillin. Surprisingly, that distinction was impossible with the kappa cat./Km values, which represent the rates of acylation of the active-site serine residue by the beta-lactam. For several cephalosporin substrates (e.g. cefuroxime and cefotaxime) class A enzymes consistently exhibited higher kappa cat. values than class C enzymes, thus belying the usual distinction between 'penicillinases' and 'cephalosporinases'. The problem of the repartition of class A beta-lactamases into sub-classes is discussed.  相似文献   

A kinetic model of the cytochrome bf complex was developed on the assumption that the Q-cycle operates. The bf complex was considered as a membrane enzyme catalyzing the electron transfer from plastoquinol to plastocyanine, which is coupled with proton translocation from the chloroplast stroma to the thylakoid lumen. The dependence of the electron transfer rates on the value of the transmembrane electric potential was taken into account. The model was applied to describe the experimental data on the flash-induced turnover of cytochromes b, plastocyanine, and the kinetics of proton deposition in the thylakoid lumen. The estimation of model parameters was performed.  相似文献   

A new beta-lactamase inhibitor, a methylidene penem having a 5,6-dihydro-8H-imidazo[2,1-c][1,4]oxazine heterocyclic substituent at the C6 position with a Z configuration, irreversibly inhibits both class A and class C serine beta-lactamases with IC(50) values of 0.4 and 9.0 nM for TEM-1 and SHV-1 (class A), respectively, and 4.8 nM in AmpC (class C) beta-lactamases. The compound also inhibits irreversibly the class C extended-spectrum GC1 beta-lactamase (IC(50) = 6.2 nM). High-resolution crystallographic structures of a reaction intermediate of (5R)-(6Z)-6-(5,6-dihydro-8H-imidazo[2,1-c][1,4]oxazin-2-ylmethylene)-7-oxo-4-thia-1-azabicyclo[3.2.0]hept-2-ene-3-carboxylic acid 1 with the SHV-1 beta-lactamase and with the GC1 beta-lactamase have been determined by X-ray diffraction to resolutions of 1.10 and 1.38 A, respectively. The two complexes were refined to crystallographic R-factors (R(free)) of 0.141 (0.186) and 0.138 (0.202), respectively. Cryoquenching of the reaction of 1 with each beta-lactamase crystal produced a common, covalently bound intermediate. After acylation of the serine, a nucleophilic attack by the departing thiolate on the C6' atom yielded a novel seven-membered 1,4-thiazepine ring having R stereochemistry at the new C7 moiety. The orientation of this ring in each complex differs by a 180 degrees rotation about the bond to the acylated serine. The acyl ester bond is stabilized to hydrolysis through resonance stabilization with the dihydrothiazepine ring and by low occupancy or disorder of hydrolytic water molecules. In the class A complex, the buried water molecule on the alpha-face of the ester bond appears to be loosely bound or absent. In the class C complex, a water molecule on the beta-face is disordered and poorly activated for hydrolysis. Here, the acyl intermediate is unable to assist its own hydrolysis, as is thought to occur with many class C substrates.  相似文献   

Two stereoselective processes for the synthesis of novel 3,6-disubstituted penam sulfone derivatives were developed. One 6beta-(1-hydroxyethyl) and four 6beta-hydroxymethyl penam sulfone derivatives were synthesized. All four 6beta-(hydroxymethyl)penam sulfone derivatives demonstrated good IC50 against both TEM-1 and AmpC beta-lactamases. Of these, 6beta-hydroxymethyl penam sulfone derivative 25 was the most active inhibitor which was able to restore the activity of piperacillin in vitro and in vivo against both TEM-1 and AmpC beta-lactamases producing organisms.  相似文献   

Five 6-(1-hydroxyalkyl)penam sulfone derivatives and two 6-(hydroxymethyl)penams were synthesized for beta-lactamase inhibitor screens. The substituent effects and stereochemical requirements of 6alpha- and 6beta-(1-hydroxyalkyl) groups for the biological activity of penam sulfone derivatives were investigated. Of these substituents, only the 6beta-hydroxymethyl group of 15 improved the activity of sulbactam against both TEM-1 and AmpC beta-lactamases. The sulfone moiety is required for the enhancement of the beta-lactamase inhibitory activity. 6Beta-hydroxymethylsulbactam (15) was able to restore the activity of piperacillin in vitro and in vivo against various beta-lactamase producing microorganisms.  相似文献   

