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Sequence comparisons of highly related archaeal adenylate kinases (AKs) from the mesophilic Methanococcus voltae, the moderate thermophile Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus, and two extreme thermophiles Methanococcus igneus and Methanococcus jannaschii, allow identification of interactions responsible for the large variation in temperatures for optimal catalytic activity and thermostabilities observed for these proteins. The tertiary structures of the methanococcal AKs have been predicted by using homology modeling to further investigate the potential role of specific interactions on thermal stability and activity. The alignments for the methanococcal AKs have been generated by using an energy-based sequence–structure threading procedure against high-resolution crystal structures of eukaryotic, eubacterial, and mitochondrial adenylate and uridylate (UK) kinases. From these alignments, full atomic model structures have been produced using the program MODELLER. The final structures allow identification of potential active site interactions and place a polyproline region near the active site, both of which are unique to the archaeal AKs. Based on these model structures, the additional polar residues present in the thermophiles could contribute four additional salt bridges and a higher negative surface charge. Since only one of these possible salt bridges is interior, they do not appear significantly to the thermal stability. Instead, our model structures indicate that a larger and more hydrophobic core, due to a specific increase in aliphatic amino acid content and aliphatic side chain volume, in the thermophilic AKs is responsible for increased thermal stability. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

A novel method for the refinement of misfolded protein structures is proposed in which the properties of the solvent environment are oscillated in order to mimic some aspects of the role of molecular chaperones play in protein folding in vivo. Specifically, the hydrophobicity of the solvent is cycled by repetitively altering the partial charges on solvent molecules (water) during a molecular dynamics simulation. During periods when the hydrophobicity of the solvent is increased, intramolecular hydrogen bonding and secondary structure formation are promoted. During periods of increased solvent polarity, poorly packed regions of secondary structures are destabilized, promoting structural rearrangement. By cycling between these two extremes, the aim is to minimize the formation of long-lived intermediates. The approach has been applied to the refinement of structural models of three proteins generated by using the ROSETTA procedure for ab initio structure prediction. A significant improvement in the deviation of the model structures from the corresponding experimental structures was observed. Although preliminary, the results indicate computationally mimicking some functions of molecular chaperones in molecular dynamics simulations can promote the correct formation of secondary structure and thus be of general use in protein folding simulations and in the refinement of structural models of small- to medium-size proteins.  相似文献   

CC chemokine receptor type-2 (CCR2) is a member of G-protein coupled receptors superfamily, expressed on the cell surface of monocytes and macrophages. It binds to the monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, a CC chemokine, produced at the sites of inflammation and infection. A homology model of human CCR2 receptor based on the recently available C-X-C chemokine recepor-4 crystal structure has been reported. Ligand information was used as an essential element in the homology modeling process. Six known CCR2 antagonists were docked into the model using simple and induced fit docking procedure. Docked complexes were then subjected to visual inspection to check their suitability to explain the experimental data obtained from site directed mutagenesis and structure-activity relationship studies. The homology model was refined, validated, and assessed for its performance in docking-based virtual screening on a set of CCR2 antagonists and decoys. The docked complexes of CCR2 with the known antagonists, TAK779, a dual CCR2/CCR5 antagonist, and Teijin-comp1, a CCR2 specific antagonist were subjected to molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, which further validated the binding modes of these antagonists. B-factor analysis of 20?ns MD simulations demonstrated that Cys190 is helpful in providing structural rigidity to the extracellular loop (EL2). Residues important for CCR2 antagonism were recognized using free energy decomposition studies. The acidic residue Glu291 from TM7, a conserved residue in chemokine receptors, is favorable for the binding of Teijin-comp1 with CCR2 by ΔG of ?11.4?kcal/mol. Its contribution arises more from the side chains than the backbone atoms. In addition, Tyr193 from EL2 contributes ?0.9?kcal/mol towards the binding of the CCR2 specific antagonist with the receptor. Here, the homology modeling and subsequent molecular modeling studies proved successful in probing the structure of human CCR2 chemokine receptor for the structure-based virtual screening and predicting the binding modes of CCR2 antagonists.  相似文献   

