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The egg of ascidians (urochordate), as virtually all animal and plant species, displays Ca2+ signals upon fertilisation. These Ca2+ signals are repetitive Ca2+ waves that initiate in the cortex of the egg and spread through the whole egg interior. Two series of Ca2+ waves triggered from two distinct Ca2+ wave pacemakers entrain the two meiotic divisions preceding entry into the first interphase. The second messenger inositol (1,4,5) trisphosphate (IP3) is the main mediator of these global Ca2+ waves. Other Ca2+ signalling pathways (RyR and NAADPR) are functional in the egg but they mediate localised cortical Ca2+ signals whose physiological significance remains unclear. The meiosis I Ca2+ wave pacemaker is mobile and relies on intracellular Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) induced by a large production of IP3 at the sperm aster site. The meiosis II Ca2+ wave pacemaker is stably localised in a vegetal protrusion called the contraction pole. It is probable that a local production of IP3 in the contraction pole determines the site of this second pacemaker while functional interactions between ER and mitochondria regulate its activity. Finally, a third ectopic pacemaker can be induced by a global increase in IP3, making the ascidian egg a unique system where three different Ca2+ wave pacemakers coexist in the same cell.  相似文献   

Polarity of sperm entry in the ascidian egg   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
We have investigated the point of sperm entry in denuded eggs of the ascidian Phallusia mammillata. In contrast to what is generally believed, the sperm show a strong tendency to enter the animal hemisphere rather than the vegetal hemisphere. After entry, the sperm nucleus is carried toward the vegetal pole of the egg during the cortical contraction which occurs within a few minutes after fertilization. This polarity of sperm entry is abolished and the entry point is randomized by pretreating the eggs with cytochalasin D. We suggest that cytochalasin may act by randomizing components needed for sperm attachment or fusion, or structures needed for sperm entry.  相似文献   

Polarity of the ascidian egg cortex before fertilization.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The unfertilized ascidian egg displays a visible polar organization along its animal-vegetal axis. In particular, the myoplasm, a mitochondria-rich subcortical domain inherited by the blastomeres that differentiate into muscle cells, is mainly situated in the vegetal hemisphere. We show that, in the unfertilized egg, this vegetal domain is enriched in actin and microfilaments and excludes microtubules. This polar distribution of microfilaments and microtubules persists in isolated cortices prepared by shearing eggs attached to a polylysine-coated surface. The isolated cortex is further characterized by an elaborate network of tubules and sheets of endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This cortical ER network is tethered to the plasma membrane at discrete sites, is covered with ribosomes and contains a calsequestrin-like protein. Interestingly, this ER network is distributed in a polar fashion along the animal-vegetal axis of the egg: regions with a dense network consisting mainly of sheets or tightly knit tubes are present in the vegetal hemisphere only, whereas areas characterized by a sparse tubular ER network are uniquely found in the animal hemisphere region. The stability of the polar organization of the cortex was studied by perturbing the distribution of organelles in the egg and depolymerizing microfilaments and microtubules. The polar organization of the cortical ER network persists after treatment of eggs with nocodazole, but is disrupted by treatment with cytochalasin B. In addition, we show that centrifugal forces that displace the cytoplasmic organelles do not alter the appearance and polar organization of the isolated egg cortex. These findings taken together with our previous work suggest that the intrinsic polar distribution of cortical membranous and cytoskeletal components along the animal-vegetal axis of the egg are important for the spatial organization of calcium-dependent events and their developmental consequences.  相似文献   

The fertilization potential of the ascidian oocyte has been studied using two intracellular electrodes. Two classes of oocyte were observed; low resting potential (RP) oocytes of ?20 to ?35 mV and high RP oocytes of ?80 to ?90 mV. The two types have comparable membrane resistance, falling in the range of 100–300 MΩ, and both may be fertilized and develop normally, although the fertilization potential (FP) is different in the two cases. High RP oocytes give rise to step-like regenerative potentials which attain positive values, whereas low RP oocytes give rise to slower depolarizations that reach zero level. In both cases the FP was sometimes preceded by a small-step depolarization as normally observed in the sea urchin. Irrespective of the original RP, the membrane resistance always decreased to 1–10% of its initial value during the first few minutes of the FP plateau. In contrast when the membrane was depolarized to a comparable potential by current injection the membrane resistance did not decrease. Polyspermic fertilization was induced by removing the extracellular coats, aging the oocytes and using high densities of sperm. The FP in monospermic and polyspermic oocytes were comparable and we could not correlate additional sperm interactions with additional electrical events. Our results suggest that the plasma membrane in ascidian oocytes lacks intrinsic mechanisms, electrical or otherwise, to prevent polyspermic fertilization.  相似文献   