Beta-lactamases are responsible for resistance to penicillins and related beta-lactam compounds. Despite numerous studies, the identity of the general base involved in the acylation step is still unclear. It has been proposed, on the basis of a previous pKa calculation and analysis of structural data, that the unprotonated Lys73 in the active site could act as the general base. Using a continuum electrostatic model with an improved treatment of the multiple titration site problem, we calculated the pKa values of all titratable residues in the substrate-free TEM-1 and Bacillus licheniformis class A beta-lactamases. The pKa of Lys73 in both enzymes was computed to be above 10, in good agreement with recent experimental data on the TEM-1 beta-lactamase, but inconsistent with the proposal that Lys73 acts as the general base. Even when the closest titratable residue, Glu166, is mutated to a neutral residue, the predicted downward shift of the pKa of Lys73 shows that it is unlikely to act as a proton abstractor in either enzyme. These results support a mechanism in which the proton of the active Ser70 is transferred to the carboxylate group of Glu166.  相似文献   

A 6-alkylidiene penam sulfone, SA-1-204, is an efficient inhibitor of both SHV-1 and OXA-1 beta-lactamases with K(I) = 42 +/- 4 nm and 1.0 +/- 0.1 microm, respectively. To gain insight into the reaction chemistry of SA-1-204, the reactions between this inhibitor and SHV-1 and OXA-1 were studied by Raman spectroscopy in single crystals and in solution. Raman signatures characteristic of the unreacted beta-lactam ring show that in both phases the inhibitor binds as a noncovalent Michaelis-like complex. This complex is present as the major population for periods of up to an hour. On longer time scales, the Raman data show that beta-lactam ring opening eventually leads to a complex mixture of reaction products. However, the data clearly demonstrate that the key species for inhibition on the time scale of bacterial half-lives is the noncovalent complex preceding acylation.  相似文献   

The highly conserved arginine-244 of beta-lactamases has been postulated to play a role in their initial recognition of substrates, presumably through ion pairing interactions [Moews, P. C., Knox, J. R., Dideberg, O., Charlier, P., & Frère, J. M. (1990) Proteins: Struct., Funct., Genet. 7, 156-171]. However, in the Michaelis enzyme-substrate complex, no direct function has been attributed to this residue. Two mutants with substitutions of this residue in the TEM-1 beta-lactamase (lysine-244 and serine-244) have been prepared to explore whether the guanidinium group of arginine-244 plays a critical role in the turnover processes. The mutant enzymes are effective catalysts for the hydrolysis of both penicillins and cephalosporins, and the lysine mutant enzyme behaves virtually identically to the wild-type beta-lactamase. Comparative kinetic characterization of the serine mutant and wild-type enzymes attributed apparent binding energies of 1.3-2.3 kcal/mol for the penicillins and 0.3-1.0 kcal/mol for the cephalosporins to the transition-state species by arginine-244. Furthermore, it was shown that arginine-244 also contributes equally well to ground-state binding stabilization. These results were interpreted to indicate the involvement of a long hydrogen bond between arginine-244 and the substrate carboxylate, both in the ground and transition states. A reassessed picture for substrate anchoring involving interactions of the substrate carboxylate with the side chains of Ser-130, Ser-235, and Arg-244 is proposed to accommodate these observations.  相似文献   

It is largely accepted that serine beta-lactamases evolved from some ancestral DD-peptidases involved in the biosynthesis and maintenance of the bacterial peptidoglycan. DD-peptidases are also called penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), since they form stable acyl-enzymes with beta-lactam antibiotics, such as penicillins. On the other hand, beta-lactamases react similarly with these antibiotics, but the acyl-enzymes are unstable and rapidly hydrolyzed. Besides, all known PBPs and beta-lactamases share very low sequence similarities, thus rendering it difficult to understand how a PBP could evolve into a beta-lactamase. In this study, we identified a new family of cyanobacterial PBPs featuring the highest sequence similarity with the most widespread class A beta-lactamases. Interestingly, the Omega-loop, which, in the beta-lactamases, carries an essential glutamate involved in the deacylation process, is six amino acids shorter and does not contain any glutamate residue. From this new family of proteins, we characterized PBP-A from Thermosynechococcus elongatus and discovered hydrolytic activity with synthetic thiolesters that are usually good substrates of DD-peptidases. Penicillin degradation pathways as well as acylation and deacylation rates are characteristic of PBPs. In a first attempt to generate beta-lactamase activity, a 90-fold increase in deacylation rate was obtained by introducing a glutamate in the shorter Omega-loop.  相似文献   