Mark E. Snow 《Proteins》1993,15(2):183-190
A novel scheme for the parameterization of a type of “potential energy” function for protein molecules is introduced. The function is parameterized based on the known conformations of previously determined protein structures and their sequence similarity to a molecule whose conformation is to be calculated. Once parameterized, minima of the potential energy function can be located using a version of simulated annealing which has been previously shown to locate global and near-global minima with the given functional form. As a test problem, the potential was parameterized based on the known structures of the rubredoxins from Desulfovibrio vulgaris, Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, and Clostridium pasteurianum, which vary from 45 to 54 amino acids in length, and the sequence alignments of these molecules with the rubredoxin sequence from Desulfovibrio gigas. Since the Desulfovibrio gigas rubredeoxin conformation has also been determined, it is possible to check the accuracy of the results. Ten simulated-annealing runs from random starting conformations were performed. Seven of the 10 resultant conformations have an all-Cα rms deviation from the crystallographically determined conformation of less than 1.7 Å. For five of the structures, the rms deviation is less than 0.8 Å. Four of the structures have conformations which are virtually identical to each other except for the position of the carboxy-terminal residue. This is also the conformation which is achieved if the determined crystal structure is minimized with the same potential. The all-Cα rms difference between the crystal and minimized crystal structures is 0.6 Å. It is further observed that the “energies” of the structures according to the potential function exhibit a strong correlation with rms deviation from the native structure. The conformations of the individual model structures and the computational aspects of the modeling procedure are discussed. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


The mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) is the critical protein of the inner mitochondrial membrane that is the primary mediator for calcium uptake into the mitochondrial matrix. Herein we built the optimal homology model of human MCU which was refined through all-atom molecular dynamics simulation. Then, the binding mode of known inhibitor was predicted through molecular docking method, along with molecular dynamics simulation and binding free energy calculation to verify the docking result and stability of the protein-inhibitor complex. Finally, density functional theory (DFT) calculation enhanced our understanding of the molecular interaction of MCU inhibitor. Our research would provide a deeper insight into the interactions between human MCU and its inhibitor, which boosts to develop novel therapy against MCU related disease.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   


Dengue virus (DENV) is one of the most dangerous mosquito-borne human pathogens known to the mankind. Currently, no vaccines or standard therapy is avaliable to treate DENV infection. This makes the drug development against DENV more significant and challenging. The MTase domain of DENV RNA RdRp NS5 is a promising drug target, because this domain hosts the RNA capping process of DENV RNA to escape from human immune system. In the present study, we have analysed the RNA intervention mechanism exerted by flavoniod molecules against NS5 MTase RNA capping site by using molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulation and the binding free energy calculations. The results from the docking analysis confirmed that the RNA intervention mecanism is exerted by the quercetagetin (QGN) molecule with all necessary intermolecular interactions and high binding affinity. Notably, QGN forms strong hydrogen bonding interactions with Asn18, Leu20 and Ser150 residues and π???π stacking interaction with Phe25 residue. The apo and QGN bound NS5 MTase and QGN-NS5 MTase complex were used for MD simulation. The results of MD simulation reveal that the RMSD and RMSF values of QGN-MTase complex have increased on comparing the apo protein due to the effect of ligand binding. The binding free energy calulation includes prediction of total binding free energy of ligand-protein complex and per-residue free energy decomposition. The QGN binding to NS5 MTase affects it’s native motion, this result is found from Principal component analysis.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Nowadays, understanding of interface between protein and drugs has become an active research area of interest. These types of interactions provide structural guidelines in drug design with greater clinical efficacy. Thus, structural changes in catalase induced by clofazimine were monitored by various biophysical techniques including UV‐visible spectrometer, fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism, and dynamic light scattering techniques. Increase in absorption spectra (UV‐visible spectrum) confers the complex formation between drug and protein. Fluorescence quenching with a binding constants of 2.47 × 104 M−1 revealed that clofazimine binds with protein. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer, the distance (r ) between the protein (donor) and drug (acceptor) was found to be 2.89 nm. Negative Gibbs free energy change (ΔG °) revealed that binding process is spontaneous. In addition, an increase in α‐helicity was observed by far‐UV circular dichroism spectra by adding clofazimine to protein. Dynamic light scattering results indicate that topology of bovine liver catalase was slightly altered in the presence of clofazimine. Hydrophobic interactions are the main forces between clofazimine and catalase interaction as depicted by molecular docking studies. Apart from hydrophobic interactions, some hydrogen bonding was also observed during docking method. The results obtained from the present study may establish abundant in optimizing the properties of ligand‐protein mixtures relevant for numerous formulations.  相似文献   