Free calcium pulses following fertilization in the ascidian egg   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Using the calcium-specific, chemiluminescent photoprotein aequorin, we have measured changes in the concentration of free cytosolic calcium at fertilization in single eggs of the ascidians Phallusia mammillata and Ciona intestinalis. Shortly after insemination, the free calcium concentration rises within a minute from a resting level of about 90 nM in the unfertilized egg to a peak level of about 7 microM in Phallusia and about 10 microM in Ciona. The total duration time of this fertilization transient is 2-3 min. It is immediately followed by a series of 12 to 25 briefer calcium transients with peak levels of about 1-4 microM. These postfertilization pulses occur at regular intervals of 1-3 min during the completion of meiosis, and they stop as soon as the second polar body is formed at about 25 min. An interesting exception to this pattern was observed in eggs from Ciona that had been raised at lower temperatures during the winter months. Insemination in the absence of external calcium in Phallusia results in a pulse pattern very similar to the normal pattern. From this result we infer that the bulk (if not all) of the calcium required for both the fertilization pulse and the meiotic oscillations is released from internal sources.  相似文献   

Microfilaments in the contracting cortex during the bipolar ooplasmic segregation of Ciona intestinalis eggs were examined by two methods, staining with fluorescent phalloidin and decoration with myosin subfragment 1 (S1). Fluorescent (Fl-)phalloidin revealed prominent fluorescence in the contracting cortex between the surface constriction and the vegetal pole of fertilized eggs. The animal pole did not stain. After extraction in Triton X-100, the cortex appeared as a thin layer that easily separated from cytoplasmic mass, especially at the contracting stage after fertilization. This layer also stained strongly with Fl-phalloidin. S1-decoration confirmed that actin filaments were abundant in the thin layer of Triton-extracted cortex. The actin filaments are considered to compose a contractile network covering the vegetal side of the constriction.  相似文献   

In this report, unpublished and recent findings concerning the structure and function of the ascidian egg coat are compiled in context with fertilization. In the initial stage of ascidian fertilization, sperm interact with a complex egg investment that consists of a layer of follicle cells attached to an acellular vitelline coat. Increasing evidence exists that ascidian sperm are activated at their encounter with the follicle cells. The molecular basis of sperm-follicle cell interactions is discussed in context with sperm binding, membrane proteins and sperm bound glycosidase. The model that suggests a block to polyspermy established by glycosidase released from the follicle cells on fertilization is evaluated and compared with assured facts. Although a number of questions remain to be answered, our recent findings that a cloned beta-hexosaminidase from P. mammillata binds exclusively to the follicle cells of unfertilized but not fertilized eggs, indicates that the follicle cells participate in the block to polyspermy. A dual function, mediating sperm activation and a block to polyspermy attributes to the ascidian follicle cells a key position in fertilization.  相似文献   

Electrical properties of the egg membrane of Drosophila melanogaster were examined using intracellular microelectrodes. Unfertilized eggs and fertilized eggs for the period up to the syncytial blastoderm stage were used. Among Na, K, and Cl, K was most permeant to the membrane. The K permeability, however, did not completely determine the membrane potential. The resting potential in standard solution was ?63.5 ± 8.0 mV (mean ± SD) in unfertilized eggs collected within 2–3 days after virgin flies started to lay eggs. The resting potential in fertilized eggs was ?27.0 ± 8.4 mV within 20 min after egg deposition, while it was ?55.1 ± 6.5 mV at the syncytial blastoderm stage. These changes at different developmental stages were associated with changes in the K-dependence of the membrane. The larger amplitude of the resting potential was suggested to be due to increased K permeability but not to decreased nonspecific leakage. The current-voltage relation was linear throughout the stages examined. Action potentials, such as those in eggs of other animals, were not observed. High Ca media significantly increased the amplitude of the resting potential associated with increase in the membrane resistance. A remarkable nonlineality in the I–V relation appeared in high Ca media, which caused continuously increasing hyperpolarization during sustained inward current. Eggs of temperature-sensitive mutants, shits1 and parats1 showed properties similar to those in wild-type eggs with transient temperature changes.  相似文献   

Ascidian eggs release N-acetylglucosaminidase rapidly into the seawater following fertilization. This glycosidase is detected seconds after fertilization, and histochemical tests suggest the cell surface as the prefertilization storage site (Lambert, C. C. (1989). Development 105, 415-420). Living eggs of Ascidia ceratodes, A. callosa, and A. paratropa all cleave a fluorogenic substrate in seawater. Following cell surface biotinylation and activation of the eggs, enzyme activity binds to streptavidin further substantiating the cell surface localization. The released glycosidase has a molecular weight of 180 kDa by size exclusion chromatography and exhibits bands at 62 and 70 kDa by SDS-PAGE, suggesting a possibly multimeric enzyme. The enzyme is released by a glycophosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C and HNO2 deamination, both of which are specific indicators of linkage to the cell surface via phosphatidylinositol. The enzyme from unfertilized eggs is quite hydrophobic in Triton X-114 phase partition experiments but becomes hydrophyllic after release by activation or deamination. All of these observations are consistent with the glycosidase being anchored to the cell surface via a GPI anchor that is cleaved at fertilization to yield the soluble form of the enzyme which helps protect the egg against polyspermy. We discuss the possible role of a cell surface PLC in this release.  相似文献   

