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The relative importance in North Wales of various factors said to cause blindness in oats was investigated. It is concluded that a direct attack on the developing panicles by frit fly larvae and by adults and larvae of thrips was of little importance in causing the blindness encountered. Most of the blindness appeared to result from adverse physiological conditions probably operative during early growth. Varying varietal susceptibility to blindness was noted, and the effect on the subsequent panicles of an early insect attack on the vegetative parts of the plant is discussed.  相似文献   

Sampling for stem-boring larvae was undertaken in 1954-56 on ley plots of Lolium perenne, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca arundinacea, F. rubra, Agrostis tenuis and Poa pratensis in randomized experiments at Hurley, Berks. The samples showed infestations by dipterous larvae, mainly species of Oscinella, Meromyza and Opomyza. The larvae showed preferences for specific grass hosts. More larvae were found where plots had been grazed throughout the season than where an early hay cut had preceded grazing. The total numbers of larvae varied between o and 688 per sq.yd. in November.
The larval populations of the leys were reflected in the populations in winter wheat which followed the plough-up of the leys. Populations of up to sixty-five larvae per sq.yd., mostly species of Oscinella , were found in the wheat in March. In 1956 a heavy larval infestation was associated with the death of considerable numbers of wheat plants.  相似文献   

Criteria are given for the timing and assessment of the effect of sprays on experimental plots, based on biological observations at Silwood Park from 1950 to 1955 and on previous work.
A preliminary experiment on small plots in 1952 indicated that 'blanket spraying' with DDT and parathion throughout the life of the crop gave protection against both tiller and grain attack. A more detailed replicated plot trial in 1953 showed that for oats planted on 22 April two carefully timed tiller sprays with parathion reduced tiller infestation from 31 to 3%. Six panicle sprays at weekly intervals reduced a heavy grain attack of 60% to 13%. Dieldrin was also effective but significantly less so than parathion. Much of the damage to the crop was caused by weed growth following initial loss of the primary oat shoots.
In 1954 and 1955 two and three parathion sprays were applied to 2-acre fields in order to study recolonization. Despite almost complete control of the tiller generation, a normal evenly distributed infestation of the panicles was found.
It is concluded that good control of the tiller generation may best be achieved by a spray programme based on knowledge of the phenology of the fly combined with that of the crop. The first general emergence in early May is likely to be critical.
Reinvasion of a sprayed crop may take place within 4–5 days and panicle infestation may not be causally related to tiller infestation in the same field.  相似文献   

Cumbie , B. G., and Dan Mertz . (U. Missouri, Columbia.) Xylem anatomy of Sophora (Leguminosae) in relation to habit . Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(1): 33–40. Illus. 1962.—A comparison of 8 tree, shrub, and herbaceous species of Sophora showed considerable variation in structural organization of the secondary xylem in relation to habit. A reduction in duration of cambial activity has been accompanied by a decrease in conspicuousness of storied structure, more frequent arrangement of vessels in multiples, the formation of narrower rays, and a striking reduction in amount of axial xylem parenchyma. On the other hand, relatively minor changes in size of xylem elements have resulted from decreased cambial activity, as shown by comparing the first-formed secondary xylem elements of woody and herbaceous species. In many structural features, shrubs were found to be more or less intermediate between the tree and herbaceous species, at least in the early stages of development. These observations indicate that the often repeated generalization that the organization of herbaceous stems resembles that of the first year's growth in closely related woody species is not always applicable.  相似文献   

Transplants of Fragaria virginiana Duchesne, the wild strawberry, from field and woods sites, were studied under controlled laboratory conditions to determine their seed and vegetative reproduction responses under different density conditions. The following results were obtained: (1) Increased competition among high density grown plants resulted in lower total biomass when compared to low density grown plants; (2) Increased shading in high density plots resulted in a greater percentage of biomass in leaves; (3) The percentage of total biomass in reproductive organs (seed and vegetative) was higher in low density grown plants; (4) Vegetative “reproductive effort” was higher in low density plots than in high density plots while seed “reproductive effort” remained constant between the two density treatments; (5) No significant difference between plants from habitats of different successional maturity was observed under the experimental treatments. These results are discussed in relation to reproductive density response models.  相似文献   

1936年Szent-Gyorgyi从柠檬中发现了维生素P,认为它能维持血管的正常透过性,并名之为柠檬素(citrin)。其後知道了柠檬素并非单一物质,而是桔皮苷(hesperidin)、聖草苷(eriodictin)、槲皮苷(quercitrin)等的混合物,其中以桔皮苷为最多,因此通常所谓维生素P即指桔皮苷而言。1944年Griffith发现了芸  相似文献   

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