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The immunomodulatory effect of lithium chloride (LiCl) administered i.p. to adult mice (150 mg/kg/day) on cellular immunity in vivo was investigated. A short (6-day) treatment with LiCl of either spleen cell donors in semiallogeneic or xenogeneic GVH reaction, or recipients in semiallogeneic HVG reaction, significantly diminished the early sings of local cell-mediated immunity. A short-term LiCl treatment of donor mice also abrogated systemic GVH reaction in newborn F1 recipients, while a treatment prolonged for 20 days did not alter the high GVH response of spleen cells typical for untreated donors. Thus, a striking time-dependent efficacy of LiCl on the reduction of GVH reaction was found.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the effect of purified human α-fetoprotein (AFP) on several in vitro correlates of cell-mediated immunity. AFP (100 μg/ml) had no effect on antigen-induced migration inhibitory factor (MIF) production or on the ability of T cells to bind sheep erythrocytes. In contrast, AFP had a twofold effect on mitogen-and antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation. In a dose-dependent fashion (1–100 μg/ml), AFP was mitogenic to lymphocyte cultures and also suppressed tritiated thymidine incorporation by PHA- and SK-SD-stimulated cultures. Albumin had somewhat similar effects on lymphocyte proliferation but only at 100 μg/ml. The reason for the latter was not clear since the albumin preparation was free of any detectable AFP. Our studies suggest that human AFP may not have any biologically significant immunosuppressive function.  相似文献   

Studies were performed to determine the development of cell-mediated cytotoxic response at tumor site in C57BL/6 mice bearing progressively growing FBL-3 ascites leukemia. The effectors isolated from tumor ascites are found to be highly cytotoxic for leukemic target cells. The levels of cytotoxicity obtained with effectors isolated from tumor site are generally higher than those obtained with immune mice. This cytotoxicity is both specific and nonspecific. The specific cytotoxicity against tumor-associated antigen is mainly mediated by T cells and the nonspecific cytotoxicity against unrelated tumor cells is mediated largely by macrophages. The T-cell-enriched preparation did not give significant natural killer activity. When testing the ability of these effectors to produce in vivo immunity against the challenge of FBL-3, it was found that only T cells could confer the transplantation-type immunity, but the immunity was transient. The macrophage-enriched preparation isolated from tumor ascites failed to give in vivo protection. These findings indicate that in FBL-3 system, mice with progressively growing tumors are able to develop immune response against tumor cells. However, this immunity is probably interfered with by a suppressor factor(s) or suppressor cells which restrict their activity to eliminate the tumor cells effectively.  相似文献   

During pregnancy in mice, cell-mediated immunity as measured by a contact allergic reaction to picryl chloride was diminished (P less than 0.001). Mice in which delay of implantation was maintained by progesterone, and mice with progesterone- and oestradiol-maintained pregnancies, also showed a reduction in the inflammatory response. The response of pseudopregnant mice did not differ from that of the non-pregnant controls. Young mice sensitized before complete immunological competence gave a 50% response. The response doubled in animals given a second sensitization. The extent of the response in females with delay of implantation varied inversely with the dose of progesterone. A range of oestrogen doses gave the same depression in the response when given to pseudopregnant animals. Administration of HCG to pseudopregnant mice also reduced the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Severe reduction in the numbers of T lymphocytes as occurs in thymectomized, X-irradiated, bone marrow reconstituted mice or nude mice did not increase the animals susceptibility to chemical carcinogenesis. However, once established, many tumors grew distinctly slower in the T cell deficient animals. This was demonstrated to be due to lack of normal T cell function since tumors arising in TXB hosts progressed much faster in normal secondary hosts than in secondary TXB hosts. In most instances, established tumor cell lines from tissue culture also grew more slowly in T deficient hosts. The suggestion was made that T cells may not be required for immune surveillance while the immune mechanism(s) that promote subsequent tumor growth are T cell dependent. Alternative possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of phenytoin on cellular immunity were examined in murine models. Fresh splenocytes were obtained from mice which had received 1 mg/day of phenytoin i.p. for 28 days. The serum concentration of phenytoin in these animals was 10–10 g/ml. The proliferative response of splenocytes to mitogens was assessed by 3H-thymidine incorporation. The cytotoxic activities of cells such as natural killer (NK) cells, cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), and lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells were estimated by a 4-h 51Cr release assay. The 3H-thymidine incorporation of splenocytes was reduced significantly (P<0.01) in phenytoin-treated mice. The NK and CTL activities of splenocytes from phenytoin-treated mice were significantly suppressed. However, the LAK activity of phenytoin-treated mice was equal to that of control mice.  相似文献   

The effects of the transglutaminase inhibitor dansyl cadaverine (DC) and the polyamine antagonist methyl glyoxal-bis-(guanylhydrazone) (MeGbG) on the response of lymphocytes towards allogeneic and lectin stimulation and on the zymosan-induced chemiluminescence of neutrophilic granulocytes was studied. Application of DC resulted in dose-dependent suppression of chemiluminiscence and lymphocyte proliferation; no difference of inhibitory potential occurred with variation of incubation time in the latter system. MeGbG was inactive in granulocytes, but inhibited lymphocyte proliferation; its effect increased with time. The experiments provide further evidence for the importance of transglutaminases and polyamines for the function of immunocompetent cells.  相似文献   

