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Within bird species, songs differ in their attractiveness tofemales or effectiveness in male–male interactions. Somesongs are more difficult to sing than others, and receiversmay use a singer's performance of difficult songs as a meansfor evaluating the quality of the singer. The concept of songperformance aims at quantifying how physiologically demandingare different songs. Using variation between song types of dark-eyedjuncos, Junco hyemalis, we show that some song traits tradeoff with costly aspects of song output—short intervalsbetween syllables or loud sound amplitude—suggesting thatthose traits are difficult to sing. First, after controllingfor other traits, long syllables require longer intervals forrecovery. This supports the idea that a measure of "respiratoryperformance" could be based on the relative lengths of syllablesand intervals. Second, some syllable traits trade off stronglywith sound amplitude, suggesting that these traits may be difficultto sing at high amplitudes. The ratio of frequency bandwidthand trill rate has been used to infer performance in other birdspecies, but we found no evidence that frequency bandwidth tradesoff with any aspect of song output in the junco. The negativeassociation of bandwidth with trill rate may instead be a passiveconsequence of syllable length, with longer syllables randomlyaccumulating frequency modulation. We conclude that bird receiversmay best evaluate how well a song is performed if they integratemultiple cues and discuss how researchers may similarly devisemeasures of song performance.  相似文献   

Testosterone mediates the expression of many fitness-related traits in male vertebrates and is thought to account for numerous sex differences in trait expression. Testosterone is also secreted by females; however, far less is known regarding its effects on female physiology and behavior. Using a bird species in which the effects of testosterone on males are well characterized, the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis), we tested whether an increase in exogenous testosterone in females would alter the phenotypic expression of a suite of behavioral and physiological traits. We found that increased testosterone levels in female dark-eyed juncos led to decreased cell-mediated immune function and increased intrasexual aggression, hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis responsiveness, baseline corticosterone and corticosterone-binding globulin (CBG) levels. Furthermore, immunosuppression following testosterone implantation was negatively correlated with total and free testosterone but did not appear to be related to either total or free corticosterone. These results demonstrate that the phenotypic impact of elevated testosterone is not confined to males in dark-eyed juncos, and that the impact in adults can be similar in males and females. We discuss these results in the context of potential endocrine-immune interactions and the evolution of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Summary Observations of the foraging behavior of six captive dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) are used to test the assumptions and predictions of optimal diet choice models (Pyke et al. 1977) that include nutrients (Pulliam 1975). The birds sequentially encountered single seeds of niger thistle (Guizotia abyssinica) and of canary grass (Phalaris canariensis) on an artificial substrate in the laboratory. Niger thistle seeds were preferred by all birds although their profitability in terms of energy intake (J/s) was less than the profitability of canary grass seeds. Of four nutritional components used to calculate profitabilities (mg/s) lipid content was the only characteristic that could explain the junco's seed preference. As predicted by optimal diet theory the probability of consuming niger thistle seeds was independent of seed abundance. However, the consumption of 71–84% rather than 100% of the seeds encountered is not consistent with the prediction of all-or-nothing selection. Canary grass seeds were consumed at a constant rate (no./s) independent of the number of seeds encountered. This consumption pattern invalidates a model that assumes strict maximization. However, it is consistent with the assumption that canary grass seeds contain a nutrient which is required in minimum amounts to meet physiological demands (Pulliam 1975). These experiments emphasize the importance of incorporating nutrients into optimal foraging models and of combining seed preference studies with studies of the metabolic requirements of consumers.  相似文献   

Monogamous and polygynous male songbirds generally differ in their breeding season profiles of circulating testosterone. Testosterone level spikes early in the breeding season of monogamists and then declines, but it remains high in polygynists. Male dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) are socially monogamous and exhibit the usual pattern, but experimental maintenance of high testosterone throughout the breeding season alters normal behavior and physiology and affects various components of annual reproductive success but not overall annual success. Because stabilizing selection predicts that alteration of naturally existing phenotypes should reduce lifetime reproductive success, we asked whether prolonged testosterone exposure might impair immune function and perhaps thereby reduce life span. We assessed immune function in captive and wild male juncos that we treated with either testosterone-filled or empty Silastic implants. Results indicate that prolonged elevation of testosterone suppresses antibody production in captive males and cell-mediated immunity in wild males. Together these results suggest that testosterone-treated males may be more susceptible to disease or parasitic infection. As earlier studies have shown, levels of corticosterone as well as testosterone are higher in testosterone-treated males, so it is unclear whether the immune suppression we observed is due to testosterone's direct effects on immunity or testosterone's influence on glucocorticoid production. We discuss results in the context of recent hypotheses regarding life-history theory and potential endocrine-immune interactions.  相似文献   

