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The accumulation of specific seed proteins is a taxonomically valuable feature and can be used to additionally characterize plant taxa. To date, mainly crop proteins have been analysed in thePoaceae. In this investigation seed proteins from 147 species were screened with emphasis on legumin-like proteins and prolamins. The groups resulting from evaluation of the protein profiles correspond with well-known subfamilies and tribes.Panicoideae are clearly separated fromPooideae. WithinPooideae, theBromeae plusTriticeae tribes revealed obvious similarities.Lolium, Festuca andVulpia, generally included in the tribeFestuceae, revealed a protein profile similar to the profile of theBromeae/Triticeae. Legumin-like proteins are accumulated abundantly inBambusoideae andPooideae exceptBromeae/Triticeae, however, only the species included in theAveninae subtribe produce soluble (globulin-type) legumins as already known fromAvena sativa. Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

The phylogenetic utility of chloroplast (atpB-rbcL, petD, rps16, trnL-F) and nuclear (ETS, ITS) DNA regions was investigated for the tribe Spermacoceae of the coffee family (Rubiaceae). ITS was, despite often raised cautions of its utility at higher taxonomic levels, shown to provide the highest number of parsimony informative characters, in partitioned Bayesian analyses it yielded the fewest trees in the 95% credible set, it resolved the highest proportion of well resolved clades, and was the most accurate region as measured by the partition metric and the proportion of correctly resolved clades (well supported clades retrieved from a combined analysis regarded as “true”). For Hedyotis, the nuclear 5S-NTS was shown to be potentially as useful as ITS, despite its shorter sequence length. The chloroplast region being the most phylogenetically informative was the petD group II intron.We also present a phylogeny of Spermacoceae based on a Bayesian analysis of the four chloroplast regions, ITS, and ETS combined. Spermacoceae are shown to be monophyletic. Clades supported by high posterior probabilities are discussed, especially in respect to the current generic classification. Notably, Oldenlandia is polyphyletic, the two subgenera of Kohautia are not sister taxa, and Hedyotis should be treated in a narrow sense to include only Asian species.  相似文献   

线蕨属Colysis 植物主要分布于亚洲热带和亚热带地区,少数种类分布至非洲、澳大利亚(昆士兰)及新几内亚地区.自1849年成立以来,线蕨属的分类范畴和系统位置一直有待确定.本文利用叶绿体基因组的rbcL、rps4基因和rps4-trnS基凶间隔区序列,运用最大简约法和贝叶斯方法分析了线蕨属及其近缘类群的系统演化关系.研究结果显示:(1)线蕨属和薄唇蕨属Leptochilus(含似薄唇蕨属Paraleptochilus)组成一个支持率很高的单系分支(C-L Clade),但是薄唇蕨属的成员位于线蕨属的不同支系内,支持线蕨属和薄唇蕨属合并为一个属;(2)瘤蕨属Phymatosorus单独形成一个单系分支;(3)星蕨属Microsorum是一个多系类群,除Microsorium linguiforme、M.varians和M.pustulatum与马来群岛的Lecanopteris聚在一起外,其他的星蕨属成员均位于不同的支系上.本文的系统发育分析结果为线蕨属和薄唇蕨属的分类处理提供了分子系统学的证据.  相似文献   

Dryopteris is one of the largest and most taxonomically complex fern genera in the Dryopteridaceae, with 127 species occurring throughout temperate, sub-temperate, subtropical, and tropical China. Investigations of the evolutionary relationships of a subset of these Chinese Dryopteris species, using DNA sequence-based methods, specifically tested the monophyly of the genus and the validity of the previous subgeneric classifications. Sixty species of Dryopteris, four closely related non-Dryopteris and three species of Arachniodes, were used as outgroup taxa. The rps4-trnS region of the chloroplast genome was sequenced in these species for the first time. Both maximum parsimony (MP) and neighbor-joining (NJ) analyses identified six polyphyletic clades that contained Dryopteris species. These results were supported by a Bayesian analysis of the same data set. The phylogenetic patterns strongly suggest the polyphyletic status of Dryopteris; the monophyletic groupings of the species do not correspond with either Fraser-Jenkins [In: Bull Brit Mus (Nat Hist) Bot 14(3):183–218, 1986} or Wu (In: Flora Reipublica Popularis Sinicae Tomus 5 (1) pp 1–241, 2000] subgeneric classification of Dryopteris, except in a few specific cases. This work represents the first molecular systematic analyses of Chinese Dryopteris, and we propose the next steps necessary to recognize new subgenera of the genus.  相似文献   