HIV-1 protease (PR) has been a significant target for design of potent inhibitors curing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Molecular dynamics simulations coupled with molecular mechanics Poisson–Boltzmann surface area method were performed to study interaction modes of four inhibitors MKP56, MKP73, MKP86, and MKP97 with PR. The results suggest that the main force controlling interactions of inhibitors with PR should be contributed by van der Waals interactions between inhibitors and PR. The cross-correlation analyses based on MD trajectories show that inhibitor binding produces significant effect on the flap dynamics of PR. Hydrogen bond analyses indicate that inhibitors can form stable hydrogen bonding interactions with the residues from the catalytic strands of PR. The contributions of separate residues to inhibitor bindings are evaluated by using residue-based free energy decomposition method and the results demonstrate that the CH–π and CH–CH interactions between the hydrophobic groups of inhibitors with residues drive the associations of inhibitors with PR. We expect that this study can provide a significant theoretical aid for design of potent inhibitors targeting PR.  相似文献   

Zhou H  Singh NJ  Kim KS 《Proteins》2006,65(3):692-701
The West Nile virus (WNV) NS3 serine protease, which plays an important role in assembly of infective virion, is an attractive target for anti-WNV drug development. Cofactors NS2B and NS4A increase the catalytic activity of NS3 in dengue virus and Hepatitis C virus, respectively. Recent studies on the WNV-NS3 characterize the catalytically active form of NS3 by tethering the 40-residue cofactor NS2B. It is suggested that NS2B is essential for the NS3 activity in WNV, while there is no information of the WNV-NS3-related crystal structure. To understand the role of NS2B/substrate in the NS3 catalytic activity, we built a series of models: WNV-NS3 and WNV-NS3-NS2B and WNV-NS3-NS2B-substrate using homology modeling and molecular modeling techniques. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed for 2.75 ns on each model, to investigate the structural stabilization and catalytic triad motion of the WNV NS3 protease with and without NS2B/substrate. The simulations show that the NS3 rearrangement occurs upon the NS2B binding, resulting in the stable D75-OD1...H51-NH hydrogen bonding. After the substrate binds to the NS3-NS2B active site, the NS3 protease becomes more stable, and the catalytic triad is formed. These results provide a structural basis for the activation and stabilization of the enzyme by its cofactor and substrate.  相似文献   

Multiple MD simulations were performed for the full‐length wild‐type A1, the full length A1 mutations S27E and S27A, as well as the N‐terminal peptide (AMVSEFLKQAWFIDNEEQEYIKTVKG S 27 KGGPGSAVSPYPTFN) of wild‐type A1 and mutations S27E and S27A. The MD simulation trajectories of about 350 ns were generated and analyzed to examine the changes of core domain calcium binding affinity, core domain and N‐terminal domain structures, and N‐terminal domain orientation. Our results indicated that S27A and S27E mutations caused little changes on the calcium‐binding affinity of the core domain of A1. However, the S27A mutation made the N‐terminal domain of A1 less helical, and made the N‐terminal domain migrate faster toward the core domain; these impacts on A1 are beneficial to the membrane aggregation process. On the contrary, the S27E mutation made the N‐terminal domain of A1 more stable, and hindered the migration to the core domain; these changes on A1 are antagonistic for the membrane aggregation process. Our results using MD simulations provide an atomistic explanation for experimental observations that the S27E mutant showed a higher calcium concentration requirement and lower maximal extent of aggregation, while the wild‐type and two mutants S27E and S27A required identical calcium concentrations for liposome binding. Proteins 2014; 82:3327–3334. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A combined molecular dynamics simulation and multiple ligand docking approach is applied to study the roles of the anionic subsite residues (W86, E202, Y337) in the binding of acetylcholine (ACh) to acetylcholinesterase (AChE). We find that E202 stabilizes docking of ACh via electrostatic interactions. However, we find no significant electrostatic contribution from the aromatic residues. Docking energies of ACh to mutant AChE show a more pronounced effect because of size/shape complementarity. Mutating to smaller residues results in poorer binding, both in terms of docking energy and statistical docking probability. Besides separating out electrostatics by turning off the partial charges from each residue and comparing it with the native, the mutations in this study are W86F, W86A, E202D, E202Q, E202A, Y337F, and Y337A. We also find that all perturbations result in a significant reduction in binding of extended ACh in the catalytically productive orientation. This effect is primarily caused by a small shift in preferred position of the quaternary tail.  相似文献   