Ascidian sperm bind to vitelline coat N-acetylglucosamine groups of the egg bvia sperm surface N-acetylglucosaminidase. This sperm surface egg receptor remains anchored throughout penetration. Localization to the sperm surface was verified by biotinylation of intact sperm followed by solubilization in Triton X-100 and binding to streptavidin agarose. The enzyme was determined to be an integral membrane protein as judged by resistance to release by KI and high pH. Linkage of the enzyme to the sperm surface was probed through differential solubilization followed by measuring released enzymatic activity with a fluorogenic substrate. Nonionic detergents released 90% of the activity. Proteases released about 40%. No activity was released by a phosphatidyl–inositol specific phospholipase C. This finding, combined with the similarity of release level by all the detergents, including triton X-114 phase separation experiment. This observation, coupled with the finding of release by nonionic detergents, suggests that the protein is hydrophilic once released from the membrane. Thus, although clearly an integral membrane protein, the enzyme has limited bydrophobicity such as would be present in a single transmembrane sequence or extensive glycosylation. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In contrast with most other eggs, where the endoplasmic reticulum is mixed with many other organelles, in ascidians, continuous sheets and tubes of endoplasmic reticulum constitute the only prominent organelle in the immediate layer (0.5-1μm) beneath the plasma membrane, and occupies 16–20% of the cortical volume. We took advantage of this unusual stratification of the organelles in the ascidian egg, to carry X-ray microanalysis. Our measurements provide the first estimate of the calcium content of the endoplasmic reticulum network in an egg, and show it is the main calcium store.  相似文献   

In the initial stage of ascidian fertilization sequential sperm–egg coat interactions assure successful species-specific fertilization. Sperm recognize, bind to, and then penetrate the egg investment that consists of follicle cells (FC) and an acellular vitelline coat (VC). To identify plasma proteins that recognize the egg coat, a membrane fraction was prepared from Phallusia mammillata sperm using nitrogen cavitation followed by three centrifugation steps. The purity of the membrane fractions was assessed by transmission electron microscopy and marker enzymes. Comparison of the electrophoretic pattern of sperm extracellular membrane domains labeled by radio-iodination or biotinylation and recorded by autoradiography or enhanced chemiluminescence, respectively, showed the non-radioactive procedure to be a convenient and efficient method. Isolated sperm membrane components were found to inhibit fertilization in a concentration-dependent manner and to bind mainly to the FC. Eggs were used as an affinity matrix to determine which of the solubilized sperm membrane proteins possess egg-binding activity. Three biotinylated proteins (66kDa, 120kDa and 140kDa) were found to bind to the VC. Assays probing heterospecific binding to Ascidia mentula eggs revealed that the 120kDa protein possesses species-specific binding activity. Thus, the current data suggest the 120 kDa sperm membrane protein as a candidate adhesion molecule with a possible role in gamete binding and species-specific recognition in P. mammillata .  相似文献   

We have studied egg activation and ooplasmic segregation in the ascidian Phallusia mammillata using an imaging system that let us simultaneously monitor egg morphology and calcium-dependent aequorin luminescence. After insemination, a wave of highly elevated free calcium crosses the egg with a peak velocity of 8-9 microns/s. A similar wave is seen in egg fertilized in the absence of external calcium. Artificial activation via incubation with WGA also results in a calcium wave, albeit with different temporal and spatial characteristics than in sperm-activated eggs. In eggs in which movement of the sperm nucleus after entry is blocked with cytochalasin D, the sperm aster is formed at the site where the calcium wave had previously started. This indicates that the calcium wave starts where the sperm enters. In 70% of the eggs, the calcium wave starts in the animal hemisphere, which confirms previous observations that there is a preference for sperm to enter this part of the egg (Speksnijder, J. E., L. F. Jaffe, and C. Sardet. 1989. Dev. Biol. 133:180-184). About 30-40 s after the calcium wave starts, a slower (1.4 microns/s) wave of cortical contraction starts near the animal pole. It carries the subcortical cytoplasm to a contraction pole, which forms away from the side of sperm entry and up to 50 degrees away from the vegetal pole. We propose that the point of sperm entry may affect the direction of ooplasmic segregation by causing it to tilt away from the vegetal pole, presumably via some action of the calcium wave.  相似文献   

Beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase, which is found almost ubiquitously in sperm of invertebrates and vertebrates, supposedly mediates a carbohydrate-based transient sperm-egg coat binding. In ascidians and mammals, beta-hexosaminidase released at fertilization from eggs has been proposed to modify sperm receptor glycoproteins of the egg envelope, thus setting up a block to polyspermy. Previously, it was shown that in potential sperm receptor glycoproteins of the ascidian Phallusia mammillata, N-acetylglucosamine is the prevailing glycoside residue and that the egg harbors three active molecular forms of beta-hexosaminidase. In the present study, P. mammillata beta-hexosaminidase cDNA was isolated from an ovarian cDNA library and characterized. The deduced amino acid sequence showed a high similarity with other known beta-hexosaminidases; however, P. mammillata beta-hexosaminidase had a unique potential N-glycosylation site. A phylogenetic analysis suggested that P. mammillata beta-hexosaminidase developed independently after having branched off from the common ancestor gene of the chordate enzyme before two isoforms of the mammalian enzyme appeared. In situ hybridization revealed stage-specific expression of beta-hexosaminidase mRNA during oogenesis in the oocyte and in the accessory test and follicle cells. This suggests that the three egg beta-hexosaminidase forms are specific for the oocyte, test cells and follicle cells.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,120(6):1337-1346
During the first cell cycle of the ascidian egg, two phases of ooplasmic segregation create distinct cytoplasmic domains that are crucial for later development. We recently defined a domain enriched in ER in the vegetal region of Phallusia mammillata eggs. To explore the possible physiological and developmental function of this ER domain, we here investigate its organization and fate by labeling the ER network in vivo with DiIC16(3), and observing its distribution before and after fertilization in the living egg. In unfertilized eggs, the ER-rich vegetal cortex is overlaid by the ER-poor but mitochondria-rich subcortical myoplasm. Fertilization results in striking rearrangements of the ER network. First, ER accumulates at the vegetal-contraction pole as a thick layer between the plasma membrane and the myoplasm. This accompanies the relocation of the myoplasm toward that region during the first phase of ooplasmic segregation. In other parts of the cytoplasm, ER becomes progressively redistributed into ER-rich and ER- poor microdomains. As the sperm aster grows, ER accumulates in its centrosomal area and along its astral rays. During the second phase of ooplasmic segregation, which takes place once meiosis is completed, the concentrated ER domain at the vegetal-contraction pole moves with the sperm aster and the bulk of the myoplasm toward the future posterior side of the embryo. These results show that after fertilization, ER first accumulates in the vegetal area from which repetitive calcium waves are known to originate (Speksnijder, J. E. 1992. Dev. Biol. 153:259-271). This ER domain subsequently colocalizes with the myoplasm to the presumptive primary muscle cell region.  相似文献   

 Myoplasmin-C1 is a polypeptide detected by a monoclonal antibody, which is localized in the myoplasm of ascidian eggs. Since microinjection of the antibody blocks larval muscle development, myoplasmin-C1 may play a role in muscle cell differentiation (Nishikata et al. 1987). Isolation and characterization of myoplasmin-C1 cDNA clones revealed that the predicted amino acid sequence of myoplasmin-C1 had no similarity to any known protein. However, the deduced protein contains heptad repeats similar to those in myosin heavy chain, tropomyosin and the Drosophila Bicaudal D gene product, suggesting that it is a filamentous component of the myoplasmic cytoskeleton. The predicted amino acid sequence also showed several possible phosphorylation sites. Consistent with the prediction that myoplasmin-C1 is a cytoskeletal component, the protein remained in the myoplasmic cytoskeletal domain after detergent extraction. These results suggest that myoplasmin-C1 is a cytoskeletal component of the myoplasm and that it plays a role in anchoring and segregating muscle determinants. Received: 6 October 1995 / Accepted in revised form: 7 December 1995  相似文献   

Eggs of the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi are activated by insemination and by treatment with calcium ionophore, leading to elevation of the vitelline coat. Here we describe the effects on egg activation of microinjection of guanosine 5'-(γ thio) triphosphate (GTPγS, a non-hydrolyzable GTP analog), heparin (an antagonist of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor) and a monoclonal antibody to the Rho GTP-binding protein. Microinjected GTPγS induced elevation of the vitelline coat, but not when it was co-injected with EGTA or heparin. Pre-injected heparin or the anti-Rho monoclonal antibody blocked subsequent sperm-induced elevation of the vitelline coat, but not calcium ionophore-induced elevation. We also demonstrated that the amount of cytosolic inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate was increased by insemination. These results strongly suggest that the Rho GTP-binding protein functions prior to the heparin-blocked inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-mediated Ca2+ release in the sperm induced activation process of H. roretzi eggs.  相似文献   

Development Genes and Evolution - UnfertilizedCiona eggs were centrifuged, stratifying their mitochondria and some other cytoplasmic components. Each centrifuged egg had a mitochondria-free,...  相似文献   

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