Polystichum, one of the largest genera of ferns, occurs worldwide with the greatest diversity in southwest China and adjacent regions. Although there have been studies of Chinese Polystichum on its traditional classification, geographic distributions, and even a few on its molecular systematics, its relationships to other species outside China remain little known. Here, we investigated the phylogeny and biogeography of the Polystichum species from China and Australasia. The evolutionary relationships among 42 Polystichum species found in China (29 taxa) and Australasia (13 taxa) were inferred from phylogenetic analyses of two chloroplast DNA sequence data sets: rps4-trnS and trnL-F intergenic spacers. The divergence time between Chinese and Australasian Polystichum was estimated. The results indicated that the Australasian species comprise a monophyletic group that is nested within the Chinese diversity, and that the New Zealand species are likewise a monophyletic group nested within the Australasian species. The divergence time estimates suggested that Chinese Polystichum migrated into Australasia from around 40 Ma ago, and from there to New Zealand from about 14 Ma. The diversification of the New Zealand Polystichum species began about 10 Ma. These results indicated that Polystichum probably originated in eastern Asia and migrated into Australasia: first into Australia and then into New Zealand.  相似文献   

Comparative sequencing of the chloroplast rps4 gene was used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships within the family Pottiaceae (Musci). The results confirm that Ephemerum spinulosum, Splachnobryum obtusum, Goniomitrium acuminatum and Cinclidotus fontinaloides are clearly positioned within the Pottiaceae and that Hypodontium dregei is not a member. At subfamily level, the data support the subfamily Pottioideae as being a monophyletic clade. The Trichostomoideae are probably paraphyletic. Neither the subfamily Chionolomideae, represented in this study by Pseudosymblepharis schimperiana, nor the subfamily Erythrophyllopsoideae, represented by both known species, Erythrophyllastrum andinum and Erythrophyllopsis fuscula, are supported by the sequence data. The Timmielloideae should be excluded from the Pottiaceae. The Merceyoideae, represented in this study by Scopelophila cataractae, might form a sister clade to all other Pottiaceae, but their position is not fully resolved. At the genus level, Barbula is clearly polyphyletic since Barbula bolleana and Barbula indica appear in a clade clearly separated from Barbula unguiculata. Pottiopsis caespitosa and Leptobarbula berica are placed within the Trichostomoideae. Likewise, the genera Gymnostomum and Anoectangium are excluded from the Pottioideae and placed within the Trichostomoideae. Leptophascum leptophyllum is closely related with Syntrichia; Aloina is not closely related to Tortula or Crossidium. Evidence of a clade within the Pottioideae, formed of Leptodontium and Triquetrella, is provided.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogeny of the familyIridaceae based on the plastid generps4 was obtained using both parsimony and distance methods. Thirty-four species were examined together with eight outgroup species. Results show that theIridaceae are monophyletic, and thatIsophysis is likely to be the earliest emerging genus. SubfamilyIxioideae plus the generaAristea andNivenia form a strongly supported clade. Within subfam.Iridoideae, the tribeIrideae includes the genusBobartia (of disputed position), and the tribeMariceae includesCypella. The division ofIridoideae into tribes is consistent with their geographical distribution.  相似文献   

We performed a phylogenetic analysis of the fern genus Elaphoglossum using two non-coding chloroplast spacers: trnL-trnF and rps4-trnS. The sampling includes 123 species, of which 80 have not been previously sequenced, and for the first time includes species from Africa and the Indian Ocean area. The results of this expanded study largely agree with an earlier molecular study based on a smaller group of neotropical species and with the morphology-based classification of Mickel and Atehortua. We found, however, that some infrageneric groups such as section Elaphoglossum are not monophyletic. Besides section Elaphoglossum pro parte, we recognize six sections: two new monospecific, unnamed sections, and the previously established sections Lepidoglossa, Squamipedia, Amygdalifolia, and "Subulate-scaled clade." We divide the subulate-scaled clade into subsection Setosa (hydathodes present) and Polytrichia (hydathodes absent), and section Elaphoglossum is divided into subsections Platyglossa and Pachyglossa, two groups that do not appear to be supported by any single morphological character. In general, however, the main clades are supported by morphology. Finally, we discuss the species of the Indian Ocean region and their affinities with the neotropical ones. Out of the 11 species pairs postulated by Moran and Smith on the basis of morphology, two are well supported (E. eximium-E. aubertii; E. piloselloides-E. spatulatum) and three are not supported (E. ciliatum-E. humbertii; E. muscosum-E. poolii; E. paleaceum-E. deckenii), and two remain unresolved (E. erinaceum-E. hybridum; E. glabellum-E. acrostichoides) because our molecular markers were not variable enough. Four species pairs could not be tested because specimens were lacking. Unsupported species pairs are best interpreted as morphological convergences. Two additional species pairs are proposed: E. cuspidatum-E. succisaefolium; E. doanense-E. hornei. Placement of the species from the Indian Ocean suggests that at least 13 long-distance dispersal events occurred between the Neotropics and the Indian Ocean-Africa.  相似文献   