Cyclin‐dependent kinases (CDKs) are core components of the cell cycle machinery that govern the transition between phases during cell cycle progression. Abnormalities in CDKs activity and regulation are common features of cancer, making CDK family members attractive targets for the development of anticancer drugs. Their inhibitors have entered in clinical trials to treat cancer. Very recently, Heathcote et al. (J. Med. Chem. 2010, 53:8508–8522) have found a ligand BS194 that has a high affinity with CDK2 (IC50 = 3 nm ) but shows low affinity with CDK1 (IC50 = 30 nm ). To understand the selectivity, we used homology modeling, molecular docking, molecular dynamics, and free‐energy calculation to analyze the interactions. A rational three‐dimensional model of the CDK1/BS194 complex is built. We found that Leu83 is a key residue that recognizes BS194 more effectively with CDK2 with good binding free energies rather than CDK1. Energetic analysis reveals that van der Waals interaction and non‐polar contributions to solvent are favorable in the formation of complexes and amine group of the ligand, which plays a crucial role for binding selectivity between CDK2 and CDK1. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The single crystal X-ray structure of the extracellular portion of the L,D-transpeptidase (ex-LdtMt2 – residues 120–408) enzyme was recently reported. It was observed that imipenem and meropenem inhibit activity of this enzyme, responsible for generating L,D-transpeptide linkages in the peptidoglycan layer of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Imipenem is more active and isothermal titration calorimetry experiments revealed that meropenem is subjected to an entropy penalty upon binding to the enzyme. Herein, we report a molecular modeling approach to obtain a molecular view of the inhibitor/enzyme interactions. The average binding free energies for nine commercially available inhibitors were calculated using MM/GBSA and Solvation Interaction Energy (SIE) approaches and the calculated energies corresponded well with the available experimentally observed results. The method reproduces the same order of binding energies as experimentally observed for imipenem and meropenem. We have also demonstrated that SIE is a reasonably accurate and cost-effective free energy method, which can be used to predict carbapenem affinities for this enzyme. A theoretical explanation was offered for the experimental entropy penalty observed for meropenem, creating optimism that this computational model can serve as a potential computational model for other researchers in the field.  相似文献   

R.MvaI is a Type II restriction enzyme (REase), which specifically recognizes the pentanucleotide DNA sequence 5'-CCWGG-3' (W indicates A or T). It belongs to a family of enzymes, which recognize related sequences, including 5'-CCSGG-3' (S indicates G or C) in the case of R.BcnI, or 5'-CCNGG-3' (where N indicates any nucleoside) in the case of R.ScrFI. REases from this family hydrolyze the phosphodiester bond in the DNA between the 2nd and 3rd base in both strands, thereby generating a double strand break with 5'-protruding single nucleotides. So far, no crystal structures of REases with similar cleavage patterns have been solved. Characterization of sequence-structure-function relationships in this family would facilitate understanding of evolution of sequence specificity among REases and could aid in engineering of enzymes with new specificities. However, sequences of R.MvaI or its homologs show no significant similarity to any proteins with known structures, thus precluding straightforward comparative modeling. We used a fold recognition approach to identify a remote relationship between R.MvaI and the structure of DNA repair enzyme MutH, which belongs to the PD-(D/E)XK superfamily together with many other REases. We constructed a homology model of R.MvaI and used it to predict functionally important amino acid residues and the mode of interaction with the DNA. In particular, we predict that only one active site of R.MvaI interacts with the DNA target at a time, and the cleavage of both strands (5'-CCAGG-3' and 5'-CCTGG-3') is achieved by two independent catalytic events. The model is in good agreement with the available experimental data and will serve as a template for further analyses of R.MvaI, R.BcnI, R.ScrFI and other related enzymes.  相似文献   