Monogamous male birds typically allocate less effort to courtship and more to parental behaviour than males of polygynous species. The seasonal pattern of testosterone (T) secretion varies accordingly. Monogamous males exhibit a spring peak in plasma T followed by lower levels during the parental phase, while males of polygynous species continue to court females and maintain T at higher levels. To determine whether testosterone underlies the trade-off between mating and parental effort, we treated male dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) with exogenous T and compared the reproductive success (RS) of T-treated males (T-males) to that of controls. T-males had lower apparent annual RS than controls, probably because elevated T reduced parental care. Nevertheless, annual genetic RS of the treatment groups was similar because (i) T-males suffered fewer losses in genetic RS due to extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs), and (ii) T-males gained more genetic RS through their own EPFs. This is the first hormonal manipulation of an avian phenotype shown to have influenced male RS through EPFs. Together with other studies, it suggests that testosterone may have mediated the evolution of inter- and intraspecific differences in allocation of reproductive effort to mate attraction and parental care.  相似文献   

Studies of wintering birds have demonstrated a correlation between social rank and energy expenditures. It is assumed that dominance is energetically costly because of increased activity, possibly caused by elevated androgen levels. As winter acclimatization leads to an increase in metabolic rate, maintaining dominance status in a cold climate can be a substantial challenge. We measured resting metabolic rates in dominant and subordinate dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) living in small groups in a controlled winter environment. We found no significant effect of social rank when controlling for body size. It has been shown previously that high testosterone levels during the nonbreeding season can lead to higher body conductance, fat loss, and higher nocturnal body temperature. A hypothesis explaining our result is that for juncos it is preferable to maintain low androgen levels during winter and to maintain social rank using a mechanism other than higher agonistic activity.  相似文献   

Morphologies of bird species often vary along elevation gradients, yet causes of the variation have not been examined experimentally. We investigated variation in morphological traits of the dark‐eyed junco Junco hyemalis, breeding at 1,000 m a.s.l. (low‐elevation; i.e. low) and 2,000 m asl (high‐elevation; i.e. high) in the Rocky Mountains, Canada. Eight morphological traits were measured in free‐living birds. We found two consistent differences in populations between elevations: at high‐elevation sites, females had longer wings and males had longer tails than birds from low‐ elevation sites. Other age‐ and gender‐ specific results were observed in free‐living birds between elevations: tarsi were shorter in high‐elevation second year (SY) females and after second year (ASY) males, beak lengths were slightly longer in low‐elevation SY females, and high‐elevation ASY females tended to have lower fat than low‐elevation ASY females. Morphological differences may result from genetic differences between elevations, or phenotypic flexibility resulting from exposure to the different environmental conditions. To identify which mechanism caused the difference in morphometrics, hand‐reared birds from low‐ and high‐elevation habitats were raised in identical conditions with unlimited access to high quality food until they had replaced all feathers. The traits measured in the lab (wing and rectrix length, weight and fat score) tended to increase in magnitude compared to field values. Juncos from high‐ and low‐elevations had similar responses to the aviary environment, with one exception: males from high‐elevation sites had greater weight gain relative to free‐living juncos than males from low‐elevation sites. Thus, morphological traits in dark‐eyed juncos were phenotypically flexible, capable of growing larger in the laboratory environment. However, there were also persistent genetic or perinatal/maternal differences underlying population responses that prevented traits from converging under aviary conditions. As a result, trait size differences between high‐ and low‐elevation populations were maintained or exacerbated in the common aviary environment.  相似文献   