Our study was designed to investigate the nature of an antigen-specific suppressor factor generated by antigen-stimulated herpes simplex virus (HSV)-immune splenocytes. Factor SF-200, a 90,000- to 100,000-dalton fraction obtained after Sephacryl gel filtration, suppressed the generation of HSV-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte and lymphoproliferative responses. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blot analysis of SF-200 indicated that it contained an I-J+, anti-idiotypic protein. It was possible to adsorb the suppressor activity of SF-200 to an anti-I-J immunoaffinity column. The suppressor activity could be eluted from the immunoaffinity column with a low-pH buffer. The acid-eluted material was determined to be both I-J+ and reactive with anti-HSV antiserum by Western blot analysis. Both SF-200 and the I-J+ suppressor activity suppressed only HSV-specific cell-mediated immunity responses. However, it was possible to generate nonspecific suppressor activity by incubating the I-J+ suppressor factor with Lyt 1+ splenocytes from HSV-immune mice. The implication of these results with respect to the model for a suppressor cell circuit regulating HSV-specific cell-mediated immunity responses is discussed.  相似文献   

Treatments of spleen cells from Qa-2+ strains with Qa-2 antiserum plus complement (C) have revealed that the Qa-2 antigen is present on restricted functional lymphocyte subpopulations. Anti-Qa-2 plus C reduced the mixed lymphocyte culture response and inhibited the generation of cytolytic effector cells. This treatment, however, did not affect cytolytic effector cells once they were generated.  相似文献   

The leukocyte-adherence inhibition (LAI) assay was studied to determine its immunologic relevance and identify the cell populations on which it depends. Two systems were employed: peripheral blood leukocytes from humans immunized with KLH, and lymph node cells from rats immunized with DNP-BCG. In both cases, LAI responses appeared about 3 to 4 days after immunization, reached a peak about 3 to 4 weeks later, and diminished thereafter. Reimmunization resulted in a booster-like response. LAI analysis in both systems showed dose-response dependency. Responses could be elicited only with the immunizing antigen. Virtual depletion of phagocytic cells had no effect on the response. E-rosette-forming cells gave an excellent response to KLH and also produced an active supernatant (lymphokine). Cells not forming spontaneous E-rosettes were inactive and could not produce active supernatants. Only those nonimmune cells that formed E-rosettes could respond to active supernatants. Thus, the LAI response is a specific indicator of cell-mediated immunity. T lymphocytes probably are required both at the antigen-reactive stage and at the stage of responding to the T cell-dependent lymphokine.  相似文献   

The 2-5A/RNase L pathway is one of the first cellular defences against viruses. RNase L is an unusual endoribonuclease which activity is strictly regulated by its binding to a small oligonucleotide, 2-5A. 2-5A itself is very unusual, consisting of a series of 5'- triphosphorylated oligoadenylates with 2'-5' bonds. But RNase L activity is not limited to viral RNA cleavage. RNase L plays a central role in innate immunity, apoptosis, cell growth and differentiation by regulating cellular RNA stability and expression. Default in its activity leads to increased susceptibility to virus infections and to tumor development. RNase L gene has been identified as HPC1 (Hereditary Prostate Cancer 1) gene. Study of RNase L variant R462Q in etiology of prostate cancer has led to the identification of the novel human retrovirus closely related to xenotropic murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs) and named XMRV.  相似文献   

Regulation of immunoglobulin synthesis and secretion was analyzed by exposing spleen cells of b4b4 rabbits to anti-b4 for 24 hr in culture. As noted previously, no lymphocytes with membrane-bound b4 were found immediately after pulse treatment, but substantial regeneration of membrane Ig (mIg) occurred on further culture in antibody-free medium. Splenocytes cultured either in the presence or absence of anti-b4 showed a marked loss of Ig-secreting cells (ISC) after 24 hr in culture but recovered and exhibited peak numbers of ISC on Day 2. However, ISC formation in cultures of antibody-treated cells was significantly suppressed and thereafter declined at a more rapid rate than in control cultures. Polyclonal B cell activators from Nocardia and from gram-negative bacteria stimulated ISC formation in cultures of normal spleen cells, but responsiveness to these activators was depressed following antibody treatment. Antibody-induced suppression of Ig synthesis was attributed to interference with differentiation of B lymphocytes to the secretory stage.  相似文献   

Summary N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamine (MDP) was tested in cell-mediated systems. A preparation of MDP, which yielded comparable activity to Freund's complete adjuvant in a humoral response against bovine serum albumin, was used to examine the degree of correlation between in vitro and in vivo models of cell-mediated immunity: (a) The proliferative T cell response in vitro was found to be most strongly enhanced by MDP at low antigen concentrations. The stimulation indices (SIs), however, were only enhanced at very low antigen concentrations because of a mitogenic effect of MDP in the absence of any added antigen. In vivo the proliferative response was measured in a graft-versus-host reaction where MDP caused a nonspecific (systemic) proliferation. In a host-versus-graft situation, however, MDP significantly enhanced the local proliferative response, besides causing an increased systemic background proliferation. (b) The cytotoxic T cell response in vitro was enhanced with suboptimal and optimal antigen concentrations; with supraoptimal antigen concentrations a strong decrease in lytic activity was observed. In vivo, MDP enhanced the cytotoxic activity of peritoneal exudate cells in the same allogeneic system (H-2b anti H-2a) as the one used in vitro. This enhanced activity did not, however, enhance adoptive protection in the immunoincompetent host. (c) Cytotoxic T memory function was unaffected by MDP, both in an in vitro system using subcellular material to elicit the cytotoxic response and in vivo, when an adoptive transfer system was used to assay T memory cells for their protective capacity against tumor in the immunoincompetent host. (d) Antibody-mediated cell cytotoxicity was slightly suppressed when MDP was present in vitro; in vivo-pretreated spleen cells exhibited enhanced activity, but only at low antibody concentrations where a macrophage activity was superimposed on the K cell activity. (e) Macrophages could be activated both in vitro and in vivo to kill tumor cells effectively.  相似文献   

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