Arup K. Pathak 《Biopolymers》2015,103(3):148-157
Constant pH molecular dynamics (CpHMD) is a commonly used sampling method, which incorporates the coupling of conformational flexibility and protonation state of a protein during the simulation by using pH as an external parameter. The effects on the structure and stability of a hyperstable variant of staphylococcal nuclease (Δ+PHS) protein of an artificial charge pair buried in its hydrophobic core are investigated by applying both CpHMD and accelerated molecular dynamics coupled with constant pH (CpHaMD) methods. Generalized Born electrostatics is used to model the solvent water. Two sets of starting coordinates of V23E/L36K variant of Δ+PHS, namely, Maestro generated coordinates from Δ+PHS and crystal structure coordinates of the same are considered for detail investigations. On the basis of root mean square displacement (RMSD) and root mean square fluctuations (RMSF) calculations, it is observed that this variant is stable over a wide range of pH. The calculated pKa values for aspartate and glutamate residues based on both CpHMD and CpHaMD simulations are consistent with the reported experimental values (within ± 0.5 to ± 1.5 pH unit), which clearly indicates that the local chemical environment of the carboxylic acids in V23E/L36K variant are comparable to the parent form. The strong salt bridge interaction between the mutated pair, E23/K36 and additional hydrogen bonds formed in the V23E/L36K variant, may help to compensate for the unfavorable self‐energy experienced by the burial of these residues in the hydrophobic core. However, from RMSD, RMSF, and pKa analysis, no significant change in the global conformation of V23E/L36K variant with respect to the parent form, Δ+PHS is noticed. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 103: 148–157, 2015.  相似文献   

S Oiki  V Madison  M Montal 《Proteins》1990,8(3):226-236
Channel proteins are transmembrane symmetric (or pseudosymmetric) oligomers organized around a central ionic pore. We present here a molecular model of the pore forming structures of two channel proteins with different primary structures and oligomeric size: the voltage-sensitive sodium channel and the nicotinic cholinergic receptor. We report low-energy arrangements of alpha-helical bundles calculated by semiempiricial potential energy functions and optimization routines and further refined using molecular dynamics. The ion-conducting pore is considered to be a symmetric or pseudosymmetric homooligomer of 3-5 amphipathic alpha-helices arranged such that the polar residues line a central hydrophilic pathway and the apolar residues face the hydrophobic bilayer interior. The channel lining exposes either charged (Asp, Glu, Arg, Lys) or polar-neutral (Ser, Thr) residues. A bundle of four parallel helices constrained to C4 symmetry, the helix axis aligned with the symmetry axis, and the helices constrained to idealized dihedral angles, produces a structure with a pore of the size inferred for the sodium channel protein (area approximately 16 A2). Similarly, a pentameric array optimized with constraints to maintain C5 symmetry and backbone torsions characteristic of alpha-helices adopts a structure that appears well suited to form the lining of the nicotinic cholinergic receptor (pore area approximately 46 A2). Thus, bundles of amphipathic alpha-helices satisfy the structural, energetic, and dynamic requirements to be the molecular structural motif underlying the function of ionic channels.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+)-dependent cysteine protease calpain along with its endogenous inhibitor calpastatin is widely distributed. The interactions between calpain and calpastatin have been studied to better understand the nature of calpain inhibition by calpastatin, which can aid the design of small molecule inhibitors to calpain. Here we present the crystal structure of a complex between a calpastatin peptide and the calcium-binding domain VI of calpain. DIC19 is a 19 residue peptide, which corresponds to one of the three interacting domains of calpastatin, which is known to interact with domain VI of calpain. We present two crystal structures of DIC19 bound to domain VI of calpain, determined by molecular replacement methods to 2.5A and 2.2A resolution. In the process of crystallizing the inhibitor complex, a new native crystal form was identified which had the homodimer 2-fold axis along a crystallographic axis as opposed to the previously observed dimer in the asymmetric unit. The crystal structures of the native domain VI and its inhibitor PD150606 (3-(4-iodophenyl)-2-mercapto-(Z)-2-propenoic acid) complex were determined with the help of molecular replacement methods to 2.0A and 2.3A resolution, respectively. In addition, we built a homology model for the complex between domain IV and DIA19 peptide of calpastatin. Finally, we present a model for the calpastatin-inhibited calpain.  相似文献   

