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The fourth series of the Silurian System in Podolia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Skala horizon of Podolia has been under discussion as a possible candidate for the stratotype of the fourth Silurian series (primary subdivision) in the international standard chronostratigraphical scale. After a brief survey of the history of investigation, the section through the basal boundary of the Skala horizon is fully documented. The lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and correlation of the Skala horizon are then discussed.  相似文献   

The wide, trans-oceanic geographical distribution of myodocope ostracods during the Silurian (especially during the Ludlow and Pridoli epochs), and their widespread preservation in rocks of that age, permits the establishment of a transcontinental biostratigraphy of comparable resolution to coeval graptolite/chitinozoan/conodont biozones. Seven myodocope biozones, extending from the Homerian Stage, upper Wenlock Series Cyrtograptus lundgreni graptolite biozone to the middle part of the Ludfordian Stage of the Ludlow Series, enable a time-resolution for each biozone of circa 1 million years. These biozones can provide high-resolution correlation across Europe into Arctic Russia and Central Asia. There is also the potential for a myodocope biostratigraphy applicable from the uppermost Silurian (Pridoli) to the Carboniferous.  相似文献   

The acritarchs and prasinophyte algae from the type lower Ludlow Series of the Goggin Road section, Ludlow, England, are resolved into seven recurrent associations comprising taxa with similar environmental preferences. Endemic and environmentally sensitive associations of acritarchs and prasinophytes are identified and high-resolution fluctuations in the early Ludlow palaeoenvironment are established. An early Ludlow crisis in the acritarchs is recognized in the lower part of the Middle Elton Formation, when an abrupt palaeoenvironmental change in the Ludlow area resulted in a large decline in the abundance of the acritarchs, but allowed Tasmanites and retiolitid graptolites to flourish briefly. Cymbosphaeridium sp. A, Pulvinosphaeridium ludlowense and Multiplicisphaeridium arbusculum forma A are taxa possibly specialized, or produced as a response, to a stressed palaeoenvironment, as they are most abundant when other acritarchs and prasinophytes are uncommon. The low abundance of acritarchs and prasinophytes in the Upper Elton Formation may be related to high sedimentation rates and to the slumping of sediments caused by instability on the shelf of the Welsh Basin, or to lower plankton productivity.  相似文献   

Diverse and abundant assemblages of chitinozoans allow the recognition of the upper part of the Margachitina margaritana Biozone in the uppermost Llandovery and lowermost Wenlock series of the Hughley Brook section. The Cingulochitina bouniensis and Salopochitina bella biozones are identified in the lower part of the Buildwas Formation, Wenlock Series. The chitinozoan data indicate that the base of the Wenlock Series most probably correlates with a level in the upper centrifugus or lower murchisoni graptolite biozones. Chitinozoans also indicate that the base of the riccartonensis graptolite Biozone may occur within the Buildwas Formation and not the overlying Coalbrookdale Formation.  相似文献   

Specimens of Girvanellu sp. are described for the first time from the Oslo region, Norway. The specimens discussed here occur in Lower Llandoverian biomicrites in the central part of the Oslo region (Bærum/Asker). The distinct association between Girvanella sp. and other faunal elements in the succession provides important new information on the depth ranges of Lcwer Silurian brachiopod communities.  相似文献   

The acritarchs and prasinophyte algae from the Upper Bringewood, Lower Leintwardine, Upper Leintwardine and Lower Whitcliffe formations of the Ludlow type area and surrounding regions are described. The following new taxa are proposed: Cymatiosphaera pumila sp. nov., Melikeriopalla pustula sp. nov., Cheleutochroa beechenbankensis sp. nov., Cymbosphaeridium molyneuxii sp. nov., Flammulasphaera bella gen. et sp. nov., Percultisphaera incompta sp. nov., Salopidium aldridgei sp. nov. and Umbellasphaeridium? wicanderi sp. nov. A holotype is defined for Lophosphaeridium galeatum Hill and a further 34 new taxa are described under open nomenclature. Two biozones, identified by the first appearance of the zone taxon, are defined in the Sunnyhill section, Ludlow [Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Ludfordian Stage, Ludlow Series]. The base of the Leoniella vilis Biozone is identified at 4.52m below the top of the Upper Bringewood Formation at Beechenbank, Aymestrey. The base of the Triangulina sanpetrensis Biozone is identified at 15.49m above the base of the Lower Leintwardine Formation and Ludfordian Stage at the Sunnyhill section. These biozones allow correlation with sections in north–west Spain, Podolia and Gotland. The possibility of using Visbysphaera whitcliffense and U.? wicanderi as biozonal indicators is suggested.  相似文献   

New material of early growth stages of the Silurian (Llandovery) trilobite Acernaspis is described. Pre-adult ontogenetic stages of this genus closely resemble adults of the post-Llandovery genus ***Ananaspis. A heterochronic descent of Ananaspis from Acernaspis is proposed. ***Ananaspis is interpreted as pae-domorphic, having arisen largely through neoteny. Neotenic changes already appear in the lineage in the last Acernaspis species, and Ananaspis then underwent continuous ncotcnic change throughout its known Silurian history. ▭ Heterochrony, neoteny, Silurian, Trilobita, Phacopidae, Acernaspis. Ananaspis.  相似文献   

The rare Silurian representatives of the Order Endocerida are reviewed, described afresh, and illustrated. The Welsh Llandovery speciesTretoceras bisiphonatum is assigned to the order. Canadian Llandovery to Wenlock forms,Cameroceras hudsonicum and species ofHumeoceras, complete the record as presently known.  相似文献   

D W Ramzi 《CMAJ》1994,150(9):1494-1495

第四级病毒是安全隔离分级的最高等级,给人类造成大多不可救治的致命疾病。概述了其中危害最大的几种病毒。  相似文献   

The evidence mainly involving graptolites is restated which supports an Upper Silurian (Ludlow) dating for a vascular flora containing Baragwanathia (Lycophytina) in Victoria, Australia.  相似文献   

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