Plasma testosterone (T) levels in male dark-eyed juncos peak early in the breeding season, then decline. If T enhances opportunities for reproductive success, as suggested by previous experiments, why does elevated T not occur naturally? To address this question, we prolonged the early peak level throughout the breeding season and explored potential energetic costs of maintaining elevated T. We measured daily energy expenditure (DEE) of treated males (T-males) and controls (C-males) using doubly labelled water (DLW). We also conducted behaviour scans of T- and C-males housed in outdoor aviaries. DEE was not higher in T-males than in C-males. However, T-males did increase locomotion and foraging and decrease rest and self-maintenance. These results suggest that elevated T may increase the contribution of some components of DEE and lower the contribution of others. Furthermore, the T-induced decrease in allocation of time to rest and maintenance may represent a long-term cost that has led to selection against the maintenance of elevated T beyond the natural early spring peak. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In seasonally breeding male oscines, song learning and expression are controlled by brain regions (vocal control regions, VCRs) that exhibit seasonal neural plasticity in adulthood. Several VCRs contain androgen receptors, and gonadal androgens play important roles in the control of seasonal structural and functional changes of VCRs. Recent studies also found that adult VCRs are influenced by factors other than gonadal hormones, including photoperiod, but the relative importance of these factors and their mechanisms of action are poorly understood. To address this issue, we investigated the contributions of photoperiod and testicular androgens to the regulation of VCR volumes and to the control of song expression in adult dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis. Exposing castrated (CX) photosensitive males to long days (LD) enhanced their high vocal center (HVc) volumes compared to those of males held on short days (SD). These volumes were not further increased by concurrent testosterone (T) treatment, revealing a marked and gonadal androgen-independent stimulatory influence of photoperiod on the size of this brain region. HVc sizes were smaller in LD-exposed photorefractory than photosensitive males irrespective of whether birds were intact or had been castrated before photoperiodic manipulations, but HVc sizes increased in response to T treatment in intact photorefractory males. Thus, LD exposure can increase HVc volumes in the absence of gonadal T, but large volume induction in photorefractory males requires elevated plasma T levels. Testosterone treatment of SD-exposed photosensitive males increased HVc, but not Area X, MAN, or RA volumes. Only T-treated males sang and this treatment given to castrates was equally effective behaviorally when administered to photosensitive, photostimulated, or photorefractory juncos. This result indicates that the stimulating influence of LD exposure on HVc volumes is insufficient to induce song in the absence of elevated plasma T levels.  相似文献   

Relative numbers of males and females in breeding groups may vary from expected values owing to a variety of factors. To determine how sex ratio might influence individual phenotypes in a captive population of dark-eyed juncos Junco hyemalis during the breeding season, we established three treatment groups: a male-biased (2:1), equal (1:1), and female-biased group (1:2). Within-group density (birds/m2) was constant across groups. We assessed the frequency of flight chases (a proxy for social instability), measured changes in body mass and pectoral muscle condition, assayed plasma levels of testosterone (T) and compared cell-mediated immunity of individuals. We found significantly more chases in the male-biased group than in the female-biased group. Birds in the male-biased group lost more mass and displayed poorer pectoral-muscle condition than birds in the equal group. Cell-mediated immune responses were reduced in individuals in the male-biased group in comparison to the female-biased group. Plasma T levels in both sexes did not vary with sex ratio. Collectively, these results suggest that during the breeding season, social instability is greater in male-biased populations, and instability may lead to decreased general health and vigour.  相似文献   

1. Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) were maintained on one of three semi-synthetic diets, differing only in their sulphur amino acid content. 2. 35S-methionine was administered intraperitoneally after 3 days on their respective diets and the animals were killed 24 or 96 hr post-injection. 3. Faecal loss of 35S-methionine was significantly lower in the low methionine/high cysteine (HC) group after 24 hr when compared with other two dietary groups (4.69 vs 5.53 and 5.47%) indicating a whole-body conservation of the limiting amino acid. 4. Incorporation of 35S-methionine in hepatic and intestinal tissues was also greater in the HC group, even as the animals were losing body weight.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of captivity and testosterone treatment on the volumes of brain regions involved in processing visual and spatial information in adult dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis). We treated captive and free-living male juncos with either testosterone-filled or empty implants. Captive juncos had a smaller hippocampal formation (HF) (both in absolute volume and relative to telencephalon) than free-living birds, regardless of hormone treatment. Testosterone-treated males (both captive and free-living) had a smaller telencephalon and nucleus rotundus, but not a smaller HF or ectostriatum, than controls. We found that free-living testosterone-treated males had larger home ranges than free-living controls in agreement with earlier experiments, but we found no corresponding difference in HF volume. We discuss the implications of the effect of captivity on HF volume for past and future laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