Detailed chloroplast DNA restriction site maps for two species in the genusAdonis (Ranunculaceae),A. annua andA. vernalis, were constructed using single and double digests and the sizes of these genomes are 151.3 and 156.5 kilobases, respectively. Three inversions were found inAdonis, relative to the gene order in the majority of land plants. These rearrangements represent two different gene orders and mark an ancient split in the evolutionary history of this genus. Gene probes were used in order to map the endpoints of the inversions and the inverted repeat regions. The inverted repeat is approximately 400 base pairs shorter inA. annua than inA. vernalis. Two inversions, 39 kilobases and 24 kilobases in size, occur inA. annua and one inversion, 42 kilobases in size, is present in the remaining investigated species ofAdonis. The generps16 is absent from the chloroplast genome inAdonis annua. Restriction sites for eleven restriction endonucleases were mapped forA. annua, A. vernalis and four additional species ofAdonis and two species ofTrollius. Eighty-six phylogenetically informative sites were analysed cladistically in order to evaluate the main clades withinAdonis.  相似文献   

AFLP markers were evaluated for determining the phylogenetic relationships Lactuca spp. Genetic distances based on AFLP data were estimated for 44 morphologically diverse lines of cultivated L. sativa and 13 accessions of the wild species L. serriola, L. saligna, L. virosa, L. perennis, and L. indica. The same genotypes were analyzed as in a previous study that had utilized RFLP markers. The phenetic tree based on AFLP data was consistent with known taxonomic relationships and similar to a tree developed with RFLP data. The genetic distance matrices derived from AFLP and RFLP data were compared using least squares regression analysis and, for the cultivar data, by principal component analysis. There was also a positive linear relationship between distance estimates based on AFLP data and kinship coefficients calculated from pedigree data. AFLPs represent reliable PCR-based markers for studies of genetic relationships at a variety of taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

Genomic studies not only help researcher not only to identify genomic features in organisms, but also facilitate understanding of evolutionary relationships. Species in the Withania genus have medicinal benefits, and one of them is Withania frutescens, which is used to treat various diseases. This report investigates the nucleotides and genic features of chloroplast genome of Withania frutescens and trying to clarify the evolutionary relationship with Withania sp and family Solanaceae. We found that the total size of Withania frutescens chloroplast genome was 153.771 kb (the smallest chloroplast genome in genus Withania). A large single-copy region (91.285 kb), a small single-copy region (18.373 kb) form the genomic region, and are distinct from each other by a large inverted repeat (22.056 kb). 137 chloroplast genes are found including 4 rRNAs, 38 tRNAs and 83 protein-coding genes. The Withania frutescens chloroplast genome as well as four closest relatives was compared for features such as structure, nucleotide composition, simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and codon bias. Compared to other Withania species, Withania frutescens has unique characteristics. It has the smallest chloroplast genome of any Withania species, isoleucine is the major amino acid, and tryptophan is the minor, In addition, there are no ycf3 and ycf4 genes, fourth, there are only fifteen replicative genes, while in most other species there are more. Using fast minimum evolution and neighbor joining, we have reconstructed the trees to confirm the relationship with other Solanacaea species. The Withania frutescens chloroplast genome is submitted under accession no. ON153173.  相似文献   

Sequence variation in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) as measured by DNA reassociation was examined in 12 grass species to address systematic problems in thePoaceae at the subfamilial and tribal levels. Two species,Petunia (Solanaceae) andGlycine (Leguminosae), were included to determine degrees of sequence divergence in cpDNA between monocots and dicots. The data were analyzed phenetically and phylogenetically. Species were segregated into four major groups that corresponded to the subfamiliesPooideae, Oryzoideae, Chloridoideae, andPanicoideae. Representatives of thePooideae andOryzoideae grouped together as did members of theChloridoideae andPanicoideae. ThePooideae split into two major groups corresponding to the recently recognized supertribesTriticanae andPoanae. Internodes between subfamily branches were short which might indicate a burst of divergence in the family early in its evolution. Sequence similarity values between the monocot grass species and the two dicot taxa ranged from 0.15 to 0.27, representing the highly conserved sequences of the chloroplast genome.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand the mechanism of streptomycin resistance in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, we have sequenced the chloroplast rps12 gene, a potential molecular target. We report that a streptomycin-resistant mutant isolated from protoplast cultures of N. plumbaginifolia contains an A-to-G transition at nucleotide position 149 in exon 2 of the chloroplast rps12 gene. The detected point mutation predicts a substitution of arginine for lysine in a phylogenetically conserved region.  相似文献   

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