The Poisson-Boltzmann method was used to compute the pK(a) values of titratable residues in a set of class C beta-lactamases. In these calculations, the pK(a) of the phenolic group of residue Tyr150 is the only one to stand out with an abnormally low value of 8.3, more than one pK(a) unit lower than the measured reference value for tyrosine in solution. Other important residues of the catalytic pocket, such as the conserved Lys67, Lys315, His314, and Glu272 (hydrogen-bonded to the ammonium group of Lys315), display normal protonation states at neutral pH. pK(a) values were also computed in catalytically impaired beta-lactamase mutants. Comparisons between the relative k(cat) values and the Tyr150 pK(a) value in these mutants revealed a striking correlation. In active enzymes, this pK(a) value is always lower than the solution reference value while it is close to normal in inactive enzymes. These results thus support the hypothesis that the phenolate form of Tyr150 is responsible for the activation of the nucleophilic serine. The possible roles of Lys67 and Lys315 during catalysis are also discussed.  相似文献   

Surveys of beta-lactamases in different parts of the world show an important increase in class C beta-lactamases, thus the study of these enzymes is becoming an important issue. We created an overproduction system for Mox-1, a plasmid class C beta-lactamase, by cloning the gene encoding this enzyme, and placing it under the control of a T7 promoter, using vector pET 28a. The enzyme, purified by ion exchange chromatography, was used to obtain the molecular mass (38246), the N-terminal sequence (GEASPVDPLRPVV), and pI (8.9), and to perform a detailed kinetic study. Cephalotin was used as reporter substrate in the case of poor substrates. The kinetic study showed that benzylpenicillin, cephalotin, cefcapene and moxalactam were good substrates for Mox-1 (k(cat)/K(m) values >2.5 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)). On the other hand, ceftazidime and cefepime were poor substrates for this enzyme (K(m) values >200 microM). Clavulanic acid had no inhibitory effect on Mox-1 (K(m)=30.2 mM), however aztreonam behaved as an inhibitor of Mox-1 (K(i)=2.85 microM).  相似文献   

Quantifying the kinetic parameters of prion replication.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The mechanism of protein-only prion replication is controversial. A detailed mathematical model of prion replication by nucleated polymerisation is developed, and its parameters are estimated from published data. PrP-res decay is around two orders of magnitude slower than PrP-sen decay, a plausible ratio of two parameters estimated from very different experiments. By varying the polymer breakage rate, we reveal that systems of short polymers grow the fastest. Drugs which break polymers could therefore accelerate disease progression. Growth in PrP-res seems slower than growth in infectious titre. This can be explained either by a novel hypothesis concerning inoculum clearance from a newly infected brain, or by the faster growth of compartments containing smaller polymers. The existence of compartments can also explain why prion growth sometimes reaches a plateau. Published kinetic data are all compatible with our mathematical model, so the nucleated polymerisation hypothesis cannot be ruled out on dynamic grounds.  相似文献   

beta-Lactamase inhibitory protein (BLIP) binds and inhibits a diverse collection of class A beta-lactamases at a wide range of affinities. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis was previously performed to identify the amino acid sequence requirements of BLIP for inhibiting TEM-1 beta-lactamase and SME-1 beta-lactamase. Two hotspots of binding energy, one from each domain of BLIP, were identified (Zhang, Z., and Palzkill, T. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 45706-45712). This study has been extended to examine the amino acid sequence requirements of BLIP for binding to the SHV-1 beta-lactamase, which is a poor binding substrate (Ki= 1.1 microm), and the Bacillus anthracis Bla1 enzyme (Ki= 2.5 nm). The two hotspots previously identified as important for binding TEM-1 and SME-1 beta-lactamase were also found to be important for binding Bla1. The hotspot from the second domain of BLIP, however, does not make substantial contributions to SHV-1 binding. This may explain why BLIP binds to SHV-1 beta-lactamase with much weaker affinity than to the other three enzymes. Three regions, including two loops that insert into the active pocket of TEM-1 beta-lactamase and the Glu-73-Lys-74 buried charge motif, exhibit strikingly different effects on the binding affinity of BLIP toward the various enzymes when mutated and, therefore, act as specificity determinants. Analysis of double mutants of BLIP that combine specificity-determining residues suggests that these residues contribute to the poor affinity between the second domain of BLIP and SHV-1 beta-lactamase.  相似文献   