An isolated population of dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis, became established on the campus of the University of California at San Diego (UCSD), probably in the early 1980s. It now numbers about 70 breeding pairs. Populations across the entire natural range of the subspecies J. h. thurberi are weakly differentiated from each other at five microsatellite loci (FST = 0.01). The UCSD population is significantly different from these populations, the closest of which is 70 km away. It has 88% of the genetic heterozygosity and 63% of the allelic richness of populations in the montane range of the subspecies, consistent with a harmonic mean effective population size of 32 (but with 95% confidence limits from four to > 70) over the eight generations since founding. Results suggest a moderate bottleneck in the early establishment phase but with more than seven effective founders. Individuals in the UCSD population have shorter wings and tails than those in the nearby mountains and a common garden experiment indicates that the morphological differences are genetically based. The moderate effective population size is not sufficient for the observed morphological differences to have evolved as a consequence of genetic drift, indicating a major role for selection subsequent to the founding of the UCSD population.  相似文献   

The functional role of corticosterone (CORT) in regulating migratory hyperphagia and lipogenesis was investigated in an annual migrant, the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis). Intraperitoneal injections of either dexamethasone (9 microg DXM/500 microL of 5% EtOH in saline, n=10) to inhibit an increase in baseline CORT or saline (5% EtOH, n=9) were given every 48 h for 15 d after transfer from short (10.5L:13.5D) to long (15.5L:8.5D) days. Food intake, body mass, furcular fat deposition scores, and nocturnal migratory activity were recorded for 29 d after photostimulation. Both groups showed the same increase in daily food intake over the study period (DXM=52%, control=41%). Controls began to increase baseline CORT and mass about 2 wk after photostimulation. DXM-treated birds maintained low CORT and did not increase mass or CORT until injections ceased, at which time they gained mass at the same rate shown earlier by controls. DXM-treated birds did not show greater levels of migratory activity despite experiencing an increase in energy intake during the CORT-inhibited period. Collectively, the results support the migration modulation hypothesis, illustrating how an increase in baseline CORT is needed to support the development of migratory condition. We address the apparent conflict with earlier studies on CORT and migratory food intake and propose a model in which migratory hyperphagia is supported by changes in centrally regulated responses to CORT that can occur even if CORT remains low and lipogenesis is regulated predominantly by peripheral mechanisms that require an increase in baseline CORT.  相似文献   

During natural colonization events, songs are expected to change as a result of both selection and drift-like processes. We studied song variation within a small isolated population of dark-eyed juncos, Junco hyemalis , which became established in an unusual environment on the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) campus in the early 1980's, and compared this variation with the native range. At UCSD, the average repertoire size is 4.2 song types/male, which is similar to that in the native range. There is a low level of song-type sharing across the population. Typically a male shares at least one song type with on average 40% of his neighbors, and song-type sharing decreases rapidly with distance. Thus song-type diversity is high, and in this respect appears similar to that in ancestral mountain populations. These results suggest a moderate to large number of males founded and/or subsequently immigrated into the UCSD population, but several selection mechanisms, if coupled with a high cultural mutation rate, may also favor high song-type diversity. When combined with results from a previous study, songs are significantly shorter at UCSD than in the mountain population we studied. It appears that founder effects have not influenced the evolution of songs in this population. More generally, if song-type diversity and other features of song result from various social and natural selection pressures, many of these pressures may have remained similar between the native and the recently established population.  相似文献   

Several studies have suggested a greater role for olfactory cues in avian social interactions than previously recognized, but few have explicitly investigated the effect of odor on parental behavior. We present results from a preliminary study in which we applied hetero‐ and conspecific preen gland secretions, which are known to contain volatile compounds, to the nests and eggs of incubating female dark‐eyed juncos Junco hyemalis. The responses to these two conditions were compared to the responses of females whose nests were treated with their own preen oil as a control condition, and to females whose nests were treated with the vehicle only. We found that females significantly reduced incubation bout length, a form of parental care, in response to alien secretions, more so if they came from a heterospecific than a conspecific. Females did not reduce incubation bout length in response to their own preen oil or to a vehicle‐only control. These results suggest that odors in the nest may influence avian parental care. However, the behavioral change was only temporary and had no effect on later hatching success. In our study population, brood parasitism by brown‐headed cowbirds is common, but resulting nest abandonment is rare; juncos are frequently able to successfully breed even with cowbird nestlings in their nests. Thus, we suggest that more extreme behavioral responses to alien odor, such as nest abandonment or egg ejection, may not be adaptive and should not be expected.  相似文献   