In a general approach to the understanding of protein adaptation to high temperature, molecular models of the closely related mesophilic Streptomyces sp. S38 Xyl1 and thermophilic Thermomonospora fusca TfxA family 11 xylanases were built and compared with the three-dimensional (3D) structures of homologous enzymes. Some of the structural features identified as potential contributors to the higher thermostability of TfxA were introduced in Xyl1 by site-directed mutagenesis in an attempt to improve its thermostability and thermophilicity. A new Y11-Y16 aromatic interaction, similar to that present in TfxA and created in Xyl1 by the T11Y mutation, improved both the thermophilicity and thermostability. Indeed, the optimum activity temperature (70 vs. 60 degrees C) and the apparent Tm were increased by about 9 degrees C, and the mutant was sixfold more stable at 57 degrees C. The combined mutations A82R/F168H/N169D/delta170 potentially creating a R82-D169 salt bridge homologous to that present in TfxA improved the thermostability but not the thermophilicity. Mutations R82/D170 and S33P seemed to be slightly destabilizing and devoid of influence on the optimal activity temperature of Xyl1. Structural analysis revealed that residues Y11 and Y16 were located on beta-strands B1 and B2, respectively. This interaction should increase the stability of the N-terminal part of Xyl1. Moreover, Y11 and Y16 seem to form an aromatic continuum with five other residues forming putative subsites involved in the binding of xylan (+3, +2, +1, -1, -2). Y11 and Y16 might represent two additional binding subsites (-3, -4) and the T11Y mutation could thus improve substrate binding to the enzyme at higher temperature and thus the thermophilicity of Xyl1.  相似文献   

SL1 is a stem-loop RNA sequence from the genome of HIV-1 thought to be the initiation site for the dimerization of the retroviral genomic RNA. The aim of this study is to check the stability in solution of different experimental dimeric structures available in the literature. Two kinds of dimer have been evidenced: an extended duplex looking like a double helix with two internal bulges and a kissing complex in which the monomers with a stem/loop conformation are linked by intermolecular loop-loop interactions. Two divergent experimental structures of the kissing complex from the Lai isolate are reported in the literature, one obtained from NMR (Mujeeb et al., Nature Structural Biology, 1998, Vol. 5, pp. 432-436) and the other one from x-ray crystallography (Ennifar et al., Nature Structural Biology, 2001, Vol. 8, pp. 1064-1068). A crystallographic structure of the Mal isolate was also reported (Ennifar et al., Nature Structure Biology, 2001, Vol. 8, pp. 1064-1068). Concerning the extended duplex, a NMR structure is available for Lai (Girard et al., Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1999, Vol. 16, pp. 1145-1157) and a crystallographic structure for Mal (Ennifar et al., Structure, 1999, Vol. 7, pp. 1439-1449). Using a molecular dynamics technique, all these experimental structures have been simulated in solution with explicit water and counterions. We show that both extended duplex structures are stable. On the contrary, the crystallographic structures of the Lai and Mal kissing complexes are rapidly destabilized in aqueous environment. Finally, the NMR structure of the Lai loop-loop kissing complex remains globally stable over a 20 ns MD simulation, although large rearrangements occur at the level of the stem/loop junctions that are flexible, as shown from free energy calculations. These results are compared to electrophoresis experiments on dimer formation.  相似文献   

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