Beta-Lactamases are responsible for bacterial resistance to beta-lactams and are thus of major clinical importance. However, the identity of the general base involved in their mechanism of action is still unclear. Two candidate residues, Glu166 and Lys73, have been proposed to fulfill this role. Previous studies support the proposal that Glu166 acts during the deacylation, but there is no consensus on the possible role of this residue in the acylation step. Recent experimental data and theoretical considerations indicate that Lys73 is protonated in the free beta-lactamases, showing that this residue is unlikely to act as a proton abstractor. On the other hand, it has been proposed that the pKa of Lys73 would be dramatically reduced upon substrate binding and would thus be able to act as a base. To check this hypothesis, we performed continuum electrostatic calculations for five wild-type and three beta-lactamase mutants to estimate the pKa of Lys73 in the presence of substrates, both in the Henri-Michaelis complex and in the tetrahedral intermediate. In all cases, the pKa of Lys73 was computed to be above 10, showing that it is unlikely to act as a proton abstractor, even when a beta-lactam substrate is bound in the enzyme active site. The pKa of Lys234 is also raised in the tetrahedral intermediate, thus confirming a probable role of this residue in the stabilization of the tetrahedral intermediate. The influence of the beta-lactam carboxylate on the pKa values of the active-site lysines is also discussed.  相似文献   

The crystallographic structure of the Enterobacter cloacae GC1 extended-spectrum class C beta-lactamase, inhibited by a new 7-alkylidenecephalosporin sulfone, has been determined by X-ray diffraction at 100 K to a resolution of 1.6 A. The crystal structure was solved by molecular replacement using the unliganded structure [Crichlow et al. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 10256-10261] and refined to a crystallographic R-factor equal to 0.183 (R(free) 0.208). Cryoquenching of the reaction of the sulfone with the enzyme produced an intermediate that is covalently bound via Ser64. After acylation of the beta-lactam ring, the dihydrothiazine dioxide ring opened with departure of the sulfinate. Nucleophilic attack of a side chain pyridine nitrogen atom on the C6 atom of the resultant imine yielded a bicyclic aromatic system which helps to stabilize the acyl enzyme to hydrolysis. A structural assist to this resonance stabilization is the positioning of the anionic sulfinate group between the probable catalytic base (Tyr150) and the acyl ester bond so as to block the approach of a potentially deacylating water molecule. Comparison of the liganded and unliganded protein structures showed that a major movement (up to 7 A) and refolding of part of the Omega-loop (215-224) accompanies the binding of the inhibitor. This conformational flexibility in the Omega-loop may form the basis of an extended-spectrum activity of class C beta-lactamases against modern cephalosporins.  相似文献   

1. The steady-state kinetics of the interconversion of CO2 and HCO3 catalyzed by human carbonic anhydrase C was studied using 1H2O and 2H2O as solvents. The pH-independent parts of the parameters k(cat) and Km are 3-4 times larger in 1H2O than in 2H2O for both directions of the reaction, while the ratios k(cat)/Km show much smaller isotope effects. With either CO2 or HCO3 as substrate the major pH dependence is observed in k(cat), while Km appears independent of pH. The pKa value characterizing the pH-rate profiles is approximately 0.5 unit larger in 2H2O than in 1H2O. 2. The hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate catalyzed by human carbonic anhudrase C is approximately 35% faster in 2H2O than in 1H2O. In both solvents the pKa values of the pH-rate profiles are similar to those observed for the CO2-HCO3 interconversion. 3. It is tentatively proposed that the rate-limiting step at saturating concentrations of CO2 or HCO3 is an intramolecular proton transfer between two ionizing groups in the active site. It cannot be decided whether the transformation between enzyme-bound CO2 and HCO3 involves a proton trnasfer or not.  相似文献   

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