Traits that enhance attractiveness in one sex may or may not influence attractiveness in the other. In the dark-eyed junco, Junco hyemalis, outer tail feathers of males and females are all or partly white and form a sharp contrast with the bird's mostly grey plumage. The amount of white in these feathers (‘tail white’) is greater in males than in females and, as we report here, is greater in birds that have completed a second prebasic moult than in yearlings. During courtship, male juncos spread their tails, revealing their tail white, and a previous experiment has shown that males with experimentally enhanced tail white are more attractive to females. To determine whether females with experimentally enhanced tail white would be preferred by males, we clipped and replaced tail feathers of females, creating a control group with low to natural levels of tail white and an enhanced group with high levels. We tested preference in a mate choice apparatus like that used previously and found that males courted both control and enhanced females and displayed individual preferences but showed no collective preference for members of either category of females. Because we found neither a preference for trait values that indicate greater age/experience (experimentally enhanced females) nor a preference for less male-like appearance (control females), our results are inconsistent with a role for male mate choice in the maintenance of tail white in females. Female tail white may be subject to selection in another context or persist owing to a genetic correlation between the sexes. Regardless, the sexes apparently prefer different trait values, which suggests that preferences are expressed independently in males and females.  相似文献   

Some studies have found that dispersal rates and distances increase with density, indicating that density‐dependent dispersal likely affects spatial genetic structure. In an 11‐year mark–recapture study on a passerine, the dark‐eyed junco, we tested whether density affected dispersal distance and/or fine‐scale spatial genetic structure. Contrary to expectations, we found no effect of predispersal density on dispersal distance or the proportion of locally produced juveniles returning to the population from which they hatched. However, even though density did not affect dispersal distance or natal return rates, we found that density still did affect spatial genetic structure. We found significant positive spatial genetic structure at low densities of (postdispersal) adults but not at high densities. In years with high postdispersal (adult) densities that also had high predispersal (juvenile) densities in the previous year, we found negative spatial genetic structure, indicating high levels of dispersal. We found that density also affected fitness of recruits, and fitness of immigrants, potentially linking these population parameters with the spatial genetic structure detected. Immigrants and recruits rarely nested in low postdispersal density years. In contrast, in years with high postdispersal density, recruits were common and immigrants had equal success to local birds, so novel genotypes diluted the gene pool and effectively eliminated positive spatial genetic structure. In relation to fine‐scale spatial genetic structure, fitness of immigrants and new recruits is poorly understood compared to dispersal movements, but we conclude that it can have implications for the spatial distribution of genotypes in populations.  相似文献   

Migration is the primary strategy that temperate birds use to avoid overwintering under harsh conditions. As a consequence, migratory birds have evolved specific morphological features in their wings and skeleton. However, in addition to varying in overall shape and size, bone can also change at the microstructural level by, for example, increasing its thickness. Such changes are critical to preventing fracture and damage under repeated loading (fatigue), yet it is not known whether migratory behaviour influences bone microstructure. To address this gap in the literature, we performed micro-computed tomography on skeletons of resident and migrant subspecies of the Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis. We investigated the differences in the major wing bone, the humerus, and the major leg bone, the femur. In each bone, we studied the microarchitecture of the two types of bone tissue: cortical bone, the thick outer layer of bone; and trabecular bone, which is the porous network of bone tissue at the ends of long bones. We used linear models to quantify morphological features with respect to body mass and migratory behaviour. Humeri from migratory birds were thinner, wider and had higher overall geometric stiffness, i.e. a higher polar moment of inertia, relative to humeri from resident birds. These features may help keep their bones stiff to maintain their increased body mass during migration. In contrast, migrant femora were shorter, thinner and had lower geometric stiffness than femora of residents, potentially to reduce total body mass. Tissue mineral density was lower in both the humerus and the femur of migratory birds. In addition, migratory subspecies had less trabecular bone (lower bone volume fraction) due primarily to a loss of trabecular thickness. Migratory behaviour may thus select for improved stiffness and fatigue resistance in the wing bones and reduced mass of leg bones. Our work demonstrates how important insights into morphological adaptation can be obtained by investigating bone microstructure.  相似文献   

In many species of birds, nestlings have brightly colored mouths. Some studies have found that mouth color is related to hunger, and may serve to solicit feedings from parents. We devised two experiments to test the hypothesis that mouth color is an indicator of hunger in nestling dark‐eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis), and neither experiment produced results to support the hypothesis. We did find, however, that mouth redness saturation increased for the duration of our experiments (60 min). We devised a third experiment to investigate the effect of a different stressor, temperature. In the third experiment, mouth redness decreased in saturation when microenvironment temperature increased following a period of cooling. These findings suggest that mouth color indicates thermal state of nestling dark‐eyed juncos and may function as a signal to the female to brood them.  相似文献   

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